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#451 Sep 24, 2009 12:39 AM
- Cyndro527
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
but shes 100 years old
#452 Sep 24, 2009 12:55 AM
- spyro is #1
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
i see shes a 100 but lower the elements to 3,4, or 5 they cant be all powerful god so lower the elements to a couple that way its more realistic and fair … -114081938
this is my dragon kraga drawn by chichiro
#453 Sep 24, 2009 1:09 AM
- VulcanMetalDragon
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
Hey, i was wondering if i can join this. can i?
Name: Vulcan
Gender: Male
Element: Metal
Age: Around the Same age as Spyro, No exact age, just around Whelp/Dragonling.
Crest: Buzzsaw-Blade shaped, going from the top of his head, and ending near his tail. It is dark gray
Horns: Boomerang-shaped, pointing outward. These are dark grey.
Tail: Normal-sized tail with a Double-Pronged tail tip, pointing out like a 'V' shape. This is dark gray.
Wings: Normal Shaped wings. Frame is Dark Gray. Insides are Light Gray.
Powers: He has the power, to Manipulate/Contort Metal-type objects. He also has the ability to become fully metal, due to his powers and armor. But also, due to his age, can not fully "get the hang of it", and drains alot of his Power over a medium time-period.
Extra: Wears a Light weight and Durable Armor, starting with a faceplate that covers the face and upper maw. This Continues down his underside and ends around the base of his legs and tail. He also Has Armor Around the upper side of his tail. This ends at his Tail Tip, and starts from the base of his tail.
Background: -Still In Editing. This might take a while-
Yeah, sorry about the Background, still editing and such. Also, if we arent using extras here, just say, i can have my character play without it.
#454 Sep 24, 2009 4:53 AM
- Scaily
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#455 Sep 24, 2009 10:06 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
Im sorry i got a little caryed away it was to late befor i could change it how about this
Name: Trixie
Gender: female
Mate: none
Element: Gold fire, Gold ice, Silver poison, Silver wind, Silver electricity, Gold fear, Gold shadow/darkness, Silver earth, Silver water, Gold light
Crest: like Cynders but gold
Horns: Silver
Tail: like Cynders
Wings: like Cynders but the fram is gold and the skin is silver
Powers: her powers are like Spyro and Cynders but gold and silver and a little more powerful
Background: She is a myserius dragon, like Cynder she was taken by the dark master but during her evil transformation an unknown light dragon came and tryed to transform her back to good but the unknown dragon and Malefor where fighting light vs. dark on her egg which transformed it gold and silver. Then sudenly it shot away to where unknown. Later it haches a cute little baby dragon but at birth she had powers unlike anybodys ever seen and knolege of a Chronicler. She travles the world doing good deeds and doing nasty tricks and is not afraid of anything that comes her way. (is this better)
Okay, I know I'm not in this RP, but I feel like saying something. Something that needs to be said.
One: according to TLoS, which is the current continuity, a dragon can only use one element, with the exception of the purple dragon, are a dragon like Cynder. Cynder can only use four elements, and Spyro is technically capable of using all natural elements.
Two: Having a character look exactly like Cynder, and the same background as Cynder is a Mary-Sue. Plus, the Dark Master has a grudge against all dragons after his exile and imprisonment. He needed a dragon born in the Year of the Dragon to free him; that being Cynder. All others he would've had killed. Trixie, being 100 years old, would not have been born in a Year of the Dragon. Therefore that is a technical impossibility.
#456 Sep 29, 2009 3:32 PM
- Scaily
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#457 Sep 30, 2009 2:44 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
And yet the character she's proposing would be an over-powered character and a Mary-Sue. Both of those types of characters are frowned upon in the RP community. Even if an RP is for fun, there must be guidelines and there must be rules. Having ten elements implies that Trixie is more powerful than Spyro, which cannot be allowed; a purple dragon is the most powerful dragon species. End of discussion. No 'ifs', 'ands' or 'buts'.
#458 Sep 30, 2009 2:54 AM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
dose it realy matter its a rp its for fun not facts i mean when did random Trex anf shotguns apere in the spyro univers?
RPing is taken very serious by a large part of the internet community. They like RP's to be serious and true to storylines and character detail because this will create a much better quality of RP. Crappy ones are not granted any respect by serious RPers but yeah if those kind of people don't care then that's fine. Just be ready to take the heat from those who are diehard RPers.
"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."
#459 Sep 30, 2009 9:00 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
And, to address something else: "knowledge/wisdom of the Chronicler?" Impossible. Absolutely impossible. The Chronicler is the wisest dragon in existence, due to the sheer amount of history and information he has at his disposal in his chambers. It's absolutely impossible for any other dragon to have the Chronicler's level of wisdom without actually becoming the Chronicler.
#460 Sep 30, 2009 11:39 PM
- Cyndro527
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
And, to address something else: "knowledge/wisdom of the Chronicler?" Impossible. Absolutely impossible. The Chronicler is the wisest dragon in existence, due to the sheer amount of history and information he has at his disposal in his chambers. It's absolutely impossible for any other dragon to have the Chronicler's level of wisdom without actually becoming the Chronicler.
im sorry u guys im new to the rping stuff how about she has Gold fire, Silver ice, Silver electricity, Gold shadow/darkness as her elements X the Chronicler wisdom thing and the Malefor thing it happend right after he gained the evil power and thout he could use an assesent and unknown age dose that work
#461 Oct 01, 2009 12:12 AM
- A Guy
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
Why not just create an ordinary dragon? A character that has to actually work to become powerful and has to compensate for their weaknesses is a very fun character - it's no fun if you can just push the "win" button to solve everything. Also, a copied background isn't very interesting, as it involves very little character development and people have seen it before. You should try creating a completely new background. Also, a new background can enable or give justification to things.
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#462 Oct 02, 2009 3:50 PM
- Scaily
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
.....ok rdx you wont seriousness look back a few pages to the random out of natral reality dragons weilding shotguns...and as for spyro hes the only one who can in fact pull apon all the elements at ounce wich not matter what makes him the strongest other dragons could over power him for moments but when he dose pull forth his rage sad ness you know emotions into the equation he gose up on the insain power scale the chronicler part for the wisdom isnt possible she could have say maybe had flash back of the past temp but not the entire draconic history that the chronicler posses so sadly that would have to do the year of thed ragon mary sue aspect needs to be burned into nothing ness sorry but its true many dislike chars like that and another thing rdx if you examine the RP comunity closer youd probly find that members of it are more relaxed and accepting than other members you see some view it as this must be acuret tot he max detail wile others are merely doing it as a hobby or for fun that all being said i do beleave that there is hope for this new rper but one of us should take her under are wing and teacher not to be nuts when makeing a char but also to relax more on the powers XD
#463 Oct 02, 2009 6:52 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
Your paragraph was incoherent, grammatically incorrect and had terrible sentence structure, darkspyro <3. Second of all, Cyndro stated that Trixie had the wisdom of a Chronicler, which is to say that she has knowledge comparable to him. Learn how to read before joining an RP, or you'll find yourself in over your head. And, another suggestion; learn how to write somewhat capably.
#464 Oct 03, 2009 1:59 AM
- spyro is #1
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
ok blaze he probably just quick typed it so dont act like a angry teacher because he misspelled and also cyndro make a new chart bring down the powers and blaze just stop the reason we made this rp is for fun so stop ruining it and everyone that is still in this please lets continue i know that there is serious rps but this is a just for fun so just please stop arguing and lets continue … -114081938
this is my dragon kraga drawn by chichiro
#465 Oct 03, 2009 2:29 AM
- A Guy
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
My god...
Well, if being able to solve any problem without even trying is fun for you, be my guest. Blaze is just trying to offer suggestions, don't bash him for it. If you want to allow Mary Sues and develop bad writing habits (poorly thought out, unoriginal Mary Sues that are copies of other characters except for being better, crap spelling and grammar, and no use of punctuation), no one is stopping you, I guess.
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#466 Oct 03, 2009 3:06 AM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
... Really now, spyro is #1? Really? You're actually calling me an 'angry teacher' just because I'm making suggestions? I've seen more RPs die out due to Mary-Sues being created, inadequate abilities in spelling and sentence structure than how many you've even been in, so don't you dare condescend me! RPs eventually stop being 'fun' when chaos erupts due to Mary-Sues running about and the RPers being unable to understand what the other is saying.
An RP is a story. Stories should have coherent spelling, sentence structure, grammar and mechanics. An RP is actually 'fun' when things run smoothly. That's why there are rules. Rules are set in place so that the RPs run smoothly and everyone can have fun.
But if you want to ignore me, by all means go ahead. And I find it funny that you called me an 'angry teacher' because, guess what? I want to be an English teacher. I want to be a writer first and foremost, but an English teacher is my backup. As a writer, I am driven absolutely crazy seeing poor spelling and an abysmal job at paragraphs and sentence structures.
But, if this RP dies because it's no longer 'fun' after discord ensues, don't come crying back to me. If you do, I'll simply say, "I told you so."
#467 Oct 03, 2009 5:00 PM
- CynderRules
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
What was that!? It's the RPN (Role Playing Ninja) -now you guys have done it...-
Okay, I was an active RPG-er. But you know why I left? Too many n00bs. Too many mary sues. And having to CONSTANTLY correct people's posts in my head. =_= Now Blaze here, stayed. And he's TRYING to enjoy himself. And since I'm sure you guys are between 8 and 12, I'm not going to call you stupid or idiots. You just need to LEARN. -isn't there a RP rules/guide yet?- All blaze is trying to do is point out things that are 'rude' in the RP world. 1- Mary Sues, they're annoying and no one likes them. 2- Those little red squigglies are there for a reason. If you keep up this rude and un-polite behaviour, then no one will RP with you, except for those like you. And so you'll end up in RP's where you can't read anyone's posts -let alone your own...-. And with so many god-like characters that the plot becomes mundane and repetitive. Learn to type like a human being, it helps your nettiquete and will help you when you have to type up term papers in highschool. -well for ME anyway... <_< -
#468 Oct 03, 2009 5:48 PM
- A Guy
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
-isn't there a RP rules/guide yet?-
I tried over here, but no one really cares about it. Might as well add a point about horrible spelling/grammar.
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#469 Oct 03, 2009 9:36 PM
- RedDragonX
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
If I see one more argument on this thread the user will be dealt with. I don't care if you guys want to create your own little RP's and whatnot but make sure you keep it at your given skill level.
I don't want to see newer RPers mixing with the better ones UNLESS they are trying to get better at RPing as a whole, but everyone is still entitled to their own section or thread no matter what so just keep your noses out of each other's areas and we won't have any more problems.
Anyone want to argue about it feel free to PM me.
"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."
#470 Oct 04, 2009 1:22 AM
- spyro is #1
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
im done arguing but like i said this is a just for fun and its not a serious so just stop posting on this if all your going to do is argue and critisize me and everyone else this is a JUST FOR FUN NOT SERIOUS so please just stop im tired of it so please stop posting on this unless your part of it or is leaving a comment not a suggestion or to tell us stop doing what we want to do so please stop … -114081938
this is my dragon kraga drawn by chichiro
#471 Oct 05, 2009 10:04 PM
- Malefor
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
I'm sorry to say this, but I quit this rpg. Anyone who wants to be the vilean can be.
#472 Oct 07, 2009 3:35 AM
- Scaily
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#473 Oct 08, 2009 12:17 AM
- spyro is #1
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
i know now we need a villian anyone got one or another char they can use somebody … -114081938
this is my dragon kraga drawn by chichiro
#474 Oct 08, 2009 5:14 AM
- DarkMasterBasil
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
i will fill that spot...mortal meats..... -=nethery at 1st i walk in my red eyes gleaming my white claws blood red stomich and wings that are over 3x my size before i sit i smile waiting to be welcomed as my nether form vanishes as im in my white armor waiting as my battle ax tail swaying=-
#475 Oct 08, 2009 7:08 AM
- DarkMasterBasil
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Re: Fan dragons unite!(play as 1 of your fan dragons and start a quest story)
(sorry about the double post but heres my character or more likely...myself...)
=====Name: Basil
full name:Dark Master Basil
Looks: thats very simple look at my avater XD
Age: 20 (young drake)
hight: 7-9 feet tall (short for a nether black dragon)
length: 12 feet long (13 feet long if you count the doubled daggerd axe)
Diet: younglins/anything i can fit in my jaws in this case i mostly feed on whelps (rarely drakes)
Armor: head peiece with a long crystal horn used as a lance is weak to thunder, chest plate protects oncoming weak to earth, Arm Bands/plated gloves: protects againsts all elements but ice wing armoe and back and tail armor protects all elements, is weak to fire
Element: Nether Fire (nether fire effects steel,ice,earth, and wind types...basic fire and basic water can blow out his breath)
special powers.... (when you guys do fight me in the end as a final battle i have 2 forms) (full armored King: is entirely coverd in dark crystals these crystals change color to red blue and green and is weak to the fallowing elements, fire= red, blue=ice, green=earth, as the crystals fall off me you may target my flesh to damage me over time i will break off my armor and fight you dragon to dragon/no armor...after a short bit i will draw out the sheild to diflect and toss your elements back at you...white crystal dagger... elemental attacks only the 1st half of my form as the other half u must hit me with your little body parts, wings claws teeth tail's etc.... useing elemental attacks will make me heal... after the 1st form i will transform into my ture form... Dark Nether Black Emperor Dragon.... my armor on me will be immunte from all forms of attacks save 1... you will have the crystal daggers elemental.. Holy Strike... (cuts thro my kind like a hot knife thro butter) but you will only damage me slightly... only spyro can seriously land a death blow apon me..... as in after my armors all stripped off slam that dagger into my flesh and i will be defeated.. but as you fight me as my 2nd form..i will have my dark queen around to help me...and you guessed it... cynder... (she cant play cause she thinks rping here is pointless so she asked me to do her part so ill just use her shadow to aid me ^^)
(all these levels are of my creation been working on my fan fiction since well... when the very 1st spyro began im no marry sue i eat marry sues >.< if you think these are a bit to violent well thats what i was aiming for XD ok the music is the levels and some are boss fights etc... lastly i dont god defeatable as such i even post weaknesses... the only time when i wont post is when you guys fight your shadows XD what you do the shadow be smart take on your friends shadows to beat em...theres 4 they are...
===Basil's Creations=== (1st stage is your homes then these things come rolling in)
Dreadnoughts: … re=related
Dreadnought x2 (enormous half mile sister ships.. they surve the carriers of my armies....(2 will be sent to the dragon realms to cause havoc.. they will keep moving and drop off soldiers after every other area in the realms... the troops they carry are nothing more then magical suits of armors... be like kicking garbage cans around for fun XD there that easy to kill they can be tripped too to be killed... there not that smart XD after the dreadnoughts get blown up.. u move on to below, you fight me after you destroy both dreadnoughts to test your strength aka as the 1st boss expect me to go easy on you (The Black Dragon: … re=related
===Basil's Flag Ship=== … re=related
Dark Wyvern (links are the level/boss themes) (2nd scene after you sink my battle ships bazterds <.<)
(this airship is enormous!!! is about 3 miles long and is the 2nd level...aka you go thro the ship to find anything to find my HQ...aka my citadel....also after you must destroy the dark wyvern... the boss is the ship it'self... theres 6 main areas... main deck...the 2 wings the main canons, the reactor.... then the ship will set a crash corse to the dragon city... as in you need to destroy the bridge.../the commandering it will turn and sink into the ocean.... the boss is named Dark Crystal Knight.... a crystal with a will of its own... you get gems by hitting this thing like crazy.. it has a 9 foot long lance and a large thick black armor... after you destroy the armor it will use a long sword Deathblow allelements die if you get struck...aka you will lose your breath till the knight is defeated... hes weakness is melee attacks...after he dies the ship crashes into the ocean... and you all will plan to storm my citadel..
Dark Crystal Knight: … re=related )
===Dark Citadel=== (3rd level a flying citadel with a tornado holding it afloat ^^) … re=related
the 4th level of the series... aka its a long climb to reach the roof....^^
you will face all your dark sides... then the throne door will open.. but cynder will be waiting for you...her shadow.... you fight her...shes the grown up form with new powers... a equal match to spyro... after you defeat her... we will fight...but we shall speak before talking... remember im way larger then cynder dont think im easy i am not >.>
Shadow Cynder: … re=related
====The Dark Aged Realm=== (ur on a differnt moon strangly you can breath on it... you can see universes stars... etc etc...) … re=related
the shortest area ull be in nothing much here but my dark crystals gems gold etc these dark gems dont suck your breaths out... there just black gems that give off dark energy nothing more... this place is entirely the home of my species... ull see beautiful gem statues made from all sorts of gems crystals etc... and right before you enter...ull see armor sets... strangly enough there all your elements...they give you all permanent mana... so you dont have to worry about losing any... they give you helm chest plate cuffs and tail armor and if you fall in combat they will revive you 4 feet away from combat... this even includes if i actully eat you in any way you just got your butt saved by the armor...after revive you lose the armor... sadly only spyro cant have any armor since theres no purple crystals...sorry whos playing spyro >.>
(basil's theme Before you fight him: … re=related )
Basil Form 1: … re=related
Basil Form 2: … re=related
after im defeated i will use my nether power to pull that dagger from me so i may heal that death wound... after that i will flee like a coward... hey its better to live another day then to die right?! also my love wouldent take in idk what she will think... but yeah i will rise up again to take vengence which means more fun for you guys
(if you enjoyed my profile and plz tell me what you think ^^)