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#1 Mar 07, 2009 2:04 PM
- Spyro man 123
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- From: The land that never was.
- Registered: Feb 18, 2009
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A shadow story
Shadows of the dark master have enslave minds of dragons. The rebles are fighting against the Cult of Red hand dragons. a war as been going on for over 4 years. Can you live though or can you bring an end to the war.
The leaders:
Cult of red hand:
dark spyro;
Dark Cynder:
the form for a fan dragon:
elements (max 5):
Special powers:
side:the rebels or Cult of red hand.
max of 3 fan chars and 2 normal chars
no swearing
no blood or gore (well not too much)
no spamming.
Anyone can join
(not made my me)
#2 Aug 19, 2009 8:54 PM
- cynder401
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Re: A shadow story
elements (max 5):Ice, Water
Special powers:Frozen blast, brain freeze
side:which evers the good side
background:An ice dragon was born on a mountain high
Strapping met Onyx and Gloom when he got older
elements (max 5):Dark, Psychic, Earth
Special powers:Rock slide, Dark beam
side:which evers the good side
background:he's a good kid but a goofball, and a bit of a show off
he really does have a good life
elements (max 5):Dark, Psychic
Special powers:Unknown (in other meanings you'll find out)
side:which evers the good side
background:may be the youngest of the group but the leader and the wisest at that, born to protect the earth one of the dragon warriors
they are the dragons in my signature
(this account is no longer active)
#3 Aug 21, 2009 10:05 AM
- random
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Re: A shadow story
ok i'll be Spyro the dragon also my fan charictor Spratis he is half dragon half human age: 14 Elements: light dark fire and earth Powers: Dark sroud light tornado and earth throw background story: being half dragon half human Spratis feels like he dosn't belong anywhere until he meets Spyro and offers to help him defeat the dark master. he also has a crush on Cynder. he is a good guuy also he has a sword and gun.
#4 Aug 21, 2009 11:07 AM
- Nightfall
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- From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A shadow story
Name: Ophelia
Age: 18
Element: Ice
Special Powers: Can temporarily blind enemies with her ice shards.
Side: the rebels
Background: Her father was a warrior who was killed by the Red Hand dragons in a huge battle 2 years ago. Ophelia is intent on joining the rebels and avenging her father. She is kind, wise and gentle.
Hope that's OK.
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#5 Aug 22, 2009 3:19 AM
- Spyro_Fan_Forever
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- From: Arkham Asylum
- Registered: Aug 26, 2008
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Re: A shadow story
Name: Zuko
age: 17
elements: Dark, Fire
Special powers: Telekinesis aka Dark Dragon Force
side: Cult of red hand.
backround; Having failed at raising their son at being good, Zuko's parents abandoned him at a very young age.
After five years of searching, Zuko finally found his parents and brutally killed them.
Hope that's good. ^^;
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#6 Aug 22, 2009 9:41 AM
- Blade
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- From: A planet going round the sun.
- Registered: Apr 22, 2009
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Re: A shadow story
As anyone seen Spyro man 123??
"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.
#7 Aug 23, 2009 10:26 PM
- Spyro_Fan_Forever
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- From: Arkham Asylum
- Registered: Aug 26, 2008
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Re: A shadow story
Oh! I didn't realize Spyro man made this thread back in March. .__.;;
Hope they're still around.
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#8 Aug 24, 2009 9:46 AM
- Nightfall
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- From: Lofty Castle
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Re: A shadow story
OMG it was March??? I really need to look up on the dates.
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#9 Aug 27, 2009 7:34 AM
- Spyro_Fan_Forever
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- From: Arkham Asylum
- Registered: Aug 26, 2008
- Posts: 296
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Re: A shadow story
Yeah. I should really pay more attention too. lol
I hope he'll come back so we can start this rp.
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