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#126 May 19, 2010 9:53 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Don't frown upon your school work. If you keep a positive attitude, it will
turn out better than you may have expected. Some people don't realize
that simply keeping a positive attitude helps in most situations in life.
Not only have my friends told me that, but I have personal experience with
that little theory. I've tested it ...
: )
#127 May 21, 2010 2:11 PM
- Stormy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Computer science major. I heard those sort of people get paid a lot.
Wait, that is true ... right?
Yeah, it's true. It's actually one of the highest paying majors.
#128 May 22, 2010 3:36 AM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Judging by that fact, it's probably a very stressful job. My father majored in
IT programming. He fixes existing programs, creates programs, and builds
upon existing ones for the company he works for [Holt Caterpillar in Texas].
He has been working there practically my whole life. I don't recall
him ever having a previous job.
#129 Jun 02, 2010 4:59 AM
- Aicebo
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- From: Dark Hollow
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Re: General Discussion 5
Ugh, it is SO HARD to find CDs for little bands!!! My mom and I ran all over town looking for the new Good Old War CD!
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#130 Jun 02, 2010 7:07 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Napster should have it.
#131 Jun 02, 2010 9:48 PM
- Aicebo
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Re: General Discussion 5
I mean getting actual copies Swaffy, I can download stuff anywhere yes but I like being able to have the actual copy
Kids these days...
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#132 Jun 03, 2010 5:59 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Yeah, you're right. There's something about having an actual, physical CD
of the band [or in my case, a game] that makes it better. I always like to
get a copy of a movie instead of getting a torrent or buying it online, simply
because it feels great just having the case and disk. I don't know why it
feels better, but it does. I could have bought Need for Speed: Most Wanted
on the Xbox Live Marketplace and have it saved on my hard drive to play at
any time, but I bought the disk version instead.
#133 Jun 18, 2010 1:06 PM
- 36IStillLikeSpyro36
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Re: General Discussion 5
Ugh, it is SO HARD to find CDs for little bands!!! My mom and I ran all over town looking for the new Good Old War CD!
your best bet is E-Bay, Amazon, Discogs, etc.. i listen to REAL "little" bands that are so obscure, that a lot of them aren't even on MySpace, and haven't been heard from in several years now [meaning 2003 and before], so virtually nothing i like is in the stores. but thanks to these sites [mostly E-Bay], i have... probably 15 CD's that i can almost guarantee aren't in any store in the world.
There's something about having an actual, physical CD of the band
Dіsсоrd - 7Arterial7Justice7 [[HASHTAG]] 6565
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imperfect sinner saved by Christ.
#134 Jun 23, 2010 3:41 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Is it true that Chuck Norris's wife is much younger than him? Or is it just
their outward appearance?
#135 Jun 23, 2010 9:15 PM
- Spyrorocks
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#136 Jun 26, 2010 2:39 AM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Oh, wow. That's pretty interesting. So he married a woman that is decades
younger than him ... and they both were married beforehand. What an odd
life to have. And he and his current wife have kids from their previous
marriage. That's just messed up.
Well, if that's how he wants his life to be like, I can't stop him. Literally.
#137 Jun 26, 2010 4:27 AM
- Jackson117
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Re: General Discussion 5
Doesn't beat the man who married his ps1
Statement: Love is what you get when you lock a target in your sights and watch as the targeting alines and the blaster
#138 Oct 07, 2010 4:30 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
A new kid came in last Sunday at church and told the Youth worship team
that he'd like to join the band and play electric guitar. Well, he told us that
he plays it, and so we invited him to Wednesday night youth group. So
yesterday, Wednesday, he came in and did an amazing job at playing the
guitar along side me. It was nice as he is a skilled guitarist, but he didn't
know the songs we were doing very well. That's alright ... he'll learn them.
#139 Oct 27, 2010 12:54 AM
- JazzJackrabbit
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Re: General Discussion 5
Does your praise band play the same song every week? My school chapel band does.
Yo, Spyro
I'm really happy for you, but Jazz Jackrabbit is one of the best platformers of all time.
#140 Oct 29, 2010 7:46 AM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Not every week. We change things up so that the kids don't get tired of
singing the same song every week. We also try to learn new music on
occasion to add to our large list of songs.
#141 Nov 03, 2010 5:33 AM
- Aicebo
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- From: Dark Hollow
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Re: General Discussion 5
Hey guysss I'd love to get reconnected with members of the forum again, I feel sad that this place is full of members that aren't recognizable to me anymore
so how are you all?
and if anyone is interested I'm doing some AMV requests with children's movies...if anyone wants more info they can check out my youtube channel <3 I would love to make some videos for you guys
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#142 Nov 03, 2010 9:23 PM
- malik_the_dragon
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Re: General Discussion 5
can you do mines about my character
and its about malik trying to find his mother who was takin by these monsters from the second game in the second series and his family are sorcerers and malik is a golden dragon who not only possesses magic but the power of light because his father was a drac (a dragon like spyro and ignitus meaning he has no magic) and he only had fire. i had drawings but i cant show em. pm me if you need more info or if there is any thing you want to tell me, thanks!
http://josephjennings001.dragonadopters … 541344.gif … -fans.html
we are one, and one within.
#143 Nov 03, 2010 9:52 PM
- Aicebo
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- From: Dark Hollow
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Re: General Discussion 5
Ohhhh I would but I do AMVs which are videos with kid's movies
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#144 Nov 05, 2010 7:01 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Aicebo, you should share some of your latest ones. A Balto 1 AMV would
be wonderful. I'm sure you have seen the movie before ...
On the other hand, I've been playing a lot of the first three Spyro games
lately. I've had Year of the Dragon since I was about 9 years old, I just
completed Ripto's Rage yesterday [from when this message was posted]
after beginning it two weeks ago, and I am now starting to play Soyro the
Dragon. In short, I'm playing the triple set of games in reversed order.
#145 Nov 05, 2010 11:44 PM
- Aicebo
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- From: Dark Hollow
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Re: General Discussion 5
I love balto I
I can do requests with that if you have one that you want to see
I've been playing spyro 3 alot now that I have my new ps3
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#146 Apr 27, 2011 10:39 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
#147 Apr 28, 2011 10:53 AM
- ontels
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Re: General Discussion 5
You think the Earth is onlly 6000 years old? Are you feeling allright?
#148 Apr 28, 2011 4:02 PM
- Aceedwin
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- From: London, but not Soho.
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Re: General Discussion 5
How could humanity develop a proper society in 6000 years? That seems strange to me. Reasoning, Swaffles?
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.
Image from the legendary xkcd.
#149 May 13, 2011 6:20 AM
- Swaffy
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Re: General Discussion 5
Again ... ignoring the main point.
#150 May 28, 2011 1:23 AM
- Neotyguy40
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Re: General Discussion 5
I'd like to start this thread back up again considering it is very pleasant to have. Though considering the past conversation was starting to get more into a 'grey zone' of conversation (if you don't understand the 6000 year thing, take a Western Civ or Religious Studies class), I say we should start with a newer conversation. Somehow I feel as if this thread would be used more if it wasn't a sticky. I tend to look right over it and never notice new posts in here.
So... Do you guys like any flash sites or webcomics? Maybe some other internet past time?