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#26 Apr 24, 2009 4:49 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
Posts: 4,324
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Mull licked her slightly red foot. She'd been feeling too much. It was being in this new place, it made her so paranoid. On the other hand, it was probably a good thing. She wouldn't put it past anybody here to try to bump off the competition.

"I don't think I'll need a room." She said under her breath, and walked off, feeling for a good spot. Eventually, she opened a door to a plateau shaded slightly by some of the elder trees. Good, if an attack was imminent from the air, she would know swiftly. Mull settled herself in the corner. Beds were for dependent people. She wasn't dependent in any sense of the word. She smiled with satisfaction. Some of these guys would be pushovers.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#27 Apr 24, 2009 5:33 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

"Ummmm...that one." Emerald said, going towards it.


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#28 Apr 24, 2009 6:13 PM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Lance looked around as another dragon said 'hi', "uh... Hi" Lance didn't know what to say, he hated moments like these, and he hadn't had a real 'talk' or 'chat' with anybody in the past year or so.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#29 Apr 24, 2009 6:16 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Zack looked at him. “You have talk to anyone lately haven’t you?” Zack said keeping a straight face. “I’m not going to make small talk so, Do you want to share a room?” Zack asked him.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#30 Apr 24, 2009 6:31 PM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
Posts: 4,324
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

OOC: Mull doesn't EVER wear armour. Just so you people know. http://aceedwin.deviantart.com/art/Mull … -120333304

Mull reflected on the day's events. It was strange. One day, one of the novices entered her bedroom, and after almost being throttled (Mull scowled at that paticular annoyance) told her she was required by the field master. He'd told her she was being sent as a candidate, and that everything was prepared for her. It made her quite mad. She made herself feel better by somewhat upsetting the weaponry class. She was pretty sure she'd made sure half of the students would be bedridden. Ahh...

But it had been uncomfortably easy. No fighting. Just a bit of pomp and show. So extravagant. It was interesting, she'd seen a village overrun by a pack of Fleppers, but would these Southern dragons lenda coin? No. They had ceremonies to maintain. Pah. Mull closed her eyes and willed herself to a light sleep.

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#31 Apr 24, 2009 6:34 PM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Spark noticed as his new room mate entered, she spoke of him being okay with the arragement then laid on her bed with a small yawn. Spark took of the last of his armor and collasped into his bed, looking at the ceiling. 'I hope she's nice' He thought as he started to doze off

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#32 Apr 24, 2009 7:24 PM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

"Well...” he said waiting for a reply.”Tell me if you want to share, I'm going to see if anyone is else is sleeping." he said before he walked of. He got to one and knocked on it. He saw a yellow dragon on in there. He wanted to say hi as he hadn’t met him before.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#33 Apr 24, 2009 7:39 PM

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From: Hell
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

"Alright fine with me." he said and followed Emerald.'Yes!Now i won't be alone.She looks to be friendly.And she looks nice too.' he thought and blushed a little.

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#34 Apr 24, 2009 8:01 PM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Blaze smiled, his eyes making contact with hers; he didn't want to be rude after all, and avoid eye contact. "Yeah, I am. It looks like there's only one other candidate for Ignitus' replacement. And I'm guessing that you're one of the candidates to become the next electric guardian, am I correct?" As he thought back to the night his parents were murdered, before his eyes no less, among other horrible things, memories of her flooded into his mind. I wonder if she's still alive. I mean, she was captured that same night. And if she is still alive, has she moved on? he thought.

His mind snapped back into reality, and he found himself looking at the floor. Quickly lifting his head to look at Celerity again. "Terribly sorry about that. Old memories started to return, memories I wish I didn't have."



#35 Apr 24, 2009 8:12 PM

From: Over the Rainbow
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Emerald looked around and found a bed and laid down on it. she just realized how tired she was. Still, she had to stay awake...she didn't want to repeat the mistake she did last time...


Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?


#36 Apr 24, 2009 8:32 PM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

As shy was laying on her cushions, she saw him colapse on his. She smiled. "Are you tired?" She asked. "Anyways, My name is Shy. Nice to meet you. I'm an candidate for the Ice guardian." She just noticed that her armour was pretty heavy on the cusions. She got of them, and walked over the to chest next to his. She got her armour off, and putted it in her chest. She walked back to her cushions, and jumped on them. The soft cushions bounced her back a little. It made her giggle. She then looked back at him.

I'd be back


#37 Apr 24, 2009 8:42 PM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

"Woah, hey! Wait up!" Lance called out to the dragon that had just walked away, not wanting to be so rude as to decline the offer. The dragon seemed quiet at least, probably the best choice if he had to share, which now seemed compolsary. Lance caught up with the candidate, who was peering into someone elses room. "oh, in, yeah" Lance didn't know what to say, yet again. "It be fine to share a room..." '|)amn, that didn't sound right...' he thought for a while, "Sure, we can share a room, there are some over there".

OOC: Cant talk for the next few hours, got a service at Anzac, gotta march :-P.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#38 Apr 24, 2009 8:46 PM

New Member
From: Hell
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Posts: 7
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Josh took his armor off, and bumped in bed.He tried to sleep but couldn't.It was like 1 AM when he decided to go out.He walked out silently not to wake Emerald up.When he was out he sat down on a rock and looked at the stars.Slowly a tear ran of his cheek.'I miss you bro.' he though as a blue next to a red star reminded him.

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#39 Apr 24, 2009 9:11 PM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
Registered: Feb 27, 2008
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Age: 33 years old

Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Celerity looked at Blaze with sympathy, but didn't inquire further, she knew better than that. Instead she answered his ealier question.

"Yeah, I am an electric candidate. My name's Celerity, what's yours?"

"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."


#40 Apr 24, 2009 11:58 PM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

"My name's Blaze. Also, I was wondering if you wanted to be my roommate?" the fire dragon stated. He looked at Celerity, an unwavering gleam in his eyes. "As for the memory... I'll tell you about it later. I'd rather tell just you, to be honest."



#41 Apr 25, 2009 6:10 AM

From: London, but not Soho.
Registered: Dec 31, 2008
Posts: 4,324
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Mull opened her eyes. Noise! Take a defensive stance. She rolled back and spread her legs head low. No-one was there. She heard some light sobbing above her. Strange, she thought this place was fairly out of the way. She lightly scrambled up the wall and glid down to the source of the incessant noise. It was one of those candidates, crying on a balcony. Mull rolled her eyes. She never was a good shoulder. "Hey. Some people are trying to sleep." Mull gave trying to sound like she was joking a shot, but it just sounded sarcastic. "Coming out in the middle of the night and crying your heart out is fine with me as long as you stay out of earshot. I'm a very light sleeper."

It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living.

Image from the legendary xkcd.


#42 Apr 25, 2009 6:16 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Zack looked at Lance. "My name is Zack, if you wanted to know. Alright then we'll share rooms" He looked down the way and looked at the rooms. He booted a door open out of complete boredom.  He turned back to him. "This one?" he asked him.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#43 Apr 25, 2009 7:13 AM

From: North Yorkshire, UK
Registered: Feb 27, 2008
Posts: 4,845
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Age: 33 years old

Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Celerity smiled back at him.

"Sure that's fine with me...." She walked down the hallway slightly to one of the last rooms that were empty. She opened the door. " Do you think this one's OK?" She went in and shot a small spark at the fire, setting it ablaze. She randomly picked the bed on the left of the room and opened the trunk next to it, she then started taking her armour off. She took her helmet off first, followed by her chest and back plates; putting them into the trunk as she did so.

"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."


#44 Apr 25, 2009 7:16 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

"Yeah, this one will do." Lance looked around, turning to Zack, he said "My name is Lance, in... Nice to meet you.". Lance grinned "Because you were the first of us both to build up enough courage to ask, you get to pick which bed you want."

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#45 Apr 25, 2009 7:59 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Zack nodded. He sat on bed with soft cushions. He moved them to the side so all was left was a hard flat surface. "Nice to meet you." he said sitting on the bed-ish thing he made. He wasn't tried. He looked at Lance.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


#46 Apr 25, 2009 8:32 AM

New Member
From: Hell
Registered: Mar 19, 2009
Posts: 7
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

(NOTE: Actually he wasn't crying but i'll play along.)
"Hmmm?Sorry i didn't wanted to wake you up." he said and looked at the ground embaresed.'Hhhhhö.I did it again.' he thought and went in.After one more hour he finaly fell asleep.

This party is getting crazy, lets ROCK!
Please visit my dragon http://www.dammig.dragonadopters.com/


#47 Apr 25, 2009 9:53 AM

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From: The Dragon City (I wish)
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Spark listened as the ice dragoness introduced herself, then flopped back on her bed with a giggle. Spark looked up at the ceiling for a moment.
"I'm Spark, and I'm one of the canidates for the guardian of electricity." He replied shyly, glancing over to her.
"I live here in Warfang" Spark finished, and started to doze off again.

Some are born great, while others has greatness thrust apoun them. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your heart.


#48 Apr 25, 2009 10:13 AM

Spyro Volcanix
From: Collecting small useless shiny
Registered: Apr 03, 2009
Posts: 241
Gems: 0

Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Lance frowned at his bed "It's been about a year and a half since I last used a bed... Actually, It's the first time I've been near civilisation for the same amount of time... It might take a bit of getting use to." Lance poked the bed, feeling it give way to his touch. He sighed for something like the fifth time that day.

Signature update... there's nothing to change...


#49 Apr 25, 2009 10:14 AM

From: Behind the beyond ;o
Registered: Nov 29, 2008
Posts: 132
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Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

“So your name is Spark? I like it.” She looked down after saying that.”Well.. I come from a village nearby. But… Well.. I don’t really want to talk about it…” A tear slipped out of one of her eyes, and spilled on one of the pillows. “Well, I don’t think this is the time to talk about things like that.” She said, and looked up again.

I'd be back


#50 Apr 25, 2009 10:22 AM

From: A planet going round the sun.
Registered: Apr 22, 2009
Posts: 305
Gems: 0

Re: The Future Guardians RP Remake

Zack smiled. "you sigh alot, don't you?" Zack said. He felt the flatness on his bed. "I have lived in warfang for most of my life." he said looking at the window. "but never had a bed or anything like that, for about 8-11 years." he added.

"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.


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