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#1026 May 17, 2008 12:47 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Cosmo: This is Tails he's my-
Tails: I'm her FIANCE, and we're getting married as soon as we get back to Station Square.
#1027 May 17, 2008 12:50 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Esten: *He stands up, and looks at them oddly, he closes a fist a bit angered, but then releases it* Oh! Im sorry i kissed her hand... its just a custom of honor in out planet... Isn't that right Cosmo...
Spyro: Oh boy
#1028 May 17, 2008 12:54 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Cosmo: Yeah...*holds Tails shoulder*
Tails: Sure, whatever. *thinks* What if Cosmo wants to be with her own kind? All I do is obsess over her, could I be smothering her, pushing her away with my love?
#1029 May 17, 2008 12:56 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Esten: anyways, you may be guarding her, but i still want to be at her side, protecting her as well, *Looks into her eyes* All i want is the best for her....
*Spyro walks up, and looks at Esten*
Esten: The more the marryer...
#1030 May 17, 2008 8:20 PM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Cosmo: *blushes* T-t-t-hank you.
Tails: *grabs cosmo's hand* well we better get some more training done eh Cosmo?
#1031 May 17, 2008 8:21 PM
#1032 May 17, 2008 8:23 PM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Tails: W-w-what!? That's absurd! it's just that we haven't trained in a while.....
#1033 May 17, 2008 8:24 PM
#1034 May 17, 2008 8:39 PM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
*Esten sees in wonder as Tails and Sonic argue*
Esten: Well, now is not the time to argue... the enemy is upon us... we must be ready
#1035 May 18, 2008 12:48 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Tails: *trying to cover up* Yeah! See Sonic? Esten has the right idea, while you go around accusing people of jealousy....*gives a nervous laugh* errrr, come on Cosmo! To training! *her pulls her to the field where they train*
Cosmo: *is being pulled away* See you later Soniiiiiic!
#1036 May 18, 2008 12:51 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
esten: Wait for me... um tails.... I've gone to several planets and learned a lot of fighting techniques usable for our race!
#1037 May 18, 2008 12:55 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Tails: O-o-o-okay. But keep up! *he purposely speeds up to try and discourage Esten*
#1038 May 18, 2008 12:56 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
*Esten runs after them, and quickly catches up*
Esten: Millitary training makes you tough, especially after being desperatly in search for several years
#1039 May 18, 2008 1:03 AM
#1040 May 18, 2008 1:03 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
*Tails makes a dead stop*
Tails: Cosmo, why don't you go and set up the training area? I want to get Esten here up to speed....
Cosmo: Okay, Tails. *she leaves, out of ear shot*
Tails: Okay Esten, let me lay it out for you. I'm sure you're a great soldier and all, but it's time to get over Cosmo. I helped her, I brought her back to life, And I'M training her, okay? And she loves ME, and no amount of 'traditions' or 'honor' is going to make her come running to you.
Cosmo: *Is setting up the training area...and hears a rustle in the bushes* oh? Who there? *she walks closer*
#1041 May 18, 2008 1:07 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
*Esten closes his fist, feeling his hostilety*
Esten: Well I understand... tails... Im just making sure that my Friend! is alright.... got that im not getting in your busness, and i dont wanna injure anyone... trust me
#1042 May 18, 2008 1:23 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Tails: *blocks his way* I'm sorry, but to be frank, I can't trust you, the other males of Cosmo's clan easily turned into metarex, you might turn into one.
Cosmo: Hello? Anyone there? *more rustling* Do you need help? *a tiny plant hops out* Oh! Aren't you a cute one? *the plant grows and turns into it's metarex form, grabs Cosmo, and starts to fly away, Cosmo screeches.*
Tails: Huh? Cosmo! *flies after her, trying to get to her...but the metarex is just to fast....* Cosmo!
Cosmo: Tails! Don't leave me!
Tails: I won't! I'm here! *he's able to get a hold of a few of her fingers, but his grip slips and the metarex uses him as a spring board to propel him forward, out of sight* Cosmo! *he flies back to Esten* You! You led them here didn't you!?
#1043 May 18, 2008 1:27 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Esten: What are you talking about... we have to get Cosmo! *Esten runs off to grab a pack he has, he then pulls out two jet packs* You lucky i have these *throws one to him, and puts one on* Catch on *He flies off at full speed*
#1044 May 18, 2008 1:28 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
*Tails shoots an energy blast at the jetpack.*
Tails: Sorry, but I can't let you save her, that's MY job.
#1045 May 18, 2008 1:33 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
*Esten falls to the ground, and crashes hard, he then stands up, completley PO'ed*
Esten: Are you mad! They just took her away! and for your stupid competition with me, now we cant even save her! you're a maniach open your eyes!! *Esten begins run bakc to his pack, and pulls out a small blade, he then looks as if charging right at Tails, but goes right past heading the way Cosmo got lst*
#1046 May 18, 2008 1:40 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Tails: you're a maniac, open your eyes....are you mad?.....they just took her..... Hey wait up! *he runs after Esten* I was so stupid, I was acting like a kid, and now Cosmo is paying the price.... Look, Esten...I'm sorry. I was jealous...and I was afraid that Cosmo would want to be with her own kind. *he holds out his hand* truce?
#1047 May 18, 2008 1:43 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Esten: *shankes his hand* Truce..... anyways, we already agreed long ago she just wanted to be friends with me, we where like the kind of friends that where with each other for everything... like potty training, and the first ectoplasm bleed (lol i mean nose bleed, but they are plants*
#1048 May 18, 2008 1:45 AM
- CynderRules
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Tails: hehe. Okay, so now, do you know where the Metarex base is?
OOC: night amigos.
#1049 May 18, 2008 1:51 AM
- shade105
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- From: Warfang
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Re: Spyro & Soniku (future)
Esten: Yes, i saw it as i was flying thrugh this *Slaps his forehead feeling stupid* Oh! I forgot that i have an interplanet travler, its the combat ship 12.43 *Esten pulls out a buttom, and clicks it, then a ship comes down, it looks alot like a jedi star fghter* Well, you in?
OOC: a way for Cosmo and them to get back to thier planet!