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#1 Jun 19, 2006 6:41 PM

From: Don't ask if you don't wanna k
Registered: Jun 07, 2006
Posts: 509
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What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

The point of this topic is what the lengthy title implies--what does everyone here think of Spyro: AHT?

Just know that whatever happens to us...It wasn't my fault.

nastiesT mayO :deR


#2 Jun 20, 2006 5:21 PM

From: England
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

It wasn't the same as previous Spyro games, but all the same, I did like to play it, which is the most important thing.

I'd give the game a good score for being entertaining, but not as good as the classic games, and I'd take some points off for being very, very difficult and bringing in slightly-different-from-Spyro character models as new characters (especially Ember - it was a close call. She nearly ended up doing to Spyro what happened in another fandom).


#3 Jun 20, 2006 5:25 PM

From: Don't ask if you don't wanna k
Registered: Jun 07, 2006
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

This game didn't seem very hard to me. just poorly designed in some areas, where jumping to the next platform was a matter of luck. This game is worth the buy, but it will never come close to VU. It was slightly more kiddified--it didn't attempt to live up to its "EVERYONE" rating like insomniac did (as one of the insomniacs said, spyro trilogy was for people 8 to 80). The music was particularly grating, as was spyro's strange voice (I don't understand why the actor had to sound so weird. He's such a good voice actor everywhere but spyro.) The humor was kiddish too. But it was fun, so it doesn't matter so much.

Just know that whatever happens to us...It wasn't my fault.

nastiesT mayO :deR


#4 Jun 20, 2006 9:12 PM

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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I liked the game, but I wish it could have been more challenging and a little more well-organized (what was wrong with the portals?), especially the last few levels; it was just a long chain of levels that was really repetitive.
Also, the humor was childish, like ih8u2 said.


#5 Jun 23, 2006 9:35 PM

Dizzy DayDreamer
From: Scotland, UK
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I'm only just finishing off the Lost Cities hub-world, (you wouldn't believe I've had the game since December 2004, eh?), and I personally find it fun, yet some of the levels are so large they are boring, such as the Cloudy Domain. It was boring if you wanted to get every egg and light gem, I'm sure I spent at least half of the time spent there just hopping along those hovering pads - they were absolutely awful.
I also thought the Sunken Ruins was quite bad... meh, and while I'm at it, I might aswell mention how much I dislike the Lost Cities realm as a whole.

I thought the Dragon Kingdom was alright, bright colours and an intresting feel to a new game. Dragon Falls was a fun place to go, and Crocodile Swamp was quite fun even though it was a dark area... they seemed to go to the extremes with colour though. It seemed to be very bright, or very dull, not anywhere in the middle.

Heh, I do think that the ball gadget was kind of cute when I first saw it, Spyro in a hamster ball was my immediate impression. The feature was brilliant. *-*

Urgh... the whole collectables thing was kind of screwed in this game though. You didn't need to collect all the light gems and eggs, you only had to do it if you wanted to, even though you did need at least a few of each. Gems being currency sort of sucked aswell, I prefered it when you just had to collect them all, I enjoyed going back and hunting the entire realm just to find that last gem, (which I did about two hours ago when replaying Spyro the Dragon), it just made the game that bit more intresting. The dark gems being absolutely neccesary in the game was a good thing though, as it was the only neccesary collectable.

Twas overall a good game though, even though it was lacking in some areas. smile


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#6 Jun 25, 2006 12:56 AM

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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I thought A Hero's Tail was a moderately good game. THe graphics were great, and so were the levels. I especially liked Dragonfly Falls, Dragon Village, and Frostbite Village; they were very aesthectially pleasing. I hated the volcano levels, however.

I didn't like how they changed Hunter; he was a bit too serious. Ember was funny. Spyro was a bit too arrogant. And now we get to Moneybags: a fez-wearing gypsy. Terrible.

Most of the levels weren't that hard. The only exceptions were Cloudy Domain and Gloomy Glacier.


#7 Jun 25, 2006 1:29 AM

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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

Yeah. Hunter looks better in this game than the PSX ones.



#8 Jun 25, 2006 1:38 PM

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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I agree with spyrorocks. Well, I think the game was fun to play, but I wish it could have been a little more like the classic games. I miss the portals. There was too much exploring and navigating you had to do through all the worlds. I also think that the "humor" in the game was a little childish. One thing I did like though was the gems. If you miss a gem it doesn't matter. I hated in the Insomniac games, when I was missing say 10 gems, and I couldn't find them anywhere. So I think that overall it was a fun, and challenging game. I just like the classic games better. big_smile


#9 Jun 29, 2006 8:09 AM

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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I liked it but it wasnt as good as as the originals for PS, The story line wasnt as good as the other either.


#10 Aug 19, 2006 3:51 AM

The Chickmagnet
From: Ohio.....HATE IT
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

[glow=darkred:7fbd1dc807]I thought it was an ok game but as some others said i perfer the ones from the ps1.[/glow:7fbd1dc807] (:)



#11 Apr 05, 2007 7:45 AM

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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I`ve never really played it, but I`ve watched my brother, and I wasn`t too terribly impressed. However, there are a few good things I can say about this game.

The animation is definitely fliud and characteristic. There`s more character interaction and dialogue than any Spyro game before. The main problem is that the art style is totally whack, even in the case of characters like Hunter. I liked the PS games better for their style as well as their story. While the PS1 games didn`t have as much personality in the conversations with NPCs, the cinematics were pretty good, and some characters (such as Ripto) were very expressive even with the machine`s limitations (you can`t forget how wide Ripto`s eyes go when you power up in the final battle).

IMO, AHT had some good concepts, but bogged them down with a kiddish, Disney wannabe style presentation, and changed several of the characters to the point of being barely recognizable (particularly in the case of Moneybags and Bentley, who were inexcusably altered). It was kinda cool to see Gnasty and the gnorcs return, it brought back memories of Spyro the Dragon. All in all, they just simply stuck to too may fantasy stereotypes, in terms of music, characters, story...if they`d tried to keep the unique feel of the PS1 games, then maybe AHT would have been received better.


#12 Apr 05, 2007 9:19 AM

From: England (also known as Hurrico
Registered: Feb 27, 2007
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I think most opinions seem to read my mind - an adept platformer, but I'm not a fan of the characterisations and some aspects of the presentation. tongue
Mind, I'm probably the only person that seemed to be fine with the music and whatnot, even if it is a radical departure from Stewart Copeland's work. Sure there are many in the entire game that share a very familiar motif, but I thought the moods were generally portrayed well from stage to stage. I seemed to feel more into the tracks when you play as Hunter moreso than some of the other characters (Gloomy Glacier wasn't that hard O.o).


#13 Oct 02, 2007 10:41 PM

From: England
Registered: Apr 05, 2007
Posts: 27
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I actually liked this game a lot!


  • Lovely smooth framerate
    Script is very funny in parts
    Levels are breathtakingly beautiful
    Engaging and varied gameplay (compared to Spyro 1 for example, which is quite samey)
    Music is lovely and catchy, with a few little homages to Copeland


  • Some levels are *bleep* hard to complete and thus frustrating
    Sparx talking isnt as good or cute as when he just used to buzz
    The "worlds" are not very well separated and its easy to get lost
    Maps are not always 100% accurate



#14 Nov 14, 2007 5:37 PM

From: U.S.A.
Registered: Nov 05, 2007
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I like this game quite a bit, but there is so much to it.

I love how beautiful the graphics were. I like that they redid some of the characters, I appreciate the new Hunter much more than the old one, same with Moneybags. I always hated Moneybags, and in this game he looks cooler. I hate Gnasty's new design though, he was such a wimp! And the new dragons, I liked a lot, but they reminded me too much of Dragon Tale's.

I liked the other mini characters they added like Flame and Ember, and the Fox Queen or whoever and that Hyena at the lava place was cool too.

I didnt much likek Blink or Blinx, whatever his name was. And I never completed the game. I am missing one of the eggs to be able to play as Flame. *sigh*

Game : 8/10

For Game Goodies: KHDownloads



#15 Nov 14, 2007 5:40 PM

From: England
Registered: Apr 05, 2007
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

Do you need some help? Im happy to offer it!



#16 Nov 14, 2007 5:44 PM

From: U.S.A.
Registered: Nov 05, 2007
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

Heh I havent played this game in such a long time I have no idea. I think it's somewhere in the ice world with the fox in it, and something tells me it's in an area where you played as Hunter because whatever I do I cant seem to find it.

For Game Goodies: KHDownloads



#17 Dec 09, 2007 10:58 PM

From: Um. I seemed to have forgotten
Registered: Dec 09, 2007
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I really, really like this game!!!



#18 Jan 25, 2008 10:48 PM

From: What is this obsession you you
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

Well, this was my introduction to Spyro (sad, I know) so it's my favourite game by default.  It's also the first single player video game I've ever played obsessively to completion, so I would say the difficulty level was spot on for me, but I can see how it would be 'too easy' for experienced gamers.  I also found it to be somewhat annoyingly glitchy but clearly it was not glitchy enough to keep me from playing it over and over again. 

I will also admit that I found a walkthrough on the 'net for the purpose of trying to collect all the dragon eggs but still haven't actually played as anyone other than Spyro.  Just after, I lost my saved games and had to start over and it just didn't seem that important anymore.  But I think it's still the game I play the most.

Max, do your math.


#19 Jan 25, 2008 10:57 PM

From: England
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I dont recall any glitches in the game  hmm



#20 Jan 25, 2008 11:30 PM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

All the minigames in AHT were SOOOOOOOO annoying (Srgt byrd isn't that annoying though). The homeworlds are too big, theres no portals, why are all the characters acting strange?


#21 Jan 25, 2008 11:51 PM

From: England
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

I have to admit, the minigames could be very hard indeed!



#22 Jan 25, 2008 11:59 PM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

Sparx= So HARD!
Canon= Frikin Stupid
Sgt.Byrd= Not bad but can be frustrating
Blink=Really annoying
Hunter= Havn't played yet


#23 Jan 26, 2008 2:03 PM

From: Mobius
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

Hunter:so so
Cannon:fun at times
Sgt.Byrd: Frikin Frustrating
Blink:not too bad

It's me Gian style!^^



#24 Jan 27, 2008 7:49 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

THe Darkness in Blink, the collisions in blink, the timing of jumps in blink really had me *bleep*ed off.
Cannon was really hard for me at times.
I also hate how you have to get the egg before the Light gem. I DONT WANT THE EGG, TAKE IT AND JUST GET STRAIGHT TO THE LIGHT GEM!


#25 Jan 27, 2008 1:01 PM

From: England
Registered: Oct 26, 2007
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Re: What does the Spyro community in general think of this game?

The Sparx mini games were alright. Sgt. Byrd was medium, Hunter was easy, Cannon was easy but the blink lava minigame it really *bleep*ed me off cuz i kept falling stupidly.


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