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#1 Feb 08, 2009 8:20 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
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A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

This story is a current uh..Story (lol) that I'm working on. Its where Red comes back for his Power Hungry self.
It is more darker than the other game but don't be serverly warned! smile  If I don't post a chapter in a while is because I'm doing a long chapter or something else.

"The evil dragon is back, yet again. His servants Gnasty Gnorc, Ineptune and himself are going to cause havoc on the Dragon Realms. But this time he has gained more power, this time he is on the roll.
Enemies of Red will be banished immediatly. It is likely no one will survive..."

I'll add the chapters later. Go AHT!! wink


#2 Feb 09, 2009 1:31 AM

From: Fireball's world
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 1,037
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Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Woohoo!!! Can't wait!


#3 Feb 09, 2009 6:43 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Thanks, I'm still working on it!


#4 Feb 11, 2009 6:48 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Here is the first chapter! I hope you like it!

My Story:

Chapter One: Return to Dragon Kingdom:

It had been a long time since spyro had defeated the evil dragon Red, (and that is to say that Spyro didn't do it himself though, the trusty Professor)
helped Spyro and shrank him down to size!
Red now belongs in the Professor's Laboratory, still as small as ever. The
Professor laughed as he kept seeing the little fireballs coming out of Red's
tiny mouth.
He had been once, the Order Of Elders. His role was basically the leader of the Elders but then he turned evil. He betrayed the Elders. Very foolish.
The Professor didn't want to destroy the tin Red was in, (he wanted to keep it for a memory). Not a practically happy memory...

The whole Dragon Kingdom was really peaceful, the birds were singing and everywhere it was really calm. But the Professor was moaning about his inventions and that broke the peace!
It had Gnasty's Old Cave, the place where he came back again to try and eliminate Spyro but he didn't sucseed.
Spyro rememberd about all of the bad guys he faced. He rememberd Ineptune, the godess of the sea. He couldn't imagine Neptune, The God Of The Sea.
Spyro liked the Professor and kept visiting him often to see if he made any decent inventions.
He visited him today and walked into his laboratory.

"Hi, Mr. Professor," laughed Spyro as he spoke.
"Umm, Spyro..., I'm not considered as a 'Mr' for your info-"
"How is the invention coming along?"
"Oh! That! Its great, but...well..It kinda went wrong."
The invention was to get everything free of charge from Moneybags shop. Spyro was disappointed.
"Awwww, I wanted to get that new thing he has in stock. It's called 'The Gem Cluster'."
"Wow, intresting..now run along Spyro, I have work to do, now if you will excuse me-"

So Spyro went out and Sparx followed behind him.
"I'm bored." Said Sparx.
"We'll try finding something interesting to do," suggested Spyro.
"Yeah...like what?"
"Playing a practical joke on Moneybags?"
"Oh yes! Gotcha Spyro!"

So they were going to play a joke on Moneybags. But what.? Spyro wanted to get Moneybags back from the last time he gave Spyro a fake teleporter.
"I’ve got just the idea!" Said Spyro.
"Cool! Tell me!"
"Well what we’re going to do is get a stone like this," he picks up one.
"And then what were going to do is paint the stone to look like a rare Ruby. I bet I can buy the Gem Cluster with this fake gem!"
"Nice idea! But one question, what does a Gem Cluster do?"
"I dunno.. But it sounds cool."
"Don't buy what you don't know Spyro."
They got the stone and started painting it Purple and laughed when they did it and again and again.

When they finally did what they wanted to do for a long time, they heard a loud rumbling noise beneath the ground.
"What the?" Shouted Spyro.
The ground sounded as if it was going to explode. It shook beneath their feet; the ground trembled and shacked.
"Were gonna die!!" Shouted Spyro.
But they didn't. Of course. They saw a really large drill coming out of the
ground. There was someone in there. It was Blink.
Blink was a mole had the professor as an Uncle. He wore his goggles and as usual he wore his sharp gloves. But why didn't he go underground by foot?
"Blink!" Shouted Spyro, as the noise of the engine finally calmed down, "what were you playing at?! You could of got us drilled!"
"Well, you didn't did you?" laughed Blink as he climbed out. "Haven't seen you guys in ages! What have you been up to?"
"Nothing," lied Spyro as he hid the fake Ruby behind him. Blink was a friend of the Professor, he didn't want to know that Moneybags got fake money.
"What have you been up to? And why did you have that massive drill? Why did you not go underground on foot?!"
"Tunnel business, really big tunnels as well. I went to visit my brother Link, I forgot to tell you guys I had a brother, haha.
Link is kinda like me, but he is shy and people best avoid him. But I'm his bro anyway."
"But we haven't seen your brother Blink," said Spyro. "Can't we visit him? You can just say I'm the purple dragon along with his trusty friend Sparx."
"That can be explained. You could."
"We will, after we do a few things," he looked at Sparx grinning.
"Well, just come and see me if you want to come. I'll be with my drill near my earth pile."
"Okay, see ya!"

So it was time they were going to do the joke. Spyro laughed as what he thought
how was Moneybags going to react.
They went to Moneybags shop and rang the bell.
They heard footsteps approaching the door.
"Oh hello Spyro! Come on in!"
"I see you have the Gem Cluster Moneybags, can I buy this with my ruby?"
"The Gem Cluster is sold. Sorry. Wait, you have a ruby?”
“Yep! Jealous?”
“What?! I can’t believe it, your saying I might have two Ruby’s by the end of the day?!”
“Wait a minute..” He got hold of it and wiped it.
“You dirty little joker, now go away!”

So it didn’t really be as best as what they expected. They went to visit Blink again.
“C’mon Blink, lets go and see your brother for the first time!”
“Yeah, sure! I’ve just got to get this up and running.”
“So where is your brother exactly? Deep underground? REALLY deep?”
“What do you think I have the drill for?”
He pressed the button and nothing happened.
“That’s odd; the ‘on’ button won’t work.”
This time he slammed it and still, nothing happened.
“Ugh, what the heck. I haven’t walked in a while. Be prepared guys, you’ll be in for a long walk.”

I'm still working on all the chapters at the moment. I really hope you enjoy it, and will be looking forward to the next chapter! Get ready for the next chapter  smile


#5 Feb 13, 2009 12:54 AM

From: Fireball's world
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 1,037
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Woohoo!!! Please continue!!


#6 Feb 13, 2009 5:54 PM

From: location location location
Registered: Jan 12, 2009
Posts: 132
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

wow thats good relly good better than mine


#7 Feb 13, 2009 8:52 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Thanks for the postive comments guys!
I'm working on Chapter Three at the moment. wink


#8 Feb 13, 2009 8:57 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

This Chapter is kind of a more of a speech section where the characters talk and things so that's why it is short!

Chapter Two: Link The Mole

They set off under Blink’s large Earth Pile and started their journey.
“Hope you have enough energy. Its quite dangerous down here. There are Blood Beetles, Mutant Flies, too many..”
“What are Blood Beetles and Mutant Flies?”
“Blood beetles suck blood out warm blooded things. Like us, basically. Mutant Flies are really huge flies but I can take care of them.”
The underground place looked really dirty and messy. There was mud around everywhere and Blink kept slipping on it. Blink got out his goggles and kept looking around for any creatures behind or in front of them.
“I’ve heard weird noises down here the deeper I go guys,” He said. “The more closer I go, the more noises I hear.”
“What kind of noises?” Said Spyro.
“Just banging and crashing and weird stuff…I can’t explain it.”
They were quite concerned about that.
“Once I swear I heard a grunt of some sort, just something.”

As though they felt like they were walking forever, they approached a large door, which was barricaded by rocks. Blink moved them out of the way. He didn’t look happy…
“Ugh, Link!”
“What is it? Is it you, Blink?”
“Yes, it sure is! With a few of my friends, only two of them.”
“Are - Are they safe?”
“Of course they are! There is Spyro, basically the hero of the Dragon Realms, and his sidekick Sparx.”
“Okay, come on in.”
They heard a sound of footsteps approaching the door and then a mole opened the door. A load of rocks came piling down after he opened it.
Link looked like Blink a lot, he had goggles like Blink and wore the same gloves as Blink. But he was very thin and he looked very dirty, just like he had been rolling in mud. He was still acting very nervous when they came in, and kept looking at Spyro and Sparx in a sharp look.
“Link?!” Said Blink. “How many times do I have to tell you? There is nothing to attack you!”
“Sorry, brother,” he apologized, “I just keep thinking its Red The Dragon that is after me.”
“But he can’t be! He’s to small to even touch you!” Laughed Blink.
“Laugh all you like brother, I don’t find it at all hilarious. Do you know anything about Red, Spyro and Sparx.”
“Of course! The Gnorcs planted the Dark Gems (the life draining stones that fuel Red’s evil power). And Gnasty Gnorc their leader teamed up with Red for causing havoc over the dragon Realms. And then he had Neptune (the goddess of the sea), to do the same thing but she couldn’t leave the water.
But then, when I went to Red’s Laboratory, The Professor was captured! And he was forced to make the Gnorcs robotic. And when I tried to fought Red, he transformed himself into a Robot! But the Professor helped me to beat him and shrink Red down to a small size. He now remains in the Professor’s Laboratory nearby and is inside basically a Tin Can! Trust me Link, there is no way Red can come after you!”
“True,” said Blink.
There was a silence and everyone kept thinking of something to say, but then finally, Blink spoke.
“I keep hearing loud noises down here. Have you heard this, Link?”
“Yes… This is why I’m such a scared mole. I keep thinking its Gnasty Gnorc.”
Everybody shuddered violently.
“He can’t be back! Not a third time… I beat him in his cave!”
“Yes,” trembled Link, “but that may not be the case. What if he returned by the Dark Forces.”
“The Dark Forces?!” Wondered Spyro. “What’s that?!”
“Well. That is a good question. The Dark Forces is a terrible thing…I can’t describe. Apparently they are looking for a leader.”
“I think we should go and tell the Professor; he usually chips in with our help,” said Spyro.
“Yeah, we better go,” agreed Sparx.
“Okay guys, I’ll show you the way back up Spyro,” suggested Blink.
“Oh! And Spyro? I want to tell you, If Red ever returns, you along with your friends can only help.”
“What Link?”
“C’mon Spyro, its getting creepy down here.”


#9 Feb 25, 2009 3:43 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

This chapter is more darker than the other chapters, but don't hesitate to read!

Chapter Three: The Ultimate Prison

They climbed all the way up until they got to the top.
“Well guys,” said Blink, “I hope you know what your doing.”
“Blink,” said Spyro, “Do you really think that Red could have returned?”
“I don’t know Spyro… Its really hard to tell, I have no idea. I can’t say that is true. Even if he does, you can always count on me to help you!”
“Yeah. Ok, Bye Blink!”
“See you guys!”

They walked over to the Professor’s Laboratory and knocked on the door.
“Professor,” said Spyro. “We have something to tell you.”
“Come in then,” replied the Professor.
“We need your help! Do you know anything about the Dark Forces?”
He was silent for a while.
“Of course I do! I can show you if you want!”
Spyro saw the Tin can on the floor that Red was in, and he wasn’t in there.
“Where has Red gone? Red The Dragon?!”
“I lost control. He escaped.”
“Just like that?! That’s impossible!!”
“So, shall I show you?”
Spyro was really confused. The Professor was really strange. Why was everything really unusual?
They walked down to the Earth Pit that Blink showed them the way to Blink.
“Why are we going down to Blink/Link?”
“You’ll see.”
They walked down to Link’s house and then turned left to a wall.
“Umm, Professor? This is a rock solid wall!”
He touched the middle of the wall and then a secret passage opened.
“Time to see my master!”
Master? Master?! What was he playing at now?
There was a room with loads of cobwebs, and a few medium sized spiders. They were blocking a passageway.
“Professor what is-”
And there he saw it. The first time he saw him in ages. He had seen once again, Gnasty Gnorc.
“Spyro the Dragon,” bellowed Gnasty in a cold voice, “We meet again.”
Spyro looked at him.
“I-Impossible..” stammered Spyro.
“As you can see the Professor is evil,” explained Gnasty, “There is nothing you can do.”
“But how?”
“HOW?! Why, he is under my force. He is being controlled.”
“A third time…”
“A Third Time!” Laughed Gnasty, “Exactly Spyro. There is nothing you can do, and this time it is more darker than ever!”
He laughed in his cold voice. He changed completely. His skin was all rotten. It wasn’t a pretty sight, like any Gnorc. But he was the ugliest. His horns weren’t straight, they were oddly shaped.       
He had his club still. It was large and spikes came out of it at the very tip of the top. His eyes were Green like his body anyway. His teeth were sharp shaped as usual.
“I have changed over the years Spyro. Many changes. It is the Professor who set Red The Dragon free. And he escaped ages ago. And he is back, again.”
“I can’t believe it! Lets fight for the last time!”
“Oh, I can’t fight you now. I am fully protected and I always am. I am going to do my best to get rid of you. My Gnorc army protects me, and along with Red’s Dark Magic. The Dark Forces made me return.”
“What are the Dark Forces?!”
“I cannot tell you. But you must come to me, for I must show y”ou Red’s Ultimate Prison. Sorry but it is for your own good. I cannot defeat you now. I’ll suppose you won’t even live. Try and escape? Then you will have the hardest time of your life. The ONLY thing you can do is follow me!”

This was very harsh, but it had to be done. Spyro had to go to this “Ultimate Prison” and Suffer there. They went back up to the top and walked for ages. They passed Gnasty’s cave and saw it.
“Soon that will be my home once again! No Dark Gems to help you destroy it now, can you!”
Sparx followed him. “There must be a way Spyro!”
“There always is Sparx!”
Once they walked longer, it got darker. And they could see a silhouette of a large Castle.
“This is it! It is likely this will be the last you’ll ever be seen. Even if you do survive, there will be many forces to stop you.”
They walked to the castle door. Spyro had no idea where they were. There was the Castle Moat, it didn’t look like water. It was yellow. It looked like fire!
Gnasty Gnorc approached the door.
“RED! We have some prisoners for you.”
“- some more Prisoners, yes,” came a familiar voice. “What?!”
There was Red The Dragon, staring down at them.
“If It isn’t the Purple Dragon,” bellowed a voice. “I have awaited for such a long time. Gnasty, how did you get them? I’m speechless!”
“Just force, Red, force…”
Red looked at them, and the Professor.
“And what is HE doing here?” As he looked at the professor.
“Force, again Red, Force…”
“Come in now, we have your cell,” grinned Red.
Spyro would find a way. He always does. He’s Spyro the Dragon, and someone would bound to rescue him. For sure!
They walked up a circular spiral staircase and there was a few cells up there.
“Unfortunately there is no cells left… You will have to share one. You will have to share with an unfortunate friend…”
An unfortunate friend? Spyro and Sparx looked at each over. What was this all about?
There was a kind of animal in there, sulking in the corner of the cell.
“You may have seen him before..” He said sadly. “But you will have to go in here.”
Spyro looked at this kind of animal. He looked familiar.
The door opened. The animal was sulking still, looked very sad.
“HUNTER!” Red Bellowed as he spoke, “Do not cause any trouble while these unfortunates stay here!”
He looked round. It was Spyro and Sparx.
“I will leave you here. You will not have any food at all. You shouldn’t be poking around with the Professor now, should you?”
They remained silent.
Red and Gnasty’s footsteps died away and Hunter looked at them.
“I can’t believe it! Is it really you? Spyro and Sparx?!”
“It’s a pleasure to see you again Hunter!” Exclaimed Spyro. “But not in this state.”
His stomach looked really empty. His nails had been overgrown and he looked in a terrible state.
“I’ve been here for 20 days. With no food. I got caught by trying to steal something from the Dark Forces.”
“Hunter,” said Spyro in a tone of a final voice, “can you please tell me what the Dark Forces are? Please?”
Hunter remained silent.
“Well, its hard to explain. I knew about it. It was a secret organisation to make Red The Dragon return. The person who founded it was an ancient being. Sorry but that is all I can tell you.”
“But someone said it is likely that Gnasty Gnorc returned by the Dark Forces. But how?”
“I don’t think I am the right person to tell you that Spyro. Someone will though, don’t you worry. We will sort something out.”
Spyro sighed.
“Have you seen any sign of Bianca?”
“Oh my, Spyro! Can’t you remember?”
“Oh yeah, Bianca!” Spyro didn’t look pleased saying that.
“No..” That was a stupid question. Bianca was probably in a distant land. Wouldn’t be in Dragon Kingdom, would she?
“I just wanted to know..”
“Thinking of pairing up again?”
“Umm, no..”
“Remember that time on the top of the Sorceress’s Fireworks Factory? And Sgt. Byrd sending out the Fireworks?”
“Okay, I think that is enough. Lets talk about something else.”
There was a long silence, where everyone tried to think of saying something. Spyro was still wondering about the Dark Forces.
“What were you trying to steal from the Dark Forces, Hunter?”
“Some sort of collection of gems,” he said. “Something like a cluster.” (Spyro and Sparx looked at each other) . “It allows anyone to have ultimate power, and I wonder who wanted it?”
“Maybe they would give it to Red when he came back?” Thought Sparx.
“Well that could-”
There was a humongous noise down below.
“What the heck is that?!” Shouted Sparx.
“Its an Earthquake!” Bellowed Spyro.
And then suddenly, there was a huge hole in the centre of the cell…

Cliff-hanger! yikes
Enjoy the wait!


#10 Feb 26, 2009 2:08 AM

From: Fireball's world
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 1,037
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Awsome! Please Continue!! Professer gone bad?


#11 Feb 27, 2009 7:45 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Thanks Malefor! Chapter 4 will soon be coming up!
Hopefully the wait won't be long.


#12 Mar 01, 2009 8:09 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Chapter Four: The Lair Of The Dark Forces

The hole was a huge, muddy one. Metal came flying out of the floor when this thing came out. It was a drill, a very large drill in fact. Spyro looked at it as he had seen it before.
“Hunter! I know who is here!” He cried. “Blink!”
“Forgetting me?” Said a voice in the drill. Link was there.
“Of course not! Sorry about that!”
Hunter was staring at them.
“Wow,” he said sarcastically.
“We can’t leave yet.” Demanded Spyro. “The Prof. has gone evil. We need to help him.”
“But how?”
“I think I know,” said Link. “Spyro, you will need to kill Gnasty Gnorc, this time for real. As soon as possible. They could do anything to the Professor. This will break Gnasty’s mind control, and stop him from controlling the Professor!”
“Well done Link!” Said Spyro. “Great logic. I don’t know where Gnasty or the Professor is at all. They probably left the prison.”
“We will have to go to Dragon Village. And then see.”
“Oh, and guys,” said Spyro in an uneasy voice, “how are we supposed to get into Gnasty’s cave? It must be sealed. And like he said, I have no Dark Gems to destroy.”
“True,” said Link. “I have no idea.”
“There has to be another way,” suggested Hunter. “There always is!”
“Yeah but what?”
Hunter shrugged.
“Well,” said Spyro sarcastically, “that’s reams of help.”

In the drill they had went for ages in dark tunnels and they could see flies outside.
And then after a long time, their voyage came to a halt.
“What- What’s happened?” Said Blink in a confused voice.
“We’ve broken down!” Shouted Hunter.
The drill was lop-sided and it looked like it was falling.
“Couldn’t we just take are feet instead of the drill instead?”
“I’ll go and look outside.” Suggested Link.
They saw him hop out the window and go on the ground. You can see a outstretched tunnel in the distance. And it looked fine to drive along with the drill.
“Maybe you have ran out of petrol in the tank,” said Sparx.
“No, I just refilled it.”
“I know the problem.” They heard Link. “it’s a hole, a large hole.”
Blink hopped out and saw it. The drill still looked like it was falling.
“Is it me, or am I feeling like I’m going forward?” Said Hunter.
“GUYS!” Shouted Blink, “its going to fall down the hole! Brace yourself!!”
The Drill fell down the hole. And that was it. They were gone. It was the end.
Blink started sobbing. “I should have died with them!”
“Blink,” said Link in a sympathetic voice, “Its not the end? Can’t you hear?”
There were voices from down below.
“- Its really quite dirty down hear, isn’t it Spyro?”
“Their alive!” Shouted Blink.
“We can’t go down.”
“What? What if their in trouble?”
“We just can’t. It’ll be to risky.”

Meanwhile…. Down the hole…

“So Spyro,” said Hunter. “Now what?”
“Yuck!,”  shouted Spyro. “Skeletons!”
There were dragon skeletons around the pit they fell down on.
“Someone had killed loads of dragons down here,” said Spyro.
“This must be some kind of chamber,” suggested Spyro.
“Chamber? But what could live down here?”
“Maybe something evil. This is pretty sick though.”
He stepped on a dragons tail skeleton.
“Whoa! Look at this skeleton!” There was a massive dragon skeleton stretched out from the room to another. It was so massive. This room smelled really clammy and stinky. Sparx kept going “Icky!” All the time. What could have lived down here?
“That dragon must have been pretty big,” said Sparx.
There was a snake. A large one. Slithering around a circular door.
“Snake, Hunter!” Shouted Spyro.
“Don’t panic,” he said. “It looks harmless.”
The snake looked up at them. It started at them with it’s dark green eyes. It hissed at them.
“I’ll kill it!”
“Don’t Spyro! Its going away.”
The snake slithered away in the small hole in the circular door. It was gone.
“Phew!” Said Hunter.
And then there was a crash on the door. There was another crash. And then a final one. It opened.
Out came Gnasty Gnorc. He had his club. He smirked fiercely.
Spyro breathed fire on his leg.
He laughed.
“You going to kill me Spyro? Come in.”
They went through where the door was. It was a large room. There was statues of snakes and water dripping down from a pipe that the whole room sounded like “Drip, Drip”
“So Spyro,” he said. “My snake Pytherma has found you.” He looked at the Snake. It hissed.
“What brings you here? How did you find me?”
“Luck, Gnasty, luck.”
“SHUT UP!” He screamed.
The statue of the snake coiled around Spyro and Sparx, and the other around Hunter. They could not break free.
“I don’t care If Red wants to kill you. I fought you first!”
“What is this place?” asked hunter, “snake world?”
Gnasty looked at Hunter. He laughed.
“This was a lair of the Dark Forces. And a mighty magical person lives between these walls. This, is the past of the Dark Forces.”
They looked around. This was the lair, or old lair.
“And when I thought you beat me for the second time, I went underground and went into this lair. The Dark Forces left. And they left their leader behind. In this room.. Very foolish, I expect they are dead by now. And soon all of you will! And I have your old friend.”
The Professor was stuck on the wall with super sticky tape.
“I thought he was controlled by mind control. Am I right?”
“Right you are, purple dragon. But I don’t care about him any more. As you can see all these dragon skeletons. Leftovers of my meat. Soon you all will be. I thought you’d never find me. I tricked Red and said I was in my cave. Oh how he was wrong. And then you find me here! I can’t believe it! Never in my life!”
“What is this magical person that lives between these walls?”
“Why should I tell you? I don’t care about that either.”
He stamped his club on the floor with anger and then the snake hissed angrily.
“Sorry, Pytherma,” he apologized. “This professor is not under my control now. I stopped Mind Control because I knew he wouldn’t dare do anything. As my club could do the trick on him.”
“You’re a dirty Gnorc! I knew it from the beginning!!” Shouted Spyro.
Gnasty pulled out the last hair on his head in rage.
“Is that so? I think its time for my Gnorc army to rise again!”
He took out his club and walked over to a stone snake. It was really massive. Much bigger.
“Gnorca Releasa!” He shouted and touched the Stone Snake. Nothing happened. Gnasty walked back to Spyro and Sparx and Hunter.
“Goodbye Spyro the Dragon and his pity little friends. I suppose this is the last time I see you. Come, Pytherma.” his Snake slid away and they disappeared somehow.
“I’ll kill him!” Shouted hunter. “Coward!!”
There was a loud noise from the stone Snake. The mouth started to open. Monsters came flying out.
“Gnorcs! Their coming to kill us!”
They came out and broke the snake statues that held Spyro and Sparx and Hunter. And pulled off the stick tape that held the Professor. They ran away where Gnasty went. They were free.
The professor came running at them. “I’m so sorry! It was Gnasty who set Red free! I’m so-”
“We understand Professor,” said Spyro. “You didn’t try and kill us.”
“Good! Now, how are we going to get out?”
“Lets see where the Gnorcs went.”
They went out and saw a large tunnel that Gnasty built.
“Don’t go in there,” said Spyro. “We have to get Blink and Link and the drill.”

After a while, Link and Blink came down the hole.
“I can’t believe it!” Blink shouted. “This was the lair of the Dark Forces!”
They looked at the place.
“Gnasty Gnorc says this place is home to a magical person. I wonder who?”
“We’ll worry about that later Spyro, but he HAVE to get out of here!”
“No problem. If you can get the drill and through that hole the Gnorcs made, we’ll be able to get back up to Dragon Village, with the Professor, of course.”
The Professor gave a thumbs-up.
“Okay, all set? Lets go!”
They were talking about what happened in the lair and the dragon skeletons they saw. And Gnasty’s snake.
“Whatever happened to Gnice Gnorc? Said Hunter sarcastically.
Everybody laughed out loud. The tense time in the lair was over. But they still had to find Gnasty and kill him.
They finally arrived in Dragon Village. The sun was shinning and there was flowers out. Once again the birds were singing.
The Professor returned to his lab.


#13 Mar 03, 2009 2:02 AM

From: Fireball's world
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 1,037
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Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Please Continue!!


#14 Mar 22, 2009 4:20 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Sry guys sad
Ive been so unactive recently on SF, I haven't updated this! I will add a new chapter soon, I really want to keep this story alive and running smile


#15 Apr 02, 2009 7:53 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Chapter Five: Red Is Furious

“Its so good to be home!” Said the Professor. He went over to his inventing plans and started working.
“Professor,” said Spyro, “Where do you think Red is now?”
“No idea,” he said. “I can’t help you with that unfortunately. I’m sorry Spyro..”
“Gnasty Gnorc said in the lair that there was a Magical Being that lives between the walls. Do you think that could be Red?”
“I highly doubt it. It could be something like his relative or something.”
“What shall we do now?”
“Well I don’t know! Do whatever. Anyway you’re a big dragon… And I’m quite busy.”

So they went outside and were playing tag. Spyro caught Sparx numerous times, and then they came across someone.
“Oooh! Can I play?”
It was Ember. She liked Spyro in a fanatic way but Spyro didn’t really have the same reaction. He had over problems in his mind. Gnasty and Red for example.
“Actually were getting bored now aren’t we Sparx? C’mon lets go?”
“Can’t I be the tagger?
“We don’t want-”
“How are you Spyro? Got problems on your mind?”
“I don’t want to play! Now leave me alone!”
Spyro ran away with Sparx chasing after him. Ember looked shocked.
They ran away to somewhere they didn’t know. They just ran from Ember. They eventually came to a large tree.
“Well that is a relive. Did you know that Sgt. Byrd lives here?”
“Why, no.”
“He does! Hey Sgt. Byrd!”
The tree rumbled and out from the top they saw Sgt. Byrd flying over them. Eventually he dropped down.
“Hello troops! What miraculous adventure are we having now?”
“Were not at war Byrd, at least not yet.”
He admired his rocket launchers, and then started to speak.
“How are you guys then?”
“Quite stressed. Gnasty returned and red has escaped..”
“Name of Neptune!! Really?!”
“Quite so.”
“Want me to blast them out?”
“They are well protected. I don’t know where they are now. Have you seen them?”
“Sorry Spyro. Haven’t seen them ever since Red was in that tin can.”
There was a crash behind a bush. There was rustling noises. There was a loud Grunt.
Out came a large Gnorc. It had a helmet on its head that was made of pure metal. There were no eye hole sockets, nor nose. But it had ear sockets.
The Gnorc, like any other smelled. Spyro couldn’t describe what but it sure wasn’t nice.
There was another Gnorc, who looked extremely tough. But it wasn’t Gnasty.
“So here we have: A dragon, a dragonfly and a bird. What kind of army is this?” He said sarcastically.
“We don’t have a name, but we’ll destroy the Gnorc army name if you don’t clear off,” snarled Spyro.
“Is that so? Do we Gnorcs give up this easily. Your nothing’ but a stupid ignorant-”
The Gnorc with the armour moved in to Spyro. Sgt. Byrd kept shooting rockets but it didn’t work against this sort-of Titanium armour.
“Ha! How rubbish!! Wee little rockets hurt the wee Gnorc. With armour. It can’t see you, but it can hear you.”
Spyro ran as fast as he could. But the Gnorc kept moving.
What do I do? Thought Spyro. 
There had to be a way to escape. He kept running and then he saw a pit. If he fell down that, he was a goner. What did the other Gnorc say? “It can’t see you but it can hear you”
This was it. He had to trick the Gnorc, but how?
He found a rock. I can throw it down the pit and he’ll think I’ll be down there! He thought in his head. So he picked it up and kicked it far down the pit. There was a sudden crash.
The armoured Gnorc was running towards the pit and fell in, as Spyro was staying still as he could.
“You, you-, you killed him!!” Shouted the other Gnorc. “Wait till Gnasty hears about this!”
He ran off with his face in his hands.
Sgt Byrd came flying off his tree and stared at them.
“Spectacular show Spyro! You sure showed them a lesson.”
“Gnasty is going to go mad now,” predicted Spyro, “I can feel it.”
Spyro was really tired. He wanted to rest but he couldn’t. What if Gnasty was round the corner? He couldn’t sleep, he had to be aware.
Spyro stared at the sky. He watched the clouds disappear. He could see the blue sky turn into green. It was impossible. Never. Green sky? No, totally stupid. He was getting drowsy.
But it seemed so real.
“Can you see that green sky?” He asked shaking,
“Of course I can…” Stammered Sgt. Byrd. “I know what this is”
“What? Sgt Byrd?”
“This means that Red is totally furious.”
“How do you know that?”
“We have got to stop him. I think he’s draining the whole realm like Dark Gems. I think its time to see the Professor.”
“What?” Said Spyro. “What? Why?”
“You  know he has that teleportation device?”
“Come on then.”
They approached his laboratory.


#16 Apr 02, 2009 10:46 PM

From: Fireball's world
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 1,037
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Awsome! Please Continue!!


#17 Apr 11, 2009 1:35 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Thank you very much! Here is the next chapter...

Chapter Six: Slithering Caverns

They all ran into his laboratory.
“Woah, Spyro!” Shouted the Professor, “That was quite an entrance.”
“Professor, we need to find where Red is,” Spyro said.
The Professor said nothing.
“Please! Look at the sky.”
The sky was Emerald Green.
“But he could be anywhere Spyro. I don’t know why-”
“Please help us!”
“Okay, okay!” He stammerd. “But you might want to find Hunter first.”
Where could Hunter be now? He went somewhere after Spyro had faced the Sorceress but-
“Hey guys! I got a new skateboard!!” He exclaimed as he ran in. “The Turbo-200, the latest model yet!”
“Right! Well Hunter, we have a mission,” said Spyro.
“Really? Yet again.”
“Yes, to stop Red once more.”
Hunter stopped for a moment. And then he slammed his fist in the air.
“I love a good adventure!”
“Okay, everyone don’t get too excited,” calmed down, the Professor.
“I will have to teleport you to the nearest Gnorc-infested place.”
“Why Gnorc infested? Why not find Red?”
“That will have to wait, not now…”
They went outside to see the teleport system.
It was a huge system, it had a an ariel on top of it. He must of made changes it asumely.
“I see you have made changes to it, Professor?” Said Spyro.
“Right, you are Spyro! Now…”
He fiddled around with a few buttons.
“Hmm, the nearest place is Slithering Caverns.”
That didn’t sound too good.
“Does that mean to say that there will be snakes?” Said Spyro.
“I believe so, Spyro. Hop in, all of you.”
They all went onto the teleport pad.
“Okay, ready?”
“I’ll send Blink and Link over there for you, just in case you need extra support. There will be holographic images of me occasionally. Good luck everyone, just go anywhere and try to find anything along the way! Bye!”

It felt like they were being plunged down an enormous plughole, down and down they went. They all felt Dizzy. Hunter felt sick. There was giant spirals around the enormous life-like hole. What a journey, thought Spyro sarcastically.
Once they got there, it wasn’t a pretty place. As usual the sky was Emerald Green, and there was no flowers at all. It smelt revolting, like rotting fish. Hunter neally threw up, but thankfully he stood calm.
Sparx said “Can we open our eyes yet?”
Spyro had been in this before with Spax countless times, from Icy Wilderness to Volcanic Isle etc.  But there were no snakes at all, odd.
“You call this slithering Caverns?” Said Hunter in a sarcastic tone. Spyro ignored him.
The ground looked really smooth with sand, but Hunter looked excited.
“Why are you looking so happy?” Spyro said.
“Why? Well what do you think? The Turbo-200 loves Dirt! It says on the manual-”
“Can we actually concentrate on finding Red please?” Stopping Hunter.
They walked for ages, and then suddenly they saw water. It was Ememrald Green, like the sky for instance, and it was really thick, Spyro kicked a twg into it. It sank into the little river, and then disappeared underneath the sand.
“Quick sand in there,” said Spyro, “best to avoid that.”
But thing is, why had the Professor sent them here, as there were no Gnorcs or Snakes inside this place. Slithering Caverns? More like sandy caverns.
And then they heard footsteps behind them. Spyro froze with fear. Something was behind them, something ready to kill…
“Don’t move!” Shouted Spyro. “And don’t look round?”
“Why?” Laughed Hunter. He was trying not to laugh. Spyro didn’t know what was amusing.
“Some snakes, if you look at them, it kills you.”
“Uh, Spyro,” burst out Hunter laughing, “I don’t think snakes cause footsteps. “Look round!”
There, standing behind them was Blink and Link.
“Ah,” said Spyro. He thought to himself I’m such a-
“Spyro, its okay,” said Blink.
“Yeah, thanks for the entrance,” Spyro moaned, he felt like a fool.
Link looked at Hunter’s skateboard. He was amazed.
“Hmm, a strange object with wheels, and a few jet rockets at the back. Who invnted this?” He squeaked.
“Uh,” said Hunter trying not to laugh, “this is a skateboard. Haven’t you gone out buddy other than now? Its not ordinary though, its called a Turbo-”
“For the last time!” Breaked out Spyro. “Can we stop admiring skateboards!”
“Me and Link will be standing out here on watch. If you need help, I’ll hand you this.” Said Blink.
It looked like a controller. It had a red button, and a green button. And a microphone on the top.
“Cool a new Controller for my Future-Cube platform!” Said hunter excitely.
“Well my uncle, (the professor), I’m afraid has made some modifications to it. This will allow you to call to us. I have one too. A bit like walkie talkies to me if you ask. The green button lets you call, and the other one (red) cancells it. The microphone at the top there will help you project your voice more.”
“Cheers,” said Spyro.
“Good luck guys,” Blink says. “Just keep walking.”
They all walked off.
“Keep walking?” Said Hunter, “what kind of advice is that?”
“I don’t know.”
So that’s what they did. And after a while they saw a large cave.
“Hey lets go in there!” And they did.
It was quiet except the songs of “Drip, drip” and the sounds of them walking.
There was a shiny whirlpool in the middle of the ground. It was swirling around and it was just there, in the middle of the floor. And what it exactly was the meaning of it.
Hunter threw a rock inside it, and then suddenly there was a bright lightand it vanished.
“What the-” he said.
“I know what it is!” Said Spyro. “it’s a portal!”
“How do you know?” Said Hunter astonished.
“Once I remember the Professor telling me that whirlpools can be used as portals! Come on! Lets all hop in!”
“Uh..Spyro, I don’t think-”
“Come on!”


#18 Apr 16, 2009 11:51 PM

From: Fireball's world
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 1,037
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Awsome! (Post is too short)


#19 Apr 18, 2009 1:17 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Thank you!
The next chapter is neally ready!


#20 Apr 27, 2009 3:50 PM

From: Spyro's lair
Registered: Feb 16, 2008
Posts: 229
Gems: 0

Re: A Hero's Tail 2: ~Red's Revenge~

Ok, here it is.

Chapter Six: The Woman

It felt like they were plunged down a huge plughole (again). And it was quite a journey, but when they arrived, everything smelt. Everything stank like rotten fish, and hunter held his nose. Why did everything stink? What was this world’s problem?
Spyro looked around. There was Dark Green Grass and a Emerald Green Sun as usual. There was a large tower, it was shaped as a snake. There was a large statue of one at the tip of it, with a forked-tounge coming out of the mouth.
When they moved in the grass, it felt all sticky.
“Ugh!” Said Hunter, “it feels all wet and sticky. There’s grass on my legs!”
Spyro kept looking at the tower.
“Something tells me we need to go up here! C’mon!”
There was a large path leading towards it. On the path there were strange sort of patterns, and sword shapes.
“Hey guys!” Said Spyro, “his path is shaped as swords!”
After they got to the top, there was a glass window. Dead end thought Spyro, call this a tower. They were about to go back when-
Monsters came flying out of it, with swords and what looked like clubs, and snakes following them. They completely ignored Hunter, Sparx and Spyro, and left them alone. When Spyro turned, the monsters and the snakes were running in the whirlpool they came through.
“That’s odd,” said Sparx. “Do you think they were Gnorcs?”
“Maybe,” said Spyro. “But the thing I’m concerned with are the snakes.”
They were all staring at the glass window, which was cracked and had a large tunnel leading up it. Spyro had an idea.
“Now what?” Said Hunter.
“We go up,” replied Spyro.
They climbed the tunnel, it smelt, like everything else in this world. Like Gnorc.
“Phew,” said Hunter, “is that you Spyro all this time?”
“No,” said Spyro, without laughing.

When they reached the top, there was a woman. She was wearing a large hood so you couldn’t see her face. She had large nails, and her feet had spikes sprouting from the tip of her toes. She didn’t attack or anything, and just sat there.
“Who are you?” Said Hunter, “you look familiar but I can’t put my finger on it!”
She stood up to Hunter, and hissed. She had a fork-shaped tounge like the snakes did.
And then she sat down again, in a weird position, with her head in her hands.
“What’s the matter?” Said Spyro.
She said nothing.
“What are you?”
She stood up again, looking fierce.
“I am, nothing.”
Everyone looked shocked, this didn’t make any sense.
“What do you mean? You are real.” Said Spyro.
“I said, I am, nothing,” she hissed once more.
“I will never exist, by the end of today, I will be destroyed by my master.”
“Who is your master?”
She spoke slowly.
“The King Of All Serpents. My master, who is the pet of his master.”
“Hmm, huh? Py-” Said Hunter
“Shhh!!” She hissed again. “I sent the Gnorcs down there, and the other snakes, to be safe. To be free, to escape.”
“What do you mean?” Said Hunter. “Please tell us who you are. Lift down your hood.”
“Never!” She blurted. “Even if I did, you’ll still die.”
“Yes. One look in my eyes, and you shall die.”
There was a long silence, she looked really tired. She didn’t do anything but sit there. This person, said she was going to be destroyed by her master, and the snakes and Gnorcs were free. But why couldn’t she escape? But most importantly, who was she??
“Can you at least tell us your name?” Said Hunter.
“My name means nothing, now all hope is lost.”
“And why can’t you escape? And why is your master going to destroy you? I don’t get it.”
“Follow me…” she said slowly.

They walked down the tunnel, and past the tower and came to a stretch of land. There was a large hole in the ground. Mud was splatterd everywhere.
“Come down here.”
They followed her, and then they were suddenly underground. It looked like Blink and Link would like this place. And then they came to a door. They all went inside and there was Gnasty’s snake. Pytherma. And there was Gnasty, standing there bewilderd. There were no Gnorcs here whatsoever.
Gansty just stood there. And the snake, stared at Pytherma. Spyro didn’t stare at Pytherma and no one else did.
The woman came to everyone.
“Open your eyes, now!!”
They did, and then saw them again.
“Well, well, well, isn’t it the worlds favourite dragon,” said Gnasty in a sneer. “And what are you doing here, you idiot…” He was looking at the woman.
“Well, I came here to bring these to you, and I guess I can’t get out.”
Gnasty got his fingers and sealed the door that lead to this room.
“No, none of you except me and Pytherma will get out alive! And a few visitors…”
Gnasty looked at Blink and Link in two separate cages.
“Hahaha!” Laughed Gnasty.
“You horrible-”
Spyro couldn’t help himself. Now he was for it.
“And all you say, at this time of the end your life, is just say abusing things at me. You first, the dragon everyone loved. I have waited a long time for this. Red wanted to kill you, but he is just as an idiot like you. This is my moment.”
He got his club and licked the spikes. And he moved to Spyro.
“You’ll be a pancake by the time I have finished-”
“No!” Shouted the woman. She moved in front of Spyro to protect him.
Gnasty just stared at her.
“Ah… You should be more grateful, on the killing power Pytherma gave you! This is it, Pytherma, kill her!!”
The massive snake moved in to the kill, but Spyro flamed the Snake’s belly and it shrieked. It slithered up the wall to the window and went through, Gnasty was outraged.
“I’LL KILL YOU, PYTHERMA!” He shrieked.
And then the woman went up to Gnasty and looked into his eyes. Gnasty fell onto the floor. He was dead.
The woman suddenly turned from a person in a hood, into a girl with rabbit-like ears. She stared at them, but mostly Hunter.
“B- Bianca?” He said.
“Hunter!” She said. She went up to him and hugged him. She blushed.
“No wonder you talked to her most,” said Spyro.
“I didn’t know it was her, how could I? But there was still something familiar…”
“Spyro and Sparx!” She said.
“Hi!” Spyro said. “You really did kill Gnasty Gnorc, for real!”
“I had to Spyro. I couldn’t watch you die, or anybody else. You couldn’t do anything, Gnasty had armour. And I knew if I killed Gnasty myself, I would be free from my curse!”
“Of course.”
“Uh, hello…”
They looked at Link and Blink. They didn’t look happy.
“Ah,” said Spyro. He flew up in the sky, and tail swiped. The lock fell off both of the cages they were in.
“Its about time,” said Blink.



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