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#1 May 11, 2008 1:00 AM

Registered: Feb 25, 2008
Posts: 376
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Mecharaptor The Robotic Dragon RPG

I'm working on a story about a robotic dragon/velociraptor(Here's a pic of a deinonychus which is very similar to one only bigger:  Deinonychus  Also, she's kinda like Superman because she had to leave her planet to come to Earth.

Her name is Mecharaptor because she's a DNA based robot/computer that has to learn to live in a group of real dragons and find a way to fit in.  Feel free to join at any time with your own characters and whatnot.  I'll start:

"Where do I go?  What is my purpose?"  Mecha asked as she sat on a high ledge, watching the sunset.  It had been just three days since Mecha had escaped from a large group of scientists.  To them, she was nothing more than an experiment.  She was unsure whether or not there were others like her ou there, or if she was all alone.  Perhaps she was really nothing more than a living, breathing experiment.  Suddenly, Mecha heard something rustling quietly nearby.  To anything else, it wouldn't even be heard.  But Mecha's senses were highly refined, this was an advantage of being a high tech robot.  Something rustled again, slightly louder than before. 

  Okay, there's the beginning.  Any suggestions?

My piczo site: DragonPrincess01.piczo.com
What's Piczo?  Well it's a lot like myspace & freewebs.


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