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#1 Nov 09, 2008 8:40 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Im not going to buy this

For all what ive heard, this game sucks. Those bastards deserve me to illegal download this game.

Can anyone change my mind?

Edit: Its funny, all of you EXCEPT ratchet and agent 9 was distracted by the "TLOS SUX!!!!11" and missed the actual question. How funny...

And for now on, answers please. Why would i get the game? Whats bad/good about it? What needs to be improved?

And really, im serious. No flame wars please.


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#2 Nov 09, 2008 8:41 PM

Registered: Jan 27, 2008
Posts: 182
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Re: Im not going to buy this

No one cares. It's your loss.

Lousy attention-seeker.


#3 Nov 09, 2008 8:42 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

I dont know what to do.


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#4 Nov 09, 2008 8:42 PM

Agent 9
From: Agent 9's Lab
Registered: Nov 08, 2008
Posts: 13
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Re: Im not going to buy this

well do you wanna buy it
if you think its gonna be a really crappy game well dont buy it
but if you think it might be alright then get it


#5 Nov 09, 2008 8:48 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

Im not sure, the reviewers say it sucks and fanboys say it rocks. Im not gonna waste 50 euros for some spyro fanboy's opinion though, and reviewers can be wrong.


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#6 Nov 09, 2008 9:02 PM

From: Cybertron
Registered: Nov 06, 2008
Posts: 270
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Re: Im not going to buy this

Rent it and see if it's good or not...

I know I'm not buying it......

If the gameplay is anything like TEN or ANB I'm not going to like it....


"Megatron is a fool who's been chasing a ghost for centuries!"


#7 Nov 10, 2008 9:08 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: Im not going to buy this

T3h0v4llu wrote:

Im not sure, the reviewers say it sucks and fanboys say it rocks. Im not gonna waste 50 euros for some spyro fanboy's opinion though, and reviewers can be wrong.

Hearing for someone who isn't a TLOS fanboy but who is a spyro fan, The game is very avarage and is not worth the hype it got. THe game is a bit more advanced than ANB and TEN, well alot more advanced then ANB and TEN though it's still avarage. I'd give it around a 6-7 for what i've played.


#8 Nov 10, 2008 1:56 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

ratchet wrote:
T3h0v4llu wrote:

Im not sure, the reviewers say it sucks and fanboys say it rocks. Im not gonna waste 50 euros for some spyro fanboy's opinion though, and reviewers can be wrong.

Hearing for someone who isn't a TLOS fanboy but who is a spyro fan, The game is very avarage and is not worth the hype it got. THe game is a bit more advanced than ANB and TEN, well alot more advanced then ANB and TEN though it's still avarage. I'd give it around a 6-7 for what i've played.

Thank you, this is the kind of answer i wanted. Everyone else flamed me for trying to get "attention". Ill probably rent or ware it.

Edit: About ANB and TEN: I wasnt a too big fan of those two, though they werent bad as the reviewers said, they were still very mediocre.


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#9 Nov 10, 2008 2:40 PM

From: My floating island
Registered: Jul 26, 2008
Posts: 500
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Re: Im not going to buy this

Rent it.

If you get it illegally, it's going to come back to bite you, and rightly so.

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#10 Nov 10, 2008 5:56 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

TornWings wrote:

Rent it.

If you get it illegally, it's going to come back to bite you, and rightly so.

Im not probably going to buy this.

This whole tlos series was a terrible disappointment. Was it? Well see that when i get my hands on DotD, way or another.

Edit: I changed my mind, its made by another company, so its not necessarily bad as its predecessors in the trilogy.


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#11 Nov 10, 2008 7:22 PM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jan 01, 2008
Posts: 423
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Re: Im not going to buy this

T3h0v4llu wrote:
TornWings wrote:

Rent it.

If you get it illegally, it's going to come back to bite you, and rightly so.

Sorry but ive already made my choice; im not paying anything from this piece of sh*t.

This whole tlos series was a terrible disappointment.

Dude with your current attitude you should be banned off this site altogether ...

Do what you want I really don't care ... but consider the consequences

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#12 Nov 10, 2008 7:41 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

Thank you, tlos fanboy.


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#13 Nov 10, 2008 8:12 PM

Registered: Jan 27, 2008
Posts: 182
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Re: Im not going to buy this

T3h0v4llu wrote:
ratchet wrote:
T3h0v4llu wrote:

Im not sure, the reviewers say it sucks and fanboys say it rocks. Im not gonna waste 50 euros for some spyro fanboy's opinion though, and reviewers can be wrong.

Hearing for someone who isn't a TLOS fanboy but who is a spyro fan, The game is very avarage and is not worth the hype it got. THe game is a bit more advanced than ANB and TEN, well alot more advanced then ANB and TEN though it's still avarage. I'd give it around a 6-7 for what i've played.

Thank you, this is the kind of answer i wanted. Everyone else flamed me for trying to get "attention". Ill probably rent or ware it.

Edit: About ANB and TEN: I wasnt a too big fan of those two, though they werent bad as the reviewers said, they were still very mediocre.

Well, if you walk into a forum saying "This sucks. I should get it for free because I'm so cool. Now give me attention because I hate this series 8D"


#14 Nov 10, 2008 8:37 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

Perhaps i shouldve formed my question better, i thought that "i hate this game!!!111111" would get alot people to help me with my problem.

Ratchet is the only one so far who understanded what i wanted to ask, and replied to it. Cheers for him, hes always so reasonable.


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#15 Nov 10, 2008 8:47 PM

From: Scotland
Registered: Sep 12, 2007
Posts: 137
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Re: Im not going to buy this

Your profile states your 15.

o rly?

You act more like 5.

The LoS series did NOT ruin the fandom. Nor would a Spyro movie ruin it. The fans are doing that themselves by their constant whining and complaining about small, idiotic things. It's the Sonic fandom all over again.


#16 Nov 10, 2008 8:54 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
Gems: 0

Re: Im not going to buy this

SORRY. I LIED. Im 4 years old. KTHXBAI.


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#17 Nov 10, 2008 9:23 PM

Award: Admin
From: Illinois
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Re: Im not going to buy this

Wow... just wow. I have just lost all faith in this forum.

Game Girl 2007 and minredd, how sadly immature of you. All he wanted was your opinion; he's stating his dislike for a game, for crying out loud, not insulting any of you personally. Way to overreact.

T3h0v4llu, you might want to word your questions a little more nicely next time. Yes, it got people's attention, but not in a good way.

Also, don't feed the trolls, all of you. The report button is there for a reason: Use it, don't start stupid flame wars.

To answer the actual question, this is what I'm doing: I'm going to wait until I can buy the game at Gamestop for under $20. I would not recommend downloading it illegally.


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