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#1 Dec 02, 2007 6:28 AM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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How to Draw Spyro

This was requested by SpyroRocks and, since it's a community service type thing, I decided to give it a try. It's probably going to take me a while to get this thread done, but I figured I'd start with the basics right now.

If you're going to do fanart of another character, the first thing you should do is get good references. The character I'm drawing here will be LoS version Spyro. Before I do fanart, I start by making myself a reference sheet, and that starts by finding the right pictures.

For your reference, you never want to use fanart or even box art of the character. I looked for screen shots from the Spyro games (both in-game and FMV/cutscene) and official art of the models used for the new Spyro. Here are some of the ones I use:


I use a lot more pictures than just this when I'm making my reference drawings. Always look for as many pictures as you can possibly find, from all angles (front, back, side, flying, walking, sitting, running, etc). Grab everything you can get. The more images you have, the better chance you have of getting all the details right (or at least coming close).

Using my references, I then quickly draw a ref sheet, which looks like this:


"But Razz, that doesn't look like your art at all!" you're saying. This right here is an example of why it takes time to make good work. I did this sketch in about five minutes and drew straight from my screen shot references. It's done on scrap paper with a cheap, trusty Bic pen. This is just to help me get down a clear idea of what Spyro looks like and it provides me with all his essential details (the number of spikes he has, how many toes on each foot, how big his head is compared to his body, etc). When I'm not familiar with a character, I usually draw up a ref sheet and carry it in my art folder (Cynder had a ref sheet when I first learned about her).

That's the first step to drawing Spyro: get references and write down the essential details. Sometimes, you might need more than one piece of paper to get them all, but that's okay.

The next step will be the actual drawing process. Um...not sure when I'll be able to post that (I've never done anything like this before), so stay tuned! big_smile


#2 Dec 02, 2007 6:53 AM

Registered: Jun 09, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Thank you for this!!!! As soon as I have finish colour in one of your recent deviations, I will surely give this idea a go!!



#3 Dec 07, 2007 2:12 AM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Okay, I think I figured out how to do the "drawing Spyro" part. I cannot trace art (my vision is just that bad and I don't have anything fancy like a light box to help me trace), so I just filled up seven or so pages with the same basic drawing, step-by-step.

I forgot to mention this before, but a lot of techniques I use I learned from studying other artists. Not copying their styles, but actually talking to them, looking at concept art and basic sketches they've done, etc. Now you all know why I love concept art so much. big_smile It's a great way to see how an artist does his work and how you can go from simple shapes to a fully realized drawing.

So you can see what it looks like when I sketch, I did all of these using a Bic pen (the cheapest, most reliable pen you could ever wish for). This is the part where every artist is different. I don't work for Krome, so the way I draw Spyro is my own unique, cartooning style. As you practice, you will find yourself developing your own way of drawing things.

Right. Let's get this show on the road!


1. The most important part of a character, for me, is his face, so that is where I always start. I draw a basic circle so I know where Spyro is on the page.

2. These two guide lines help me keep track of where Spyro is looking. The horizontal (left to right) line is where his eyes are, and the vertical (up and down) line tells me the angle of his face. I choose a 3/4 view, which is the easiest for me to draw (it's not usually easy for most artists, so you may want to try drawing your character from the side or looking straight ahead when you're starting out; experiment and see what works for you).

3. This should be pretty obvious, but these are my basic guides for Spyro's eyes. Just two big circles.

4. Once I have the eyes in place, I like to draw the nose next (and, in Spyro's case, the mouth as well, since they're connected). The shape of Spyro's mouth determines the shape of his cheeks and eyes, so it's best to do that early.

5. Yay, he has most of a face now! Going off his mouth shape, I draw in the details of Spyro's eyes, the rest of his nose, and his eyebrows. At this point, it's easy to see that this is going to be a happy picture. big_smile

6. Now I draw Spyro's lower jaw, cheek, and the basic circle that is the rest of his head. In case you can't tell, I've gone way past the space I gave myself in my first circle, but that's okay. The first circle was my guide and guides are meant to be expanded on.

This is also a good time to point out that sketches are messy and that's a good thing. I do a lot of sketching with pen just to keep myself in practice and to learn to live/work with my mistakes (or practice deciding when a piece just isn't worth keeping big_smile). I always carry scrap paper with me to sketch on when I have nothing to do. Sketching isn't pretty, but it is great practice, especially when you sketch with a cheap pen. Incidentally, my pencil sketches are a lot messier than this because I know I will be erasing most of what I've drawn later.


#4 Dec 07, 2007 4:12 AM

dragon protector x
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Wow razz. I am glad you did this. This will help me whne makeing art.

I am a starting artist and video editor.


#5 Dec 07, 2007 8:29 PM

From: AQWorlds - Nythera
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Hey! I always use box art for drawing and my pics..... oh..... never mind.

Skipping that problem. What about people that want to draw the actual image of Spyro and not your image.

There's nothing wrong at all with your style of course but you don't want a bunch of people taking off with your trademark?

Do you?  o_O



#6 Dec 07, 2007 8:47 PM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

That's a good question, Afronova!

If you want to draw Spyro in a different pose, find reference material of that pose and draw from there. The basic steps I'm using work for any art style. Using guidelines to plot out your art in advance is a technique used by artists and animators in all fields. This tutorial isn't meant to be one of those "one time only, one pose only, all you have to do is copy this" deals. I'm hoping I can show you guys how to improve your skills by revealing my process.

A few people have drawn things based on my style, but you can always tell when it's a Razz drawing and when it's not. I find the notion that people are learning from me very flattering, actually, and kind of surprising since I never set out to teach.

And to the curious, I am not even close to being done with this tutorial. There are at least three more pages to go (maybe more, I lost count). If anyone has any questions at any time, though, feel free to ask them.


#7 Dec 07, 2007 8:56 PM

From: USA
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Spyrorocks, I think you should sticky this.

I love my staffies!


#8 Dec 07, 2007 9:03 PM

From: AQWorlds - Nythera
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Razz wrote:

That's a good question, Afronova!

If you want to draw Spyro in a different pose, find reference material of that pose and draw from there. The basic steps I'm using work for any art style. Using guidelines to plot out your art in advance is a technique used by artists and animators in all fields. This tutorial isn't meant to be one of those "one time only, one pose only, all you have to do is copy this" deals. I'm hoping I can show you guys how to improve your skills by revealing my process.

A few people have drawn things based on my style, but you can always tell when it's a Razz drawing and when it's not. I find the notion that people are learning from me very flattering, actually, and kind of surprising since I never set out to teach.

And to the curious, I am not even close to being done with this tutorial. There are at least three more pages to go (maybe more, I lost count). If anyone has any questions at any time, though, feel free to ask them.

Lucky. I wish people would copy me only that would be kinda hard cuz my style never really stays the same. Maybe that's wy my art sucks. I don't have a style.
It's all so obvious now.  o_O



#9 Dec 07, 2007 9:08 PM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
Posts: 2,325
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

That's not why your art sucks (and, personally, I don't think your art sucks at all smile). It just takes practice. I've been drawing for over twenty years and its only been in the past few months that I've seen people learning from my art.


#10 Dec 07, 2007 9:10 PM

From: In the search of Cynder after
Registered: Nov 27, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

awesome razz, now i'll try it...but i'll need more than one try to make it "passable". smile

If your life become too hard for you remember that...you have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)


#11 Dec 07, 2007 9:12 PM

From: West Virginia, USA
Registered: Nov 16, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

I got a problem with my drawing style lol...it ALWAYS changes, one day I got something and the next there's an upgrade on it...geeze I need to make my mind up lol (although the next style usually looks better...but not always)



#12 Dec 07, 2007 9:15 PM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

It's like I've said before: practice is what will make the difference between a doodler and a really spectacular artist.

And my style changes all the time, too. I've learned to roll with it (finally). You might even see it happening as I work on this tutorial. I was getting bored and sloppy near the end because I had re-draw the same things over and over again. big_smile


#13 Dec 07, 2007 11:21 PM

Registered: Nov 25, 2007
Posts: 147
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

to good.If I had the time I woud try but I cant.I will make picture of spyro but I cant rely say when.But now that i have help by your tutorial it can be done.



#14 Dec 07, 2007 11:35 PM

From: AQWorlds - Nythera
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Razz wrote:

That's not why your art sucks (and, personally, I don't think your art sucks at all smile). It just takes practice. I've been drawing for over twenty years and its only been in the past few months that I've seen people learning from my art.


o_O Woah. Where'd that come from?

Do you mind If I try my own tutorial? I've never actually done a "How to draw" but I'd like to give it a shot.
Ya know?  big_smile



#15 Dec 08, 2007 3:52 AM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Go for it, Afronova! I don't own the copyright to art tutorials. smile

I should mention that some of the things I am saying here don't just apply to drawing Spyro or dragons. Using guide lines and references is how I start ALL of my drawings, no matter what it is I'm drawing, be it a person, a dragon, or a chair.

Also, the next tutorial page is coming soon. I just haven't had the time to do all that typing and explaining today (was too busy fixing up the new home for my webcomic).


#16 Dec 08, 2007 7:08 AM

Award: Admin
From: Australia Mate!
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Very very informative. Great job so far, I am looking forward to future posts from you (razz) in this thread.

I just ordered a Tablet for drawing (This one)

Hopefully That will help me out a little, since I can't really draw. If it doesn't at least it will do for webdesign, and good for a new mouse smile



#17 Dec 08, 2007 2:00 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
Registered: Nov 18, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

i'm getting a tablet for x-mas, but it'll just be around $100. And they really do improve your drawing on the computer. In my tech ed class last year, our teacher got a grant for about six of them, and it really helped us out. They are the greatest thing when it comes to shading and retracing things on the computer.


#18 Dec 08, 2007 2:14 PM

From: In France
Registered: Dec 02, 2007
Posts: 21
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Me I have a A4 wacom tablet I buy it 80 not $ but euros I french ^^" and I like it's very cool for drawing perfectly tongue

signatureub0.png It is french XD it mean:
The water..
This element...
Who give live...


#19 Dec 09, 2007 9:25 PM

From: Earth
Registered: Aug 13, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

I've got a tablet, too, but I almost never use it. big_smile And the tutorial should be updating...soon. I was going to do it today, but I'm in a very foul mood and I'd rather do this when I'm in a better one. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.


#20 Dec 09, 2007 10:25 PM

Award: Admin
From: Australia Mate!
Registered: May 21, 2006
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

No rush, no pressure. Do it when you feel like it.



#21 Dec 10, 2007 2:14 PM

From: AQWorlds - Nythera
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Re: How to Draw Spyro


okay, I don't. It seems like it would be difficult to draw on one.

Do you mind if I post it here or should I make a new thread?



#22 Dec 11, 2007 5:47 PM

From: Earth
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Finally, the next page! big_smile


7 and 8. These are pretty easy to sort out. Now that Spyro has a face, I add on his horns, head spikes, and the little details of each.

9. Return of the guide line! This is my guide for Spyro's basic pose. Sometimes, the line is very specific (like now, where it is the outline of Spyro's back), but other times, I will just draw a basic line to give me an idea of where the body is and how it's standing. Using guide lines for poses is very important, especially when you're drawing characters who are in motion.


10. And yet another guide line, this time for Spyro's neck and stomach.

11. Here's where things get interesting. Firstly, you'll notice that I changed my original stomach guide line. Spyro is very chubby, especially around his back legs, so I needed to fill him out more. Speaking of legs, this is where I do a quick guide sketch for them. The lines at the bottom are where his toes will eventually be; I draw those because I want to make sure his feet are all even. Without them, one foot could wind up being raised higher than another, or would be shorter than it should be and the drawing just wouldn't look right.

That little doodle to the right of Spyro's tail is how I figure out the pose for the leg that's being hidden by his body. I've been drawing for so long that I don't actually draw the leg like you see in the picture most of the time, I just make the motion over the paper with my hand and then press my pen down when I've reached the spot where his leg is visible. But the basic idea here is that I do at least pretend to draw his full leg on the other side of his body. This makes sure that his other leg is in the proper place and matches the more visible leg. Er...I hope that makes sense.


#23 Dec 11, 2007 9:02 PM

From: USA
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

This is great. When you have completed the tutorial I am going to print it out and staple it together to make a book of how to draw Spyro.

I love my staffies!


#24 Dec 12, 2007 12:39 AM

From: USA
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

Sorry for the double post but I have tried the tutorial. Yes, it is VERY crappy, I done it VERY quick, it is a little off, but hey It's my first try and I will get better with practice.  http://i12.tinypic.com/6lijwa9.jpg

I love my staffies!


#25 Dec 12, 2007 7:00 AM

Registered: Jun 09, 2007
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Re: How to Draw Spyro

That is great of a first try!
I have work but hopefully I will have time to do this sometime.



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