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#51 Oct 30, 2008 5:45 AM

From: Miami, Florida
Registered: Aug 04, 2008
Posts: 882
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Picklejerky wrote:

Dude, trying to covince us it's bad is just as....bad.... Lol!

Huh? I'm just expressing my opinions like everyone else here, dude, I'm not trying to convince anyone. This is the "WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR CASH COW FRIEND AFTER DAWN OF THE DRAGON" thread after all, it's not going to be filled with everyone loving tLoS.


Why end a story that so many people love?

Um, it happens every day?

You read a good book and it reaches the ending?

You watch a movie and it ends?

DotD had enough closure at the end, there is absolutely nothing that needed to be resolved. Everything beyond that will just be canonical fanfiction. Of course, I can't exactly speak for Activision and say that they will stop there, since they're such unpredictable money-grubbers, but usually continuing stories when you've basically announced "THE END" is one of the most hated things in the media world.

"Well, Simba becomes king and has a kid, you can use your imaginations to figure out what happens next. OOPS JUST KIDDING HAVE A CHEAP SEQUEL."

It's not like you guys can't just play the old games.

And you guys can't play the existing tLoS games? I don't see the logic here.

The new games have yet to come out still(someone confirmed more) so it's not like we'd want to just stop and let you guys have more and more games for a couple years, THEN release the rest of the story.


TornWings wrote:

Too bad I didn't predict epic conflict in THIS topic

Where's the conflict? All I see is a friendly debate with no name-calling? Honestly you guys need to stop getting so touchy over people's opinions.



#52 Oct 30, 2008 5:54 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Kazoobie64 wrote:

Why end a story that so many people love?

Um, it happens every day?

You read a good book and it reaches the ending?

You watch a movie and it ends?

not to mention the original spyro series

The new games have yet to come out still(someone confirmed more) so it's not like we'd want to just stop and let you guys have more and more games for a couple years, THEN release the rest of the story.


i think he believes that because new games have been confirmed that they must be based on tLoS spyro, WRONG for all we know, they could go back to avalar and the dragon lands and stuff


#53 Oct 30, 2008 1:15 PM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Trasher258 wrote:
ratchet wrote:

What they Should do:
Remake Spyro 1, 2, 3 for the PSP3000, NDSI and home consoles, add some more stuff just for fun.
REmake ETD but put in 2 more homeworlds containing 20 levels each
Make a BRAND NEW Spyro game, Like the originals but a whole lot more.

Aren't you asking...a little too much of them?

No, i'm saying if they were to make more spyro games, thats where they should start.

I think only Spyro 1 needs a remake or enhanced with 2 new homeworlds and additional levels. Maybe some more hidden levels as well. ETD just needs to be completed and have those annoying glitches fixed. If they are going to come up with 60 levels that's going to take a long time.

I know, they dont really need remakes, they're already good already. But it would be nice to see some of the mistakes fixed up along with better graphics and more levels.
I dont know though, if the developers fixed the glitches, i think the original Spyro fans wont be very happy as the glitches were one of the many great things about the originals.

A new game...let's try seeing them do a 3 character game. Each that has their own unique perspective of the story events going on around them.

I dont think so...... Doesn't sound good in my opinion. But have a co-op game, thats fine by me, even if it doesn't really fit into the story well. I care more about gameplay than story, unlike other people  <_<

The first 3 games where ok for there time, but the new LOS games are amazing and way better than the old spyro games that came out in the early 90s, not to mention the old Spyro games where just goofy as H311.

I think you have to study up on your spyro knowledge, as the First Spyro game came out in 1998, the late 90s, not the early 90s.
And i find nothing wrong with a goofy game, and there were tonnes more goofy games than Spyro like Mario, Kirby and Banjo Kazooie, but Adults still like them. Ok for its time? For one the originals were MUCH better for their time than TLOS. TLOS has NOTHING going for it, The Originals had the most draw distance and Level size than any other game at the time.

Also, they aren't gonna stop the LOS series, it will keep going and was confirmed it will, there are tons of fans of this series in and outside these forums and stopping the story where it is now would be a HUGH disappointment to its very large fan base and would probably murder any future spyro games in sells.

Just like the original fans became "murderers" when they rebooted the series? I dont think so. There was a much bigger fanbase of the original games than the TLOS ones, and Spyro was sort of the 2nd mascot of the playstation, TLOS? Its nothing! If anything, its a joke of reviewers and fans of the old series. I'm sure there would be many people happy if they went back to the original series.

Why not make a game with the Legend of Spyro with him, Cynder, and Sparx going against some villians from the old Spyro games? Only they have new looks.

Because if they had new looks, they wouldn't be the same character, would they?
If they were to bring back old villians, Keep them the same look and personality, NO CHANGING!
Heres a better idea, Have the origional Characters, and have TLOS villians and characters with completely different looks and personality, but wait, we'll upset the TLOS fans!

I recall running into that post. I also recall a Solar System holo projection found in Red's Laboratory in AHT. I have been keeping a close eye on that and wondered if portals were powerful enough to jump from one planet to another. That is, if inhabitable and the entry point coordinates is set.

Like the portal from Winter tundra to Dragon Shores? Its already possible.
If they were to connect the Originals and TLOS, make it so that TLOS took place 30, 000 years ago or something!

Also, don'tyou think people would get sick of the same thing always? Like, some evil person steals/ freezes/ etc. something, then you have to go find it and on the way, defeat some villans. With the new spyro, the actual story is a bigger factor. So wouldn't it be unfair if they were to continue the old stuff, and people got sick of it?

Well, maybe if they continued the old series the Story could be improved, it doesn't HAVE to be the same old. It wasn't thwe same old anyway....

I played Spyro when it first hit the PlayStation in the early 90s, at the time it was an impressive game, but with each game that came out, it just grew more and more pathetic and stupid. Really, if it wasn't for Sierra rebooting this game, it would been a thing of the past. TLoS had a great story line, though I will admit the first 2 games weren't perfect.

Again, LATE 90S not early 90s.
The original 3 were anything but pathetic or stupid, i could dig up reasons for you but i really cant be bothered spending 10 minutues just typing. As for after Spyro 3, yeah it got really stupid, ETD was the first blow, but The first 3 GBA games were still quite awesome, then Orange came and really stuffed the series up, AHT Completely just bashed it up and destroyed it, and the SSL just Made sure he was dead. But it really ewasn't the original series who was bad, it was the developers! If actual good developers got their hands on Spyro, i'm sure he would've been much better.
Yes, TLOS saved Spyro, But what are you talking about, hes not even "Spyro" anymore! I'd rather he died completely than Turn into the imposter he is today. THe Storyline is crud, the only reason people like it is because its about "dragons" and defeating "evil" and it has a "Love interest". probably 95% of all TLOS fans just bought it for the sory.

I think DotD is what Spyro was meant to be.

Spyro was meant to be? You mean what a "purple dragon" game was meant to be? What Spyro was originally is what Spyro was, not the reboot, its completely different!

Some people hate TLoS for stupid reasons like "Oh noes, he isn't the little smart@$$ crack addict dragon anymore, QQ".

Uhh, what? I didn't just like the originals because spyro wasn't a gary-stu, I liked the variety of gameplay, the difficulty, the emersive gameplay, the fun Colourful graphics and the lame jokes, characters and personalities that made you smile.

Want to know why I think the new Spyro is better? One, he is actually more serious, and not the little smack talking little runt he was.

I think you got Spyro mixed up with dennis the mennis. Spyro just was a bit of a joker, he wasn'ty some brat who annoyed you all the time, he just didn't take EBVERYTHING seriously, and was a bit overconfident. Isn't it OK to have some flaw?

Two, the game actually has a good story line, which some people think is too cliche, omg, wtf isn't Cliche anymore?!

The originals, especially number 3 had a good storyline too, But people didn't notice that because it didn't have a girl dragon, mega darkness or an unskippable cutscene every 2 seconds.

Three, a female character with a twisted life story who a lot of people love.

This is because Spyro didn't need any girlfriends in his game, and doesn't today!

Four, the game actually had more of a challenge than the old games, most enemys in the old spyro games where basically one shot...OOOoooOOO! That's rough....The combat system in TLoS was 10x better especially in DotD. I could go on, but I understand we all have our own opinions.

I Hate it when people go on about the enemies. ENEMIES DONT NEED TO BE DIFFICULT IN THE TYPE OF GAME SPYRO WAS. Spyro wasn't a gamer all about defeating the enemies like TLOS was, and it had challweenge in different places. like challenging bosses, minigames and platforms.

well i mean, if they came out with a game like:
Spyro: Letter Adventure OR something like, where the major things would be
collect the gems to save the teddy bear nation from insomnia.

LOL, i'm sure they would never be a game like that!

The older games were a bit childish. At least the new one is gripping. More action, with harder puzzles. Not just jump,glide,flap,run,repeat, with an occasional flame. Don't get me wrong, i love the older games.
I'm glad that they didn't pursue the more childish genre. Like, instead of growing up, the games would dumb down a little. They could've gone either way. Give TLOS a chance. It's different, i know. I was iffy about it at first

AHT was an example of Dumbing the originals down, and thats one of the reasons i dont like AHT.
Just because the originals didn't have fighting every 2 seconds, doesn't mean it didn't have "action". It did, and it had many different types of action, like trying to Catch that annoying thef, or trying to beat the time in Icy Speedway. As for harder puzzles.... uh, where? More like more boring puzzles!
Just like how you say the originals are just "jump,glide,flap,run,repeat" (Which they arn't, as they have much more variety and different types of gameplay than TLOS) TLOS is just "Walk, fight, collect gems, fight, powerup, repeat" Except unlike your philosephy, my one is actually right!
And as people have said, TLOS isn't exaculy an adults/teenagers game anyway. It upped the adience a bit but more like went from 4-12 to 9-12 so really just Cut down the adience. JUst cause its darker, doesn't mean its "older". I know there's adults and teenagers who like TLOS, but its a small majority of people, and many have aspergas or ADHD (not trying to be discriminitive or anything, just saying)


#54 Oct 30, 2008 4:03 PM

From: My floating island
Registered: Jul 26, 2008
Posts: 500
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Note- I wasn't meaning conflict as in flame war or something. I would have specified if I'd meant that.

And conflict there is...if you don't see it, I suggest looking again.

What, debate of opinions isn't conflict? There is disagreement. Therefore, conflict. Conflict can exist without people taking each other's heads off.

Though, it's getting pretty close, as it's now starting to take a turn towards the old "I'm right, you're wrong, because I say so"

Ratchet, is that an insult I see in the last sentence of your post? You seem to be trying to alienate the older people who like TLOS.

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#55 Oct 30, 2008 5:00 PM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

I think you'll find a lot of things can be insulting to people, that doesnt make them any less true

i must admit, whilst i havnt taken note of the numbers in relation to tLoS lovers vs. old lovers, there are a number of people who are members of this site that claim to suffer some sort of mental illness or learning disability, of course most of the internet seems to be frequented by people that claim this so its not surprising

please note i use the word "claim" as i have no way of establishing whether someone online is being truthful or not, in my experience 99% of people online (myself often included) crave attention and there are many ways to get attention, in other words im not calling anyone a liar, simply stating that everyone is potentially lying, i for one could be anyone... maybe im your mother, checking up on you from the next room... thats right, im talking to you mr, now get off the forums and do your homework


#56 Oct 30, 2008 5:14 PM

From: TN
Registered: Jun 29, 2008
Posts: 73
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Fletch_Talon wrote:

thats right, im talking to you mr, now get off the forums and do your homework




#57 Oct 30, 2008 5:44 PM

From: Miami, Florida
Registered: Aug 04, 2008
Posts: 882
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Alright, let's not go into unnecessary observation about the players, please, it really doesn't matter.

Ratchet, to add to some of the things you said...

Ok for its time? For one the originals were MUCH better for their time than TLOS. TLOS has NOTHING going for it, The Originals had the most draw distance and Level size than any other game at the time.

I'd like to note that even today, the Spyro games for Playstation are considered breakthroughs to gaming. There are still people who look back and notice how great the graphics have held up and how wonderful they made the illusion of huge areas. It's like saying "well, we have digital media and photoshop now so things like pixel art isn't impressive at all."

Yes, TLOS saved Spyro, But what are you talking about, hes not even "Spyro" anymore! I'd rather he died completely than Turn into the imposter he is today.

Actually, I wouldn't call it "saved." Some people I know taught me a wonderful little phrase called "beating the corpse." Yes, that's always what I thought they've been doing.

In any case, I agree with you. It's either revive it the way it was meant to be and make good games again or let it die. You got to remember though, people want money. In any case, I really hate it when several people I know hear the name "Spyro" and think of a mediocre sell-out series, never hearing about the old games because they aren't even in the least bit acknowledged anymore. Way to go, Activision.

I think you got Spyro mixed up with dennis the mennis.

And even then, Dennis the Menace is a charming and well-known character that wouldn't be if he wasn't the way he was.



#58 Oct 30, 2008 6:40 PM

From: My floating island
Registered: Jul 26, 2008
Posts: 500
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Fletch_Talon wrote:

I think you'll find a lot of things can be insulting to people, that doesnt make them any less true

Well, it sounds like he's saying "Only a few people who aren't kids like TLOS Spyro, and they suck anyway." That's an insult to the older gamers, and it has no place here. Not in this argument, and not on these boards.

Though I'm honestly hoping that isn't what he's trying to say, that's the way I took it.

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#59 Oct 30, 2008 9:03 PM

Registered: Sep 06, 2007
Posts: 558
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Look at the spoiler to see the what I was replying to.

Hidden text
ratchet wrote:

Argument 1: What they Should do:
Remake Spyro 1, 2, 3 for the PSP3000, NDSI and home consoles, add some more stuff just for fun.
REmake ETD but put in 2 more homeworlds containing 20 levels each
Make a BRAND NEW Spyro game, Like the originals but a whole lot more.

Trasher258 wrote:

Aren't you asking...a little too much of them?

ratchet wrote:

No, i'm saying if they were to make more spyro games, thats where they should start.

Trasher258 wrote:

Argument 2: I think only Spyro 1 needs a remake or enhanced with 2 new homeworlds and additional levels. Maybe some more hidden levels as well. ETD just needs to be completed and have those annoying glitches fixed. If they are going to come up with 60 levels that's going to take a long time.

ratchet wrote:

I know, they dont really need remakes, they're already good already. But it would be nice to see some of the mistakes fixed up along with better graphics and more levels.
I dont know though, if the developers fixed the glitches, i think the original Spyro fans wont be very happy as the glitches were one of the many great things about the originals.

A1: I guess I had a bit of sympathy for such a load of titles for them to tinker with.

A2: They could give you the option of "Original" or "Enhanced" just to keep the fans happy. Kind of a cheap idea but...why not. Then again, they can just download the game onto their PS3/PSP nowadays. I wonder what are they going to rename the Enhanced version. Possibly something like "Reborn" or "Treasure Trove" edition.

I don't care how it looks but how it functions


#60 Oct 31, 2008 12:07 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

TornWings wrote:
Fletch_Talon wrote:

I think you'll find a lot of things can be insulting to people, that doesnt make them any less true

Well, it sounds like he's saying "Only a few people who aren't kids like TLOS Spyro, and they suck anyway." That's an insult to the older gamers, and it has no place here. Not in this argument, and not on these boards.

Though I'm honestly hoping that isn't what he's trying to say, that's the way I took it.

well really it says more about you than anyone, that you consider:

"many have aspergas or ADHD (not trying to be discriminitive or anything, just saying)"

is the same as saying

"many of them suck"

if he had said they were retarded or some other offensive term then youd have a point


#61 Oct 31, 2008 1:03 AM

From: My floating island
Registered: Jul 26, 2008
Posts: 500
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Point made, it's not meant to be insulting. But now you're insinuating things about me, which I must protest. I've heard it being used as an insult, which is what came to mind when I read that post, understand?

...Though very little progress has been made about the real discussion at hand. I now realize the "insult" was just a little thing which I managed to get caught up in.

I don't see this discussion going anywhere. People like the old series for certain reasons, people like the new series for certain reasons, and certain members of said groups are dead-set against changing their opinions (ironically the very people involved in this thread).

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#62 Oct 31, 2008 1:12 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

TornWings wrote:

Point made, it's not meant to be insulting. But now you're insinuating things about me, which I must protest. I've heard it being used as an insult, which is what came to mind when I read that post, understand?

...Though very little progress has been made about the real discussion at hand. I now realize the "insult" was just a little thing which I managed to get caught up in.

I don't see this discussion going anywhere. People like the old series for certain reasons, people like the new series for certain reasons, and certain members of said groups are dead-set against changing their opinions (ironically the very people involved in this thread).

i wasnt trying to upset/insult you, just making a point, but as you can see, your interpretation of ratchet's words does say something about you, in this case its the fact that youve been in situations where the terms aspergers and ADHD were used as insults

language is a funny thing


#63 Oct 31, 2008 2:14 AM

From: My floating island
Registered: Jul 26, 2008
Posts: 500
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

And that's twice in this topic I've taken something the wrong way. Sorry about that.

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#64 Oct 31, 2008 3:14 AM

Registered: Oct 25, 2008
Posts: 98
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Kazoobie64 wrote:
Picklejerky wrote:

Dude, trying to covince us it's bad is just as....bad.... Lol!

Huh? I'm just expressing my opinions like everyone else here, dude, I'm not trying to convince anyone. This is the "WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR CASH COW FRIEND AFTER DAWN OF THE DRAGON" thread after all, it's not going to be filled with everyone loving tLoS.


Why end a story that so many people love?

Um, it happens every day?

You read a good book and it reaches the ending?

You watch a movie and it ends?

And the story didn't reach the end. Oh ook someone died. Oh wait! They're alive! Where are they? What happened? How did they survive? Now that they love each other, what will happen? What will be in the new age? Will Spyro and Cynder have an egg? There are so many questions not answered yet, and they left a cliff hanger. How is that"enoughclosure"?
I hate how people on forums always say things like "Because they are bad". You complained about us saying they're good, why can't we complain about you saying they are bad? I'm done arguing, but I'll read your reply, and if I needto repply, I will.


#65 Oct 31, 2008 5:42 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Picklejerky wrote:
Kazoobie64 wrote:
Picklejerky wrote:

Dude, trying to covince us it's bad is just as....bad.... Lol!

Huh? I'm just expressing my opinions like everyone else here, dude, I'm not trying to convince anyone. This is the "WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR CASH COW FRIEND AFTER DAWN OF THE DRAGON" thread after all, it's not going to be filled with everyone loving tLoS.


Why end a story that so many people love?

Um, it happens every day?

You read a good book and it reaches the ending?

You watch a movie and it ends?

And the story didn't reach the end. Oh ook someone died. Oh wait! They're alive! Where are they? What happened? How did they survive? Now that they love each other, what will happen? What will be in the new age? Will Spyro and Cynder have an egg? There are so many questions not answered yet, and they left a cliff hanger. How is that"enoughclosure"?
I hate how people on forums always say things like "Because they are bad". You complained about us saying they're good, why can't we complain about you saying they are bad? I'm done arguing, but I'll read your reply, and if I needto repply, I will.

ill stay away from the "the everyday work and family life of spyro the dragon" games if its ok with you

lets look at star wars, we know thanks to the books and stuff written about the "expanded universe) that han and leia have kids, luke meets some hot chick called mara chewie dies at some point etc. but theydidnt make a movie about it, and most people get enough closure from what youre told in the final film

unless theres an unresolved conflict/villain (is there? i wouldnt know) then there is no "need" for a sequal, its just something you want.


#66 Oct 31, 2008 7:34 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

TornWings wrote:

"Ratchet, is that an insult I see in the last sentence of your post? You seem to be trying to alienate the older people who like TLOS.

When i wrote that post, i was thinking whether or not i should put that there, because i knew that People would straight away  get up my back about how "insulting" i am.
All i'm saying is that alot of the adult/teenager audience has asbergas or ADHD, nothing else.
I am not insulting people and saying "If your an adult and you like TLOS, you're retared", if you think i'm saying that, you are wrong.
Neither am i saying  "Only a few people who aren't kids like TLOS Spyro, and they suck anyway."

A2: They could give you the option of "Original" or "Enhanced" just to keep the fans happy. Kind of a cheap idea but...why not. Then again, they can just download the game onto their PS3/PSP nowadays. I wonder what are they going to rename the Enhanced version. Possibly something like "Reborn" or "Treasure Trove" edition.

Yeah, thats what i was thinking.
They could do a 15th anniversary addition in 5 years. but yeah, just something like "Return of the dragon"

I hate how people on forums always say things like "Because they are bad". You complained about us saying they're good, why can't we complain about you saying they are bad? I'm done arguing, but I'll read your reply, and if I needto repply, I will.

No ones saying you cant say the Originals are bad, we just know that in our opinion, you're wrong.


#67 Oct 31, 2008 12:25 PM

Spyro Master
From: Oxfordshire, England/UK
Registered: Oct 20, 2008
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

the originals were what started it and i know there graphics r nothign like teh new ones r like so they should prasied 4 wot they did at the time casue no-one had done a game liek it b4 and it was very advanced bak then like some games r today i know everyones opions r valid to wot they hav to say about the originals but plz leave off the original games 4 those of us who like it cause all the chats ive been on its been original lovers vs TLOS lovers so plz stop teh bivkering and come to an understanding

Signature is by Aicebo


#68 Nov 02, 2008 9:01 AM

From: Canada
Registered: Oct 30, 2008
Posts: 66
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Yeah guys, Fighting over TLOS and the Original is like, which console is better, 360 or the ps3.



#69 Nov 02, 2008 9:23 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

1337SauceDragon wrote:

Yeah guys, Fighting over TLOS and the Original is like, which console is better, 360 or the ps3.

i wont deem myself fit to speak for anyone else, but personally idlike people to acknowledge that im not generally arguing that tLoS is inferior, more so im expressing my distaste that they altered a game so much from what it used to be considering it used to be something special and unique whilst its now fairly generic


#70 Nov 02, 2008 12:55 PM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

1337SauceDragon wrote:

Yeah guys, Fighting over TLOS and the Original is like, which console is better, 360 or the ps3.

Owell, i'm just saying that i want the originals should come back after DOTD and giving good points for it, not arguing.


#71 Nov 02, 2008 3:44 PM

From: TN
Registered: Jun 29, 2008
Posts: 73
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

1337SauceDragon wrote:

Yeah guys, Fighting over TLOS and the Original is like, which console is better, 360 or the ps3.




#72 Nov 02, 2008 4:55 PM

From: Miami, Florida
Registered: Aug 04, 2008
Posts: 882
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Are we even arguing about which is better? I only keep bringing stuff up because people are compelled to bring up false notions about the old games and I need to correct them. Of course we can't have a simple discussion without people being stumped on what to dispute shouting "WAAAAAH STOP ATTACKING ME."



#73 Nov 02, 2008 5:08 PM

From: My floating island
Registered: Jul 26, 2008
Posts: 500
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

Kazoobie64 wrote:

Are we even arguing about which is better? I only keep bringing stuff up because people are compelled to bring up false notions about the old games and I need to correct them. Of course we can't have a simple discussion without people being stumped on what to dispute shouting "WAAAAAH STOP ATTACKING ME."

I'm trying to figure that out... That looks like the general issue I guess,

Also, what are you referring to with that last part? I don't recall seeing any of that (Well, at least not the "Waaaah stop attacking me" part)

Oh great, my lighthouse is on fire again, be right back...


#74 Nov 02, 2008 5:26 PM

From: Miami, Florida
Registered: Aug 04, 2008
Posts: 882
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Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

"WAAAAH STOP ATTACKING ME" refers to stuff like this:

1337SauceDragon wrote:


Someone gets all butthurt over a perfectly reasonable debate and feels the need to say the fight is pointless when there is no fight to begin with.



#75 Nov 02, 2008 7:31 PM

Registered: Sep 06, 2007
Posts: 558
Gems: 0

Re: what will happen to spyro ater dawn of the dragon ?

So now that the arrangement is over...what were we discussing before? I wonder if anyone even remember what this was about.

I don't care how it looks but how it functions


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