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#476 Jul 05, 2008 4:15 AM

From: UK
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

@Doppel:- I happen to think you are being quite childish about the people how happen to dislike the TLOS series, I understand that people hate the TLOS series due to changes but everyone and I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions so stop bashing them for not liking the series it's plain childish and also very irritating.

As for me I loved the old and new series with a few games that shouldn't of been made but why complain we are spyro fans for crying out loud do we really need this constant bickering about this?.

Spyro has evolved and there is no changing that. The old series is still as popular as the new ones hence the forum still being around. So those arguing over the "new" and "old" give it a rest because to be honest it's making you all sound like kids.


#477 Jul 05, 2008 4:24 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

DanteAndVergil wrote:

So those arguing over the "new" and "old" give it a rest because to be honest it's making you all sound like kids.

ummm no, last i checked adults argue quite a bit, what makes people sound like kids is well... just a sec

"Boo hoo hoo! I want the old Spyro back, Ooohooo hoo!"

(That's what I think of some "TLoS Bashers.")

behaviour like so

there wouldnt be a problem if people would debate the games and stop aiming remarks at other posters (of course in saying that if someone makes a personal remark youre within your right to respond personally)

im seeing too much of this:

old spyro fan: i dont like new spyro
new spyro fan: you are afraid of change
old spyro fan: no im not i just dont like the direction the new series took

and its irritating to someone who likes to voice opinions and counter the opinios of others


#478 Jul 05, 2008 4:28 AM

From: UK
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

DanteAndVergil wrote:

So those arguing over the "new" and "old" give it a rest because to be honest it's making you all sound like kids.

What I meant by that was the way they are arguing about it.


#479 Jul 05, 2008 4:30 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

DanteAndVergil wrote:
DanteAndVergil wrote:

So those arguing over the "new" and "old" give it a rest because to be honest it's making you all sound like kids.

What I meant by that was the way they are arguing about it.

ah in that case i concurr


#480 Jul 05, 2008 6:14 AM

Adam Thurman
Registered: Jun 23, 2008
Posts: 175
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

It is taste. every one likes one better than the other because one has a deep story line and the other you just collect gems to get to the end. I love both of them but you must be crazy if you think another game with the same thing for it has gone long with the same basic principles.

Wouldn't it be nice to see our hero actually do something other than breath fire and ram. Don t throw the baby out with the bath water.

What do you really have in your love for this game. Don t you want to do something more than running around looking for hatch doors. shire it is fun but there is hardly a point to it after the first three.

The vary reason the first three were the best because they were the first three. If the fourth came out first than we would like the fourth better than the first. What are you comparing air plains to tomatoes its the same main characters and the same theme to the purple dragon only it has a kick to it. Literally you get to bash other things around.

Whats better than a dragon who is doing something completely out of the ordinary. Are we not toughed to look ahead and not look back. Let the old ideas go away with the yesterdays dinner. It does not taste good after all that time does it. It is a new start to what will be a great game.

Fell in love with Spyro when I was little. I played it with my friends. They went different ways over time and I refused to let this go. I am seventeen and still enjoy playing the old games as well as the new. Game makers are of their own and I have no reason to disagree because they made it perfect


#481 Jul 05, 2008 6:59 AM

dragon protector x
From: Colorado
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Whoh....Doppel....calm it down....like you seem close to the edge of scrothing the heck out of some one...

I am a starting artist and video editor.


#482 Jul 05, 2008 7:42 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Adam Thurman wrote:

It is taste. every one likes one better than the other because one has a deep story line and the other you just collect gems to get to the end. I love both of them but you must be crazy if you think another game with the same thing for it has gone long with the same basic principles.

the part of this i did understand is known by everyone here, we are all very aware that different people like different thingsthis thread is here to argue the reasons behind this as well as whether or not it was a good thing to completely overwrite the old spyro

Wouldn't it be nice to see our hero actually do something other than breath fire and ram. Don t throw the baby out with the bath water.

What do you really have in your love for this game. Don t you want to do something more than running around looking for hatch doors. shire it is fun but there is hardly a point to it after the first three.

sick of hearing this bull, games do not need to be complex (control wise) to be enjoyed, for you maybe they do, but you do not = everyone, i quite enjoyed playing super mario galaxy, despite only being able to jump spin and maybe on occasion do little other powerup things in a similar manner to... oh wait, spyro (especially 3)

oh and since we were talking about need for speed before, isnt there very little point to the games after the first 1, youre just driving a car... maybe different cars, different places... its still just driving. so what did they do, did they turn need for speed into a platformer, no, they added to the existing formula

good game + more features = good (most of the time)
[good game - everything that made it awesome] + DRAMA = wtf?

The vary reason the first three were the best because they were the first three. If the fourth came out first than we would like the fourth better than the first. What are you comparing air plains to tomatoes its the same main characters and the same theme to the purple dragon only it has a kick to it. Literally you get to bash other things around.

im sorry thats incorrect, if youre logic were logical then lets say the original smash bros was better than brawl, ive played both, theyre both good, but brawl looks better, has more characters/items/rewards in it and added extra features too, but notice, its still a fighting game

as for "air planes" and tomatoes (which btw makes you sound like doppel on an alt account), youre right, its just like that... HENCE THE FLAMING PROBLEM, they are from the same series, there shouldnt be this much difference between titles in the same series

Whats better than a dragon who is doing something completely out of the ordinary. Are we not toughed to look ahead and not look back. Let the old ideas go away with the yesterdays dinner. It does not taste good after all that time does it. It is a new start to what will be a great game.

how is the actions of spyro in tlos out of the ordinary?

flying in a UFO battling sheep
playing ice hockey with a frozen cat

those are out of the ordinary for a dragon

beating things up
fighting other dragons
breathing fire and other elements

that is 100% cliche

end story, if they wanted to start a new game, they should have done so, they shouldnt have grabbed spyro changed all the things that made the originals unique and chucked it on the shelf where it now sits amongst the other titles, where it would have been completely ignored if not for the big SPYRO title on it


#483 Jul 05, 2008 7:57 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Where's Ratchet when we need him?

I was pretty tired for the last few days, pretty busy too lol, but i'm here now!

Spash the Bandragon wrote:

balances out the crappy storyline, which had little effort put into it.

Argh, i hate it when people say that The originals had a crappy storyline, because i have to say the same defending points again and again (lol XD).
Note: The next points do not correspond to Spyro 1, Spyro 1 had an almost non-existant storyline.
1.The originals had a storyline rather unique (not cliche anyway), justified why Spyrois the only one for the job and featured nice voice actors and writing. There was nothing WRONG with the originals storyline, it wasn't FF, but it was good, defiently not "crappy".
2.Spyro 2 & 3 had a consistant amount of cutscenes
3.The Spyro games had numourous subplots, all made to be creative and have reason

Now then, let me see a show of hands. Who here dislikes the gameplay of the first 3 Spyro games? (Those are the ones with effort placed in the gameplay.)
Who here dislikes the storyline of TLoS? (Those are the ones with effort placed in the storyline.)
Now, how many people raised there hand? If three people in total raised there hand to those questions, my theory is disproved.

I'm not going to raise my hand!

What the original games lack in plotline, they make up for in gameplay.

By a great margain!

What the first two LoS games lack in gameplay, they make up for in storyline.

Nope, as you say next, Games count more for gameplay than storyline, the thing about games is the gameplay, the main thing THERE is gameplay. I'm sick of people saying things like "a Storyline drives a game.

This would all be fine, but Spyro's supposed to be a video game, not a series of movies. TLoS's being made into a movie anyways, so we're all happy. Now the only logical thing to do is continue the original series (or at least focus more on gameplay from now on).
There's nothing wrong with liking TLoS, but original Spyro wins " The fight between new and old spyro" in terms of which makes a better video game, undoubtedly. If they really wanted to put focus on the plotline, they should've made TLoS a movie in the first place.


And for the heck of it, raise your hand if you don't think DotD is shaping up to be a promising game. big_smile

I'm not going to raise my hand! smile

Here's what I don't get. If you hate the game so much, why are you still playing them?

Because I Bought them, and I deserve my cash's worth! But i dont play TLOS much, i'd rather play Muppet Monster Adventure

Second, if Universal/Sierra didn't pick up Spyro, he would have died. Period.

1.TLOS is LIKE Spyro's Dead
2.Theres a possibility if TLOS didn't get created, A developer might of picked up Spyro and made an actual good game
3.I'd rather Spyro be Completely gone than have an imposter running around

The moral of the story: This is the new Spyro. Deal with it or don't play the games. Don't go onto forums and trash the games because you whine about change.

Discussion topic....

Let me ask you this, has any Video Game remained EXACTLY the same throughout its life? Compare Super Mario Galaxy to the Original Mario. No major similarities besides the save the princess factor. Games must evolve to survive.

1.Its OK for games to change, But a Reboot is not a change, its a complete wipeout only leaving annoying little speckles and the main franchise. We like Improvement, not demolishment
2.Super Mario Galaxy shares many things incommon with the original Mario game, like the fact that ITS THE SAME GENRE!

1. They weren't as great as the originals. 2. (Most importantly) Gamers evolved and Spyro had to.

Yep, your right, but TLOS is not what i call an evolution

But I could beat the old Spyro games using like 4 buttons on the PS1 controller. I got bored walking around levels all the time.

1.I dont see whats so bad about pushing less buttions
2.You do more in the originals than walk around, alot more than TLOS anyway.

NOTE:The Originals Lacked things, I know, but these things could of been improved in later games (such as Spyro's emotions), shame the old Spyro was killed by TLOS.

The game would sell way under 1million units and that is what game companies go by

I didn't know you were a Psycic....I'm sure that The Original Spyro would sell more than 1 million copies, EVEN TLOS SOLD MORE...

(Middle games) was selling dismally and no game company would take the risk to bring it back

Actually, they sold more than one million copies too

Wot i made a thread that has 30 pages of hot heated debating!!!!! I am sucessful!

There are topics like this made every so often, your lucky yours was popular smile

The fact that Spyro looks so small and meek makes it look a little stupid. His fighting style looks dumb as well. He's so small. It looks like a demented rat beating up monkeys.

Just to let everyone know, I do NOT agree with this

Yeah i finaly made a thread that is full of hot heated debateing to no end with facts flinging everywear!



#484 Jul 05, 2008 8:01 AM

dragon protector x
From: Colorado
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

The Los and old series both had a story to it other wise it would be running around do what you want because we dont have a story with that game......have fun....kinda like a raceing game with no story to it...just race at a bunch of tracks....

I am a starting artist and video editor.


#485 Jul 05, 2008 8:24 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Actually, most racing games dont have a story, or a pretty basic one like "you want to have the best reputation" (I bet i'm going to get a big rant from Doppel, but i'm mainly talking about those games caled things like "Grand Racing 2008"). Ofcource, i never said i didn't like a Story, i just said that it doesn't matter if you have a story or not, and that original's story isn't crappy

Did all of my previous posts count for nothing? I have given reasons against nearly all of your arguments in that post, yet they seem to have been ignored. You and many other of the TLoS fans continue to bleat out the same nonsensical arguments over and over, which, quite frankly, I find to be an insult to my intelligence.

Kinda true....

If you hate the games, why are you playing them?

You see me playing them? I still want to finish TEN though, so i can do a full review

i dont think people realise that if you think about it (though granted theres no proof) the only reason to even give tLoS its name is to get people to buy it, they could have made it about a small green dragon named slippy, it could have the same story gameplay and everything, but it wouldnt sell as well for the sole reason that it doesnt have "SPYRO" written on it

Yeah, thats probably the only  reason why they recycled Spyro, Sierra recons its because "Spyro was going to die" but thats just what they SAY...

Did you know that the Need for Speed series have been rebooted FOUR TIMES?

Need for Speed still has its main features in tact, most of just the story has been rebooted. Its different.

Spyro has evolved. If you can't accept that, go to a cave and sleep with a dinosaur.

Haha, but it would of been funnier if you said something like "gorilla, i dont know, but that was just a funny joke.

"Boo hoo hoo! I want the old Spyro back, Ooohooo hoo!"

uh oh! Doppels gone all trashy Again, RUNNNNNN!!!!

also can i ask how doppel became a mod exactly?

Spyrorocks likes Tlos Basher Bashers!

It is taste. every one likes one better than the other because one has a deep story line and the other you just collect gems to get to the end.

Ahhhhhh, fresh meat! (lol).
But no, i dont just like Originals because "I Collect gems to get to the end", read all my comments.

I love both of them but you must be crazy if you think another game with the same thing for it has gone long with the same basic principles.


Wouldn't it be nice to see our hero actually do something other than breath fire and ram. Don t throw the baby out with the bath water.

I think Spyro did a bit more than breathe fire and ram....

What do you really have in your love for this game. Don t you want to do something more than running around looking for hatch doors. shire it is fun but there is hardly a point to it after the first three.

oooooo, I love lost!

The vary reason the first three were the best because they were the first three. If the fourth came out first than we would like the fourth better than the first. What are you comparing air plains to tomatoes its the same main characters and the same theme to the purple dragon only it has a kick to it. Literally you get to bash other things around.

..... o_O

Whats better than a dragon who is doing something completely out of the ordinary. Are we not toughed to look ahead and not look back. Let the old ideas go away with the yesterdays dinner. It does not taste good after all that time does it. It is a new start to what will be a great game.

:-|  o_O  :-|  neutral .....Read Fletch because i have no comment!


#486 Jul 05, 2008 3:06 PM

Registered: Feb 15, 2008
Posts: 5,033
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

You see me playing them? I still want to finish TEN though, so i can do a full review

It will take a loooooooong time...

Spyrorocks wrote:

Your review is obviously biased because of your obvious dislike towards the new series before you even bought it.

Your also *Bleep* off people, so thread locked.


Whats better than a dragon who is doing something completely out of the ordinary. Are we not toughed to look ahead and not look back. Let the old ideas go away with the yesterdays dinner. It does not taste good after all that time does it. It is a new start to what will be a great game.



also can i ask how doppel became a mod exactly?

Spyrorocks likes Tlos Basher Bashers!

I'm always online literally every day since I joined. Even if there's exams.

I'm temporarily off duty, until something pops up. wink


Need for Speed still has its main features in tact, most of just the story has been rebooted. Its different.

No. It's a whole different game.

1. No free roam.
2. No police chases.
3. No crewmember system.
4. No Speedbreaker
5. Rebooted storyline.


Discussion topic....

The discussion topic is about a fight between old and new spyro. So I'll comply with the topic and trash people around.


Nope, as you say next, Games count more for gameplay than storyline, the thing about games is the gameplay, the main thing THERE is gameplay. I'm sick of people saying things like "a Storyline drives a game."

Heh, will you play a mindless shooter game where you just shoot? NO! There should be some story to it!

NES/ATARI games DO NOT COUNT as the limitations of the hardware. Even so, there is some basic storyline in them. If there's no storyline in the game, there is on the game manual.


Spyro has evolved. If you can't accept that, go to a cave and sleep with a dinosaur.

Haha, but it would of been funnier if you said something like "gorilla, i dont know, but that was just a funny joke.

I'm laughing at you guys right now.


#487 Jul 05, 2008 5:38 PM

Award: Admin
From: Illinois
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Doppelgangergang wrote:

You see me playing them? I still want to finish TEN though, so i can do a full review

It will take a loooooooong time...

Spyrorocks wrote:

Your review is obviously biased because of your obvious dislike towards the new series before you even bought it.

Your also *Bleep* off people, so thread locked.

[sub]Um, no offense, Doppel, but I think that statement could apply to you right now. You're being just as unreasonable as Ratchet was in that thread. [/sub]

Whats better than a dragon who is doing something completely out of the ordinary. Are we not toughed to look ahead and not look back. Let the old ideas go away with the yesterdays dinner. It does not taste good after all that time does it. It is a new start to what will be a great game.

[sub]This again? >__>

There is no problem whatsoever with continuing to like the old games. Maybe you don't like them anymore, but that doesn't mean no one else can, either. Now stop with the "can't accept change" crap for the seventy-fifth time. [/sub]

also can i ask how doppel became a mod exactly?

Spyrorocks likes Tlos Basher Bashers!

[sub]To this, I would have to ask you both to please mind your own business. Spyrorocks isn't even involved in this thread, so if you could all please leave him and his moderator choices out of this... =/[/sub]

Discussion topic....

The discussion topic is about a fight between old and new spyro. So I'll comply with the topic and trash people around.

[sub]Please point out where in the topic title it says, "Let's Bash People Who Have Different Opinions, Guys!"


Spyro has evolved. If you can't accept that, go to a cave and sleep with a dinosaur.

Haha, but it would of been funnier if you said something like "gorilla, i dont know, but that was just a funny joke.

I'm laughing at you guys right now.

[sub]As for that, it's just ignorant and rude. You know how I feel about that statement, Doppel, so I'm not going to repeat it.[/sub]


#488 Jul 06, 2008 1:58 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Doppelgangergang wrote:

also can i ask how doppel became a mod exactly?

Spyrorocks likes Tlos Basher Bashers!

I'm always online literally every day since I joined. Even if there's exams.

I'm temporarily off duty, until something pops up. wink

so what youre saying is that we have an ignorant and immature mod, for no other reason than the fact that he can be ignorant and immature on the forums for the most time?

and if someone takes this as "flaming" too bad, if i had no proof of what im saying then fine but take a look at the last few posts by doppel and try telling me they are not ignorant and immature responses to this topic


#489 Jul 06, 2008 2:04 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
Posts: 5,642
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Your review is obviously biased because of your obvious dislike towards the new series before you even bought it.

I've already explained why Spyrorocks was wrong there, Spyrorocks sometimes likes to really jump to conclusions about me and other people who share their opinions on TLOS, even though S[yrorocks says so, hes not always right.

I'm always online literally every day since I joined. Even if there's exams.

I'm temporarily off duty, until something pops up.


No. It's a whole different game.

1. No free roam.
2. No police chases.
3. No crewmember system.
4. No Speedbreaker
5. Rebooted storyline.

Is it still a racing game? do you still do up cars? does it have some of the old race modes?

Heh, will you play a mindless shooter game where you just shoot? NO! There should be some story to it!

NES/ATARI games DO NOT COUNT as the limitations of the hardware. Even so, there is some basic storyline in them. If there's no storyline in the game, there is on the game manual.

Actually, if the gameplay is awesomeo fun and will keep me hooked for hours, then I say that the story can go to hell!
I was just saying that people do not mind playing games without stories..... and that the originals had a good story.

You're being just as unreasonable as Ratchet was in that thread

What so he's being perfectly reasonable? No way! (lol)

To this, I would have to ask you both to please mind your own business. Spyrorocks isn't even involved in this thread, so if you could all please leave him and his moderator choices out of this... =/

lol, I was just joking around....


#490 Jul 06, 2008 2:23 AM

Registered: Feb 15, 2008
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

I've already explained why Spyrorocks was wrong there, Spyrorocks sometimes likes to really jump to conclusions about me and other people who share their opinions on TLOS, even though S[yrorocks says so, hes not always right.

You know nothing. wink


#491 Jul 06, 2008 2:31 AM

From: Virginia, United States
Registered: Apr 16, 2007
Posts: 1,576
Gems: 25

Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Guys, please refrain from using personal insults. This thread was for "The fight between the old and new Spyro," not about who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has a right to opinions, this thread is for you to express yours, not to critize others about what they believe.


#492 Jul 06, 2008 2:32 AM

From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
Registered: May 28, 2008
Posts: 785
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Doppelgangergang wrote:

I've already explained why Spyrorocks was wrong there, Spyrorocks sometimes likes to really jump to conclusions about me and other people who share their opinions on TLOS, even though S[yrorocks says so, hes not always right.

You know nothing. wink

oooh lets start an online freak show, come see doppel, the self proclaimed 16 yr old with the mental capacity of a... no, to compare the stupidity of the above statement to any person, creature or object would serve only to insult the person/creature/object in question

doppel, your arguments are the equivalent of throwing a punch 10m away from what you are trying to hit. you make the initial statement but have jack all to back it up with, all i can assume is that you are aware that you have no valid points and have decided to go down fighting, but as has already been stated youre swings keep on missing and you just look like a fool with bad depth perception


#493 Jul 06, 2008 2:44 AM

Registered: Feb 15, 2008
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Re: The fight between new and old spyro

(He knows nothing of the lengthy discussion that happened in the mod-only section that led to the locking of his review. That's what he does not know. Two supermods and one admin had a 2+ page discussion about it then a quick show of hands. Majority wins and thread was locked.)


#494 Jul 06, 2008 2:46 AM

From: Virginia, United States
Registered: Apr 16, 2007
Posts: 1,576
Gems: 25

Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Guys, you really have taken this argument too far. Keep it to Spyro and don't flame each other.


#495 Jul 06, 2008 2:51 AM

Award: Admin
From: Australia Mate!
Registered: May 21, 2006
Posts: 4,120
Gems: 4

Re: The fight between new and old spyro

Thank you everyone for getting me involved in this thread.

I also thank you for your lack of the ability to have a civilized discussion without refraining to personal insults. (See above post)

Thread locked.



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