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#1 Jan 29, 2015 8:42 PM

From: USA
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Spyro After Skylanders

I know this is a sensitive topic for some people, but I was just thinking about Skylanders today and how Activision pretty much used Spyro as a marketing technique to draw people in with a familiar character (it even worked on me because I initially bought the game and tried it but ended up not liking it and selling it). Well, some people who were drawn in that way are now hooked on Skylanders and have grown to like the game itself and other characters in it. I also thought about how there are probably a lot of kids out there that love Skylanders, but probably never knew who Spyro was before Skylanders, and it seems like with each successive Skylanders game, the focus is taken off of Spyro a little more. But kids still love it and want their parents to buy it for them (in other words, it is still successful). However, Activision still owns Spyro. Do you think this could mean that Activision could possibly continue Skylanders and have Spyro fade more and more until they don't feel the need to include him in that franchise anymore and, consequently, they could open up a new path for Spyro himself and continue Skylanders down the other fork in the road? I mean, they'd still be having success with Skylanders, so this could mean even more money for them.

Just a little thought I wanted to share with you guys.

Last edited by SpyroGirl101 (Jan 29, 2015 8:45 PM)

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#2 Jan 29, 2015 9:32 PM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
Registered: Apr 28, 2014
Posts: 661
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

It's a *bleep*ed-up scenario, either way. It sounds like a lot of *bleep* that it'll happen, but I know it'll happen, anyway.

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Unrelated: I'm glad I have AdBlock.

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#3 Jan 30, 2015 3:00 AM

Award: Globmod
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

i was wondering about that, too. i've seen several Skylanders things for sale that didn't even have Spyro on them at all. if they keep the focus on the other characters that much, they won't be able to keep using Spyro's name as a marketing point. Spyro's a well-known franchise, wasting that would be pretty silly on their part. Skylanders is a well-known franchise in itself now, even without Spyro. making another, separate series for Spyro could (potentially) be a good business decision, have another big name on the roster. (do companies like that call it a "roster"? or is that just record labels?)

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imperfect sinner saved by Christ.


#4 Jan 30, 2015 3:35 AM

From: Spyro'sNotDeadFricklandersIs
Registered: Apr 28, 2014
Posts: 661
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders


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Goes back to his ABDS alter-life.

Last edited by LocoGuy107 (Jan 30, 2015 3:36 AM)

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#5 Jan 30, 2015 4:30 AM

Award: Globmod
Registered: Aug 15, 2008
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

i assume you're still banned from private messages, so i'll just say this here. people like Skylanders, sometimes they WRITE OUT ITS NAME, sometimes they even enjoy the series! you have to learn to live with it sometime! you can pretend to ignore this post like you ignore every other post i write directed at you (in an attempt at friendly advice, no less), but you're still going to have to accept it! Skylanders is NOT a serious issue, it's NOT a huge "wrong" in our world, so it's NOT worth getting riled up about, and we're not going to start now. i remember that one post where you said you're in therapy over this, and that you lie to your therapist about it. as long as you're lying, it's not going to change. as long as you continue to disregard other people's feelings on here which you always do because you just run around posting whatever you feel like, it's not going to change. i know you have problems, but i can clearly tell that you don't listen to advice and you choose to make posts like the one you just did above.

do you think you get warned and banned a lot because the mods think it's fun, or something? they don't think that at all, the reason it happens is because you disrespect everybody if they don't share your opinion on something as small and unimportant as a video game series. your behavior isn't just unacceptable here, your behavior here would be unacceptable almost anywhere. how would you like it if i wrote "WORST. TOPIC. EVER." every time you mentioned the other games you like to play? that would be rude of me, and it's rude when you do it, too. and i KNOW you know better. i know you are more capable of reasoning things than you seem, but you don't try.

anyone else who was as rude as you are would have been perma-banned a long time ago, i'm surprised the mods here are giving you as many chances as they have, since you clearly have no intention of ever changing your disrespectful, angry, sometimes hurtful behavior toward others.

overall, i'm really sick of your attitude that you think you're so entitled to just post whatever you want here and just say whatever to anyone, you're not and you know it. i know you know it, but you don't care. you just keep lying to your therapist and lying to yourself. i don't know if you're actually going to be "less active" here since you posted recently and you said over six hours ago that you would be less active, but wherever you go, i really hope you finally accept the things i've said to you that you keep pretending not to notice. you need a serious attitude adjustment.

Last edited by 36IStillLikeSpyro36 (Jan 30, 2015 6:06 AM)

Dіsсоrd - 7Arterial7Justice7 [[HASHTAG]] 6565
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imperfect sinner saved by Christ.


#6 Jan 30, 2015 3:06 PM

From: USA
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

Well said, 36. I was going to say something, but you took the words out of my mouth.

And LocoGuy, another thing that I find disturbing is the fact that you clearly didn't even get what I meant in my post. I actually thought reading my post might give you some hope for a new Spyro game. Another possibility is that Activision may end up selling Spyro once they feel they no longer need him in Skylanders, which would give Spyro a better chance of being revived. I have a feeling you just saw the words "Skylanders" and "Activision" in my post and freaked out. I don't like Skylanders! In fact, I dislike it quite a lot, but that doesn't mean I lack the ability to write or read those words for goodness sakes!

Edit: Also, if you can't bear to see those words, why did you even come to this thread after you read the title? hmm

Last edited by SpyroGirl101 (Jan 30, 2015 3:08 PM)

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#7 Jan 30, 2015 3:55 PM

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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

Locoguy, enough is enough. I don't like permabans. I wanted this site to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone. But in giving you so many chances, it seems I'm actually driving people away from here.


#8 Jan 30, 2015 9:05 PM

From: Artisans
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

Is he really gone permanently this time?



#9 Jan 30, 2015 11:45 PM

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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

Yes. I really should have just banned him a long time ago. -_-

But as for the topic: I too have noticed that Spyro seems to be getting phased out. I'm actually kind of wondering if this is a sign that Activision might have actually overestimated Spyro's appeal and decided that Skylanders is better off not associating with Spyro too closely. I mean, Spyro by himself hasn't had a positive reputation in the mainstream for years now. And Skylanders clearly doesn't need Spyro anymore. Maybe it never did in the first place.

I hate to always be the negative voice in these threads, but I still think it's far more likely that Spyro is heading the same way as Crash. Keep in mind that making Spyro games alongside Skylanders games would only make Activision more money if there was enough demand for it, which I strongly suspect there is not. Otherwise, it would be a loss to pay for the development of a game that no one would buy.

I suppose there's always a small possibility, though, and obviously I don't have all the data required to make that call.


#10 Jan 31, 2015 12:08 AM

From: Artisans
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

I'm also hoping for a possible Spyro game while Skylanders is still being made. However it looks like they're adding more old characters into the Skylanders universe.



#11 Jan 31, 2015 6:43 AM

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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

I just find it unfortunate that there is no distinction between "Spyro's" anymore--if you know what I mean. Sure, they're adding a lot of LoS content to Skylanders, but it's holding back any chance of really creating a new and fresh Spyro title simply for the namesake. And I think that's why a lot of fans are seeing Skylanders in such a negative light.

I've honestly never played Skylanders, and don't have much hope of another Spyro game seeing to light of day. But that's okay too. I really enjoy playing the original Playstation titles, and that's not going to change anytime soon.

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also congrats to Stormy for finally banning Loco. It's been a long time coming tongue


#12 Jan 31, 2015 3:32 PM

From: USA
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

Stormy wrote:

Yes. I really should have just banned him a long time ago. -_-

But as for the topic: I too have noticed that Spyro seems to be getting phased out. I'm actually kind of wondering if this is a sign that Activision might have actually overestimated Spyro's appeal and decided that Skylanders is better off not associating with Spyro too closely. I mean, Spyro by himself hasn't had a positive reputation in the mainstream for years now. And Skylanders clearly doesn't need Spyro anymore. Maybe it never did in the first place.

I hate to always be the negative voice in these threads, but I still think it's far more likely that Spyro is heading the same way as Crash. Keep in mind that making Spyro games alongside Skylanders games would only make Activision more money if there was enough demand for it, which I strongly suspect there is not. Otherwise, it would be a loss to pay for the development of a game that no one would buy.

I suppose there's always a small possibility, though, and obviously I don't have all the data required to make that call.

I definitely agree that they may have overestimated his appeal. The Spyro fanbase wasn't that large when Skylanders made its debut. I feel a little silly asking this, but what exactly did happen to Crash? I mean, I know he's pretty much dead, but what caused that to happen? Who owns him now?

And Paranoia, I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way. I was honestly a little excited at first when I heard that there were going to be sheep in Skylanders. I was hopeful that, despite the fact that I didn't like his new design, they would bring back a significant amount of classical elements. But sadly, I think that stopped at the sheep. Lol. And with Cynder and Malefor included, it just feels like they're pulling random bits and pieces from both Spyro universes and trying to meld them together, hence the feeling that there's no longer a real distinction between the "Spyros." And, sadly, I really believe that everyone is right about the fact that another Spyro game will never be made. It's fun to just have a little bit of hope and think about what could happen. I mean, I'm not dwelling on it or anything, I'm also quite content playing the PS1 games. There's just something magical about them that never gets old. The music, the atmosphere, the characters, ah... I just love classic Spyro. smile spyro

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#13 Mar 25, 2015 9:57 PM

From: USA
Registered: Mar 27, 2007
Posts: 586
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Re: Spyro After Skylanders

it would be nice if they returned the focus to spyro again. add in characters like ember or flame, since they seem to be pinching bits from the different spyro series anyway.


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