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#51 May 13, 2008 7:18 AM
- spyromaster330
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Re: Favourite Area!
I voted for Peace Keepers awhile ago but now i like Dream Weavers the best. It looks really cool and has nice music
#52 May 13, 2008 4:41 PM
- Aicebo
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Re: Favourite Area!
I would've voted Dream Weavers, but I have a fear of butterflies.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#53 May 13, 2008 7:08 PM
- Iceferno
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Re: Favourite Area!
Iceferno wrote:I've already voted, but it's letting me have a 2nd choice. Is it supposed to do that?
It does that for me too. I guess it is just in case people cannot make up their minds! lol XD
I tried selecting them all, but it did not work though...
They all are so good!
Ah, well at least it shows what that 1 vote that I cast was
I voted for Peace Keepers awhile ago but now i like Dream Weavers the best. It looks really cool and has nice music
That's a good change! Ofcourse, I would say that
I would've voted Dream Weavers, but I have a fear of butterflies.
You should probably rule out most of the game then
#54 May 14, 2008 3:02 AM
- Keby
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Re: Favourite Area!
Yeah, I actually sort of think there were are little bit better home worlds in Spyro 2! These were okay though, very small and not many secrets.
#55 May 26, 2008 4:55 PM
- Iceferno
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Re: Favourite Area!
Yeah, the Homeworlds did improve over the later games but I still like even the simplicity of the Spyro 1 Homeworlds
#56 May 27, 2008 3:00 AM
- Keby
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Re: Favourite Area!
Yeah, the Homeworlds did improve over the later games but I still like even the simplicity of the Spyro 1 Homeworlds
Spyro 1 homeworlds were too simple, in my mind. I think that the Spyro 2 homeworlds were a huge improvement from those in Spyro 1.
#57 May 27, 2008 6:59 PM
- Iceferno
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#58 May 28, 2008 12:15 AM
- Keby
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Re: Favourite Area!
Well, you're fussy
I guess I am! XD
#59 May 29, 2008 11:44 PM
- Ba'ah
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Re: Favourite Area!
my favorite worlds are Dream Weavers and Magic Crafters they have the best levels! Artisans is so short and has the smallest levels, Peace Keepers doesn't have good levels except for ice cavern, Beast Makers is awsome but not my favorite and Gnasty's World is cool but short but you get to beat the boss. Duh DUh DUUH!
#60 Sep 03, 2008 10:51 PM
- Keby
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Re: Favourite Area!
I could not vote Dream Weavers like I wanted to, so I voted Gnasty's World instead. I just like how Dream Weaver's had that gun you could shoot to shrink/grow the enemies, and just the level design itself. I used to like Peace Keepers when I was little because of the cannons that you could fire. Gnasty's World is just cool and metal looking. I guess that Magic Crafters was also pretty cool. Artisans is kind of plane, but classic Spyro. Beast Makers has cool levels, but the home world itself is just meh.
#61 Sep 24, 2008 2:47 PM
- Spyro_Fan_Forever
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Re: Favourite Area!
Dream Weavers because I like the music and the creatures there plus it's got some cool places.
I also like shooting the magic cannon.
And Artisans because it's the first place Spyro starts off in.
I like going to Sunny Flight there and chasing the stupid Gnorcs around just before flaming their hids. =P
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