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#1 Sep 07, 2012 2:27 PM
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- From: Behind the computer, The Nethe
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Spyro's Lair<3
Ohi People. Long time no see.
I don't know this topic would be any useful at all. But I'm boring anyway so I'll post it.I found an interesting discovery that Spyro's Lair was back online yesterday. I was all..Jolly and "Oh hey they added it back!" ..Although funny enough, I could not click anything. It's like the page loaded but..No flashes, no Sparx flying around. Just plain..erm..Pictures.
I wanted to make a screenshot, but every screenshot I'd make turned out to be a weird..Coding page. it's hard to explain. When I refreshed it was all gone.
What could it have been.. :c
A sudden burst of nostalgia flashed before my eyes.
Those days, coming back from school and checking out my lovely custom made dragon<3 ..While all you could say was "dude" "hi" "Do you do any sports?" and spam fireballs. :'D And all that fun stuff. ahh..
Does anyone remember that? x3
I'm sure a few of you played in Spyro's Lair often.. :c
#2 Sep 07, 2012 4:03 PM
- Gekoncze
- Baby Dragon
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Re: Spyro's Lair<3
Oh Spyro's Lair... that is sooo long when I was there. I couldn't enjoy it very much, because I didn't have good internet connection. And also one weird thing happened here... when I was choosing body, it didn't load it, so I just pressed next and then my dragon was without a body ingame (but other parts like armor, eyes wings etc. were there) (ghost music) o_ O, he looked like a ghost O _o . It looked creepy (and little bit cool), but I don't know if others could see it. It stayed like that until I got to my cousin's computer where I chenged it.
#3 Sep 14, 2012 4:02 AM
- Swaffy
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Re: Spyro's Lair<3
I messed around on it quite a few times. I remember wishing I could type my
own comments. A list of comments doesn't work well for a conversation.
#4 Sep 14, 2012 8:10 PM
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- From: Behind the computer, The Nethe
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Re: Spyro's Lair<3
I messed around on it quite a few times. I remember wishing I could type my
own comments. A list of comments doesn't work well for a conversation.
I know what you mean xD
Some guy started to spam me with flames, and I made a friend in there, who got a little angered about it. So what he did was hop to the guy who spammed me, and said "Dude" ..xD
I know, you can't say much, but some of the standard words did prove somehow effective, but it was really funny
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