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#1 Jun 13, 2008 8:10 AM
- Lanara
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- Registered: Dec 13, 2007
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Chronologic Mishaph =D
Characters start out as humans, and soon discover (or already know) they are dragons (or other species ).
To enter, fill a profile sheet out.......
Human Appearance:
Species Appearance:
Associates: (if any)
.....or Introduce and describe your character in your first post!^^
The most important part of this RPG! The story takes place in the early 1800's known as the "Industrial Revolution" in a very industrial called Barcaton ('Barr-sa-ton') city near various coal mines where they get the power supplies for the factories. Many scientists work on better machanics and transportation, including the early primitive forms of flight, before the perfected type of air-craft. At the time, trains were the most effective kind of transport, so the coal mines became highly beneficial. The most common kinds of power were coal, steam, and muscle (horses ect.) power. Most of everything was made with iron, and there isn't much of any nature to see.
main places~~
-coal mines A-1, A-2, B-1, and B-2
-Central Barcaton Train station (the only one that goes out of the cities perimiters, runs on steam engines)
-East side roads
-Iron factory, and Coal facility
-East city of Babage
-Barcaton library
Pages: 1