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#1 Jul 08, 2008 7:52 PM

From: Pluto... brrr
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 20
Gems: 0

Spyro 1 Toasty Glitch...

I discovered this only the other day during my Grand Spyro Marathon XD

When you're fighting toasty, there are three different sections, the first one has one hound in the middle, the second one has two and the third one has three. When in the third section, try to flame the two hounds at he front at EXACTLY the same time, and make sure you avoid (run backwards, not to the side) them when they jump for you. When they run back to lie down, you will notice that they sort of cross over... flame them when they're like that and only one hound will fall down... and you'll only get one 5 gem.

You'll have the whole level completed apart from a 5 gem... the only way to get the gem is to exit the level and go back to the third section and kill the hounds seperately...

I nearly went insane looking for the 5 gem in the level before i realised what had happened  roll

I dont know if this will work for everyone... I've owned that game since it was released and it's the first time it ever happened to me  o_O

'And then I said "Is that sandwich supposed to be moving?'"


#2 Jul 08, 2008 8:41 PM

From: Avalar (UK)
Registered: Apr 18, 2008
Posts: 515
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Age: 36 years old
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Re: Spyro 1 Toasty Glitch...

Yep, I've had the exact same thing happen - I posted it here:

http://www.spyroforum.com/topic-4517-to … litch.html

Visit me and stuff.


#3 Jul 10, 2008 5:30 AM

From: With the Three awesomest Drago
Registered: Apr 23, 2008
Posts: 1,327
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Re: Spyro 1 Toasty Glitch...

oh very interesting i will definetly try it tomorrow maybe big_smile big_smile



#4 Jul 10, 2008 7:44 PM

Registered: Sep 06, 2007
Posts: 558
Gems: 0

Re: Spyro 1 Toasty Glitch...

I prefer to flame'em, roll out of the way and flame'em again. They do intersect and can be killed at the same time at this point but sometimes one will block your attack from harming the other.

(I guess the developers didn't think that players can be that fast.)

I don't care how it looks but how it functions


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