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#1 Apr 09, 2018 7:26 PM

From: Town Square
Registered: Sep 20, 2016
Posts: 236
Gems: 493
Age: 23 years old

What I Want to be Added to the Flight/Speedway Levels:

I want there to be a new online mode like CTR but it's the flight levels. They could have it so that in the online mode there's Time Trials and Time Attacks. In the Time Trials, you have to destroy all the obstacles before the other players. Now here's the thing, when you destroy an obstacle, it disappears on your end, but not the other players. Mainly so that one player can't just destroy all the obstacles before the other players get to them. In short, destroy the obstacles faster then the other players. In Time Attacks, you race similar to Spyro 3. In Spyro 3 levels the courses are the same, but in Spyro 1 or 2 levels, a brand new course made specifically for the mode will be featured. Feel free to give feedback as I know for a fact that Time Trials could be done better, but I can't put my finger on it.


#2 Apr 10, 2018 12:09 AM

Registered: Oct 13, 2016
Posts: 54
Gems: 271
Birthday: 18 July
Age: 33 years old
Gender: Male

Re: What I Want to be Added to the Flight/Speedway Levels:

I don't forsee them incorporating online multi-player into the game. They will probably just have online leader boards for both the time trials and the races.

"Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."


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