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#1 Dec 05, 2007 4:53 PM
- Iceboy84
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- From: England
- Registered: Apr 05, 2007
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A free gift from Iceboy
In the spirit of Christmas, please enjoy these magical pieces of Spyro music on me. I chose these because they are two levels I always make a point of playing on every Christmas Eve night, and because they are both "cold" tracks from snowy levels!
I'm not demanding anything in return, except for you to enjoy them as much as I do. They are tracks I play all year round, but especially close to Christmas. Pure magic indeed!
{spyrorocks: Sorry, but sharing music that you did not create yourself on this forum is not allowed, due to copyright restrictions. If you can get a letter from serria saying they allow you to distribute the music, you may put it back. And no, offering music for free online without serria offering it for free is not the same as other spyro related media. All of the spyro pictures were released by serria/krome/other company and thus are free to use, and screenshots of the games are also allowed to be used because they fall under the fair use agreement. The problem with sharing music ripped from the game is that a person who never bought the game could download it, and thus would be infringing copyright, because they technically have no right to posses the music without owning the game.}
[These are only active for a limited time only, I'm afraid]
I have all the Spyro soundtracks in complete form, from 1 to 5, all recorded, mixed and edited by yours truly! Im a Spyro music nut!
(If this is against the rules, I am sorry, but the way I see it, its no different to offering other Spyro-related media for free like avatars and banners. But please PM me if you would like the links removed.)
#2 Dec 29, 2007 12:40 AM
- Iceferno
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- From: Lofty Castle, Dream Weavers Wo
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Re: A free gift from Iceboy
Are these the official soundtracks or your own remixes of complete soundtracks? Cuz I already know where to get the official ones
#3 Dec 29, 2007 12:44 AM
- Iceboy84
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- From: England
- Registered: Apr 05, 2007
- Posts: 27
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Re: A free gift from Iceboy
There are no official soundtracks, aside from the Enter The Dragonfly promo that was released in limited numbers in 2002. These are from my own custom-made soundtracks, not remixes, of the in-game music.
#4 Dec 29, 2007 12:48 AM
- Iceferno
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- From: Lofty Castle, Dream Weavers Wo
- Registered: Dec 26, 2007
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Re: A free gift from Iceboy
Ah, so they're kinda like compilations or re-arranged track positions of the soundtracks etc? Would be very interesting if you had every single ETD song available I can only find the Promo soundtrack copies to download...
Pages: 1