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#1 Oct 09, 2009 7:21 AM

From: In my dark citadel of the neth
Registered: Sep 25, 2009
Posts: 191
Gems: 0

The Dark Citadel (my own request shop)

im looking for someone to create a artwork of me... a dragon yes adult yes... with cynder my love..../mate like in a way im larger then her her heads about up to my chest when shes full grown... anyway...my request... i will pay out 1k to 500 gems depending how well the picture is... i will pick 3 of the best... if you need a picture what i look like... ask... i already posted my self here XD so yeah...1k-500 gems ill give out smile

Edit... make that 2,500 gems XD here be my image...


the white thing is a camra XD just move that out of the way XD


#2 Nov 21, 2010 9:05 PM

Registered: Nov 20, 2010
Posts: 48
Gems: 0

Re: The Dark Citadel (my own request shop)

u mean...  u want us to draw u and cynder mating?

White blueberries and blue whiteberries!

http://dragcave.net/user/PoisoningOrchid DRAGUN CAVEE


#3 Nov 22, 2010 10:14 PM

Registered: Aug 24, 2008
Posts: 6,587
Gems: 218

Re: The Dark Citadel (my own request shop)

Poisoning Orchid, I'll revise what DarkMasterBrasil said.

DarkMasterBasil wrote:

im looking for someone to create a artwork of me... a dragon yes adult yes... with cynder my love..../mate like in a way im larger then her her heads about up to my chest when shes full grown...

I am looking for somebody to create an artwork picture of me. Yes, I am
a dragon. Yes, I am an adult. Draw me with my love [mate, in other
words] Cynder. In a way, I am larger than her. Her head is about up to
my chest when she is fully grown.

[I hope that helps, friend.]



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