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#26 May 12, 2008 11:55 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*after feasting on his kill, Ayumi decided to find others...*
Ayumi: *sniffs around* hmm.....nothing.....i'll have to keep looking....i need to find my pack...*he sits down, and howls*....*he waits for a response, and here's one of his pack mates howl's* oh good.....they are within range...*he runs off to find them*
(Wolfie! X3)
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#27 May 12, 2008 11:58 PM
- A Guy
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Delrith continues to sleep*
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#28 May 12, 2008 11:59 PM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Akirex:*hears*huh?!Why do I need to find what that is?!*flys off in that drection*
Anubis:Where are YOU going?!
Arcane:Maybe a restroom!haha!
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#29 May 13, 2008 12:04 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Ayumi: *howls again, louder this time, he hears another howl in response* im getting closer.....wha? *he stops, his ears perk up* someone, or something is following me....*he walks slowley and warily* come out! who ever you are! i wont hesitate to kill you!
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#30 May 13, 2008 12:08 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Eon hears Blaze get up and he runs over to her*
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#31 May 13, 2008 12:11 AM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Akirex:*zooms down and gets far away*WHere is that coming from?!
Anubis:Stop Akirex!
Arcane:We can't keep up!
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#32 May 13, 2008 12:16 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*the other wolves howled again*----
Okani: leader, we have not found Ayumi...
Anaki: hmm.....where is he too be found?!...
Pack Leader: spread out and search for him!
*they spread out, in search for Ayumi*
Ayumi: *snarls* huh? *sniffs the air* it dragon?!...
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#33 May 13, 2008 12:20 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Eon pounces on Blaze*
Blaze: hey! *kicks her off and chases her*
Eon: You can't catch me!
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#34 May 13, 2008 12:25 AM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
AKirex:They were just here!*hears ANubis and hides in the grass field*
Anubis:Where'd he go off now?!
Arcane:I'm tellin ya!He went for a wiz!
AntR:Or a poopy!XD
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#35 May 13, 2008 12:27 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Ayumi's yellow eyes turned to red, to see the dragons aura*
Ayumi: who's there?! *he stalks toward the dragons, and lays low* hmm...are they friendly? *to himself << *
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#36 May 13, 2008 12:36 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Blaze pounces on Eon and they both laugh*
Blaze: thought I couldn't catch you!
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#37 May 13, 2008 12:38 AM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Akirex:*hears someone*huh?!Yikes!*gets low.*thinking*I hope I don't get into another brawl*
Anubis:Scan over there!
Arcane:Jump AntR!
AntR:*jumps*I'll look over in the grass feilds
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#38 May 13, 2008 12:40 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Eon realizes the Blaze is onto of her and blushes. Blaze doesnt notice*
Blaze: whats wrong?
eon: N-nothing... lets get up.
*Blaze gets up and helps Eon up*
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#39 May 13, 2008 12:43 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*the Wolves, saw other types of animals, and did what their instinct told them*
Okani: mm......*lunges and brings down a deer*
Ayumi: *pounces out from the grass, while bared his fangs* gotcha!
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#40 May 13, 2008 12:47 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Eon and Blaze walk around and Eon keeps her face turned away from Blaze*
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#41 May 13, 2008 12:59 AM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Anubis:You hear something?!
Arcane:That way!
AntR:No..this way*sniffs* I can smeel him!
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#42 May 13, 2008 1:02 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
(my wolf just pounced ontop of
Ayumi: who are you?! why have you followed me?! *snarls and bares his fangs*
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#43 May 13, 2008 1:03 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Eon and Blaze keep walking but Blaze stops*
Eon: what is it?
Blaze: What's the matter?
Eon: what?
Blaze: ever since i pounced on you, you've been acting...weird. Are you sure you're ok?
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#44 May 13, 2008 1:08 AM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Akirex:I herad a howl and I just had to come towards it!
AntR:I think I see a wolf..
Anubis:Let's see if he knows where he is.
Akirex:*rolls onto him*Why are trying to bite ME?!
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#45 May 13, 2008 1:10 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Eon: I-I'm ok... *forces a smile on her face*
Blaze: well...ok...but remember if you have anything you want to talk about I'm here. I even helped you over-come the darkness and if I can do that then I know I can do alot of other things too.
*Eon nods* I know.
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#46 May 13, 2008 1:11 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*the wolves spot the dragons and group, and walk slowly toward the dragons*
Okani: w-who are you?!
Akani: yea! who are you?!
Ayumi: grrrr.....*jumps off* why did i try to bite you? you could be a threat! *readies his claws*
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#47 May 13, 2008 1:13 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Eon: well...actually...Blaze...
Eon: I need to talk to you...
Blaze: Well...ok...
*Eon starts to walk off and Blaze follows her*
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!
#48 May 13, 2008 1:14 AM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
Akirex:It called "Reaction"duh!
Anubis:WHo are you?!
AntR:Uh-oh..*runs*hope they don't remeber me.
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#49 May 13, 2008 1:15 AM
- A Guy
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Delrith wakes up*
I wonder who's there...
*Delrith follows the voices*
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#50 May 13, 2008 1:20 AM
- Eon_the_Lugia
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Re: A Heart of Darkness
*Eon sits down and so does Blaze*
Blaze: well?
Eon: Blaze...I've been acting weird..because...when you pounced on me....I-I....
Blaze: ???
Eon: Blaze...I-I....
March 21 2008 - October 2 2008
Good bye SpyroForum, it was fun while it lasted!