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#51 Mar 15, 2008 7:39 AM

From: Edmonton AB, Canada
Registered: Dec 19, 2007
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Re: Too far?

The Spyro movie is probably going to be subpar at best. Some games work well for movies and some just don't. I guess the main factors would be that the game would have to have a good storyline as well as having a substantial amount of audience and publicity.

Hey, the Tomb Raider movies did an awesome job. Angelina Jolie couldn't have made Lara sexier.


#52 Mar 15, 2008 8:29 AM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
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Re: Too far?

And you know it Bmah!I mean she IS Lara Croft!

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#53 Jul 21, 2008 12:09 PM

From: Queensland, Australia
Registered: Apr 11, 2008
Posts: 491
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Re: Too far?

Spyrorocks wrote:
Stormy wrote:


I have a few objections to that powerpoint.

1. Pokemon>>>>>New Spyro.
2. Pokemon>>>>>>Yugioh>>>>Spongebob.

Edit: Curse your markup. >_>

Scarabbug wrote:

BTW, The aniamtion company Velvet Octopus HAVE been confirmed as the makers for the new movie and they DO exist (though the movies they've made in the past haven't been great). Trust me, I'm an aniamtion student.

The powerpoint is here: http://velvetoctopus.com/spyro/index.htm

Do your RESEARCH, people.

None of these links seem to work for me. I went to the VelvetOctopus links that Spyrorocks and Scarabbug provided (sorry Spyrorocks I don’t have the ‘1337 HTML Haxxoring skillz’ that you speak of, I’m just not that clever a cookie) and it just came up with a page saying ‘for more information please contact [email protected]’. And the link that Stormy provided said ‘404 page not found’ or something like that. Dammit, it’s like they want leave us in the dark or something!

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#54 Jul 21, 2008 1:02 PM

Registered: Feb 04, 2008
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Re: Too far?

Yeah, they'll upload something for a little while and then take it down. I don't really understand why they put them there in the first place if they're not there to stay, but the website seems to be there for people in the industry rather than the fans. It's still too early for a public website to appear, I think.


#55 Jul 27, 2008 11:00 AM

From: Queensland, Australia
Registered: Apr 11, 2008
Posts: 491
Gems: 3

Re: Too far?

Oh ok, thanks Epesi. Doesn't make the wait any shorter though tongue

Feel free to PM me anytime if you wish to talk, even if its just to randomly say hello smile

I'm on deviantART! big_smile


#56 Aug 02, 2008 5:39 PM

From: Summer Forest
Registered: Jul 10, 2008
Posts: 67
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Re: Too far?

Scarabbug wrote:

Still, Sonic has had several successful spin off series

You can't honestly mean Sonic X can you? That was an abomination, that show is the reason it's not cool to say your a Sonic fan anymore.

Back on topic, this movie is gonna blow, I can feel it.

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#57 Aug 31, 2008 6:46 AM

Registered: Mar 20, 2008
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Re: Too far?

No, making it into a cartoon would be going too far XD

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#58 Aug 31, 2008 3:28 PM

From: A cell in Las Noches, Hueco Mu
Registered: May 12, 2007
Posts: 448
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Re: Too far?

Final Fantasy 7 has a movie.

[shadow=indigo:9e2e35e4d7][glow=violet:9e2e35e4d7]ULQUIHIME - The brightness of her eyes
lit the darkness that is my heart[/glow:9e2e35e4d7][/shadow:9e2e35e4d7]


#59 Sep 01, 2008 12:40 AM

From: Scotland
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Re: Too far?

as does Resident Evil...Silent Hill...Doom...Mortal Kombat....I can go on. XD

The LoS series did NOT ruin the fandom. Nor would a Spyro movie ruin it. The fans are doing that themselves by their constant whining and complaining about small, idiotic things. It's the Sonic fandom all over again.


#60 Oct 11, 2008 2:13 PM

From: In my House... Playing DOTD
Registered: Oct 11, 2008
Posts: 94
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Re: Too far?

yes but no. ever since i played my first ever spyro game (enter the dragonfly) ive wanted a movie... but i DO think its going a little to far... making a TV show is going to far...

now im just waiting for a star fox movie....

WHOOOO 11 days till christmas!! I CANT WAIT!


#61 Oct 23, 2008 6:07 PM

Registered: Oct 23, 2008
Posts: 58
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Re: Too far?

This would be a good kid movie, but I think they should just stick to the games. But I guess none of us will really know if it's good or not till it comes out, right?

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#62 Oct 26, 2008 11:58 AM

From: A cell in Las Noches, Hueco Mu
Registered: May 12, 2007
Posts: 448
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Re: Too far?

The games were like films O_o so I think that's enough. More cutsecens than gameplay...

[shadow=indigo:9e2e35e4d7][glow=violet:9e2e35e4d7]ULQUIHIME - The brightness of her eyes
lit the darkness that is my heart[/glow:9e2e35e4d7][/shadow:9e2e35e4d7]


#63 Dec 30, 2008 12:47 PM

Registered: Dec 28, 2008
Posts: 60
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Re: Too far?

Well, It's about time they have an official movie, you know....
For all those games they made, they could have  made a movie earlier....

(I know it's too far, but its worth it for Spyro's fans!)


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#64 Dec 31, 2008 12:12 AM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Too far?

I'm really divided over it....would I like to see a movie...yes I would...but like Ratchet said way back in this topic...or somebody said anyways....the games are practically like a movie anyways. So in a way I just want them to keep creating games.

I'm just really thinking that they would totally butcher just about any movie version of these games...because the staff they have assigned to it so far does not really give me any comfort.

Too much...I'm leaning towards yes. Keep it as a game where it belongs...once you start dealing with actual movies and such you are playing with fire. They better hope for their sake that they don't drive this whole thing into the ground.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#65 Dec 31, 2008 1:46 AM

From: Arkham Asylum
Registered: Aug 26, 2008
Posts: 296
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Re: Too far?

I'd prefer it if they'd stay with the games but that's just me. <_<
But who knows...maybe a Spyro movie would be pretty cool...

Just have to wait and see. *sigh*

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#66 Jan 01, 2009 12:40 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
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Re: Too far?

I am really split over this, I am almost certain the movie will be rubbish, but I just want it to be good.

Games can be made into movies quite successful, such as final fantasy 7 (strange how the FINAL fantasy franchise has more or less the most games outside football). Advent children, although not a blockbuster, is a intresting action movie.

However, I just think that it couldn't work on Spyro, because final fantasy allows you to bond with characters through lots of cutscenes and a ridiculously complicated, and brilliant plot. Spyro bonds through continued battles, and, boring as that sounds, it worked. Spyro therefore is designed to become your friend, through being you.

Which is why the movie has a 97% chance of failing by my estimate, but for what it's worth I will be holding onto that 3% like there's no tomorrow.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#67 Jan 02, 2009 1:01 AM

From: Hell
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Re: Too far?

so true but it all depends on the average movie viewer

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#68 Jan 02, 2009 8:19 PM

Sammy The Dragon
Registered: May 29, 2008
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Re: Too far?

Stormy wrote:

Am I the only one who thinks that making an official movie out of a video game is going a bit too far? I mean, it's a video game; can't it be left at that?

Please don't flame me for my opinion as it will get you nowhere; thank you. smile

i'll comment on this in a moment.

Well Stormy, i put it like this. if you are gonna have a smash hit video game series, why not take it to the next level? this will make the series even more popular! making a tv series out of it would be going to far.

now back to the bolded statement. NO ONE is going to flame you for you opinion. that's what this site is for. stating your opinion. yah' dig?


#69 Jan 03, 2009 12:44 AM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
Posts: 492
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Re: Too far?

Books/Movies ---> Games


Games ---> Books/Movies


You cant make succesfull movies from games... (with the exception of Tomb Raider)


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#70 Jan 03, 2009 12:51 AM

Registered: Jan 27, 2008
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Re: Too far?

I agree with Sammy. A movie is good, but like they said, if they had made it into a TV series that would be going too far.

I say as long as they keep the movie close to the games, then I'll be happy. Even if it stinks I'm going to see it. Good gosh, I haven't been to the theaters since Lilo & Stitch came out in like 2002.


#71 Jan 06, 2009 10:26 AM

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: Jan 06, 2009
Posts: 98
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Re: Too far?

No offence, but making a movie on a video game sounds...nerdy, or geeky however you Americans call it...

Is it going to be a kids movie like villain and stuff or is it going to be serious. If it's more of a kids movie they should base it on the older 3 spyro games.

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#72 Jan 30, 2009 5:31 PM

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Re: Too far?

Stormy wrote:

Pokemon was an anime at around the same time it became a game, so it makes sense to have Pokemon movies.... Spyro, though... I dunno, it's just different. First they change him into this nerdy little combat thing, then they make him into a movie? Just... no.



#73 Jan 30, 2009 7:04 PM

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Re: Too far?

Err, first of all, this is kind of an old thread. Second, no, I'm not a big TLoS fan, actually. Please don't yell at people/type in all capitals; it's rude.


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