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#1 Nov 16, 2009 3:33 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

This is my version of the Game story.

Please note: I've Licensed this to Spyroforum ONLY so please no stealing!!!

Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Please post your opinoins here please so I can Post the chapters one after another. Thanks



#2 Nov 16, 2009 3:33 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Ignitus is walking down a corridor. He comes to a door. "Please state clearance code" says a voice. "Iggy 3-7-beta" says Ignitus. "Access to Grotto granted, Good evening Ignitus." Says the voice before the door opens. He walks through. The doors close behind him. The chamber shelves are full of eggs. A green mean dragon is cracking his knuckles, a blue one is reading book called "150 ways to make ice cream by Dantee" and a yellow one is drinking a goblet of Racktajio. Ignitus walks over to a hole in the wall with a panel above it. He taps the panel. A beep comes from it. "Tea, Earl Grey, hot" says Ignitus before a cup appears below the panel. "Looks like it's going to be quiet night isn't it Volteer?" asks Ignitus. The yellow dragon looks up from the usual device he's holding. "Indeed it's going to be peaceful, tranquil quiet oh, ahhh." replies Volteer.

"I've been standing here day and night and I want something to happen" says Terridor.
"Be careful what ya wish for because you might get it." Says Ignitus just before the lights turn red and a klaxon sounds. "PERIMETER ALERT!!!" says a voice over the klaxon sound.

The dragons look at each other and run into the nearest lift. "Battle Bridge" says Ignitus before the doors shut and the lift moves. "Told ya be careful what you wish for and I was right!!!!" says Ignitus as the doors open and Cyril, Terridor and Ignitus get out.

They step into a chamber with an arch control panel with a chair in front on the level below the panel. There is a panel also in front of the chair. Ignitus sits in the chair, Terridor take the arch panel and Cyril takes the panel in front of Ignitus. "Status" asks Ignitus before Terridor taps on his console.
"Long Range sensors have detected 77 bat bombers, 947 ground troops and a battering ram." replies Terridor. Raise Shields and charge Phasers and photon torpedoes. Let's see the attackers we got here. Put them on the main viewer." Says Ignitus before Terridor taps on his console and an image on the wall in front of them appears. "Zooming in 45%" says Terridor. "Man that ape is ugggglllly." says Cyril before Terridor turns off the main viewer. "When the bombers are in range, fire phasers pattern Iggy 3 Zeta," says Ignitus.
"Cyril, egg evacuation status" asks Ignitus.
"Egg transport is under way. Volteer says 'The experimental warp core is stable." Replies Cyril. "Terridor, are the bombers in range yet?" asks Ignitus. "They will be in 37 flaps," replies Terridor as he taps on his console.

Meanwhile the apes stop marching. "The Temple Guardians don't suspect a thing" says an ape before an over eager soldier runs toward the temple. He runs face first into a force field and falls over. "What the hell?" asks the solider as he taps the force field. A blue sparkle is coming from the section is touching.

Back on the battle bridge, "firing Phasers." before he presses a button on his console.
The temple roof rims briefly glow before a yellow beam vaporises the lead bomber. "HOLY *bleep*!!!" shouts a commander as he sees all the bombers vaporised. "Now that's one weapon they didn't have last time!" says a solider.
Back on the bridge, Terridor is tapping on his console. "Torpedoes armed and loaded" says Terridor. "Target the lead group and fire!" says Ignitus. Terridor types a command on his console. A small klaxon sounds before 10 torpedoes fly out of a pillar launcher. 437 soldiers were blown up when they hit the approaching army.
"Sir, I recommend a tactical withdrawal" says a soldier. "Denied, our master wants an egg and my fury *bleep* he's getting one," says a commander aiming his staff at the force field and fires a green ball of energy at it.

On the battle bridge, a beep sounds. "Engineering to bridge," a voice says. "Go ahead Volteer, what's up?" asks Ignitus. "We've lost the transporters!" replies Volteer as a hiss or sparks come from the speakers. "Get them back on-line! Divert power from structural integrity if you have too! We have to get the eggs to safety!" says Ignitus. "I'll do my best. Volteer out." says Volteer.

"Shields down to 65%" says Terridor. "That that *bleep* staff out!!!" says Ignitus. "Terridor taps on his panel and fires the temple phasers at the ape holding the staff. He deflects the phaser beam and it kills 13 apes. He resumes his attack on the shields.
Meanwhile back on the bridge, "Phasers have no effect he's just deflecting the beam! Shields reaching critical!!!" says Terridor before a shower of sparks comes from a panel behind him. "We have fires on level 3 subsections 3, 7, 9 and 12. Fire suppression systems are dealing with them," says Terridor. Ignitus taps his comnecklace. "Volteer, we really need those transporters NOW!" says Ignitus as Terridor says "Front shields are down to 8%." "The transporters can only take 27 eggs and there are 29 eggs still in the grotto." Says Volteer.
"Shields compromised!!!" shouts Terridor. "Get what ever eggs you can to safety and I'll take one to safety." Says Ignitus before Volteer closes the channel. "Intruder alert, ground level section 4" says Terridor before grabbing a phaser rifle. Cyril and Ignitus follows suite. They all get into a turbo lift. "Grotto" says Ignitus before the doors close. "I'll get the prophesied egg to safety. Make sure they don't destroy the last egg!" says Ignitus before the doors open and he runs out. "This will be like a roach hotel." Says Cyril. "Bad guys check in," says Terridor before charging his rifle. "But the don't check out." Says Cyril before charging his and the doors shut.
Ignitus grabs the purple egg and opens a Jeffries Tube hatch and goes though it. The hatch doors close behind him. Ignitus taps his comnecklace. "Volteer can you beam me to the Yellow River?" asks Ignitus.
"Merdi" replies Volteer as a shower of sparks cover him from a panel. "No I can't the transporters have had it. Nothing I can do at present without my kids' helping." replies Volteer. "Protect engineering with your phaser rifle." Says Ignitus. "May the ancestors protect you and may they protect us all." Says Volteer before a sound of phaser fire comes from somewhere.
Volteer closes the channel.

Ignitus silently crawls through the Jeffries tube scanning the hatches as he passes with a tricorder. He opens a hatch and he crawls out of it after checking it was safe. He emerges by the main shuttle bay.
"Computer, lockdown the temple. Authorisation Iggy-3-7-beta." Says Ignitus.
"All Jeffries tube locked down and sealed. Three minutes till complete temple lockdown," says the computer.

Ignitus open the hanger door. He walks through it and it closes. The hanger is huge. A red, blue, yellow and green shuttle are by one wall and by the hanger door there is painting of an Earth dragon arm wrestling a troll. Ignitus taps on a console. The hanger door opens with a klaxon sounding. A forcefield is over the opening. He flies out through the forcefield and the door closes.
Ignitus lands by the river. He sees an upside down Mushroom and he puts the egg on it.

"You are our greatest hope. You will never know the burden you'll carry on your wings. May the ancestors protect you and give you speed. May they protect us all," says Ignitus before he pushes the egg into the river and take off. He lands in a cave.

Meanwhile at the temple, Terridor and Cyril are defending a corridor from apes. "Cyril, go to Volteer. He might need your help." says Terridor. "Your phaser power cell is low and those apes are relentless!" says Cyril.
"Don't worry about me, I'll beat them up with my tail mace if I have too. GO!" says Terridor before he fires at apes. Cyril runs into the nearest turbolift. "engineering" he says. A minute later he arrives in Engineering. Volteer groans and asks "My cranium, What hit me?"
"This did." replies Cyril holding a rock a size of an ostrich egg. A shower of sparks and a klaxon suddenly sounds. "That doesn't sound good." says Cyril as flood of gas fills the warp core chamber and the isolation door shuts. Volteer looks at an monitor. "We're 5 minutes from a warp core breach and theres nothing I can do about it!!!" says Volteer. "Can't you get rid of it somehow?" asks Cyril. "The automatic ejection system is off-line, so we have to do it manually." replies Volteer before be opens a maintenance panel. He taps on the panel console. "LCARS offline." says the screen.

Volteer swaps some chips round. "Local subprocessor online." says the monitor.
Volteer taps on the console. "Manual release online." it says on the monitor before Volteer grabs a handle and pulls it. He turns it clockwise before pushing it back in. "Emergency manual core ejection in progress." the screen says before a loud banging of clamps and a loud bang.

The core goes 3000 feet before exploding.
The shockwaves knock bat bombers out of the air. The sound of doors banging and forcefields activating is heard. "Looks like Ignitus started the the Temple lockdown before he......" says Cyril before he his knocked out. "What the..." says Volteer before he is also knocked out. The apes tie them to poles before they were carried off.

Meanwhile outside the temple, the ape king is getting impatient. An ape runs up to him. "My lord, I have good news!" he starts.
"It better be of else!" says the ape king. His staff glows in a threatful manner. "We have captured the guardians my lord" continues the ape. "Excellent" the ape king says. "We caught the Electric and Ice guardian by surprise and knocked them out. The Earth guardian is a vicious, determined bugger but we captured him too. 137 soldiers dead, 67 wounded during the capture. Man he's vicious with that mace of his." says the ape messenger. "And how about the Fire Guardian?" ask the ape king. "He escaped." replies the ape messenger. "IDOT!!!!" says the ape king before zapping the messenger and killing him.

Unknown by the apes the guardians still had their type-2 phaser hidden on them.

An ape brings a egg to the King. "Your egg my lord." he says. The ape king hold up the egg and says "At last, we will be the rulers of this world. The apes shall be...." says the ape king before he is interrupted by an soldier. "How will we do that?" asks the foolish solider. "This egg is the key." replies the king before *bleep* slapping the ape for interrupting. "Now lets return to our fortress and prepare for our master's return!!!" says the ape king leading the ape soldiers away. The guardians follow him on  poles.



#3 Nov 16, 2009 8:04 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
Registered: Mar 01, 2008
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Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

.....What? You have succeeded in loosing me if that was your goal.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#4 Nov 28, 2009 11:18 AM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

The purple egg stops in a valley near a swamp. 2 dragonflies find the egg. One is Yellow and the other is blue. 
“I wonder what amazing creature is in that egg?” asks the blue one. “I don’t know but there is a necklace round it. I better put it somewhere safe.” Says the yellow one before he picks up the necklace and puts it in a safe place. “Come quick it’s hatching!!!” yells the blue one as the egg shakes. The yellow dragonfly gets there before the shell is broken. “Ahh. It looks so cute. Let’s adopt it.” Says the yellow one. “I agree. We’ll call it Spyro,” says the blue one.

2 years have past since Spyro hatched. He and his adopted brother, Sparx are playing hide and seek. “I’m going somewhere you’ll never find me,” says Sparx before flying off and hiding while Spyro counts to 100.
A little while later, Spyro shouts, “coming ready or not.”
Sparx laughs quietly to himself as Spyro searches logs, holes in trees and bushes. “Found ya!!!” says Spyro. “Finding is different to catching big boy!” says Sparx before flying off. “Ya better run!!” says Spyro before chasing after him. Sparx flies into a snake skull. “Hey! No cheating, you know we’re not allowed in there?” shouts Spyro. “You’ll move a bit faster if you weren’t carrying all that weight. A salad once in a while won’t kill ya!” yells Sparx.
Spyro smashes the skull and goes after Sparx. “Where is that glow bug?” Spyro asks himself. “Has anyone seen a purple thing, I seem to lost mine.” Says Sparx. “I hear you my glowing friend,” says Spyro following the sound of Sparx’s voice. “You can’t catch….” Says Sparx before he is eaten by a frogweed. “Err, Spyro help me will ya” asks Sparx. “The frogweed is gotta eat too you know.” Says Spyro. “It stinks in here whack it!!!” says Sparx. Spyro whacks the frogweed and it spits Sparx out.
“EEWW, frogweed breath. It may smell bad but you’re worse!!!” says Sparx before he flies off! “Humph, that’s appreciation of ya.” Says Spyro before chasing after Sparx. “It must feel bad because you run all the time. AHHHHH!” says Sparx before he is captured by an ape and put in a cage. “LET HIM GO!” yells Spyro. “I thought you guys were all gone. Take care of him. I got to report to Cynder.” Yells the ape before Spyro is surrounded by 15 apes.

Spyro beats up the apes using his tail, paws and horns. “Kick their furry arses Spyro!” yells Sparx as an ape is knocked out after hitting a tree. “Hey, furry face, I’ve seen frogweed that’s uglier than you!” says Sparx. “That’s it, I’ve had enough of you!” he shouts before he prepares to squish Sparx. “NOOOOOOOOO!” yells Spyro before he breathes fire on the ape. It singes the ape before he runs off with his tail on fire. Spyro smashes the cage and releases Sparx. I’m going to tell mum and dad about your amazing ability.

An hour later, Sparx is telling Spyro and his parents about Spyro’s discovery. “Dad, It’s true, I swear. I got real mad and whoosh flame city.” Says Spyro. “Not if we don’t believe you Spyro, but I hoped this day will come.” Says the dad. “What day?” asks Spyro. “We have something to tell you.” Says mum. “You weren’t born a dragonfly, but you are from a land where war rages and the innocent suffer.” Says dad. “I’m not your son?” asks Spyro. “You are our son but different also we found this necklace round your egg and now it the time you should have it.” Says dad before giving Spyro a necklace with a charm on it. “What does the symbol mean dad?” asks Spyro. “We don’t know.” Replies mum. “Go and find you destiny if you want to. You are old enough to make you own decisions.” Says dad. “I will go and find out what I am and what is my destiny is.” Says Spyro. “Now?” asks Sparx. “Yes now. You can stay if you want to Sparx, I don’t mind.” Says Spyro before walking off.

“Sparx can I talk to you for a minute?” asks dad. “Erm, ok.” Replies Sparx before they fly to a secluded spot. “Spyro’s journey will be long, dangerous and lonely,” starts dad. “But…” says Sparx. “The two of you should take it together as brothers. Together you stand, apart you fall.” Says dad. “If you say so dad,” says Sparx. “Anyway, It’ll be an adventure. Seeing new places, different cultures and using a common phrase ‘ Kicking *bleep*’ as well.” Says dad. “Alright dad, you’ve convinced me, I’ll go.” Says Sparx. “You better be quick or he’ll be miles away,” Says dad before Sparx flies off. “Give my love to mum,” yells Sparx as he flies fast as his wings could carry him to catch up to Spyro.

Spyro is sitting a bush when Sparx catches up to Spyro. “Bro, WAIT UP!” shouts Sparx before flying into Spyro’s bush. “Sparx, can I have some privacy please, I trying to go to the loo here!” says Spyro. “Sorry bro.” Says Sparx flying out of the bush. “Anyway me and dad were talking and I’ve decided to come with you.” Says Sparx. “That’s nice of you.” Says Spyro. “He said that we should find out your destiny together as brothers.” Says Sparx as a bad smell fills the air. “Ok, bro, I’m done.” Says Spyro before he walks out of the bush. “What the heck is that bad smell?” asks Sparx before flying into the bush to investigate the smell. “What the hell have you been eating, It stinks!!!” asks Sparx. “Berries, fruit and mums delicious food.” replies Spyro as Sparx flies out the bush holding his nose. “That’s one big pile of *bleep*.” Says Sparx before they start to walk away.

“You’ve developed your own fighting style and used with great effect on those apes earlier. I you perfect it, you’ll be unbeatable.” Says Sparx. “You really think so,” says Spyro. “Yeah, I do.” Says Sparx as Spyro beats up a Frogweed blocking their path. He finishes the frogweed off with a whip with his tail. If flies in to the distance. “Whoa, that must be 15 feet at least” says Sparx as they continue to walk down the path. Suddenly a foul smell fills the air. POOOAH! Is that you Spyro?” asks Sparx. “If it was bro, you would be dead.” Says Spyro before taking a sniff of the smell. “Frogweed breath no, It’s a musty unwashed aroma with as hint of singed fur” says Spyro before 15 apes surround Spyro. “Look whose back.” Says Sparx. “My mistress has sent me to capture you dead or alive and not to return until I do.” Says the ape. “Oh, Little Stinky has a mission. How nice for ya” says Sparx. “Do you like pain? I seems so because you’ve come back.” Says Spyro as Stinky orders the apes to attack. A figure is watching unnoticed in a bush. He smiles as the stealthily walks away. He was unnoticed by the apes or Spyro and Sparx. Spyro is winning the fight against the apes. They are no matches for Spyro’s fighting skills. They are all unconscious on the floor. “Now for you Stinky,” says Spyro before knocking Stinky in the air and whipping the ape with his tail hard as he can. “I’ll be back……….” Yells stinky as he flies into the distance. “Whoa that’s on mean tail whip ya got there.” Says Sparx as a branch snaps and a splash is heard from a distance. “Thanks” says Spyro as the start to walk towards a pond. “Bud,” says a frog. “weis,” says another. “er.” Says a third frog. “That must Budweiser pond. I’ve heard if you drink the water you get drunk,” says Sparx before Spyro punches an ape that was blocking the path into the pond. “Bud?” says a frog as the ape staggers out of the pond hiccupping. “Drunk as a skunk.” Says Sparx as the ape staggers away singing a rude song. “Wouldn’t like to be him tomorrow. He’ll have a terrible hangover and I’ve heard that’s not a nice feeling.” Says Spyro. They keep walking down the path to the river. “Dad was right about one thing,” says Sparx. “What’s that?” asks Spyro. “You can really kick *bleep*!!!” replies Sparx as they turn a corner and head upriver. “Why are we following the river?” asks Sparx. “Don’t know but I got a gut feeling it will lead me to my destiny.” Says Spyro before Sparx gives Spyro a sceptical look. “You doubt my gut feeling?” asks Spyro.  “Most of the time your gut feeling tells you that you’re hungry.” Says Sparx “How about the rest of the time?” asks Spyro. “It’s usually right but I can be wrong sometimes and get you in trouble.” Replies Sparx as they turn round the river bend. 27 apes suddenly surround Spyro. “Stinky’s back. I could smell him a mile away.” Says Sparx. “How did you like your bath in the grove of Stinky Smells? You stink worse that you did before!” asks Spyro. “None of your business!” replies Stinky. I’ve heard that this time of the year, the grove smells worse that Spyro’s farts.” Says Sparx. “Thanks Sparx they probably didn’t want to know that.” Says Spyro as Stinky orders the apes to attack.

As Spyro beats up the apes, Sparx is chanting a rhyme. It went:
“Poor stinky winky,
What ya going to do
There’s a bad smell coming from you
You’re mission isn’t going well
And you look *bleep*ed off as hell!”

One ends up cracking his nuts on a tree branch (he yells in agony before falling off the branch and cracking his nuts on an another one), 5 out cold, 4 in the river, 3 burnt to a crisp and the rest run away. “Just you and me Stinky” says Spyro as the tree ape falls into the river yelling in a squeaky agony voice. Stinky runs to clothesline Spyro but Spyro trips him up with his tail. “Time for a flying lesson.” Says Spyro before he knocks the ape into the air and whips him down the river. Sparx is counting the bounces. After 15 bounces the ape falls into the river. “15 bounces, nice one!” says Sparx before a roar comes from somewhere. “YEEEEEEEAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH” yells Spyro before running into a cave. “Sparx, run and find your happy place,” yells Sparx as he follows Spyro into the cave.



#5 Dec 01, 2009 9:40 AM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro bumps into a big red thing. It turns round before it gulps.
“You’re alive,” he says. “I thought you were a big one goodness” says Sparx. “Who are you, what am I, what are we?” asks Spyro. “ My name is Ignitus, a dragon like you are.” Says Ignitus. “Is there any other like you are me?” asks Spyro. “Others? The temple, grotto is all gone.” Replies Ignitus. “Temple? Can I go there and see where I came from?” asks Spyro. “I don’t know what forces occupy the temple and what state its in.” replies Ignitus. “He seems very nervous about something,” says Sparx whispering in Spyro’s ear. “ME! Nervous! Don’t make me laugh. The great fire guardian nervous, don’t make me laugh.” Says Ignitus making Sparx jump. “Anyway, we were at war with the forces of the Dark Master,” says Ignitus. “Why?” asks Spyro. “There is a prophecy that a purple dragon will unite the world and bring peace. You.” Replies Ignitus. “You? So you think that Spyro is the prophesied dragon? I heard a few stories in my time but this one takes the cake.” Says Sparx. “Spyro is it. Believe me Spyro, I’m telling you the truth.” Says Ignitus. “Ok. I have a few questions to ask.” Says Spyro. “Go ahead fire away.” Says Ignitus.
“First Question. Are you the only guardian?” asks Spyro. “No, I’m the not the only one. You’ll meet the others in time.” Replies Ignitus. “Err, ok. Second question. What does the symbol I’m wearing mean?” asks Spyro. (The Starfleet logo is the symbol Spyro’s wearing if you’re wondering.) “ That is the symbol of great wisdom and an unending thirst for knowledge.” Replies Ignitus. “Ok. Last question, who is the Cynder I keep hearing about?” asks Spyro. “A black evil dragon in the service of the Dark Master. She searches for me even now. For what purpose she wants me I don’t know. But we will find out if we can rescue the other guardians.” Replies Ignitus.
“I want to go to the temple and kick those smelly apes out!!!” says Spyro. “I like your enthusiasm. All right we’ll go. From what I’ve seen of you fighting you might very well succeed,” says Ignitus before he starts to lead Spyro through the cave. “He’s like you, stubborn but a thirst for adventure.” Says Sparx. “I heard that!!” yells Ignitus as they turn a corner. 15 minutes later they reach a door. “It should open as a walk up to it.”  Says Ignitus as he walks close to the door. A buzz is heard. “Let me smash it!” says Spyro. “You are welcome too, if you want a bad injury. The door is dragon oak reinforced with dragonium metal.” Says Ignitus. “Oh never mind.” Says Spyro as Ignitus is searching the wall for something. “Ahh, here they are.” He says before counting bricks on the wall. “Three up, two across” he mutters to himself as he find the brick he wants. “Ahh. Found it.” He says before pressing the brick and a black panel is revealed from behind the wall. Ignitus taps on it. “LCARS OFFLINE.” It says on the panel. Ignitus taps on it. “Local LCARS processor online” says a voice. Sparx flies under Spyro’s wing in shock. “Who or what was that?” asks Spyro. “It’s the temple sprit.” Says Ignitus as he continues to tap the panel. “DOOR SERVOS OFFLINE” it says on the panel. Ignitus activates the manual override. He forces the doors open. “Spyro you need to get to that panel opposite these doors to reactivate them.” Says Ignitus. “No problem.” Says Spyro. “Say Basement door security override. When the spirit asks you for an access code, type in 6754962.” Says Ignitus before Spyro walks through the gap Ignitus made before the doors close behind him. Spyro walks to the panel Ignitus told him about. He nervously taps it. A beep comes from the panel. “Basement door security override. Code 6754962” says Spyro. “Clearance code accepted. Basement door servos online.” Says the Temple Spirit before a hiss of hydraulics is heard behind Spyro. Ignitus is walking towards him. “I knew you could do it.” Says Ignitus as the walk through a storeroom full of old pots, pans and an old door. They come to a ladder. Ignitus starts to climb it. A hatch opens above his head. “Where does that go?” asks Spyro. “To the Jeffries tubes.” Replies Ignitus as Spyro climbs the ladder into the Jeffries tube. “What are these Jeffries tubes used for?’ asks Spyro as they follow Ignitus.
“For maintenance usually or to sneak round the temple when it is under attack. Stay close to me because there is over 425 Jeffries tubes over 9 floors and you will get lost.” Says Ignitus as the walk. Ignitus takes left, right, up a ladder, left, right and up a ladder for 8 floors. “Looks like you need a rest, we’ll stop here for a minute for you to get your breath back.” Says Ignitus after he climbs through a hatch and Spyro follow. “When we go through the hatch above us, don’t touch any panels because there is dangerous controls in there and you haven’t been trained in their use.” Says Ignitus before Spyro looks at the hatch label. "Battle Bridge" it says.
“I won’t touch anything, I swear.” Says Spyro. “How about you Sparx.” Asks Ignitus. “Me too.”
Says Sparx before Ignitus opens the hatch and climbs through followed by Sparx and Spyro. “Wow,” says Spyro as he looks round. On a screen it says “LCARS OFFLINE. CONSOLT VOLTEER.” Ignitus is busy working at a console. 10 minutes later an announcement says “LCARS online. Good morning Ignitus.” “LCARS?” asks Sparx. “Library Computer and Retrieval System” replies Ignitus. “Unidentified Comnecklace detected. Please identify for registration.” Asks the computer. “Spyro.” Replies Spyro. “Please state clearance code.” Asks the computer. “Spyro Gamma 6-7-0-3 beta.” Replies Spyro. “Confirmed. Please tap necklace to confirm registration and security protocols.” Says the computer. Spyro taps his necklace. “Registration complete.” Says the computer before Ignitus calls a lift. “Where does this take us?” asks Spyro. “Anywhere in the temple and it beats walking through Jeffries tubes.” Replies Ignitus before saying “dragon statue room” The lift doors close and it starts to move.

A minute later, they arrive at the Dragon chamber room. 
Ignitus spots something very unusual about the statue.
“BLOODY HEATHENS, NO RESPECT TO DRAGON PROPERTY! WHEN I GET MY PAWS ON AN APE I’M GOING TO RIP ITS BLOODY SPINE OUT I SWEAR TO THE ANSESTORS!” yells Ignitus. “What’s wrong?” asks Spyro. “THAT!” says Ignitus pointing to the statue’s face. Someone has drawn glasses and a black moustache on the statue’s face. Spyro suppressed the urge to laugh when he saw Ignitus’s face. Sparx laughs before suddenly stops due to the mean look that Ignitus gave him.
“Oh, lighten up Ignitus, have a laugh.” Says Sparx. “It may look funny but it’s disrespectful to our ancestors.” Says Spyro. “But…” says Sparx. “I share the same view as Ignitus.” Says Spyro.
“Now it’s time to start your training,” says Ignitus as the statue lowers into the floor and a hatch closes over it.
“Oh goody, school” says Sparx.
“Not any school you’ve been to my little friend.” Says Ignitus to Sparx before turning to Spyro. “I see you got the basic jest of the fire element on your own but there is more to it then a stream of flame.” Says Ignitus. “More?” asks Sparx. “Yes, more. First I’m going to teach you to spit balls of fire so hot it will set you enemies on fire!” says Ignitus before he spits a 4-foot ball of flame at a training dummy and sets it on fire. “Fire detected in Dragon Statue room. Fire suppression online.” Says an announcement before a forcefeild covers the dummy and the fire goes out. “Whoa! Teach me that!!” says Spyro excitedly.  “It’s simple, take a deep breath.” Starts Ignitus as Spyro takes a deep breath. “I’ll hide behind here, where it’s safer.” Says Sparx before he hides behind Spyro. “Focus on your target and breath out” says Ignitus. Instead of coming out of Spyro’s mouth he farts it instead. “YEEEEOW!” yells Sparx. “Err. Spyro” asks Ignitus. “Yes Ignitus?” asks Spyro “Right idea but wrong end though.” replies Ignitus as a singed Sparx flies past Spyro’s head. “Oh, sorry Sparx.” Says Spyro. “Let’s try that again shall we.” Says Ignitus. 3 attempts later, Spyro spits a 2-foot ball of flame and it sets the dummy on fire. The fire suppression system puts it out. “Now, I’m going to teach you the most powerful weapon that a fire dragon possesses. ‘The fury of Sapphire’s wrath’” says Ignitus. “Oh, sound dangerous.” Says Sparx. “It is it turns enemies to ash.” Says Ignitus before he ducks his head and fire surrounds him. He suddenly raises his head and the room explodes with fire. “Code 1 fire emergency. Depressurisation in 30 seconds!” says an announcement before a countdown starts. They all leave the chamber. A door closes. “Wow that was very impressive! Do you recon I can do that?” asks Spyro as a whistle of air is heard behind the door. “I think you could. Would you like to try it?” asks Ignitus as the door opens. “Yeah, I’ll have a go.” Replies Spyro as a dummy appears. He closes his eyes and a file cloud builds up round Spyro. “Do you think we should run?” asks Sparx, as the cloud gets hotter and hotter. ”No.” replies Ignitus as the cloud reaches critical mass. “Well, I’m outta here!” says Sparx before he flies to the nearest exit fast as his wings could carry him. Sparx gets to the door just a Spyro’s fury explodes and sets everything in the chamber on fire. “Code 1 fire emergency! Depressurisation in 15 seconds!” says an announcement as Spyro and Ignitus run to the nearest door. Ignitus gets through the door. Spyro slides underneath it before it slams shut.
“Now it’s time to consult the pool of visions.” Says Ignitus before be goes through a door and locks it.
“Is this the pool of visions?” asks Sparx. “No it isn’t. Read the door sign dumb*bleep*.” Says Spyro as Ignitus’s voice comes from behind the door. “2 years I’ve been wiping my *bleep* on leaves. I missed Andrex bog roll.” He says. “Bog roll?” asks Sparx as Ignitus comes out of the chamber. “Follow me.” He says leading the way. He leads Spyro up a flight of stairs. They come to a door.
“Before we go in I’m going to set some rules for you Sparx.” Says Ignitus. “Err. Ok.” Says Sparx. “
1.    No bathing in the pool
2.    No criticizing!” says Ignitus.
“Fine, agreed.” Says Sparx before Ignitus leads them in. They are in stone walled chamber with a black panel on one wall and pool with swirls in it. A glow is coming from the pool. Ignitus walks up the panel and taps it. “Tea, earl grey hot.” Says Ignitus before a goblet of drink appears blow the panel. “Wow, can I have a go?” asks Spyro. “Go right ahead, you look hungry.” Replies Ignitus as he sips his drink and looks in the pool. Spyro taps the panel. “The dumb thing doesn’t work,” says Sparx before a voice says “do not address this unit in that manner.” It makes Sparx jump.
“Swamp pudding with roots.” Says Spyro. “Please specify type of root.” Says the voice. “Dragonberry.” Replies Spyro before a hot plate of Swamp pudding appears below the panel. Spyro picks up the pudding and starts to eat it.

Ignitus is looking the pool. “I see Volteer in chains. Somewhere cold a barren no doubt. Yes, I recognise that glacier. He’s in Dantee’s Freezer.” Ignitus says to himself. “Hmmmpth” says Spyro. “Haven’t any one told you that talking with your mouth full is rude?” asks Ignitus. Spyro swallows his mouth full and asks “Dantee’s Freezer?” “The coldest place on the planet not counting the Ice Guardian’s private quarters. Anyway, it used to be a battle field during the cold war.” Replies Ignitus. “You mean the frozen war?” asks Sparx before laughing at his own joke. “Very witty, Sparx” Ignitus replies.
“How am I going to get there?” asks Spyro. “Fly, of course.” Replies Ignitus. “Fly? Him? No chance dude. His little wing probably won’t take his weight.” Says Sparx. “Ignore him he’s always taking the Mickey.” Says Spyro. “Indeed.” Says Ignitus. Spyro looks into the pool. “How can you see all those things and I only see swirls?” asks Spyro. “Only certain dragons can see things in this pool.  It allows me to see things near and far away.” Replies Ignitus. “Cool” says Spyro.

“I can teach you to fly but it’ll take concentration, determination and a bit of pain.” Says Ignitus.
“I’m ready, I’m fed up of walking all the time.” Says Spyro. “Ok then, follow me.” Says Ignitus leading Spyro out the chamber and down the corridor. “Well that Swamp pudding you’ve just had won’t help your chances of getting off the ground.” Says Sparx as they get into a lift. “Level 3” says Ignitus. The lift starts to move. They arrive at the 3rd floor and they get out.
“We’re here.” Says Ignitus before he taps on a panel. Sparx reads the door label as Ignitus works.



#6 Dec 03, 2009 2:21 AM

From: sfhdgfjhjdyjdfh
Registered: Dec 14, 2007
Posts: 371
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Work on paragraphs and speech. You got me lost here.


#7 Dec 03, 2009 7:49 AM

From: Hell
Registered: Nov 04, 2008
Posts: 2,307
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

I got lost...Where is that map?

Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster


#8 Dec 05, 2009 11:15 AM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro follows Ignitus through the holodeck doors. He is standing on cliff top over looking a green valley. “Where are we? Are we still in the temple?” asks Sparx. “We are on the ‘Cliffs of Heaven’ in Alvular and yes we are still in the temple” relies Ignitus. “We are on a holodeck. Don’t ask me how it works because it’s very complicated. Anyway this program is usually used for diving but I thought it would be nice to learn to fly here. If you don’t concentrate you’ll end up wet when you fall down.” Says Ignitus. Spyro looks over the cliff edge. “Cool, I can see the bottom of the pool.” Says Spyro. “From this height, landing on your belly really hurts.” Says Ignitus. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Says Spyro.

“Learning to fly is easy Spyro, just close your eyes and forget everything you know.” Says Ignitus. Spyro closes his eyes and starts to think. Ignitus checks Sparx isn’t looking before shoving Spyro off the cliff. “!?” thinks Spyro as the realises he isn’t on solid ground. He screams as he falls. “QUIT SCREAMING, YOU’RE JUST WASTING ENERGY!” yells Ignitus before Spyro belly flops in the pool below. He yells in pain. “Ow, that must of hurt.” Says Sparx as he sees Spyro’s landing. Ignitus Sighs. “Computer, End Program.” He says before the cliff disappears and they are in a room with walls with yellow squares on them. “Are you ready to try again?” asks Ignitus. “Yes.” Replies Spyro. “Excellent, computer run Program 47-C” says Ignitus. “Do you wish to leave and renter the holodeck?” asks the computer. “No.” replies Ignitus before the Cliff top reappears. Spyro is getting ready for his next attempt. Ignitus shoves Spyro off the cliff. This Spyro was prepared for it. He pulls a 90-degree turn in the air and does a dive into the pool. “Impressive, but we are to learn to fly not to dive.” Says Ignitus after restarting the program. “Remember what I told you earlier and concentrate let the knowledge of your ancestors flow through you. “ says Ignitus. Spyro starts to focus. Ignitus shoves Spyro off the cliff. Ignitus is expecting a splash by now. “I think he’s got it.” Says Ignitus before yelling,” YEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!” before jumping off the cliff edge in surprise. He falls.
“Ah, revenge is best served….”Says Spyro after he lands. A flame burns Spyro’s bum. He yells in surprise and goes off the cliff like Ignitus did.
“Flame Roasted.” finishes Ignitus as he lands and a splash comes from below. “Computer, End Program.” Says Ignitus and the room turns back to its normal look. “Computer, list flight combats training programs.” Asks Spyro. “Advanced, fire, electricity, ice and Earth.” Replies the computer. “Computer, run fire flight combat.” Says Spyro.
“I’ll just wait outside till you’re done,” says Ignitus before he leaves the holodeck followed by Sparx. Spyro starts the program and starts to train. An hour later, Spyro comes out the holodeck with a huge grin on his face. “Ready?” asks Ignitus. “Oh yeah, I think I can take on anything.” Replies Spyro. “Alright then, follow me to the hanger.” Says Ignitus leading Spyro to a turbolift and they get in. “Level 10” says Ignitus before the lift starts to move. “Err, Spyro have you noticed anything about the door signs?” asks Sparx. “No, I haven’t” replies Spyro. “I’ve noticed some of the room labels have little sayings underneath them.” Says Sparx before the lift doors open and they walk down a corridor.

They are standing outside a big metal door. “This is the main hanger for all our shuttlecraft and dragon based weaponry.” Says Ignitus before the door opens. “Wow, It’s massive,” says Spyro as they walk in. “stand on the green dragon icon on the floor and extend your wings.” Says Ignitus. Spyro stands on the green dragon Icon and puts his wings out. Ignitus taps on a console. A blue beam locks onto Spyro and lifts him into the air before a green one locks onto him. “What’s the blue beam for?” asks Spyro. “The blue one is a tractor beam. It’s used for landing large dragons or aircraft. The green one that’s holding you in place is for the dragapult.” Replies Ignitus. “Dragapult?” asks Sparx. “A dragon catapult” replies Ignitus as an announcement says “Dragapult launch sequence in progress.” A green ball of energy prepares to catapult Spyro. “Good luck and may the ancestors protect you.” Says Ignitus as Spyro is launched out the hanger as high speed. The hanger door closes behind Spyro.

Sparx catches up to Spyro. “Welcome to the club” says Sparx. “Is that the annoying pest club?” asks Spyro. “No smart alec, the flying club.” Replies Sparx.

“Ignitus to Spyro” says Spyro’s com necklace. Spyro taps it. “This is Spyro, go ahead Ignitus.” Replies Spyro. “To get to Dante’s Freezer you must go north.” Says Ignitus. Spyro changes course. “Be careful the apes might have turrets on the way.” Says Ignitus. “Don’t worry, I will be careful.” Says Spyro. “I will be monitoring your progress using the temple’s long range sensors and the Pool of Visions.” Says Ignitus. “Ok. Spyro out,” says Spyro before tapping his necklace.

5 miles ahead of Spyro, an ape sees Spyro through a telescope. “Prepare the turrets, a dragon is approaching,” he says to an ape. “Yes sir,” he replies before passing on the order to the turret operators. They load ammo and point them in Spyro’s direction. When he is in range they start to fire. Meanwhile in the air, Spyro is dodging pine comes, rocks and pebbles, (bricks and an occasional ape flung from a catapult).
“I got the feeling they really don’t like you.” Says Sparx before Spyro spits a big ball of fire at the turret nearest to him. It sets it on fire before the ammo crates explode into a fireball. “Woah,” says Sparx. “Let’s get higher above the clouds, so we don’t get fired at by more turrets.” Says Spyro. “I can’t argue with that bro,” says Sparx before they fly high above the clouds.

“Ignitus to Spyro, There is bat bombers approaching you ay 45 flaps. You’re currently doing 25 flaps. They will on you in 30 seconds. If you need extra speed use the Iggy manoeuvre” Says Ignitus before a screech is heard a short distance away. “Iggy Manoeuvre?” asks Spyro. “Hold your wings out and fart a consternated flame. It will dramatically increase your speed but watch out you don’t hit anything because at that speed, it’ll really hurt!” explains Ignitus. “If I need to I’ll use it. Taking evasive manoeuvres” says Spyro before he dodges a bat’s sonic wave and knocking off the pilot. The bat bomber flies wildly out of control before slamming into a cliff. “Ignitus, if the pilot is knocked off the bat is useless.” Says Spyro. “Noted” says Ignitus before Spyro takes out another ape pilot. His bat hits a wall and cracks it. “Spyro, long range sensors are detecting reinforcements on route. I suggest you find somewhere to hide until they stand down. Also you should find the temperature getting colder as you near Dantee’s Freezer.” Says Ignitus. “Ok. Spyro out,” says Spyro before tapping his necklace. “Bro, a cave, let’s hide there until they stop looking for us.” Says Sparx. Spyro lands in the cave. “Is it me or is it a bit chilly in here.” Asks Sparx. “Looks like we are near to Dantee’s Freezer.” Replies Spyro before he puts his paw over Sparx’s mouth to stop his teeth chattering. “He’s near by. Go to caution protocol and step up patrols. He couldn’t of just magically disappear, he’s around here somewhere.” Shouts an ape pilot. “I think we should follow the cave. This cold breeze is coming from further in. also it might be a way into Dantee’s Freezer without the bat patrols finding us.” Says Spyro. “Ok brrrrooo.” Chatters Sparx. Sparx is telling Spyro a riddle to pass the time as they walk. It went like this:
“The wave, over wave, a weird thing I saw,
Though wrought, and wonderful ornate:
A wonder among the waves, water become bone.”

“Let me think,” says Spyro as the walk round a corner. “Ignitus to Spyro. I can’t pick you up on long-range sensors where are you?” asks Ignitus. Spyro taps his necklace. “We are walking through a cave to avoid bat patrols.” Replies Spyro. “Got the answer to my riddle yet?” asks Sparx. “Let me try it,” says Ignitus. Spyro tells Sparx’s riddle to Ignitus. “That’s so easy it’s….” Says Ignitus before he gets cut off.

Meanwhile at the temple, Ignitus is annoyed that he got cut off. “Emergency power offline, all temple systems offline.” Says an announcement.
“*bleep* IT!” yells Ignitus before he opens the bridge Jeffries tube hatch and climbs through it. He uses the Jeffries tubes to reach the Pool of Visions Chamber. He looks in the Visions pool. “Ahh, he’s safe, that’s a relief.” Says Ignitus.

Meanwhile back in Spyro’s cave, “I know the answer, is it ice?” asks Spyro. “Yes that’s right!” replies Sparx as a roar and flapping wings pass an ice wall ahead of them. “That was no bat bomber. Could it be Cynder?” asks Spyro as the flapping dies away. “We better get going before what ever that was comes back.” Says Spyro before they leave the cave and take off.

Meanwhile on a rocky outcrop, Cynder is talking to an ape. “Is the prisoner secured and gagged?” asks Cynder. “Yes mistress, everything was done exactly to your orders.” Replies the ape. “Excellent, everything is going to plan. Soon my master will be free and we will rule the world!!!” she says before laughing evilly. The ape starts to laugh also. “Did you ask my permission to laugh?” asks Cynder. The ape realises he is in trouble. He gulps before replying, “Err, no mistress.” Cynder punches him off the outcrop and he gets impaled on spiky rocks below. She laughs before talking off towards her Lair.

Miles away from the outcrop, Spyro is talking to Sparx. “Is it me or is it getting suddenly very cold?” asks Sparx. “It is getting cold. We’re now just started to fly over Dantee’s Freezer. “Where are we going to start? There is nothing but ice far as the eye can see.” Asks Sparx.

Meanwhile at the temple, Ignitus is sitting in a shuttle. Tapping on a console. “That should get me back in touch with Spyro.”
He says leaving the shuttle and climbing into a Jeffries tube. 5 minutes later, “Ignitus to Spyro,” Ignitus’s voice comes out of Spyro’s Necklace.
“This is Spyro, go ahead.” Replies Spyro.
“I see you in the Pool of Visions. There should be a fortress below you near where you are.” Says Ignitus. “I see it.” Says Spyro. “It’s abandoned far as I know but It will be a good place to start.” Says Ignitus before Spyro changes course and heads to the Fortress.



#9 Dec 05, 2009 12:00 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

cooldude22345 wrote:

Work on paragraphs and speech. You got me lost here.

No one is perfect.. big_smile



#10 Dec 12, 2009 11:38 AM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

5 minutes later, Spyro lands behind a wall.
Spyro taps his necklace. “I’ve landed at the fortress.” Says Spyro. “Excellent. I see you in the Visions pool. The fortress is called ‘San Andreas’. During the cold war, apes heavily guarded the fortress. Ice dragons fought the battle for the fort. As you can probably guess they won of course.” Says Ignitus. “You mean the Frozen war.” Says Sparx. “Very witty, Sparx. Anyway, Cynder might of put some apes back in this fortress so be careful.” Says Ignitus. “Don’t worry, I will. Spyro out.” Says Spyro.

Spyro creeps into the courtyard before hiding behind a pillar. “Sparx, can you see a way in?” asks Spyro. “You could try knocking on the gate. I sincerely doubt it they’ll let you in. or you could try that vent over there guarded by an ape with a club.” Replies Sparx. “Wait here, I’ll take care of the ape so we can use the vent.” Says Spyro before sneaking off. “Take care?” asks Sparx to him self before a muffled yell and a snapping of bone comes from above. Spyro hides the body in an igloo. “Where’s the guard.” Asks Sparx as he flies to Spyro. “Don’t worry, he’s not going to alert anyone we’re here.” Says Spyro before be opens the vent cover and they both climb in.

They are quietly walking through the vent when voices come from a hatch. They stop and quietly listen. “I hate this assignment Daniel. It’s so cold you could make snow apes. We’re not even allowed to do that off duty. “ Says one ape.
“I would really love to make a snow ape.” Says Daniel. “Is the prisoner secure?” asks one ape. “Oh yes, he’s tied and gagged exactly as mistress ordered. He is on sublevel 3 of the perma-frost complex.” Replies Daniel. “Why is he gagged?” asks an ape. “He talks non-stop. All he wants to talk about is molecular manipulation and antimatter theory.” Replies Daniel. “Antimatter?” asks Spyro quietly to himself. He is unheard by the apes. “Don’t eat the blue and yellow berries because they give you diarrhoea.” Says an ape.
“That’s nice of them to tell us apes are allergic to dragonberries. “We better go Luke or we’ll be in trouble.” Says one ape. “Ok Luke, I’ll see you when I get off duty. We probably find somewhere where we can make a snow ape where no officer can find it.” Says Daniel before they all leave and Luke close the door. Spyro checks no one is around before opening the hatch and they both climb out. Spyro quietly opens the door and sneaks down the corridor.

A bad singing voice comes from a door that’s ajar. Spyro opens it and sees an ape in the shower. The ape doesn’t notice Spyro nick his uniform and closes the door. Spyro puts on the uniform and balaclava. Sparx hides in a utility belt pocket. Spyro walks past a courtyard where an ape commander is addressing a group of apes.
“We have an intruder. An ape was found dead about 15 minutes ago by the main gate in an igloo. The Ice King has ordered that we step up patrols and do a double shift until he is caught. That is all.” Says the commander. “Ice King?” asks Spyro to himself. “He must be the ugliest ape so they put him in charge.” Replies Sparx from the belt pocket.

“OI, YOU APE! Didn’t I order you to take a shower?” asks an Ape commander as Spyro turns round a corner. “I have sir.” replies Spyro in a passable imitation of an ape accent.
“Report to the drawbridge because an guard was taken ill and they haven’t got enough guards to cover the bridge,” orders the commander. “Yes, sir.” Replies Spyro after doing an imitation of an ape salute.
The commander walks off. Spyro starts to walk down the corridor and tries to find the way to the drawbridge. “Lost eh?” says an ape as Spyro looks through a door. “Err, yeah. I’m new and I don’t know where the drawbridge is.” Replies Spyro. “Ok, to get to the drawbridge, you do down the corridor you’re on turn left at the junction, then go through the door at the end of that corridor and through a courtyard. It should be on your left. If you see the Chrysler building, you’ve gone to far.” Explains the ape. “Thanks.” Says Spyro before closing the door. “Get all that bro?” asks Spyro. “Yep.” Replies Sparx from his belt pocket. Sparx guides him to the drawbridge. When Spyro was walking through a courtyard, he sees an orange animal on an open fire.

“Quiet, my name is Spyro. I hate the apes much as you do.” Says Spyro after taking off the balaclava. “My name is Crash, Crash Bandicoot. Good to meet ya. Can you get me off this Barbee because it’s a bit to hot my liking and I’m used to a tropical climate.” Asks Crash. “Sure.” Replies Spyro before he unities Crash from the barbeque pole.
“Thanks friend.” Says Crash before he smashes through a nearest door yelling war cries. “Smashing fellow isn’t he?” asks Sparx as a yells of pain and agony come from behind the smashed door. “Yes he is.” Replies Spyro as they go through a gate.

“The bridge looks heavily guarded, do you have a plan bro?” asks Sparx. “Ah, just wait and see.” Replies Spyro.

“A BANDICOOT IS LOOSE AND SMASHING UP THE MISTRESS’S WINTER QUARTERS!!!” yells Spyro. 50 guards run past Spyro to capture the bandicoot as he casually passes the bridge checkpoint. He suddenly sneezes electricity.
“I thought you had an electric personality,” says Sparx. “Really? I didn’t know I had one,” says Spyro. Apes are running toward Spyro. He lets them pass. “OI YOU, WHERE ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?” shouts an ape general.
“Guarding a prisoner on sublevel 3 of the perma-frost complex. I was only given the assignment 5 minutes ago.” Replies Spyro. “Really? Who gave you that assignment?” asks the ape. “General S. Tinky.” Replies Spyro. “Oh, general ‘Stinky’ gave you that assignment.” Says the ape general. “Yes.” Replies Spyro.

“He was killed because he failed his mission to capture a purple dragon 3 hours ago. Don’t give me that rubbish. Take off your balaclava and identify yourself.” Says the ape. “I’ve got dragon pox. You don’t want it, do you sir?” asks Spyro. “Cut the crap, take it off NOW” orders the ape. Spyro takes off the balaclava. “DRAG………..” yells the ape before Spyro electrocutes the ape before knocking the ape off the drawbridge into a ravine. “That was a close call. You’re luck no one heard that.” Says Sparx as a thud is heard from below. Spyro puts on his balaclava. “Lucky is the word. I better not push it though.” Says Spyro before he gets to a gate. “It’s locked.” Says Spyro.

A sign is by the gate. It said “
Bell Broken
Please knock.

General I. P. Freely"

Spyro knocks. An ape’s head pops out a hatch in the door. “Password?” he asks. “Err, banana?” asks Spyro. “Wrong password mate.” Says the ape before slamming the hatch shut. Spyro picks up a rock. He was about to throw it at the door when he sees some writing on it.

“Property of private Neville Longbottom” “Eh?” says Spyro before turning it over. “Oh, that’s the password.” Says Spyro before putting the rock back and knocking on the door. “Oh, it’s you. What’s the password?” asks the Ape. A “Caput Draconis” reply Spyro before the ape closes the hatch and the door opens. “Remind me to thank Private Neville Longbottom when I see him.” Says Spyro when they are out of earshot of the gate guard.

Spyro opens a door and walks through it. Spyro is walking down a torch lit staircase through a glacier. His steps echo round the stairway. A voice is coming from behind a door at the bottom of the stairs. “I HATE BLOODY DANTEE”S FREEZER AND I HATE THIS BLOODY COLD! I’M GOING TO KILL THE *bleep* WHO NICKED MY CLOTHES!” it yells before the door opens. “Lost?” he asks the ape. “Err, yeah. I can’t find the stairway to sublevel 3.” Replies Spyro.
“It’s easy, just go through the door I came through, turn left at the T junction, take the 3rd right, down the stairwell then a 2nd left and the stairs should be in front of ya.” explains the ape. “Thanks.” Says Spyro as the ape walks up the stairs behind Spyro.
The ape’s sneeze echoes round the stairwell as Spyro goes through the door. “The apes don’t suspect a thing. They know there’s an intruder but they don’t know the intruder is me. We’ve been lucky so for.” Says Spyro as they walk down a corridor. “Yeah and we better not push it or get cocky and reckless.” Says Sparx as they walk down the stairs.
Spyro arrives on sub level 3 and knocks on a

“Who is it?” asks a voice. “Lt. F Rosty. 3rd Freezer division.” Replies Spyro before the door opens. Spyro walks in. An ape closes the door behind Spyro. “salute when you see a superior officer!” yells an ape in a blue uniform. Spyro salutes. “So Lt. F. Rosty, ho long have you been in the Freezer division?” asks a mean looking ape in the corner. “Just a few days, I was reassigned from Tall plains.” Replies Spyro before an ape pulls off Spyro’s balaclava. “so you’re the intruder. You’re a lot smaller than I expected.” Says the commander. “You’re uglier than I expected.” Replies Spyro before he beats up the apes. “SEND SOMEONE FOR BACKUP!” yells the ape commander.

“No one left standing mate. Bad luck.” Says Spyro before doing a fire fury and turning them all to ash. Spyro takes off the ape uniform but keeps the utility belt.
Spyro picks up a door key off a hook and opens the door. Spyro goes through the door.

It leads to an underground ice cave. He sees Volteer tied and gagged. “this it too easy. I got a bad feeling about this.” Says Spyro before a figure comes out of the shadows holding a 3foot sword made of blue metal. “So you’re the intruder I’ve heard so much about.” Says the ice king. “You the Ice king I’ve heard so much about. Man you’re face is ugly. You make frogweed look pretty.” Says Spyro. “My name is Mr Freeze. Ice King of San Andreas fortress and leader of the Freezer division of the ape army. “Spyro, chosen one and going to kick your *bleep*.” Says Spyro. “We shall see about that,” says the Ice King says Mr Freeze as he walks onto the ice field.

Unnoticed by the Ice King and Spyro, Volteer had just woken up. “I don’t like the odds of the battle. Cyril had a saying. Now what was it?” Volteer asks himself as Spyro tries to punch the Ice king.
“I hope the dragons have got another one to replace you and save their precious guardian?” asks this Ice King. “I hope the apes have someone uglier to replace ya when I kick your ugly *bleep*.” Retorts Spyro.
“I’m shaking in my armour.” Says Freeze before he swings his sword at Spyro. Spyro dodges the sword.

“Now I remember, it went ‘the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Says Volteer to himself. Spyro’s drag-fu just bounces off the armour. “Useless” says Freeze. “*bleep* IT!” says Spyro. “Try fire bro.” says Sparx before Spyro spits a fire ball at the ice king. He just deflects it away with his sword. “Useless” he says before knocking Spyro next to Volteer.

“Take my Phaser,” says Volteer. The gag in his mouth muffles his voice. “Phaser?” asks Spyro. “Pull the handle under my left wing.” Replies Volteer. Spyro pulls out a rifle with glowing lights on it. “This thing?” asks Spyro. “Yes, the strips of lights are the power setting. Run you paw over the lights to the left increase the power output and to the right to lower it. To fire press the button underneath.” Explains Volteer. Spyro puts the rifle at full whack.
“Hey Frozen Brains, look what I got.” Says Spyro pointing the rifle at the Ice King. “That thing can’t harm me. Take ya best shot.” Teases the ice king. Spyro fires the phaser. The beam vaporises the Ice King. “Woah!” says Sparx as Spyro unties and takes the gag out of Volteer’s mouth. “What the hell is this thing and what happened to the ice king?” asks Spyro after Volteer lowers the power level and puts on the safety lock.

This is an Phased Ramification Energy rectification device.” Replies Volteer. “Huh?” asks Sparx. “A Phaser.” Replies Spyro. “Why don’t he just say that!” says Sparx. “You unbonded the ice kings molecular structure and turned him into vapour.” Explains Volteer. “Huh?” asks Sparx. “I disintegrated him.” Replies before asking “Is that the right term Volteer?” “Yes that is correct.” Replies Volteer before he talks gibberish about his theories about the Ice king battle. “No wonder they gagged this guy.” Says Sparx. “Volteer, it’s time to go.” Says Spyro. He stammers before asking “where to?” “Back to the temple” replies Spyro. “A friend of yours is waiting.” Says Sparx. “Ignitus?” asks Volteer. “Yes Ignitus.” Replies Sparx. Volteer taps on his necklace.
“Volteer to the dragon temple.” Says Volteer. “Ignitus here, nice to here your voice.” Replies Ignitus. “Computer, 3 for transport.” Says Volteer. “Transporter lock confirmed” says the computer. ”Transporter?” asks Sparx. “This may feel weird. Energise,” says Volteer before Spyro, Sparx and Volteer disappear in a beam of blue light.



#11 Dec 12, 2009 11:51 AM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

They reappear in a chamber with blue circles on the floor. "That felt weird." Says Spyro. "Your molecules converted to energy and brought to the pattern buffer then reassembled on these platforms in an Annular Confinement Beam." Explains Volteer. "Eh?" asks Sparx. "Basically we were taken apart, moved and reassembled here." Says Spyro. "Why don't he just say that! Also no wonder it felt weird." says Sparx as Volteer starts to walk out a door.

"What do the numbers mean on the door signs because I've seen at least 4 with five on them." Asks Spyro. "We are on level 5 of the Temple." Replies Volteer before he calls a lift. They all get in. "engineering," says Volteer before the doors close and the lift starts to move.

"Engineering?" asks Sparx before the doors open and Volteer walks out. "Wow, this place is huge!" says Spyro as Volteer starts to tap on a console.

Spyro walks up to a door. "What's behind this door and why it's sealed shut?" asks Spyro.

"It's the warp core chamber bro." Replies Sparx after reading the door label.
"The isolation door to the warp core chamber is shut because of a Plasma coolant leak. If that stuff touches you, you die a slow and very painful death." Replies Volteer before an announcement says "Core chamber venting in progress."

"Warp core?" asks Spyro. "To give it it's full name, Matter and antimatter reactor. The central reaction chamber is behind the door you're standing in front of. The reaction is stabilised by a forcefeild and a dilithium crystal," explains Volteer.

"Antimatter?" asks Sparx. "Antimatter is matter that has a reverse charge to 'normal' matter. If a particle of antimatter meets a particle of 'normal' matter they annihilate each other." Explains Volteer.
"Volatile stuff then." Says Spyro. "Volatile and extremely hazardous.

That's why we keep it in special storage containers and have an emergency ejection system just in case the safety forcefeilds fail." Explains Volteer before an announcement says, "Venting complete. Pressurisation in progress."

"I wonder what the core looks like?" asks Spyro. Volteer grins before he taps on a console and the door starts to open. "Wow" says Spyro as he sees the core. "What's that for?" asks Sparx. "It provides power to the Temple." Replies Volteer as he works. "Warp core system diagnostics in progress." Says an announcement.

"What does Dilithium look like?" asks Spyro. Volteer gets out a small purple crystal from a wing pocket. "Like this." Replies Volteer. "That small thing stabilises the warp core reaction. Yeah right." Says Sparx. "This is a small bit of Dilithium. The one in the core is 3 times bigger than the one I'm holding and extremely refined to my execrably tough standards." Says Volteer before putting the small crystal back into his wing pocket.

"All warp systems are at full operational parameters." Says an announcement before Ignitus walks in.

"Ah, hello Ignitus." Says Spyro as he sees Ignitus walking in. "can't stop Volteer working on his precious Warp core.
It's an obsession to rival his library one. He's been trying to get it stable for 2 years before he was captured. He had it stable for 2 hours before it was ejected and it blew up." Says Ignitus. "Close but no Cigar." Says Sparx. "I have to correct the Dilithium vector calibration. A micron out can be disastrous, problematic, oh ah…." Says Volteer as he taps on a console. Ignitus brings Volteer a goblet of Racktajio. "Thanks," says Volteer.

"Warp core start up in progress." Says an announcement. "Bring the warp core to full power generation and meet us in the Briefing room." Says Ignitus. "Sure, I have a theories, guesses about what Cynder is up to. I monitor the start up sequence and I'll be with you when it's done." Says Volteer as he watches a monitor. Ignitus calls a lift before Spyro, Sparx and Ignitus get in.

"Briefing Room" says Ignitus before the lift moves. A minute later they get out of the lift.
They go into a room that has a curved wall with windows in them. On one wall there is the guardian symbols, a replicator and a 50-foot monitor showing the electric guardians logo spinning round. In the middle of the room there is a table in a shape of a dragon's head with 4 chairs round it. They are red, blue, yellow and green. Ignitus sits in the red chair. "Where do I sit?" asks Spyro. "Take the green one for now." Replies Ignitus as Volteer walks in.
He sits in the yellow chair. Spyro sits in the green chair. "I'm glad, ecstatic, joyous to be in the temple again." Says Volteer. "I'm glad to see you too Volteer but back to Cynder. She was doing what to you?" asks Ignitus. "I can't be sure Ignitus but she left with a glowing yellow orb and I somehow powered it." Replies Volteer. "Wait a sec, Cynder's a chick?" asks Sparx. "I think she used me as a suspended organic power source." Says Volteer. "Eh?" asks Sparx. "She used him as a battery." Replies Spyro. "Does this mean anything to you Ignitus?" asks Volteer. "Perhaps, Spyro you've got to rescue the other guardians before she can power any more of these orbs." Says Ignitus.
"I'm going onto the bridge to do a long range scan for the other guardians." Says Volteer before leaving through the door to the battle bridge. They close behind him. "Ignitus, when I was at Dantee's Freezer, I spat electricity instead of fire." Says Spyro. "Hmm, interesting." Says Ignitus before tapping his comnecklace.
"Ignitus to Volteer, Spyro needs training the electric element." Says Ignitus. "Spyro, meet me in the dragon Room in 15 minutes." Says Volteer before closing the channel.

15 minutes later, Volteer is teaching Spyro about the electric element attacks and skills.
Spyro farts electricity and surprises Volteer. The thunderbolt nearly electrocutes Sparx who was hiding behind Spyro.
"In all my time as electric guardian, I've never known that electricity can be used in that way or end for that matter." Says Volteer in surprise before they leave the dragon room. "I'm going to the holodeck." Says Spyro. "Why are you going to holographic environment simulator for?" asks Volteer. "There is a electric element flight combat simulation I would like to try. Could you tell Ignitus?" ask Spyro before the holodeck doors shut. Volteer calls a lift and gets in.

A minute later, Volteer walks onto the bridge. He walks to the arch console and continues his long range scans for the other guardians. "Where are they?" asks Volteer as Ignitus walks in. "that's want to know." Replies Ignitus before a beep comes from Volteer's console. "Found Cyril, he's at Tall Plains," Says Volteer after looking at the console. "We have a incoming transmission, I'll open a channel." Says Volteer as he types on his console.
"Thi. Terri…. Th. Earth Guardian, I'm be… held at mum.. .orge." says the message. "The signal is badly garbled but I may be able to clear it up. 
"Excellent, Keep scanning for Terridor and clear that message up it sounds important." Says Ignitus. "Terridor?" asks Spyro after coming out of a lift.

"Spyro follow me into the briefing room." Says Ignitus as Spyro had just walked out of the lift followed by Sparx.
They go into the briefing room and sit down. "Tall plains is the home of the Allowa." Starts Ignitus. "Bless you." Says Sparx. "They are very in tune with the seasons and their gods. They have a god for rains, crops and fertility. They were forced underground when Cynder's forces invaded." Continues Ignitus.
"they sound big headed and very awkward ." Says Sparx. "we have no other information about Tall plains except what I told you." Says Ignitus before Volteer's voice comes out of a monitor in front of Ignitus. "Ignitus, you have a code 47 transmission. Shall I patch it through or do you want to take it later?" asks Volteer. "do you want to leave?" asks Spyro. "no. Patch it through Volteer. I'll take it in here." Replies Ignitus. "Voice print and paw print please for Code 47 transmission" it says on the screen below the fire guardian's logo. Ignitus puts his paw on the screen. "Clearance code Iggy 3-7-beta" says Ignitus. "Clearance and paw print confirmed." The screen says before a young red dragon appears on the screen.

"Dad, I've been trying to contact you for a dragon's age. Where have you been?" asks the dragon. "Ignitra, The Temple was under attack so we had to evacuate the eggs. 37 out of 39 got to where you are now. I had to take an egg to safety and I was unable to get back." Replies Ignitus. "egg?" asks Spyro to himself. He is unheard by Ignitus, Sparx and Ignitra. "we all miss our dads." Says Ignitra. "Keep those eggs safe. Remember you have a duty to protect those eggs." Says Ignitus.
"but…" says Ignitra.
"Our future depends on those egg's survival" says Ignitus. "WE'RE LOSING SIGNAL INTREGTY!!" yells a voice from behind Ignitra.  "Stabilise it Ampere!" yells Ignitra. "I can't stabilise the subspace field array! We're losing it.." shouts Ampere. "Dad, See you soo…." Says Ignitra before the signal fails.

"She sounded really friendly." Says Spyro as a beep comes from the door. "come" says Ignitus before Volteer walks in. "I've managed to clear up a bit of the message. It's from Terridor for definite but the rest will take more time" he says before transferring the message to a PADD and leaving for engineering.

Ignitus leaves the Briefing room to the Bridge. A beep is coming from the arch console. Ignitus walk to the console and taps on it. "hm, an another incoming transmission. I wonder if it's Terridor." Ignitus asks as he opens the channel.
""This Terri…. The Ear.. Gu..dian, I'm being held at …. forge." says the message before the signal fails.

"There could be bad interference where he is being held or his comnecklace battery is low." Ignitus says to himself as he types on the console and sends the message down to Volteer in Engineering. "Do you think Volteer could clear that up?" asks Spyro as Ignitus gets in a lift. "He hasn't ever failed yet." Says Ignitus as Spyro gets in. "Is Volteer very talkative or is he smart as he sounds?" asks Spyro as the doors shut and the lift starts to move. "Both" Replies Ignitus before the lift doors open and they get out.

Volteer is busy on a console. "This is Terridor Earth Guardian. I'm being held at ……… Forge." Says the screen. "I've managed to clear up most of the message but what forge he's held on is to corrupted for the main computer to process." Says Volteer. "*bleep*." Says Ignitus. "But I've also got some good news. I've managed to filter out some sound from the background of Terridor's message." Says Volteer before he types a command on his console. A sound of rumbling and machinery comes from the Engineering Speakers.

It sounds like he's on an volcanic island that Cynder is using as a factory for weapons and armour. There is a problem though, by the sound of the volcano and computer projections, that island will be uninhabitable in 16 hours." Says Volteer. "So we better locate Terridor and rescuing before the volcano destroys the place." Says Spyro.

"Volteer, bring up a map of the islands but only show ones with volcanoes." Asks Ignitus. Volteer taps on his console. A map appears on the screen. "Hm, there are only 7 islands on this map. There should be 15 Islands with volcanoes." Says Ignitus.
"Probably she's using one that hasn't been mapped yet." Suggests Spyro.
"Are they in sensor range?" asks Ignitus.
"No but I could rig a long range sensor using the subspace array in 5-7 hours." Says Volteer. "You have 3 hours." Says Ignitus.
"I'll see what I can do." Says Volteer before grabbing his toolbox and opening a Jeffries tube hatch.  He goes through it and it closes. "Spyro follow me to the Transporter room." Says Ignitus before calling a lift and they both get in. "Why can't I fly there? It probably won't take long." Asks Spyro.

"No, not with the sensors offline.
Time is the essence and you'll arrive on Tall plains with no one aware of your arrival." Replies Ignitus before the lift door shuts and it starts to move.

5 minutes later, Spyro is standing on a transporter pad. Sparx is hovering next to him.
"May the ancestors protect you. May they protect us all." Says Ignitus. "Energise" says Sparx before Ignitus beams them away. "That dragonfly is getting to big for its scales.." says Ignitus as he leaves the transporter



#12 Dec 26, 2009 8:22 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro and Sparx materialise in a field.
They were lucky no one saw them arrive. Spyro crawls in the grass to the field edge. Two rock trolls are arguing. "My club is bigger than yours, Rocko!" says one troll. "At least mine doesn't have its postcode, dumb*bleep*." Says the Rocko. Spyro throws a stone. I hit Rocko on the head. He turns round. "If you do that again, I'm going rock-fu on your *bleep*." Says Rocko. "It wasn't me I swear." Says the other troll before Rocko turns round and starts to walk. Spyro throws another stone at Rocko. It hits him on the back of his head. "That's it, prepare to get your *bleep* whipped." Says Rocko before launching at the other rock troll with his club. "ROCK BRAWL!!!" shouts the other troll before others come and join the fight. Spyro sneaks past the fighting trolls unnoticed.

Ignitus watches the fight in the pool of visions. "Rock trolls are thick as dragon dung. What I saw just proved it." Says Ignitus as he takes a bite of his Rokeg blood pie and takes a sip of his Modela Aperitif.

Meanwhile at Tall Plains, Spyro is hiding behind a bush listening to two apes talking about a prisoner. "Man that ice guardian is a pain in the *bleep*. My *bleep* hasn't still defrosted since that frost bite he gave me." Says an ape.
"Don't worry, Gerry. He's locked up." Says the other ape. The natives weren't happy though." Says Gerry.
"I've never heard such a creature use so much foul language. Their leader swore so much, it turned the sky purple." Says the other ape. "He called the mistress a 'big fat black scaly *bleep*' earlier." Says Gerry.
"How rude of him." Says the other ape.
"He is due to be taken to the mistress's fortress in 30 minutes." Says Gerry's friend. "Good riddance" says Gerry before Spyro kills him.
His friend starts to run for help.
Spyro catches him and throws him in a river. The ape screams as he goes off a waterfall.

Sparx whistles.
"Whoa, now that's a long way down." Says Sparx as he looks over the edge and a faint splash is heard from below.

"Let's go and rescue the Alowa leader, he might be able to tell us where Cyril is." Says Spyro before he starts to walk.

10 minutes and 15 dead apes later, he is hiding in a bush watching some apes preparing Kane's cage for transport. He gets an idea. He snaps off a vine and starts to feed it towards the apes unnoticed. "What's the plan bro?" asks Sparx as he watches the vine slowly goes towards the apes unnoticed. "Ah, just wait and see." Replies Spyro as the vine reaches the apes. Spyro picks up the end and spits electricity at the vine. The electricity flies down the vine and electrocutes the apes. "Now that was a shocking rescue," says Sparx as Spyro releases Kane and hides the dead apes in a bush. "I didn't need your help." Says Kane before walking off.
"A thanks will be nice." Says Sparx.
"Come on bro, we've got to rescue Cyril," Says Spyro before walking off.
Sparx sighs before flying after Spyro.

Meanwhile in the Alowa Temple, Cyril is arguing with Cynder. "You don't have to do this, you have a choice" says Cyril. "I have to do this. I serve my master. I has to be done." Says Cynder. "What will your master give you when he is released?" asks Cyril.
Cynder just huffs in reply. "You don't know do you. He may kill you or make you his queen. Either way you have a choice. You could live a free dragon or an evil despicable queen who will be eventually be overthrown and killed." Says Cyril.
Cynder punches him in the eye. "That's for criticising me." Says Cynder.

"Fine on you head be it. I don't know what the future holds in store for you." Says Cyril before Cynder flies off carrying a blue orb.

Meanwhile half a mile away, Spyro is in a Brawly Bawl with apes. He is knocking them everywhere. One knocks Spyro into a pillar before he spits ice.
He gets up and picks up a pole before spinning it round his body. He rejoins the brawl before he uses the pole to beat up apes. The pole snaps before an ape shouts "APE PILE!" before they all jump on top of Spyro. One ape licks his finger before putting it in Spyro's ear. "A wet willy, Mr Dragon." Says an ape before Spyro throws the apes off him and prepares his electric fury. The fury explodes and throws the apes into the air.
They land with a splat on the ground before they die. "Now that was shocking," says Sparx before asking, "Are the apes getting uglier or is it me?"
As Spyro gets rid of the dead apes. "Could be both," replies Spyro before Spyro's comnecklace beeps.

"Ignitus to Spyro" says a voice. Spyro taps the necklace. "Spyro here, what's up Ignitus?" asks Spyro. "Volteer has located Cyril 0.8km North from your location." Replies Ignitus. "Nice" says Spyro. "One problem the bridge's structural integrity has dropped by 20%, I'm not sure it will take your weight." Says Volteer. "That last Swamp pudding doesn't help your chances of getting across that bridge." Says Sparx.
"Thanks for the analyses Volteer." Says Ignitus.
"That bridge is patrolled by bat bombers every 5 minutes." Says Volteer. "I'll get across one way or another, Spyro out," says Spyro.

Kane is watching them from a bush.
"He is a good fighter. He might be worthy for a alliance with us." Says Kane to himself as Spyro walks past Kane's hiding place. "Have you got a feeling we're being watched?" asks Sparx. "Why?" asks Spyro? "I just saw a bush move." replies Sparx before Spyro spits electricity in all the bushes near them. "Just the wind bro." Replies Spyro. "Something is giving me the creeps bro." Says Sparx.
Kane jumps into a river near his bush.
Spyro sees Kane nearing a waterfall. Spyro shouts "KANE!!" before he freezes the waterfall edge before Kane falls off it.
"Thanks for rescuing me. You are definitely worth an alliance with us." Says Kane as they walk along.
"My name is Kane, Supreme leader of the Alowa," says Kane. "My name is Spyro. The glow bug's name is Sparx." Says Spyro.

"Have you seen a blue dragon?" asks Spyro.
"Yes, I have. Those bastards have trapped him in the temple and really *bleep*ed off the temple guardian. You'll have to beat the guardian to get into the temple and rescue the blue dragon." Says Kane. "I've heard the bridge was the only way to get to the temple and it's guarded. Is there an another way to get to the Temple apart from the bridge?" asks Spyro. "The bridge is the only way." Says Kane before giving Spyro a blowpipe and darts with different colour tips.

"What colour does what?" asks Spyro after putting them in a belt pocket. "Red to make your enemy blow up like a balloon and explode in a mess of bloody and guts. Blue to make them fall asleep. Green to cover them in boils and black to kill them." Replies Kane. "How to do you use the blowpipe?" asks Spyro. "Load a dart in the pipe, aim at the enemy and blow. Simple." Replies Kane.
"Did you know the apes called you a big nosed smelly prat earlier?" asks Spyro. Kane growls in anger before running off through a bush swearing on the top of his voice.

"TAKE THAT YOU SMELLY SON OF A *bleep*!" says Kane before ape lands in front of Spyro. Spyro aims a red dart at the ape. He blows the dart at the ape. It hits the ape. He yells and runs off. "What colour dart did you use on that ape?" asks Sparx. "Red" replies Spyro before he chases after the ape. The ape swells and explodes leaving a puddle of blood and guts. "Ew, gross!" says Sparx. "Remind me to replicate some more darts when we get back to the temple." Says Spyro.

"Meanwhile at the temple, Ignitus is knocking on a Jeffries Tube hatch. It opens and Volteer sticks his head out of it.
"How's the modifications to the long range sensor array getting on?" asks Ignitus.
"I should be done in…" replies Volteer before a big bang and a shower of sparks come behind Volteer. "*bleep* IT! A plasma relay has blown. Not only that a subspace field conduit has blown as well! We have lost long range sensors and commutations array has blown as well." Says Volteer. "How long will it take to repair the damaged relays?" asks Ignitus. "2 to 4 hours including finishing off the sensor array modifications" replies Volteer. "*bleep* IT! If Spyro needs an emergency beam out, He'll be in deep dragon dung." Says Ignitus. "Don't worry, I'll make Transporters and commutations top priority." Says Volteer before disappearing back into the Jeffries Tube and the hatch closes behind him.
Ignitus goes to the pool of visions room and looks into it before he takes out a PADD and taps it. "Recording" the PADD says on the screen.
"Fire personal log. Dragon Date 356762.5
I'm worried about my children. I hope they will do their duty and keep the eggs safe.
On the other paw, he's rescuing dragons 3 times his size and beating evil minions as well. I have really big hopes that Spyro will rescue Cyril before Cynder powers other orb from his powers.
End entry" says Ignitus before he walks towards a replicator. "Tea, earl grey hot." Says Ignitus. "Unable to process request due to replicator conduits offline." Says an announcement. "*bleep*" says Ignitus before he look into the pool of visions. "It's glad to know, he's all right." Says Ignitus. He also sees Cyril at the Alowa temple tapping on a PADD before a announcement says "ALERT, Unauthorized shuttle launch."

"Computer, Name of shuttle launched?" asks Ignitus. "U.S.S Cyril" replies the computer. "ETA to Tall plains?" asks Ignitus.
"15 minutes." Replies the computer.
Meanwhile at Tall Plains, Spyro is walking down a path. He is sudden dwarfed by a shadow.
"Is it getting dark early or is it me?" asks Spyro. "No it's that thing above us." Replies Sparx. "U.S.S Cyril, Awaiting orders," says Spyro's comnecklace. Spyro grins as they turn a corner.
"Remove apes and keep the walkway intact." Says Spyro into his necklace. "Confirmed" replies the shuttle computer before firing phasers and vaporising the apes guarding the walkway.
"Nice" says Spyro before they start to walk on the bridge. "Defence mode initiated" says the shuttle computer as it hovers above Spyro's head like a predatory bird.

Spyro walks across the bridge and a rock troll blocks his path.
"Seek him," says Spyro. "Confirmed," says the shuttle computer before firing a photon torpedo at the rock troll and blow it to bits.
"Rest in Pieces" says Sparx as Spyro walks into the temple.
"You must be Cyril." Asks Spyro. "That's the name I was born with when I last checked." Says Cyril as Spyro burns off the chain anklet.
"Your shuttle is waiting outside for you." Says Spyro.
"Computer, 3 to beam up" says Cyril into his comnecklace before they disappear in a beam of blue light. They reappear in the shuttle cockpit. Cyril gets into the pilot seat and starts to set course for the Dragon Temple.

The Alowa are bowing to the shuttle as it flies away into the distance. "From this day forth this bird is our god of freedom. Let it be written this blue bird freed us from evil." Says Kane as the shuttle disappears from view.

"Gentlemen, load your blowpipes, we have intruders to get rid off." Says Kane.
The Alowa wave their blowpipes in a threating manner above their heads and roaring war cries.
They walk out the temple waving their blowpipes across the bridge. Kane is saying a rhyme and after the end of the line the rest of the alowa repeat it.
The rhyme went:
"I don't know what I'm told,
This invasion crap is getting old
They disgraced our temple gods
The dirty heathen SODS!"

They finish the rhyme as they reach the end of the bridge and line up by the end of the bridge.
They also load their blowpipes with red darts.
"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes," Says Kane as they line up by the bridge and the apes gets closer. "I can see the whites of the apes eyes Kane." Says an Alowa. "FIRE!" says Kane before they Alowa fires their blowpipes. The apes get covered in darts before they explode. Blood and guts cover the bushes. "Nice shot fellow Alowa." Says Kane. They grin as they reload their blowpipes and shoot at the bat bombers.



#13 Dec 27, 2009 6:17 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Meanwhile on the shuttle, Spyro is drinking a coffee from the replicator when suddenly a red light and a message appear on a screen. "WARNING, HYDROGEN LOW.

"We may be out of fuel." Says Spyro. "What gives you that idea?" asks Cyril.
"The flicking glow from the engine strips." Replies Spyro. "Cyril to Dragon Temple." Says Cyril after taping on his console. "Dragon Temple Engineering, Volteer here. What's up?" asks Volteer. "I have good news and bad news." Replies Cyril. "oh, what's the good news?" asks Volteer. "The good news is we're landing soon. The bad news we're crash landing!" replies Cyril as the engines fail and the shuttle starts to dive.
"Buckle up, this could get hairy." Says Cyril. Spyro gets into a chair and puts on a seat belt as an announcement says "inertial dampers offline."
The shuttle shakes as Cyril tries to pull the shuttle out of the dive.
"Come on, come on! Pull up!" says Cyril as he furiously taps on his pilot console.

Sparx is holding on Spyro's tail and yelling
"You're the best bro. I've ever had even though you have weight issues." Cyril manages to pull the shuttle out of the dive. "Dragon Temple to U.S.S Cyril. The shuttle bay is prepared for emergency landing plan B" says a voice from a speaker. "Landing Plan B" asks  Sparx as they approach the shuttle bay doorway. "B as in barricade" says Cyril before they crash land in the shuttle bay leaving a spark trail on the floor. "WALL!" yells Sparx before a net flies up and catches the shuttle before inches from the wall.

"Textbook emergency landing." Says Cyril. "Yeah right, if that net wasn't there we would of hit the wall." Says Sparx. "I had full confidence in you." Says Spyro before Sparx flies out the door shaking. Ignitus comes into the shuttle bay and sees Cyril. "hi Cyril, It's been a dragons age. How are you?" asks Ignitus. "Fine, but a bit drained through." Replies Cyril as Volteer's voice comes out of an open Jeffries Tube hatch. "Nice shiner, who gave it to you." He asks. "Cynder did." Replies Cyril before looking in a console and sees his reflection.
"Long range sensors and commutations online" says an announcement. I'm going up to the bridge to do a long-range scan for Terridor." Says Volteer before leaving the shuttle bay.
Ignitus, Cyril, Sparx and Spyro leave the shuttle bay. "did you know that the artwork by the door took Terridor ages.
Now there are now two nacelle-sized scratches through it. He won't be happy when he sees it," Says Ignitus. "Volteer has to find him first" says Cyril. "and me to rescue him" says Spyro as they all get into in a turbo lift. "Guardian briefing room" says Cyril before the door closes.
They arrive a minute later and they take their seats. Spyro takes the green seat. "Why did Cynder give you that black eye for?" asks Spyro.
"I tried to tell her that what she's doing is wrong." Replies Cyril. "Did it work?" asks Sparx. "did this black eye tell you anything?" asks Cyril before pointing to his black eye. "Guess not," replies Sparx before Spyro gives Cyril a coffee. "I prefer a ice cold chocolate milkshake to coffee but thanks anyway," says Cyril before he starts to drink it.

"Cynder looked a bit *bleep*ed off about something" says Cyril. "Spyro has that effect on some people." Says Sparx. "no, looks like her plan is going not very well. " says Cyril. "glad that's happening because that is giving us more time to find him before he is moved from his hiding place." says Ignitus. "Everyone to the bridge, I have good news!" says Volteer from a monitor on the wall before it changes to the LCARS screen saver. They all run out the briefing room onto the bridge.
"I've found Terridor! He's at Mummutions Forge. According to sensor readings the volcano on that island is getting very unstable. I estimate 9 hours until that volcano blows and destroys the island." says Volteer. "Good Work." says Ignitus before asking "Is it possible to open a channel to him?" "don't know but it's worth a try" replies Volteer before tapping on his console.
"Ignitus to Terridor. Do you read me?" asks Ignitus. A hiss of static comes from the bridge speakers. "Try subspace" suggests Cyril. "opening a subspace channel." says Volteer before he taps on his console.
"Channel open Ignitus" says Volteer.
"Ignitus to Terridor. Please respond.." says Ignitus.
"Terridor here. Nice to hear your voice. I'm being held at Mummutions Forge." replies Terridor.

"We know, we detected you com-badge on long range sensors. We are going to send a dragon to rescue you" says Ignitus. "Don't! The mountain is heavily guarded and an unstable volcano to boot!" says Terridor. "He has been told about all the dangers. He's like you. Awkward and determined to succeed" says Ignitus. "send him with a Phaser cause the apes have armour." says Terridor. "He's coming like it or not." says Ignitus. "I'm going to train him in the knowledge of my ice ancestors of yore." says Cyril before Cyril and Spyro leave the bridge.

"Who is this dragon?
Have you told him it's suicide to rescue me from a heavily guarded island and an unstable volcano to boot?" asks Terridor.
"Yes we have. He's awkward as you are when you put your mind to something. You never give up." replies Ignitus. "Fine. I wish him luck. He'll need it. Terridor out." says Terridor. 

"Volteer, prepare me shuttle for launch.
I'll take him to Mummutions Forge in my shuttle." says Ignitus.
"You won't get within 5KM near the island without being detected or seen." says Volteer.

"I'm only going to get him in range of the shuttle's transporters and beam him to the island." says Ignitus.
"I see a flaw, problem oh ahh.... What if you're spotted?" asks Volteer. "Are you forgetting, that my shuttle is red and be camouflaged in the ash and smoke being spat out of the Volcano." says Ignitus. "your prognosis may be true but risky none of the less." says Volteer before he leaves the bridge.
Ignitus is tapping on a console.
He laughs as he types.
He finishes and leaves the bridge.

Meanwhile on the holodeck, Spyro and Cyril is doing the ice element flying combat training.
"You certainly learn quick." says Cyril.
"Thanks" says Spyro before the holodeck returns to it's normal look.

An announcement says:
"Rule Cynder,
Cynder rules the world,
Six of Volteer's firecrackers up her *bleep*

"I wonder who made that up?" asks Cyril.
"Who ever that was, it was funny." replies Spyro as they leave the holodeck.

They both laugh as they walk down the corridor.
Cyril passes Spyro an Phaser before they stand outside a door.
"Good luck. You'll need it because the level gets harder as the go up." says Cyril before the door closes. 10 minutes later, after an intense training session, Spyro is standing next to Sparx in the shuttle bay.

Sparx is a bit nervous he's going into an shuttle again.
"Don't worry, that crash was a one off. Just relax." says Spyro as Volteer walks in carrying a toolbox and disappears under a yellow shuttle.
"I better not be the one Volteer is working on." says Sparx nervously. "Just relax we'll found out which one we're taking when Ignitus gets here." says Spyro as he watches Volteer opening his toolbox and taking out an usual tool and starts to work. He is singing a song as he works.

"I've been to the edge,
and  I've been to the edge,
Yes,  I've been to the edge
and ancestors know if I looked down
Looked down" he sang.
The rest has long words that Spyro didn't know what they meant.
"Ah, Spyro. You got my message. Excellent. We're taking my shuttle and time is the essence." says Ignitus as he walks up to a red shuttle. The back ramp lowers and he walks up it into the shuttle.
Sparx reads the hull. "U.S.S Iggy" it said.

"Iggy? Why is your shuttle called Iggy?" asks Spyro. "My mate called my that name when she was alive." replies Ignitus as the ramp door closes and he starts the engines.
They take off. Sparx is shaking.
"Why is Sparx shaking?" asks Ignitus as they turn round a rock pillar.
"Sparx is a bit nervous of shuttles since Cyril crashed his." replies Spyro. "Don't worry, I did a full system check. Everything is working as it should be. Just relax and enjoy the flight," says
Ignitus increases the speed for full impulse.

"Spyro, when we arrive at Mummutions Forge, I'm going to beam you onto the beach because the volcano is very unstable and I may be not able to land.
Don't forget you have 7 ½ hours until the volcano blows, so no messing about" says Ignitus.
"Don't worry, I'll be careful." says Spyro.
"and not cocky." says Sparx.

"Yes Sparx is right.
Time is what we are short of, so no messing about" says Ignitus.
"Yes Ignitus" says Spyro.

"Don't worry, If you need me. You know what to do." says Ignitus before an announcement says
"WARNING! Hull temperature 0.3 Iggys and rising."

"Iggys?" asks Sparx.
"Iggys is a temperature measurement system named after my nickname. An Iggy is 1,600 'C. A fire fury is 2.9 Iggys." explains Ignitus.
"Oh," says Spyro.

"WARNING! Hull temperature at 3.7 Iggy and rising!" says the shuttle computer.
"For a temperature of 3.7 Iggy, it's quiet cool in here." says Spyro.
"The shuttle life support system is compensating for the heat outside." explains Ignitus as an another announcement says
Hull Temperature 5.3 IGGY and rising.
Hull breach in 9 minutes."

Sparx is starting to get nervous.
"Don't worry. The hull is resistant to 12.5 Iggys without failure. Relax Sparx." reassures Ignitus as an announcement says, "WARNING!
Hull temperature at 7.5 Iggy and rising.
Hull breach in 5 minutes."

"transporter range in 3 minutes." says Ignitus as an announcement says "
WARNING HULL Temperature reaching critical! Hull Breach in 2 minutes."

"I think we're close enough beam me to the beach." says Spyro.
"ALERT HULL breach in 1 minute!"say the shuttle computer. "Transport under way. Good luck Spyro." says Ignitus before Spyro and Sparx disappear in a beam of blue light.

"Hull Temperature at Critical!!!" says an announcement and a klaxon sounds before Ignitus turns the shuttle away from the island.

Spyro sees the shuttle glowing bright red as it flies off into the distance.

"HULL Breach in 20 seconds." says the shuttle computer. "Cool down *bleep* it!" says Ignitus as he increases speed to cool down the shuttle.
The computer is counting down to the hull breach.  "COOL *bleep* IT!" shouts Ignitus before he takes the ship to warp to cool the shuttle.



#14 Dec 27, 2009 9:02 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro is walking along the beach.
"I hope old Iggy got back Alright." says Spyro.
"I'm getting to like the old geezer." says Sparx.
"OI, less of the old!" says Ignitus.
"Sorry Ignitus, I didn't know that my necklace was still transmitting." says Spyro. "If you must know, I got back to the temple ok. The hull had be cooled by the fire suppression system even though I went to warp." says Ignitus.

"What can you tell me about Mummutions Forge?" asks Spyro. "They are using the heat from the volcano for forge weapons for her army. A workforce of moles are mining ore for them." says Ignitus. "Won't the moles be burned to a crisp when the volcano blows?"asks Spyro. "Not is they can get underground before the volcano blows." replies Ignitus. "5.3 hours until the volcano blows." says a voice behind Ignitus. "Thanks Volteer for that update." says Ignitus.

"I see the entrance. I'll sign off for now because I got a pan." says Spyro. "You mean plan" corrects Ignitus.
"That too, Spyro out." says Ignitus.
Spyro sees the mine entrance in unguarded. He quietly sneaks in. He sees an mole insulting an ape.

"Don't try to fraternize, furry pig dog!
I blow my nose at you and fart in your general direction.
You empty headed pick.
Your mother was a hamster and your dad smelt of overripe dragon berries." says the mole before getting a whip on the *bleep* from the guard.
Spyro sneaks up and whacks the ape on the head with the mine pan. The impact echoes round the chamber. The ape falls to the ground with a thud. Spyro releases the mole. "thank you for releasing me. My name is Mole-ya" says Mole-ya before asking" Can you release the others before the volcano blows?"

"It's a promise." says Spyro before Mole-ya disappears underground.

"4 hours and 37 minutes before eruption" says Spyro's necklace. "Spyro, we should rescue the moles first. I've found a prison camp ahead of us. I also found Mole-ya's brother Ex-humour. I told him not to move."says Sparx. "What did he say?" asks Spyro. "He said Does it look like we're going anywhere?" replies Sparx before leading Spyro to the camp.

Spyro hides behind a wall. He picks up a rock and throws it. It bounces off the guard's helmets to this line: "Glory, Glory, Man Untied!"
"Alright, who threw that?" asks a guard. The others just shrug their soldiers and say "Don't know." before they return to their duties.

Spyro throws another rock. It  hits an mean looking ape who just come out of a toilet and haven't put back on his helmet. He turns round furiously and sees an ape with a catapult in his pocket.

"FIGHT! FIGHT!" yells the moles.
"Shut it in there will ya!" yells the guard by the cage door. The angry ape beats up the unfortunate ape. The caterpult  flies out of the ape's pocket and lands next to Spyro.
Spyro picks it up and puts it in his Belt pocket.

An ape yells "Give him the chair!!!" before the angry ape smacks the unfortunate ape with a chair and continued to beat him with it. Then he finished the ape off with a tombstone pile driver.
"Good night Irene.
No one has ever got back up after that move."says an ape watching the fight from a guard tower. "Unless you count a stretcher J.R" says the other ape as the unconscious ape is picked up and put on stretcher and carting him off. J.R and his partner turn round. They resume their duties. Meanwhile on the other side of the camp, some mole were digging and saying a rhyme.
It went: "Whistle while you work,
Cynder is a twerp
She's so barmy
So is her army,
whistle while you work"
Spyro sneaks behind them and says "Don't react or yell, I'm here to release you. I'm keeping a promise to Mole-ya." "Thank you" they say before the moles disappear underground.
Spyro sneaks up to the prison hut.
He picked up a chair and knocks out the guards with it before throwing them in a lava pit. A smell of burning fur fills the air. "TOASTY" says Sparx as the moles run out the hut and disappear underground. J.R smells the fur and turns round to see Spyro pick up a 2X4 plank of wood with barb wire wrapped round the end of it before sneaking up to a guard and whacking him over the head with it.

"Someone stop him and take that 2X4 off of him. That is no way to behave." says an Ape.
"I agree partner. Someone call security." says J.R  "This is turning out to a Slobber knocker." says J. R's partner before a load of apes run into the camp. "More like a Royal Rumble!" says J.R

"No one can take that punishment from a 2 by 4 wrapped in barb wire and not end up in casualty." says J. R's partner.
"This is a interesting match up. Who do you think will win?" asks J.R.
"THAT'S NOT WHAT THE FIRE BELL IS FOR!" says J. R's Partner as Spyro whacks an ape.
"He's showing no mercy with that fire bell." says J.R as Spyro hits one ape after another until it broke.

Spyro puts an ape in a submission hold.
"That's one mean hold. Is he going to submit? He's really putting the pressure on him" asks J.R
"That hold could rearrange his anatomy.
I doubt he'll going to break the hold before he breaks him" says J.R's Partner before the ape submits.
"Is that it? Is that the end of the match?" asks J.R before a mean looking ape runs in. "The rock has entered that arena!" says J. R's partner as a very muscular ape runs in.

"Do you smell what the Rock is cooking?" says the Rock. "What's he up to?" asks J. R's partner.
"He's turning round and lifting his tail." says J.R before a loud fart sound echoes off the wall and very bad smell fills the air.
"Now that was a dirty move!" says J.R before the Rock keels over.
"What a match!! In all my years of commentating have never seen an very unusual end to a match! I don't RAW would get anything this good." says J.R.
"No to mention, smelly" says J. R's Partner.
"I quite agree partner. I doubt RAW would get action this good." says J.R before they resume their watch duties.
Spyro leaves as they turn round. "Cool fight, Bro.   That was AWSOME!!!!" says Sparx.

"Ignitus to Spyro." says Spyro's necklace.
"Spyro here, go ahead." says Spyro after taping his necklace.

"I watched the fight in the pool of visions and listened the commentary through your necklace." says Ignitus.

"Thanks" says Spyro. "you used that fire bell to full effect. I've recorded the fight so Terridor can watch it." says Ignitus.
"How can Terridor watch it if you're the only one that can see into the pool if visions?" asks Spyro.
"Me and Volteer had developer a camera that can see what I can see in the pool of visions." replies Ignitus. "don't forget, You have 3 hours and 27 minutes to find Terridor before the volcano blows. "Says Volteer as he comes into the pool of visions chamber.

"Why are you carrying that wooden chair?" asks Sparx before Spyro silently approaches the guard and stealthily removes the guards helmet before smacking the ape with the chair.

"Now that was a smashing rescue." says Sparx. Spyro and Ignitus laugh before Spyro releases the mole.

"3 hours and 5 minutes until Eruption!" says a voice. "That's the temple computer counting down until the volcano eruption." says Ignitus.

Meanwhile at the conductor's office, The conductor is having a goblet of water with Cynder. An ape bursts in. "*bleep* IT HUGAN! What is it now?" asks the Conductor.
"There has been jailbreak! The moles have escaped from prison camp 1,2 and 4!" replies Hogan as he clutches a stitch in his side.
The conductor spits water in shock. It hits Cynder in the face.
She growls in anger.
"Sorry mistress. " the conductor says to Cynder before turning back to Hogan.
"You mean we have an intruder?" asks the conductor.
"Yes, sir." replies Hogan. "FIND THAT SON OF A *bleep* AND KILL HIM BEFORE HE RELEASES THE ENTIRE WORKFORCE!!!!!!" orders the conductor. "Yes Sir.." says Hogan before he leaves.
Cynder gets up and walks to the door.
"I want that crystal ready in 30 minutes no EXCUSES!" orders Cynder.
"Yes mistress." says The conductor. Cynder opens the door.
"Oh yeah, make sure the last weapon shipment is sent before the volcano destroys Mummutions Forge." says Cynder. "Yes mistress." says the conductor before the door closes behind Cynder.

In the mines, Spyro is on a ledge listening to Hogan talking to a crowd of apes.
"There is an intruder!" starts Hogan.
The Ape soldiers crack their knuckles in unison.
"Your orders are to dispose of the intruder before he frees what's left of our workforce." continues Hogan before an ape runs onto Hogan's platform and gives him a bit of paper.
Hogan reads it after the massager salutes and leaves.

"Be aware he's killed 87 apes already. He is also skilled in CQC (Close Quarters Combat) and deadly. I you see him don't face him along call for backup. I wish you all good luck and the last troop transport leaves in 1 hour. That is all." finished Hogan before the apes leave to their stations.

"We better be more careful bro, they are on to us." says Sparx. "3 hours and 5 minutes until eruption!" says Spyro's necklace.

Meanwhile on a ledge, Cynder was trying to drain Terridor.
She isn't doing very well.
Terridor is furiously resisting her.
"You are the most difficult guardian of all of them." says Cynder in frustration. "it runs in the family.
I'm more determined than you are and you are getting nothing from me easy." says Terridor in a fearlessly determined voice. Cynder gives Terridor an evil look. Terridor just scowls at her.

Meanwhile in the mines, Spyro is starting punch ups in the mines by catapulting pebbles at guards to start punch ups between them. The supervisors try to break up the fights. Spyro releases moles while the guards are distracted.

Spyro picks up a mine pan and throws it a steam valve. It knocks of the control handle.
The pressure builds before the pipe blows and covers apes in Steam. They yell in pain before medics take them away on stretchers.

3 Floors above Spyro, an ape is talking to the conductor. "The crystal is ready sir." says the ape.
"Excellent. Load it onto my trailer and send someone to tell the mistress that it's ready." orders the conductor. "yes Sir." says the ape before running off.

Meanwhile on Cynder's Ledge, she is *bleep*ed off that she hasn't drained Terridor yet. She growls in frustration before an ape runs onto the ledge out of breath. "Mistress, I have good news."starts the ape clutching a stitch in his side and panting. "Tell me. Have they caught the intruder yet?" asks Cynder. "No, but the crystal is ready and it's on your way to you now." replies the ape. "Excellent!" she says before Terridor does a rude sign behind Cynder's back. It went unnoticed by the ape and Cynder.

Back in the mines, Spyro sees the crystal being loaded into the conductor's train trailer.
He jumps into a mine cart. "Can you drive this thing bro?"asks Sparx. "How hard can it be it's on rails" replies Spyro before he releases the brake and it starts to roll down the track.



#15 Dec 27, 2009 11:18 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

The conductor sees Spyro in his wing mirror.
He picks up a log marked “NOS” before putting in the train boiler fire. Spyro is gaining on the train. “This is easy.” says Spyro before the Conductor yells, “No exactly purple boy,” before the NOS log blows and the train rapidly gains speed. “Wow!” says Spyro as the train disappears into the distance. “1 hour and 10 minutes until eruption” says Spyro's necklace. “Use the Iggy manoeuvre!” says Sparx. “Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about that.” says Spyro before he farts fire and the cart rapidly gains speed. The conductor sees Spyro catching up in the wing mirror. He grabs a shovel and leans over the side. The spade hits a point switch and the track points change and Spyro disappears down the siding.
“Nice one sir” says the conductor's assistant.

Meanwhile on Spyro's track, Spyro's mine cart leans on 2 wheels as it goes round a curve.
Spyro manages to put his cart back on all it's wheels. “We better watch it on the curves or we'll fly off the track.” says Sparx before an arrow ping off the mine cart frame. “er, bro. We have company..” says Sparx before Spyro looks round and sees 3 carts full of apes with semi-automatic crossbows.
Spyro grabs a plank as he passes a wood pile. He throws the plank onto the track. The front cart's wheels get caught on the plank. “Oh Crap.” says an ape before the plank derails the cart and they end up into a lava pit. “TOASTY!” says Spyro. “One down, two to go.” says Sparx before Spyro picks up a shovel from a tool rack as they fly past it. He smacks a hopper as they pass. A cloud of dust fall onto the apes in the cart behind them. They are coughing as they get covered in dust. Spyro whacks a track switch as he passes. The dust covered cart disappears down the siding before the switch is hit by a rock from the cart behind the one that disappeared down the siding.
The switch changes back to Spyro's track before they get to the junction. A scream and a thud is heard from a distance. “An another 1 bites the dust!” says Sparx. “Take the brake, I'll sort these apes out.” says Spyro before Sparx takes the brake control. Spyro aims his caterpult at the cart following them. He fires and hits the cart brake bracket. “HA MISSED!” says the driver of the ape's cart before they reach a curve in the track. Spyro brakes to stop his cart 2 wheeling. The ape driver pulls his brake. The Brake handle breaks off. “LEAN ON THE OTHER SIDE OR WE'LL FLY OFF THE TRACK!!!” shouts an ape. The apes move around to stop the cart flying off the track and to get it back on 4 wheels. Sparx sees how perilously they are leaning.
“Just one pebble,
Give it to me,
to end their agony” sings Sparx  before Spyro gives Sparx a pebble.

He throws it and it knocks out an ape. It was just enough to unbalance the cart. The apes yell as it flies off the track and through a bridge support before ending up in a lava pit.

Spyro's cart flies past a sign.


“Did you see that sign?” says Sparx.
“No, I didn't” replies Spyro before they pass another one.

“I'm going to speed up, jump the gap.” says Spyro before he fully releases the brake. The cart starts to gain speed.

“Come on, COME ON!” says Spyro sees the broken bridge. They pass a sign that said:

100 YARDS!"

“IGGY MANEUVER!” says Spyro before farting fire and the speedo rapidly increases to 150mph before they fly off the end of the track. “DUCK!” yells Spyro before the cart skims the cave roof and lands on the other side with sparks come off the wheels.

“BRAKE!!!” yells Sparx when he sees the end of the track bumpers.
Spyro pulls hard on the brake handle. Sparks come from the brake shoe before it flies off. “That's not good.” says Sparx before Spyro gets on the front of the cart and uses his feet as brakes.
Smoke is coming from his feet as the cart slows down.
The cart stops inches from the end of track bumper. He yells “HOT FEET! HOT FEET!” as he jumps around trying to stop his feet smoking. Sparx tells Spyro about the fire buckets.
Spyro puts his feet in the buckets and he sighs with relief.

“Bro, you're nuts!” says Sparx before Spyro's necklace says “WARNING!
20 minutes and 27 seconds until eruption!”

“We better hurry bro, we're running out of time.” says Sparx before Spyro slides down a ladder.
He sees Terridor in a cage made of rock and metal.
Spyro sneaks up to the cage roof and sees  Cynder talking to Terridor.
“Look like you have someone coming to rescue you” says Cynder laughing.
“He'll be here stop you and I'll tell the other guardians what you are up to.” says Terridor as the volcano gets more and more unstable.
Cynder laughs before she grabs a green crystal and leaves.
Spyro burns a hole in the cage room and climbs in. Spyro releases Terridor.
“Thanks You” says  Terridor as Spyro burns off the chain's anklet. “No problem” says Spyro. “Yeah right. I took a speeding mine cart, brawl and the Iggy Manoeuvre .” says Sparx.

“So Ignitus taught you well.” says Cynder.
Spyro and Terridor look up and sees Cynder hovering above them.

“RUN, Spyro! I'll keep her busy” says Terridor before he takes off and chases her.
She surprises him and knocks him out with a tail whip.
He slams into the ground with a grunt. Cynder dives and tries to hurt Spyro. Spyro takes off. She chases him through prison camps and mine shafts and the top of the volcano.
Cynder about was about to catch Spyro. Ignitus surprises her with a clothesline.
She stumbles a bit.
“So Ignitus, you have finally come out of hiding at last.”says Cynder. “You've threatened a dragon ¼ your size and I thought it was unfair.” says Ignitus before they start to fight.

VOLCANO AT CRITICAL! EVACUATE!” says Spyro's necklace before Cynder and Ignitus are dwarfed in smoke.

“Let's get out of here before we get burned to the stake!” says Sparx.
“I'm not leaving Ignitus. He wouldn't leave me!” says Spyro. “Sparx is right. Let's go.” says Terridor. “I'm right?” asks Sparx. “we'll never find them in this mess.” says Terridor before they fly off.

Below on a beach, Ignitus and Cynder are fighting.
“You can't release your master. You don't know what the consequences are.” says Ignitus as he dodges Cynder's tail whip. “I will be rewarded beyond all of my master's servants. I will rule as his Queen. We will rule the WORLD!” says Cynder.
“There is a better way to live. Reconsider your actions.” says Ignitus. She grunts.

“Why are you fighting? Why do you persist? Is it for personal gain? Why Ignitus? Why Do you persist?” asks Cynder. “because I choose to.” replies Ignitus before spitting a fireball at Cynder.
She whips it back at Ignitus with her tail.
He makes a bubble of energy.
The fireball pings off it. “Nice trick.” says Cynder. “Thanks, shame you're master didn't teach you much.” says Ignitus. “Yeah, like what?” asks Cynder.
“To fight fair, the nice things in life like playing paw ball and making a dragon-berry cheesecake.” replies Ignitus. “So what, I've been taught enough to survive and that's enough. In my opinion.” says Cynder before blowing a strong wind at Ignitus. He just stands still. His wings flap in the breeze. Ignitus yawns in boredom.
Cynder growls in anger before shouting swear words at Ignitus. A bar of soap lands in her mouth. She spits it out. “My mother said 'If you swear young dragon, I'll wash your mouth out with soap.' She was true to her word. I swore and alas she washed my mouth out.” says Ignitus before he dodges Cynder's clothesline.
Cynder's mouth is full of foam. She wipes it away before blowing another wind attack at Ignitus. He just stands there like before. “I like the smell of Lavender in the breeze.” says Ignitus. Unnoticed by Ignitus, a chair has landed near Cynder. It flew out of the volcano and cooled in Cynder's wind attack. She picks up the chair and whacks Ignitus with it. “That's dirty, underhanded, cheating......” says Ignitus before she whacks him again with the chair He stumbles before she hits him so hard it knocks Ignitus out and breaks the chair.

She roars and a bat lands next to her. “Tie him up and take him to my fortress.” orders Cynder.
“Yes mistress.” says the ape before they dismount the bat and tie Ignitus up so the bat could carry him. 5 minutes later, the bat picks up  Ignitus and takes off.

Meanwhile at the temple, Terridor is telling Volteer off for letting Ignitus to leave the temple.


“Not exactly. A bit hyper but not mad” replies Volteer. “Why?” asks Spyro. “It was part if Ignitus's plan. He let Cynder capture him so we know where the fortress was.” replies Cyril.
“He had a theory that is where the orbs are kept. He put a dragon radio locating device on himself.” says Volteer. “Huh?” asks Sparx. “He put a tracking device on himself so we can find him” replies Spyro. “WHY DON'T HE JUST SAY THAT!” say Sparx.

“I'm going to rescue him AND I'M GOING NOW!” yell Spyro. “Hold your dragonflies, young dragon. I've got to train you on that earth breath you've got. “ says Terridor. “ok.” says Spyro before they leave the bridge.



#16 Jan 12, 2010 10:24 AM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

They get to the door to the dragon room.
"Access Denied" says the computer.
"On who's authority?" asks Terridor.
"Ignitus, Fire Guardian" replies the computer.
Terridor taps his necklace. "VOLTEER GET YOUR ELETRIC YELLLOW *bleep* DOWN HERE!" says Terridor. "I'm busy, can't it wait 10 minutes?" asks Volteer.
"Unless you want to meet my spiky friend, you better get down here!" says Terridor.
"Fine, I'm on my way." says Volteer before closing the channel.
"Computer, allow access to the dragon chamber. Authorisation Spyro 6-0-7-3 Beta" says Spyro.
"Access Denied due to Temple lockout code 733R1D0R" says the computer as Volteer is walking towards them.

"GET THIS *bleep* DOOR OPEN VOLTEER OR SO HELP ME YOU'LL GET MY MACE!"  shouts Terridor in frustration.
"I think Ignitus is trying to tell you something," says Volteer.
"OPEN THE *bleep* DOOR, VOLTEER!" shout Terridor. "Keep your scales on, just wait a sec." says Volteer before activating a panel and tapping on it. "Access Denied, due to Temple Lockout code 73RR1D0R" says the computer.
"Wait a sec, that last bit could be a code let me try it." says Spyro before he types the lockout name into the console.
"Playing file 73RR1D0R" says the console screen before Ignitus 's face appear on the screen.
"Terridor, as you are aware.
I've been captured. I've locked out the dragon room and make this video for you. Spyro's combat skills are very impressive to say the least." be says Ignitus before a video plays.
The video finishes and Ignitus returns.
"Very impressive" says Terridor before Ignitus returns. "Train him in the use of paw weapons and explosives. He may need them.
Good luck Spyro. Ignitus out." finishes Ignitus before Ignitus's logo appears on the screen.
Sparx stay with Volteer.
"Spyro follow me" says Terridor before he calls a lift and he gets in it followed by Spyro.

They get the lift and walk to Terridor's quarters.
The door had his logo on it and this label:

The door opens and they both walk in. Teridor walks over to a cupboard.
Spyro looks round the room.
The room had Terridor's insignia on banners on the wall, a rock bed with matching mattress. On the table there is a statue of a young dragon with Terridor's trademark scowl. "Is that statue on the table you?" asks Spyro. "Yes it is. It was carved by my dad before he was killed at the battle of Roasty Peak." says Terridor before he opens a cupboard and brings two paw SOCOM guns. "I missed you Rockdor and Rocky." says Terridor as he puts the guns into a holster on his belt. "Why are your guns called Rockdor and Rocky?" asks Spyro as Terridor replicated some guns for Spyro. "They were named after my brothers who got killed defending my mother." replies Terridor before giving Spyro the paw guns and shows him how to reload them. "Do you know what you're going to call them yet?" asks Terridor. "Not yet." replies Spyro as they leave Terridor's quarters and go to the holodeck.

10 minutes later they are outside the holodeck.
"Computer, run program Terridor 3 Theta." says Terridor.
"Program complete. Enter when ready." says the computer before the holodeck doors open and Spyro walks in.
3 hours later, Spyro walks out the holodeck with a smug look on his face. "Had fun?" asks Volteer as Spyro walks past. "Yes I did. The fortress guards haven't got a chance in hell." says Spyro before Spyro gets in a lift.

"Weapons Training." says Volteer before calling an another lift. He gets in and says "bridge" and the lift starts to move. "Beverly to Volteer" says an speaker. "Halt!" orders Volteer before the lift stops. "What's up Beverly?" asks Volteer. "Are you aware that Terridor is approaching his Pon farr?" asks Beverly. "No. He really kept that quiet." replies Volteer before asking "how long do we have?" asks Volteer. ".. I estimate 20 minutes to an hour. I don't exactly know without examining him. I can't at the moment because I'm guarding the eggs at the emergency grotto. Bye Dad. Beverly out." says Beverly.

"Emergency control override. Authorisation Volteer 3-3-7-Alpha-Romeo!" says Volteer. "Turbo-car 4 in emergency mode." says the computer.
"Guardian briefing room" orders Volteer before the lift starts to move at high speed.

Meanwhile in the briefing room, everyone is celebrating Spyro's rescue of Terridor and watching Spyro's wrestling match on the Briefing room monitor.

The video finishes just as Volteer walks in through the door. Spyro and Cyril are talking about ice cream. "What is your favourite flavour ice cream Cyril?" asks Spyro. "chocolate" replies Cyril before asking "what's Yours"
"mine is Chocolate and dragon berry ripple." replies Spyro before Terridor starts to laugh.
"What's funny?" asks Sparx.
"Terridor doesn't usually laugh." says Cyril before Terridor starts to suddenly cry.
"Are you all right Terridor?" asks Spyro before he grunts in pain.

"SPYRO! GET AWAY FROM HIM UNLESS YOU WANT A SERIOUS INJURY!!" says Cyril before Terridor growls and takes a swipe at Spyro with his mace. It missed by inches.

"TERRIDOR HAS GONE BERSERK RUN!!!!" shouts Sparx before flying off to somewhere safe.

"Terridor under the control of the Pon Far. A neural chemical imbalance is driving him to mate. There is no reasoning with him." explains Volteer before he starts to sing.

The song went:
Terridor I understand
you are a dragon man
I know you've gone without
for twelve years about

Cyril please find a way
to load a hyperspray
When I give you the sign
you aim for his behind
Hormones are raging
Synapses are blazing!

It's so...."

Volteer holds on the word "very"  to distract Terridor while Cyril loads and configures at hyperspray and throws it to Volteer. "Illogical"  sings Volteer before injecting Terridor with the hyperspray. Terridor falls to the floor with a grunt and a shaking of china.

"Are you hurt Spyro," asks Cyril.
"No." replies Spyro before he puts the medical kit into its rack.
"OK bro, It's safe to come out now Sparx, " says Spyro.

"What did you give him? asks Spyro after Sparx comes out from under the table.
"Just a sedative. He should come round in a hour of two." replies Volteer before Terridor disappears in a beam of blue light.
"Where do you send him?" asks Spyro.
"Just to the holographic environment simulator. I've created a program that has a dragon female in it. When he comes out, he should be free from the Pon Far." explains Volteer.

2 hours later, Terridor walks onto the bridge. "How are you feeling?" asks Spyro.
"A lot better." replies Terridor.
"I have located Ignitus. He's 15 miles North-East of the Temple." says Cyril. "excellent. Spyro come with me. We have more training to do. Believe me it'll be a blast." says Terridor before calling a lift and he gets in followed by Spyro.
"A blast?" asks Sparx as the others laugh quietly behind their wings.
"What's so funny?" asks Sparx.
"Nothing." replies Cyril and Volteer.

Meanwhile, in the holodeck, a tool shed is standing in a field. Suddenly it blows up.
Spyro and Terridor come up from a trench. "3 parts dynamite and a nitro glycerine cap.
Perfect for small tool sheds, porta potties and garden sheds." says Terridor.

"Cool. Is it the same for lockers?" asks Spyro.
"Yes it is." replies Terridor.
"How about doors?" asks Spyro.
"Small C-4 charge on the hinges and Vola!
Open door. Who need a key when you have C4." replies Terridor.
"What's this?" asks Spyro as he picks up a green pineapple.
"That is a grenade." replies Terridor before he pulls out the pin and flicks off the safety catch and throws it.
"FIRE IS THE HOLE!" he yells before he pushes Spyro behind the mound before the grenade explodes and a cloud of feathers fall onto the ground. "nice." says Spyro as the sees the falling feathers.

"Computer, line up apes in front of our position and attack." says Terridor.
"Do you wish to renter the holodeck?" asks the computer. "No." replies Terridor before apes shimmer into view. They yell before the attack.
Terridor suddenly pulls out a 12 barrelled rocket launcher and takes aim.
"Watch that ape with the red spot on his head." says Terridor before he fires..
The ape craps his pants before the missile hits and blows him up.
A pair of smoking boots is in his place.
"I WANT ONE OF THOSE" says Spyro.
"This is a RYNO missile launcher." says Terridor.
"RYNO?" asks Spyro. "Rip Ya a New One. The most powerful rocket launcher in the realms.
This is Volteer's designed and built it.
It is designed for multipliable targets and never misses." explains Terridor.
"Nice." says Spyro before asking "Can I have a go?"

"Go ahead, knock yourself out." says Terridor before giving Spyro the RYNO Launcher.
Spyro takes the launcher with a grin of malice.
He takes aim.
The lock-on lasers target twelve apes and Spyro fires all the launchers barrels at once.
The apes crap themselves before their relevant missiles hit them and blows them up. Smoking boots are left in their place.
"I defiantly want one of these when I go to Cynder's fortress.
The guards haven't got a chance." says Spyro.
"You better ask Volteer.
It's his invention and his property." says Terridor.
"I just asked him and said no. He is worried it will fall in the wrong paws." says Terridor.
"That's a shame. I would love blow up apes in my way!" says Spyro. He gives a moan of longing before giving the RYNO launcher back to Terridor.
"Can't he redesign it so it can be personalised like a com-badge or a phaser?" asks Spyro.
"Not without excessive modifications and testing" says a voice from Terridor's com-necklace. "Oh, sorry Volteer.
I didn't know Terridor's com-necklace it was transmitting. I'm impressed with the guidance system and the delivery of the warheads to their target." says Spyro.

"I'm impressed, ecstatic, joyous and happy you like the RYNO launcher. My decision is still unchanged because of my concerns, worries oh ahhh..." says Volteer.
"I understand your worries but can you use my suggestions in your second version of the launcher?" asks Spyro.
"Agreed. This weapons could turn the Dark war into our favour.
This prototype is still not leaving the temple.
No matter how much you beg.
My answer is still no." says Volteer before he signs off.
Terridor puts the RYNO in a crate. "Er, Terridor what's this?" asks Spyro before he picks up an armoured green shoulder pad with a launcher on it.

"That is a Redeemer. A portable rocket launcher that launches a guidance missile with an antimatter warhead.
That makes a big hole but leaves no body parts." replies Terridor.
"Computer, line up apes in front of us." says Spyro before a line of apes shimmer into view.
He takes aim and fires the Redeemer. The missile misses the apes. Spyro is laughing as he is guiding the missile with the joystick on the shoulder pad.

Terridor and Spyro take cover just a second before the warhead hits.
A big explosion and shock wave blows a cloud of dust flies over the edge of the trench.
They both come up from the trench.

Spyro whistles. "Now that's a big hole." says Spyro before he blows the steam away from the barrel. It whistles.
Spyro picks up some uzis from a crate.
"Computer line up some apes so I can take do some Uzi training." says Spyro as he loads them.
The apes shimmer into view and Spyro jumps out of the trench yelling  "BEZERKA!" before firing Uzi's wildly.
"HOLY *bleep*!" shouts Terridor as he sees Spyro kill one after an another and pulling a flip off tree still firing.
He is standing on a pile of dead apes.
"Computer, end program." says Terridor before The room changes back to it's normal look.
"You're definitely ready. Let's go to the armoury and load up." says Terridor as he leaves the holodeck.
Spyro follows Terridor into a lift.
They get out on level 7 and walk to the Armoury door.

They both go in and Terridor loads Spyro up with various weapons.

They include:
Uzis and Ammo
SOCOM and ammo
A type 3 phaser Rifle
3 inch knife
Spyro replicates a mousetrap.
"Why would you replicate a mousetrap for." asks Terridor before the leave the armoury.
"You never know" says Spyro as they get into a turbolift.
"Main Hanger." orders Terridor. The lift starts to move.

Meanwhile in the hanger, Sparx is flying round and round the yellow shuttle.
"Volteer said to wait here for Spyro" says to himself before Spyro and Terridor walks in through the hanger door.

Spyro extends his wings and the dragapult prepares to launch him.
A klaxon sounds as the hanger door opens.
"Good luck Spyro." says Terridor.
"Don't worry, I'll rip a few ape's head's off for you!" says Spyro before he is launched.
The hanger door closes behind Spyro.

Terridor sees the ruined artwork buy the door.
He growls in anger.
"I'LL GONNA *bleep*ing KILL WHO EVER RUINED MY ARTWORK! THAT IS A *bleep*ing PROMISE!" shouts Terridor.
He is heard by Volteer who is under his shuttle doing some maintenance.



#17 Jan 12, 2010 6:11 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro lands in a courtyard wearing a pair of sunglasses.
The courtyard is near the main gate.
A tinkling sound is heard as Spyro Walks.
“What’s that tinkling sound bro?” asks Sparx.
“Just you wait and see.” Replies Spyro as he walks past a set of pillars. A alarm sounds as the pillars glow red.
An ape comes up to Spyro holding a tray.
“An metallic item you’re carrying, such as keys, daggers, loose change?” asks the guard.

Spyro opens his wings. “HOLY *bleep*!” says the guard before Spyro puts a mousetrap on the guards mouth and knocking him out. Spyro kill the rest of the guards with Uzi’s. A guard ducks behind a pillar before Spyro could take aim at him. “BACKUP! WE NEED BACK UP!” says the guard to a Cynder Statue near him.
It nods before the guard is knocked out by Sparx.
“A dragonfly nerve pinch. I could never get the hang of that technique.” Says Spyro as he picks up his rucksack and continues to walk down the lobby.

100 Ape soldiers stream into the lobby holding semi-automatic crossbows “FREEZE!” yells a ape.
“No you freeze” says Spyro before spitting a ice ball. It hit the guard that yelled and turned him into a block of ice. The rest open fire with their weapons. Spyro dodges their projectiles and firing his Uzi’s as he side flips from pillar to pillar.
7 minutes later 98 apes were all dead.
Sparx just quietly sneaks up on the last guard and knocks him out with a nerve pinch. “That was easy.” Says Spyro. “Yeah too easy for my liking.” Says Sparx before a forcefield blocks their access to the lifts. A demon in fire red armour strolls into the lobby carrying a 4’ 10’’ sword.
Spyro fires his Uzi’s at the demon. The bullets just ping of his armour.
“Useless”  says the demon. “*bleep*!” says Spyro before he dodges a sword swipe by skidding under the demons body. Spyro sees a hole in the armour. Spyro quickly pulls a grenade pin, the safety catch before putting the grenade in the hole and taking cover.
The grenade explodes and blows off the armour, the demon’s arms and legs. Spyro causally walks up to the demon. “only a demon” says Spyro before he fires a SOCOM into the demons head. He flies back and turns into an ape wearing Cynder printed underpants.
Spyro removes the underpants and puts them in a belt pocket.
“Why did you do that for?” asks Sparx as Spyro picks up his rucksack and calls a lift. Spyro doesn’t answer as he and Sparx gets in the lift and the doors close.

Meanwhile in Cynder’s chambers, Cynder is trying to drain Ignitus. An ape suddenly runs in. “MISTRESS, WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!” he yells.
“Deal with him, I’m busy.” Says Cynder. “He has weapons that can cut through ape armour like an hot knife through butter!” says the ape before the light flicker out.
“Send the Fire King.” Says Cynder.
“He’s dead, intruder killed him.” Says the ape.

“Call yourselves soldiers? *bleep* you!
Take this red dragon up to the tallest tower balcony and tie him up.
I will deal with the intruder there myself.” Orders Cynder.
Ignitus pours a vile of silver juice into Cynder’s goblet unnoticed.
He laughs quietly to himself as he is carried away from Cynder’s chambers. Cynder drinks the wine as she watches Ignitus leaving.

Spyro is standing on a balcony. Sparx is flying erratically round Spyro’s head.
“YOU SCARED THE *bleep* OUT OF ME IN THAT LIFT” yells Sparx.
“Yell a bit louder there was probably an ape who didn’t hear ya.” Says Spyro. “You didn’t have to rig a bomb before you attached yourself to the lift cables and shot them out did ya?” asks Sparx.
“It did the job didn’t it? No defences.” Says Spyro.
“Yeah smart alec. The apes have increased their patrols though.” Says Sparx.
“No problem, I’ve got this.” Says Spyro before pulling out a phaser rifle and shooting down 9 bats with it.
He puts it away before he pulls out a sniper rifle. He lies down on the balcony and takes aim. “Hey bro, look at this.” Says Spyro pointing to the scope viewfinder.
Sparx looks through the scope and sees an ape pick his nose and eating the snot. An red spot is on the ape’s head.
“What is the red spot for?” asks Sparx. “Watch this..” says Spyro as he looks through the scope and fires.
“eww. Gross.” Says Sparx as he sees the apes brains splatter on the wall.
Spyro puts away the rifle before gliding to the balcony.
He lands and puts the dead ape into a locker. He walks down a corridor. He sees a sleeping ape. “sshhhh.” Says Spyro before he sneaks past a sleeping ape, Spyro suddenly farts.
The ape turns green before keeling over onto the floor.
“Stinky!” says Sparx before Spyro hides the unconscious ape in a large vase.
He finds a cardboard box with the label "Bannanas. Fruity!!"

“This could be useful as a disguise” he says before he puts the box over himself. Sparx flies into the box. “Don't fart what ever you do, you'll kill us both!” says Sparx. Spyro starts to walk down the corridor.
He sees a guard. “let’s try something.” Says Spyro before putting the box down and staying still.
The ape looks over the box before saying “Just a box” before leaving.
“Wow, that was unexpected.” Says Sparx before Spyro continues to walk down the corridor. He sees a group of soldiers talking.
He puts the down the box and listens.
“There is a intruder. The son of a *bleep* has killed 100 apes already.” Says an one ape.
“The mistress has moved the fire guardian to the tallest tower balcony. She has a surprise for him.” Says another ape before Spyro quietly gets his phaser rifle out and puts the phaser rifle barrel to the box hole.
He fires and vaporises the group of ape guards. He puts away the rifle before continuing to walk down the corridor.
Spyro sings to himself and Sparx.

It went:
My jokes are funny
Even in this place.
I’ve got a nice figure
Sparx has an ugly face,
We’re fighting all over,
All over the dragon worlds!

I’ve got the attitude
To knock out your lights
My earth power
Will give you pain
Me and Sparx are fighting
All over the Dragon Worlds!

My submission hold position
Spyro Bone cracker is it’s name
Don’t doubt my power
Believe me you’ll be in pain.
I’m fighting over all over
All over the dragon Realms!!!

“Nice song bro,” says Sparx. “thanks.” Says Spyro before he puts the box down. Sparx slips out of a hole before knocking out an ape with a nerve pinch. The ape faints and beaks Spyro’s box. “*bleep*!” says Spyro before he throws the ape over the battlements into the sea. Spyro gets into a lift. Sparx is hovering outside.

“Come on bro, we need to rescue Ignitus” says Spyro.
“No way after what you did in the last one.” Says Sparx. “I won’t do it in this one, I promise.” Says Spyro. “Fine, I’m coming in.” says Sparx before hen joins Spyro in the lift and it starts to rise.

Meanwhile on Ignitus’s balcony, Cynder is taunting Ignitus.
“Soon my master will be free and rule this world!!” says Cynder before laughing evilly. “Yeah right when hell freezes over. Spyro will stop you.” says Ignitus.
“we shall see.” says Cynder before hiding.

A minute later, Spyro's lift arrives and the doors open.
Sparx and Spyro sees Ignitus tied to a pillar and Cynder is not in sight. “Bro, I smell a rat. This is too easy.” says Sparx.
“You were right last time. Remember what we overheard earlier Cynder is round here somewhere no doubt about that.” says Spyro as they leave the lift and the doors shut.

“SPYRO RUN! IT'S A TRAP!!!!” Says Ignitus before Cynder lands on the balcony from her hiding place.
“So you're the intruder I've heard so much about” says Cynder. “So you're the big black evil dragon I've and heard so much about.” says Spyro as they circle each other giving each other stares of deep contempt and malice as they size each other up.

Cynder yells a battle cry. Spyro suddenly gets out the Cynder  printed underpants and flicks them at Cynder.
It hits Cynder in the face.
Sparx chants a rhyme. It went:
“I see London,
I see France
I see Cynder printed on underpants!”

Sparx finishes the rhyme before Cynder throws the pants away. She has a bruise where they hit her.
“You'll pay for that.” says Cynder.
“Will you take a IOU because I left my wallet at the temple.” taunts Spyro.
Ignitus is laughing as the start to fight. “You think you can beat me do you?” asks Cynder as she cracks her knuckles in a threatening manner.
“Yeah I do.” says Spyro as she attacks.
Spyro dodges her attack. He pulls a raspberry before he ducks as Cynder's tail end flies at him. Her swipe releases Ignitus from his ropes.

“HA! Missed!” says Spyro before he sees a bucket of water with a bit a fabric next to it
He grins as her puts the fabric in the bucket. He then pulls it out and spins it round.
“What is he going to do with that wet fabric?” asks Sparx. “I don't know but it will be probably be interesting.” replies Ignitus before Spyro grabs an end of the fabric and whips Cynder in *bleep* with it. She yelps in pain before she turns round and faces Spyro. Spyro whips her in the nose with the fabric.
“Unusual use for a wet towel but I'll remember that. I may come in useful.” says Ignitus before Cynder knocks  Spyro over to the edge of the balcony. “Time to die.” she says before knocking Spyro off the balcony.
“you're savour is done for!” yells Cynder.
“don't count your dragons before they hatch.” says a voice behind Cynder. “huh?” she says in surprise as Spyro does a flying clothesline on her. She stumbles a little bit. “It that all ya got?” asks Cynder before she is hit by the underpants again. Sparx says rhyme accompanied by a drum beat from Ignitus.
She tears up the pants before throwing the pieces in the air. She gets a towel whip from Ignitus.
“Learn something new every day.” he says as he prepare to whip Cynder again. Spyro gives her another clothesline while she is distracted. She stumbles.
“You think you've beaten me. I will have my revenge when my master returns and rules the world!!!!” she yells before she grabs the crystal and taking off swearing blue murder on the top of her voice.

“I thought Terridor's swearing was bad. Now I think Cynder's is worse...” says Ignitus.
“Whoa, what a fight dude.” says Sparx. “Thanks. Did I beat her.” asks Spyro.

“Nope. She's leaving.” says Sparx.

“Whoa, dude!” says Sparx.

YOU ARE A DICKHEAD, *bleep* FACED *bleep* AND A *bleep* LICKER!” yells Spyro before he turns to Ignitus.
“Er, Ignitus what's a *bleep*?” asks Spyro.
“You're too young to know..” replies Ignitus before the swearing over their heads suddenly stops.
“I think she's heard you and boy she looks *bleep*ed off.” says Ignitus before Cynder lands.

“I have never been so bloody insulted. Furthermore, you are a purple *bleep* who kisses frogweed!” says Cynder.
“Those are fighting words” says Spyro. “yeah, they're fighting words” says Cynder.

“ Bring it on *bleep*...” says Spyro doing a 'come here' drag-fu sign with his paw. Cynder puts the crystal in an alcove and cracks her paws. A loud bone crack echoes round the towers by the balcony.
“Ow. That's gonna hurt.” says Sparx before Ignitus grabs the crystal and throws it over the balcony edge.
It smashes on an apes head just as he walked into the courtyard below the balcony. Cynder hears the smash of the Crystal and turns round. “oops, paw slipped.” says Ignitus. “*bleep*!” yells Cynder before a bar of soap lands into Cynder's mouth. She spits it out at Spyro.
It misses and pings off a pillar. “MISSED ME! YOU CAN'T EVEN HIT A FROGWEED!” says Spyro before he is knocked into a pillar She laughs.
“You know I taught you to fight fair.” says Ignitus.
Spyro nods.
“Now's a good time to forget it.” says Ignitus before Spyro rejoins the fight.
“Not long now...” says Ignitus before he laughs to himself. “till what?” asks Sparx. “Surprise.” replies Ignitus as he gets a bit of fabric and puts it in a fire bucket. Spyro knocks the wind out of Cynder. She hurries to get her breath back. “I'm whipping you *bleep*.” says Spyro before Cynder yelps in pain.
“So am I..” says Ignitus after whipping her in the *bleep* with the wet fabric. He whips her again but in the nose. She yells in pain in frustration before he tummy growls.

“What the *bleep*?” she asks as her tummy growls again.
“Do you know the wine you had this morning?” asks Ignitus. “Yeah, so?” asks Cynder. “I spiked it with lax berry juice when you weren't looking.” replies Ignitus.
“you're *bleep*ing me..” says Cynder  as her tummy growls again but more viciously. “By the sound of that last growl, I'll say you got about 2 minutes.” says Ignitus before she runs off the balcony and smashes through a door. Spyro, Sparx and Ignitus laugh as the take off and head back to the temple.

Cynder is running down a walkway when she sees a metal ape. “Metal Gear” she says before running down a corridor farting. Two apes were talking when Cynder passes. One ape smells Cynder's fart. “eww, Johnny, have you *bleep* your pants again?” asks the ape. “It's not me, I swear.” replies Johnny.
Cynder bangs open a door. She sees an ape unconscious on the floor covered in broken Crystal. She runs across the courtyard trailing *bleep* before getting into a loo and slamming the door.



#18 Jan 16, 2010 9:29 PM

From: with my lovely spyro
Registered: Nov 09, 2008
Posts: 101
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

cool i like it when is the next part thats a lot off reading as well lol

spyro fan site: www.spyrofansite.net please join my site


#19 Jan 20, 2010 8:18 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

he temple, Ignitus is telling the other guardians about Spyro's battle with Cynder and the spiked wine she drunk.

"You should of seen Cynder's face when Ignitus told her" says Sparx. "It was classic. A look of surprise and shock before she ran off the balcony." says Spyro before they toast Spyro's victory.

Meanwhile at Cynder's Fortress, Cynder is still on the loo. "*bleep* THAT *bleep*ing RED SON OF A *bleep*! I'LT L GET MY *bleep*ing BLOODY REVENGE IF IT'S THE LAST THING I *bleep*ing DO! THAT IS A BLOODY PROMISE!" yells Cynder.

Above her an ape guard is resting by leaning on a battlement. He hears Cynder's farting. "I can't imagine what the smell will be like in  there." he says before a guard joins him. "How has she been in there Maul?" asks the leaning guard. "3 hours at least.." replies Maul.
"I bet the smell will be terrible in there. Probably worse than Reffley's Socks." says a guard as he passes.
3 hours later, Cynder comes out. The smell wafting from the open toilet door make a bat turn green and keel over and crash onto the courtyard floor.

Cynder goes to her private quarters.
A red Crystal is on the table. "I'm glad I made a spare." she says before laughing and picking up the Crystal. Ape guards salute her as she passes.
She runs to take off. As she takes off, she hits a toughened Glass window. "Ow." she says before she slides down it.
It squeaks as she slide down the glass.
She lands with a thud on the floor.
"HA......HA" says a voice. Cynder rubs her snout before turning round.
"All right, who did that? Who laughed at me?" asks Cynder.

The apes point to a guard wearing red armour, blue shorts and a blue jacket.
"Nelson, come before your mistress." Orders Cynder.
Nelson nervously walk to Cynder a bows.
Cynder throws Nelson into the window she hit.
"Ow." he says. "NO ONE LAUGHS AT ME AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" she yells before she flies through an open door.

"So she does know the difference between a conservatory door and a normal one." says a Guard before he is clotheslined by Cynder. "That is for talking about me behind my back." says Cynder before the ape falls unconscious.

Meanwhile at the temple, Ignitus is telling Spyro that Cynder is like him.
"If we come from the same place why she is so..."  asks Spyro.
"Evil, despicable, sexy. Oops did I say that out loud?" asks Sparx.
"She was corrupted by the Dark Master's power. Twisted by his evil influence." replies Ignitus.
"I think she may try to release her master from Convexity" says Cyril. "Convexity?" asks Spyro before Volteer leaves for bridge. "A realm between ours and the realm of the dead. The Dark Master was so evil, he was banished to convexity for all time." says Terridor. "by our ancestors.." finishes Cyril.

Ignitus is muttering to himself. "Hmm.. Chains, chocolate. Yes... Oh Iggy would like that." says Ignitus before he drools at the mouth.
"Why are you drooling?" asks Spyro. "Just thinking of my Favourite food" replies Ignitus as he leaves the bridge.
"He's hiding something. I wonder what he's up to?" asks Cyril before Spyro brings him an ice tea. "I have no idea." replies Spyro before the doors shut on the lift.

5 minutes later in the holodeck, Ignitus is running a custom program.


Meanwhile outside the holodeck, Cyril is tapping on the holodeck console. "Access denied. holodeck controls offline due to a guardian level lockout." says the screen. "I wonder what he is running that needs so high security?" asks Cyril before Volteer's voice comes out of a speaker.
A klaxon sounds and the wall strips flash red.
"ALL GUARDIANS TO THE BRIDGE! CODE 1 EMERGENCY!" says Volteer's voice out a speaker somewhere.
Cyril runs to a lift and gets in it. "Bridge" he says before the doors shut.

Meanwhile in Terridor's quarters, he is having lunch when he hears the announcement.
"*bleep* IT! I WAS ABOUT TO HAVE MY FAVOURITE DESERT. " he says before he bolts down the desert and leaves he quarters.


"Program saved and encrypted.
Security code is intact for program lockout." says The computer before Ignitus leaves.
He gets into a lift. "bridge" he says before the doors close and lift starts to move. "I hope no one finds out about that program I created and breaks the encryption.
I think Cynder has a body to die for." he says to himself before the lift doors open.

"What's the emergency about Volteer?" asks Ignitus after the lift doors close behind him.
"Long range sensors have detected an atmospheric anomaly that is putting out a lot of neutrino levels. I investigated it and found this..." replies Volteer before he taps on his console and a blue swirl appears on the Main view screen. "A wormhole." finishes Volteer. "just a blue Swirl. Nothing be worried about." says Sparx. Ignitus don't look convinced. "It may be the one to Convexity" says Volteer before  Terridor runs out of a lift. 
"What's so urgent?" asks Terridor.
"That." replies Volteer pointing to the main viewer.
Terridor turns round. "I've seen that somewhere before but I can't place it. Hmm, let me think." says Terridor before he starts to pace up and down by the main viewer.

"Did you know that you have cream round your mouth.
It looks like you're rabid." says Sparx.
Terridor looks into an unused console.
He sees the cream.
"I had to hurry lunch." he says before he licks the cream off from round his mouth and eats it.

"Volteer, I want a sensor sweep of the wormhole's event horizon. See if you can detect any life signs." says Ignitus.
"Running scan now." says Volteer. Terridor is deep in thought as he paces.
"I hear the gears grinding in Terridor's head.
He's thinking too hard. He'll get a headache or he'll wear a hole in the floor." says Sparx before Terridor suddenly stop pacing.
He has a look of recognition and shock on his face.
"HOLY *bleep*! I've just remembered where I saw that wormhole before. It's the one to *bleep*ing Convexity. The Cynder is going to release her bloody master!" says Terridor.

"I'm going to stop her!" says Spyro before he starts to walk to a lift.

"Spyro, if you go through that wormhole, we will lose communications and will be unable to beam you out there." says Volteer.
"I'm willing to take that risk." says Spyro before he calls a turbolift.
"Coming Sparx?" asks Spyro as he gets in the lift.
"What I gathered is what you're proposing to do is virtual suicide but trouble needs company.
So I might as well come along." says Sparx before getting in the lift with Spyro and the doors close.

"Volteer, what's the odds of him surviving and returning?" asks Cyril.
"You don't want to know." replies Volteer.
"Enlighten us for sake of discussion." says Terridor.
"The odds are 1 to infinity they will return alive." replies Volteer.
"You had to ask Terridor. You had to ask." says Ignitus in a worried tone as an announcement says "Attention all guardians.
Unauthorized launch in progress."

They watch as Spyro flies into the wormhole and it closes.

Spyro lands on a ledge.
A weird creature with Tentacles passes Spyro's ledge. "So this is Convexity" says Spyro as he watches the creature pass.
"No time for sightseeing we've got to stop Cynder." says Sparx.
"Guess you're right." he says before he takes off.
"Where do we start smart alec?" asks Spyro.
"Let's try that weird obelisk with the purple beam. If I was Cynder that would where I probably go." replies Sparx before Spyro changes course.

Meanwhile at the obelisk, Cynder is putting the red Crystal on the steps. She laughs as the Crystal gets sucked into the beam.
"My Master returns" says Cynder before she does an evil laugh.
"We are too late" says a voice behind Cynder. She turns round and sees Spyro.
"Humph, Persistent little runt aren't you." says Cynder. "You'll never win, give up." says Spyro.
Cynder cracks her knuckles in a threatening manner and says "Prepare to die. No mercy this time."
"Bring it." says Spyro as they prepare to fight.
"I can't watch. Volteer was right. It was suicidal to come here. I should have stayed at the temple." Says Sparx as he shakes his head.
Spyro and Cynder fight. Sparx is cheering on Spyro and jeering at Cynder.
"I'll kill your purple friend than I'll have you as a snack." Cynder threatens Sparx.
Spyro hits Cynder with an earth fury and it knocks her onto her back. "pathetic " says Cynder as Spyro glows with purple energy.
"What the…." She says before the purple energy explodes and she is hit by the shockwave. It knocks her out. She reverts to her young self with a groan.
"She is like me…" says Spyro before the place starts to shake. "We have to get out of here now!" says Sparx. "We have to save her." Says Spyro. "What! Save the beast that tried to kill us? Are you mental?" asks Sparx.
"That wasn't her fault, she was being used by the Dark Master." Replies Spyro before he grabs her and takes off. The purple beam is sucking everything into it.
"Spyro, Spyro." Says a faint voice. Spyro dodges rocks flying towards the beam..

Meanwhile on the Temple bridge, Volteer's console beeps.
"Ignitus, I'm detecting elevated neutrino levels." Says Volteer.
"Spyro?" asks Ignitus as a blue swirl appears on the monitor. "I'm also detecting 2 dragon life signs. One is weak the other is unconscious." Says Volteer before the wormhole closes.
"locate them. I'll send someone to pick them up." Says Terridor.
Cynder and Spyro land roughly.
The landing knocks Spyro out.
Sparx bounces off Spyro's back.
"mummy, fluff my pillow will you." Sparx says before he faints.

A short distance away, 2 dragon materialise in a beam of blue light. One is holding a device with a blue strip on the top.
"One of Volteer's new inventions. I don't trust it, Voltage. I rather use my sense of smell." Says one dragon. "Fine. I'll use my tricorder and you use your nose. Rocker" Says Voltage before he tricorder beeps. "Found them. 5 clicks north from our location." Says Voltage.
"Smartarse." Says Rocker as they walk to where Spyro, Sparx and Cynder's landing spot.
"Voltage to dragon temple, we've found them." Says Voltage. "Excellent. Prepare for transport." Says a hyper voice from Voltage's Comnecklace.
They all disappear in a beam of blue light.



#20 Feb 18, 2010 3:14 PM

From: Hunstanton, UK
Registered: Apr 28, 2007
Posts: 393
Gems: 0

Re: The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro groans as he comes too.
“Feeling better Spyro?” asks Ignitus.
“A bit drained. I don’t even have the strength to lift my head.” Replies Spyro. “Rest, your strength will return.” Replies Ignitus as a moan comes from a bed. “Where am I?” asks Cynder.
“You are in the Dragon Temple Sickbay,” replies Ignitus. “You and Spyro have landed badly and both have injuries. You have sprained legs and tail. You also have a bump the size of a dragon’s egg on your heads.” Says a voice from a doorway.
“Who’s that by the door?” asks Spyro.
“Temple chief medical dragon, Dr Beverly Electro” replies Ignitus.
“Let me guess, she’s one of Volteer kids.” Says Spyro.
“Yes she is.” Replies Ignitus.
“Just relax, going to give you a blood test Cynder. It won’t hurt a bit.” Says Beverly before taking a blood sample from Cynder and going into her office and closing the door.
“She’s the best doctor in the realms. She take good care of you all.” Says Ignitus before a groan is comes from an another bed.
“Ah Sparx, welcome back to the real world.” Says Ignitus.
“Am I dead?” asks Sparx. “Far from it. Just relax the Temple medical officer had to patch you up and she says that you will be ok.” Replies Ignitus before Beverly comes out of her office.
“Ignitus, can I see you privately for a moment?” she asks before Ignitus follows her into the office and closes the door.

“Spyro, I feel terrible with myself and what I done.” Says Cynder.
“Cynder, you were used by the Dark Master. He had you under his complete control” says Spyro.
“That doesn’t excuse my actions. I could of kill you.” Says Cynder. “Don’t worry, it’s over now. Just get some sleep” says Spyro just as Ignitus comes out of Beverly’s office and leaves the sickbay. “get some rest, you both look like you need it.” Says Beverly. “But…..” says Spyro. “Doctor’s orders.” Says Beverly. Spyro and Cynder turn onto their sides and fall asleep.

Cynder is dreaming she’s in a dark room. A shadowy figure is speaking. “Thank you Cynder, you are my most loyal servant” says the figure before Cynder screams and wakes up Spyro.
“Where’s the fire?” asks Spyro half awake.
“nothing. Go back to sleep.” Says Cynder before Beverly comes in after hearing Cynder’s yell.
“Bad dreams about your past life?” asks Beverly.
Cynder nods.
“I can give you something for dreamless sleep if that will help you sleep.” says Beverly.
“Thank you.” Says Cynder before Beverly injects her with a hyperspray. Cynder falls asleep.

A few hours later, Spyro is standing on a balcony drinking something from a goblet when Cynder walks onto the balcony. “See anything Spyro?” she asks. “No, but I got a bad feeling.” Replies Spyro. “What about?” asks Cynder. “The future, convexity and the Dark Master.” replies Spyro. “Me to.” Says Cynder before Sparx flies onto the balcony.
He sees Cynder and flies off screaming.
“What’s his problem?” asks Cynder.
“While you under the Dark master’s control, you threatened to eat him. He’s scared of you.” Replies Spyro. “Have you explained that you have freed me from his influence and I won’t eat him?” asks Cynder. “Yes I have.” replies Spyro.

“I’ve got a bad feeling” says Spyro before sipping the goblet he’s holding. “What about?” asks Cynder.

“The Dark Master, Convexity and the future.” Replies Spyro. “Me too.” Says Cynder as Ignitus passes behind them and gets into a turbolift.
“Engineering” says Ignitus after the doors close behind him. It arrives in engineering a minute later. The engineering chamber is full of yellow dragons doing various jobs.

“How’s the repairs to the shield grid getting on, kilowatt?” asks Volteer. “Ahead of schedule” replies Kilowatt as Ignitus walks in. “excellent” says Volteer. “How are the repairs getting on?” asks Ignitus. “As you just heard we are ahead of schedule” replies Ignitus.
“Good. I’ve got a feeling the apes will attack again.” Says Ignitus as a yellow dragon passes carrying a toolbox. She opens a Jeffries tube hatch and climbs into it. The hatch closes behind her. “Dad, The damaged plasma relays are all repaired. I’m not bringing them online.” Shouts a yellow dragon from a walkway above Ignitus. “Excellent work Ampere.” Says Volteer. “Thanks Dad. It wasn’t just me who worked on them. I just did the ones in engineering.” says Ampere just before Spyro walks in followed by Cynder.

“Am I seeing 20 Volteers or is it the bottle of Chech’tluth I had earlier?” asks Spyro. “The yellow dragons you’re seeing in Volteer’s Children. They are highly trained in engineering skills.” Replies Ignitus before every yellow dragon in the room grin identically before they go back to their various jobs.

“Terridor is in a foul mood.” says Cynder. “I can guess why.” says Ignitus. “His ruined artwork on the hanger bay floor.
You should hear the foul language coming out of his mouth as he is repainting it.” says Spyro.
“I’m going to wash his mouth out with soap!!!” says Ignitus. “You better let him calm down first or he’ll smack you with his mace.” says Spyro as a female young yellow dragon walks past Ignitus carrying a toolbox and goes into a turbolift.
“I bet his part of the temple is full of complicated discussions and very noisy.” says Spyro.
“Nah, they have their own wing of the temple. The other guardian kids call it ‘‘The Brainac wing’’.” says Ignitus.
They all laugh as the leave engineering.

“Ignitus, can you have a word with Sparx. He’s under the delusion that I’m gonna eating him even though that Spyro has explained that I’m not evil anymore.” says Cynder.
“I’ll see if I can get him an appointment with Deanna. She’s Cyril’s daughter and a very good councillor. “ replies Ignitus. “thanks.” says Cynder.
Ignitus calls a turbolift. “What are you doing this evening?” asks Ignitus.
“I’m going on the holodeck. I’m going to try a program I found while looking through the database.” Replies Spyro. “Oh, which one?” asks Ignitus as the lift arrives and the doors open. “Terridor Callisthenics Program” replies Spyro.
“Are you flipping mental? He has a mace and you haven’t!” exclaims Ignitus. “Don’t worry I’ve been training with this.” replies Spyro before pulling out a curved sword. “Spyro, I haven’t seen a Bat’telh in a dragon’s age. I still remember how to use one but I haven’t used one in a dragon’s age.” says Ignitus. “Why don’t you come and join me and have some fun. We could even spar if you want afterwards.” asks Spyro.
“Tempting but I’m due on the bridge. Another time perhaps.” Replies Ignitus.
“You don’t know what you’re missing. Anyway see you later.” says Spyro as the lift doors close. “Bridge.” Says Ignitus and the lift moves.
“I better alert Beverly because Spyro might be paying her a visit later, knowing how violent that program is…” says Ignitus before he leaves the lift.



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