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#1 May 14, 2008 1:51 AM

From: The Baseball Field
Registered: Apr 10, 2008
Posts: 303
Gems: 0

The Spyro Rap RPG

Hey guys, just wanted to try something out.  This is an RPG that can be about anything spyro-related, but has to be in rap. XD  Anyone can join in at any time.

Rules are as follows :
1.  It has to follow the storyline clearly
2. No cursing and abusive language (obviously)
3.  Rap doesn't neccessarily have to rhyme
4.  You can beat-box if you want
5. Have Fun!

This may be challenging, but if successful, this could possibly be one of the most fun RPGs around.

I'll start it off.


Here we go, into Avalar
With Hunter, Elora, and Spyro [our star]
Nasty Ripto, a little dinosaur. . .
Has an evil plan in store.
With crush and gulp,  his right hand men
Sends Spyro flaming . . and charging . . again and again

Okay, who wants to continue?

Metal Head is back and better than Ever! POWER TO THE MACHINES!



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