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#1 Apr 18, 2008 8:08 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
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boss ideas

here you can write down your boss ideas

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#2 Apr 22, 2008 9:18 AM

Zekira Drake
Registered: Jun 08, 2006
Posts: 2,060
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Re: boss ideas

LOL. 66 Views without a reply.



#3 Apr 22, 2008 9:05 PM

Registered: Feb 15, 2008
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Re: boss ideas

The first boss must be ten times harder than beating Gaul.

The second boss must be two times harder than the first one.

The third boss must be two times harder than the second one.

And so on... And on... big_smile


#4 May 04, 2008 1:32 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
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Re: boss ideas

here is a boss idea

name:stone beast

description:a monster made of stone

appearance:looks like bowser

boss intro:spyro:these villagers are weird
villager:we must defeat the evil creatures
spyro.we are not evil
sparx:you villagers are dumb in the head
villager:stupid flying thing insulted us we angry
cynder:sparx you made them angry
villager:we gonna summon our guardian stone beast
villager:ekum bokum bakum okum stone beast rise up and defeat the 2 evil dragons and the stupid flying thing
stone beast appears
stone beast:i must kill dragons
spyro:oh no

death sequence: stone beast:the village no i failed to protect you
villager:escape we must go and summon totem god
the villagers run up a hill
spyro: we must follow them

attacks:can hide in the shell,can slash,shell dashing

how to defeat:attack him when it gets confused

is this idea good

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#5 May 04, 2008 2:11 PM

From: Finland
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Re: boss ideas

I just looked at concept art and watched the volcano pic. There must be a fire boss. Like Fire Scarab.


#6 May 05, 2008 2:18 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

here is another idea

name: totem god

description: a totem

appearance: looks like a dragon

boss intro:spyro:ok now we are here
villager:uh-oh they followed us we summon our god totem god
sparx:don´t do it
villager: we summon now wokk lakka makka jakka lamma plamma arise totem god
totem god appears
totem god:i gonna protect you from this evil creatures
cynder:we are not evil we are good the villagers are working withe the dark master
totem god: me squish you now

death sequenc.totem god:noo i am a god i can´t be defeated noo *explodes*
sparx:we did it we defeated a god
villager:they are evil escape everyone
spro:just escape


how to defeat: attack him in the head

is that idea good

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#7 May 05, 2008 4:40 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
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Re: boss ideas

Here's mine.....Hilery!XD(but seriously)


Descrpiton:A dragon

Apperance:Looks like a dark smoke for how much evil darkness its consumed with.

Boss Intro:Cynder:Spyro..we are about to face the ready.
Spyro:I'm ready.
*they fly in* I always wanted to see you.

Spyro:You'd better be ready to die.
Cynder:Yeah!You will pay for controlling me!
DM:Oh but it is not me to face you..yet..I have to test you..nowbring out my greatest beast,made from my own evilness!

Dragoon apearres
'Spyro:wWah..What is that!Its soo consumed with draness..that I can't see its from!


DRagoon:*breathes heayily*

Cynder:Time for your end.!

Death Sequence-Dragoon:*falls on the ground*uunh...You have defeated me?!N-No..Y-You will suerly die now.*dark smoke goes away and all is left is a pendent of light*

Spyro:*gets the pendent*

Attacks:tail whip,dark flame,Arcana magic,claw,pounce,and a lot more.

How to defeat:Need to put the Pendant of light on him before he kills you. thats a lot!

Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


#8 May 05, 2008 7:35 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

here is another idea


description: a evil creature that works with the dark master

appearance: a 8 headed snake

boss intro:spyro:this place is destroyed
sparx: look out there is orochi
orochi appears
orochi:hahahaha i gonna destroy you all
sparx:we gonna take you down
orochi:*eats sparx* tasty
spyro:release sparx now
orochi: i am not goonna release him you shall die now
a lizard appears
reptor: i gonna slay you orochi after you destroyed my village as long as my name is reptor
orochi: try to slay me *almost kills reptor*
reptor: ouch spyro,cynder please defeat orochi

death sequence:orochi:nooo i am orochi i can't be destroyed *dies*
sparx appears
sparx:thanks for defeating orochi it stinked in his stomach
reptor: thanks spyro and cynder for defeating orochi
spyro: no problem

attacks: fire breath,bite,

how to defeat:when orochi is gonna use the fire breath attack him in the head then attack the head until it is destroyed do the same thing with the other 7 heads

how is that idea

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#9 May 12, 2008 9:20 PM

Luke Danger
Registered: May 12, 2008
Posts: 103
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Re: boss ideas

I had a decent concept I was thinking of for a boss

Now, the castle-like places in the released concepts/screen shots (Avalar?), well, what if they make the place get seiged by an army of apes, and Spyro and Cynder wind up helping via several things (flying around and disabling seige equipment, helping the good guys hold stratigic points, setting of traps etc.), and for a big boss, a super-seige-tower loaded with various bits of equipment (catapults, balistias, some of those fire-ball things the flying creatures used in TEN, Fire/Earth/Electric/Ice cannons, etc.)

Name: Super-Seige-Tower


Spyro: How many MORE apes can they throw at us?

Sparx: Don't jinx it

*sound of an explosion*

Archer: What in the realms is THAT?!

*a huge seige tower rolls up, firing various things toward the walls, Cynder takes flight right before a fire-ball wrecks the section of the wall she was on*

Cynder: Spyro! It's a Super-Seige Tower!

Sparx: And here I was thinking those Super-Fire-Cannons you sicked on us in Boyzitbig were bad...

Ice Cannon Gunner: Get the annoying fly! He talked by ear of at Skabb's arena fights! Take 'em out first!

*a Ice cannon fires a clip of rounds at Sparx, who dodges*

Sparx: AHH! *flies off*

*fight commences*

*after taking it out*

*seige tower collapses, various apes run around trying to get away from it, it explodes*

Sparx: Boyzitbig!

Archer: Now THAT'S what I call fireworks!

Attacks: Well, pretty much just spews out various things from the other games, like the Fire/Earth/Ice/Electric cannons from ANB

Damage: It takes damage every time you take out one of it's machines (Wheels, the weaponry, etc.), once you take it all out, you win.


#10 May 17, 2008 9:54 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas


description: a ninja gecko

appearance:looks like a gecko

boss intro: gakko: master why did you call me here
dark master: you must get rid of those 2 dragons
gakko: yes master*teleports*
spyro:what is that
gakko: i am your doom hahaha
sparx: a ugly lizard
gakko: what did you call me *eats sparx*
spyro: spit him out now
gakko: no
cynder: you are evil
gakko: yes hehehe my master sent me here to kill you

death sequence: gakko: nooo
spyro: yes
gakko: *spits out sparx*
sparx: it was really gross inside him
gakko: *dies*
cynder: now he is dead
spyro: another one of dark master's minions

attacks: swords,ninja stars,staff,kick

how to defeat: he moves fast. attack him when he stops moving

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#11 May 19, 2008 3:28 PM

Syler Bladewing
Registered: Oct 23, 2007
Posts: 152
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Re: boss ideas

Name: Aeolos
Description: Nearly 7 foot tall armor-clad knight, wields a massive Falchion

Boss Intro:

Spyro:  So...This is the Dark Master's base?
Aeolos:  That it is.  However...You will not get any further.  This is where you die. (Points sword @ Spyro, Cynder, and Haru)  Prepare yourselves!
Haru: (Braces) Aeolos.  I don't want to kill you.  Please.  Stand aside.
Aeolos: You?  Kill me?  I doubt it.  Bring it on!

Defeat Sequence:

Aeolos: So...You've gotten stronger.  I...concede my defeat.  My life is in your hands...
Spyro:  I...We won't kill you.
Haru:  You fought...with honor Aeolos.  Will you join us?
Aeolos: I...Yes.  Come.  We must move if we want to stop Malafore. 
Cynder:  Right.  Thank you...Aeolos.

This world...Is rotten.  People are evil, they kill and murder for no reason.  I will be the one to cleanse this world of evil.  I am Kira.


#12 May 19, 2008 7:58 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas


description: the vampire king

appearance: a dragon vampire

boss intro: vampiror:you 2 have no chance against me
spyro: now we gonna take you down
vampiror: i am a minion of the dark master i can't be defeated
cynder: we can defeat you
sparx: yeah you are so dead now
vampiror: argh you don't know who you are messing with

death sequence: vampiror: my master i failed you
sparx: what's happening
spyro: the roof is opening
vampiror: noo sunlight it burns *melts*
cynder: now vampiror can't spread terror anymore

attacks: blood sucking,flying,bite

how to defeat: attack him when he is trying to bite you

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#13 May 23, 2008 5:23 PM

titanosaurus rex
Registered: May 04, 2008
Posts: 11
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

good idea speed-dragon here is my idea


description: a evil dinosaur

appearance:looks like a tyrannosaurus rex

boss intro: spyro:*opens a door* we are here megarex
megarex:hahaha good now you will die
sparx:no you will die
megarex:how dare you insult me
cynder:who´s side are you on
megarex:my master´s side
spyro:who is your master
megarex:it is the dark master
sparx:ok we gonna kill you
megarex:*draws a sword* not so fast
sparx: ohh a sword i am so scared ohh
megarex:*cuts a statue in half*
spyro:bring it on

death sequence
the sword breaks into bits
megarex:noo how could you
the dark master´s voice:you failed me you will now pay with your life
megarex:noo *melts*
spyro:that was the dark master´s voice
cynder:he killed megarex because he failed


how to defeat:when the sword gets stuck into the ground attack him


#14 May 24, 2008 5:31 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas


description: a gigantic killer dragonfly

appearance:looks like a dragonfly

boss intro:meganulon:roar must kill dragon for the dark master
spyro:look out a gigantic dragonfly
meganulon:*attacks spyro*
meganulon:haha now i gonna kill you for my master the dark master
sparx:you are very ugly
meganulon:what *eats sparx*
sparx:not again
meganulon:i am not gonna spit him out give up now
cynder:we are not gonna give up without a fight
meganulon:you gotta feel pain

death sequence:meganulon:noo*spits out sparx*
sparx:first orochi then gakko and now you
meganulon:uh-oh *escapes*
spyro:come back here you coward

attacks:bite,fly,slash,spit slime from the tail,

how to defeat: attack his tail

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#15 May 24, 2008 7:42 PM

From: HR Croatia (Eh!)
Registered: May 23, 2008
Posts: 237
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

Here is one:

Name:Dark Dino
Type:Dinosaur with wings and sharp theeths with shadow powers

Befor fight-
Spyro:We should be careful.
Sparx:Why don`t we just leave?Why are we here anyway?
Spyro:We are here to rescue Cynder!
????:Kil all dragonsss......
Sparx:You heard that?
Sparx:Dude,this place is to spooky!
Spyro(sees Cynder):Is that Cynder?
Spyarx:Hmmmm....Let me think...Dragon of your age trapped in spooky tall cave,i am guessing that is Cynder!
Cynder:Spyro?Spyro!Run fastest you can!!You need leave quickly!
Spyro:I am not leaving without you,Cynder!Even if i need to fight!!
Dark Dino:ROOOOOOOARRRR!!!!!!!!!
Sparx:You and your big mouth!
Dark dino(jumps in fighting shadow ring):Prepare to die,once and for all!!Or,you can leave like baby!
Sparx:Gu gu,ga ga?
Cynder:Run Spyro!!Just run!
Spyro:Not this time,this time i fight!
Dark Dino:Very well.ROOOOOOOARRRR!!!!!!!!!!
Spyro:I will not let you down Cynder.
Dark Dino:Shut up your mouth and start fighting!!(hits Spyro with metal tail)
Spyro(gets up):Bring it!Come on!
(Battle starts)

How to defeat:Use fire breath every time Dino opens mouth and starts roaring
Note:Try to hit in mouth more times.

After fight-
Dark Dino(falls on ground):It can`t be...I am defeated!
Spyro:Of course you are.It was tooo easy!
Sparx:Yea it was!!I can`t wait to see my mummy...I miss her!
Spyro:What did you say?
Cynder(gets up:You did it Spyro!You won and freed me!
Spyro:It was easy.
(Ignitus appears in sky and lands down)
Spyro:Ignitus!You escaped!
Cynder:Escaped from what?
Ignitus:Some magical creatures caught me in trap,and...and they trowed me in dungeon few minutes later after you were kidnapped.What about you?Are you ok,Cynder?
Cynder:I am,on my luck...But that trap took half of my energy.
Dark Dino:Noooooooooo!!!!!!!(earthquake starts)It can`t be!!!!!!(falls in deep black hole)
Spyro:I am glad this fight is over!
Cynder:Thank you for rescuing me,Spyro...
Spyro:Every time,Cynder...(looks eyes to eyes)
Sparx(shakes):Is the monster gone yet?
Ignitus:Yes it is,Spyrx!
Sparx:Oh finally!
(Spyro and Cynder are still looking)
Ignitus:Ahem!We should go back to temple now...
Cynder:Oh,yes!We really should!
Sparx:I think that too.
Spyro:Lets go!

That is how i imagine one part of DOTD!I thik its OK...  smile


Thanks to YellowBananas!


#16 May 24, 2008 8:30 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

that is a good idea here's another idea

name:phantom gaul

desription: a phantom

appearance: looks like gaul but is black

boss intro:spyro: this place is very dark
cynder: i think i heard something
phantom gaul: hahaha i have you now
sparx: lookout
spyro: oh no it is gaul
phantom gaul: yes and i want my revenge
cynder: you are not gonna get your revenge
phantom gaul: then bring it on
spyro: yes

death sequence: phantom gaul: noo *vanishes*
sparx: yes we did it
spyro: i hope he is gone forever

attacks:beam,can fire a atomic fireball,

how to defeat:reflect his atomic fireball and then attack him

is that idea good

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#17 May 24, 2008 11:39 PM

From: In the search of Cynder after
Registered: Nov 27, 2007
Posts: 3,207
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

all of you had excellent ideas...hmmm should be interesting what will appear in the game...?

If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)


#18 May 25, 2008 8:43 AM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

name:dark raptor king

description:a evil version of the raptor king

appearance:a black raptor with a crown on his head

boss intro:raptor king:what is happening
cynder:look a black cloud
spyro:oh no
dark master´s voice:oh yes
sparx:that was the dark master´s voice again
spyro:the cloud fires a black lighting bolt
raptor king:oh no *gets hit by the lighting*
cynder:raptor king are you ok
dark raptor king:must kill dragons
spyro:he has been corrupted by the dark master
sparx:i hope he don´t wanna eat me
dark raptor king:roar you must die
spyro & cynder:bring it on

death sequence:dark raptor king:roar no it can´t be happening
spyro:what is happening
dark raptor king:roar *becomes good again*
cynder:he is back to normal
raptor king:what happened
spyro:you got corrupted by the dark master
sparx:but spyro and cynder saved you
raptor king:i hope this not happens again

attacks:fire breath,slash,roar,stomp,

how to defeat:when he is gonna use the fire breath use ice breath on him

how was that idea

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#19 May 26, 2008 1:10 PM

titanosaurus rex
Registered: May 04, 2008
Posts: 11
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

here is a idea

name:mecha spyro

description: a robot that looks like spyro. he has 2 forms

appearance:he looks like spyro

boss intro: spyro:we are here to defeat you mecha spyro.
mecha spyro:*laughs* you can´t defeat me.
cynder:but we defeated your minions.
mecha spyro:i am the ruler of this realm you are a fool.
spyro:no i gonna save this place from your terror.
mecha spyro:i hate dragons like you i gonna kill you.
spyro:try to do it

boss intro 2:
mecha spyro:how is this possible but i have 1 trick left.
spyro: what.
mecha spyro:hahaha *grows gigantic* i am more powerfull now
sparx:uh-oh now we got very much trouble

death sequence: mecha spyro:noo it is not true. i am the real spyro you are the fake but how *explodes*.
sparx:we gonna get out of here now the cave is gonna explode.
spyro: okay

attacks: fire breath. beam. roar. slash . stomp. fly

how to defeat: form 1: when he gets paralyzed. form 2:use fire breath in the mouth when he is gonna fire the beam.

is this idea good or bad


#20 May 27, 2008 11:48 AM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

good idea

name: fake dark master

description:a fake version of the dark master

appearance:looks like dark master

boss intro:spyro:now time for the final battle dark master
f dark master:ok pathetic little dragon hahaha

death sequence:f dark master:*explodes*
sparx:yeah the dark master is dead party
dark master´s voice:hahaha foolish dragon i am still alive you battled a clone
cynder:one day we take you down

attacks:fire breath,ice breath,electric breath,wind breath,dark breath

how to defeat:just attack him

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#21 May 27, 2008 3:48 PM

Syler Bladewing
Registered: Oct 23, 2007
Posts: 152
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

Next idea!

Name: Possesed (X)--Insert name of one of your characters here.
Dark Smog: Hah hah hah... Fools... You'll die here and now...
Haru: Wha-What?
Cynder:Who are you?
Smog:  How weak you are.  Disappear forever...
(Flies into one of the characters, turning them black.)
Smog (Through Chara's mouth):  Now you will...disappear forever...

Chara:  How...dare you... I will... (Collapses, smog flies out of mouth...)
Chara: Wha-What happened?
Cynder and Haru:  Thank the ancestors...

This world...Is rotten.  People are evil, they kill and murder for no reason.  I will be the one to cleanse this world of evil.  I am Kira.


#22 May 27, 2008 6:15 PM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas


description: a fusion between a tyrannosaurus and a triceratops

appearance:he has a t.rex body and a triceratops head

boss intro:spyro:where are we
dark magican:in my lair you gonna die
dark magician:i fuse the 2 most powerfull creatures *transforms into tyrannoceratops*
sparx:what a big monster
tyrannoceratops:time do knock on the heavens door
spyro:we are not afraid of you

death sequence:tyrannoceratops:*falls into lava* noo it can´t be true
spyro:it is true
cynder:you are dead

attacks:horn attack,fire breath,stomp,roar

how to defeat:make him faint then attack the head

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


#23 May 27, 2008 11:17 PM

From: HR Croatia (Eh!)
Registered: May 23, 2008
Posts: 237
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas

Here is another one!

Name:Metal Cynder
Description:Looks like Cynder when its evil but its metalic and darker

Before fight-

Sparx:Ehhh,Spyro....I think i hear something.
Spyro:I hear it too.
Cynder:It sounds like evil laugh!
Metal Cynder(flies down):Hahahahaha.....Foolish dragons...You will die now!
Spyro:Never!We will defeat you once,and for all!
Sparx:Don`t count me in this one!
Cynder(uses fire breath):How do you like this?
Metal Cynder:I did not even feel it...But,how do you like this??(Cynder gets down and metalic shadow tail hits Spyro)
Sparx:This Convexity Tail was sooo powerful,that Spyro can`t get up!
Metal Cynder:Dark Master gaved me Convexity power,so i can defeat you easly!
Cynder:Well,i will fight!
Metal Cynder:hhhhhh....BRING IT!

How to defeat:Trow fire balls on Metal Cynder when she falls down

Before second fight-

Metal Cynder(gets up and collects power):hahahaha!
(Convexity blast hits Cynder and she becomes big like before,but she is on good side)
Sparx:Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!Monster is back!
Cynder(flies up):No worry sparx.Thank you!Now i am more powerful and i can beat you!
Meatl Cynder(flies up):No mercy this time!

How to defeat:Use Convexity breath to defeat her

After fight-

Metal Cynder(falls on ground): Oh no,I am defeated!!(becomes baby dragon)
Cynder(gets even more powerful):Mwahahahaha!(makes Convexity ball to  hit baby dragon)
Spyro(wakes up):Where...where am I?
Sparx:In time for death!
Dark Master`s voice:Hahaha,soon,you will be like before,Cynder...just hit the baby!
Spyro:Oh no,if we don`t stop Cynder she will hit the baby and,and..Be like before.
Cynder(flies down):Hahahahaha!It is over!
Spyro:Wake up Cynder!!(hits Cynder)
Cynder(falls and becomes normal:What,what did I do?
Spyro:It is okay now,lets go.
Sparx:I agree.I wet my diapers!
Cynder:Hahaha,lets go!
(Spyro,Cynder and Sparx left)
Dark Master`s voice:This is not over yet,Spyro!Bwahahahahaha!!
(Baby dragon becomes black and flies off)

Is it good?


Thanks to YellowBananas!


#24 May 28, 2008 1:16 AM

Element dragon
New Member
From: albquerque,NM
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 3
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Re: boss ideas

speed-dragon wrote:

here is a boss idea

name:stone beast

description:a monster made of stone

appearance:looks like bowser

boss intro:spyro:these villagers are weird
villager:we must defeat the evil creatures
spyro.we are not evil
sparx:you villagers are dumb in the head
villager:stupid flying thing insulted us we angry
cynder:sparx you made them angry
villager:we gonna summon our guardian stone beast
villager:ekum bokum bakum okum stone beast rise up and defeat the 2 evil dragons and the stupid flying thing
stone beast appears
stone beast:i must kill dragons
spyro:oh no

death sequence: stone beast:the village no i failed to protect you
villager:escape we must go and summon totem god
the villagers run up a hill
spyro: we must follow them

attacks:can hide in the shell,can slash,shell dashing

how to defeat:attack him when it gets confused

is this a good idea

It's a great idea


#25 May 28, 2008 11:53 AM

From: dante´s freezer
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 102
Gems: 0

Re: boss ideas


name:dark kingsaur

description:a evil version of kingsaur

appearance: a t.rex

boss intro:kingsaur:my evil brother megarex has taken over the south dino kingdom and the north dino kingdom
spyro:can you tell me more about the dino kingdoms
kingsaur:i rules over the south dino kingdom and the raptor king rules over the north dino kingdom
sparx:look up a dark cloud
cynder:oh no
dark cloud:hahaah
spyro:we must hide us in the cave
dark cloud: *attacks kingsaur*
cynder:he attacked kingsaur
dark kingsaur:hahaha time to die

death sequence:dark kingsaur:arrgh *becomes normal again*
spyro:yes we did it
kingsaur:thanks for saving me
sparx:it was the same cloud that transformed raptor king into dark raptor king
cynder:good it is gone now

attacks:roar,slash,fire breath,sword slash,tail attack

how to defeat:when he becomes red attack him. he can´t be attacked when he turns blue

dragonimage_95868_75423_pixel.gif dragonimage_135019_75423_pixel.gif


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