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#1 Apr 17, 2009 7:20 AM
- Spyro&Cynder
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Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
I Think there should be , at the end , me and my sister cryed , its so sad , yet a new beginning. I Think they should make a new game where something takes over their dragon heaven , and they have to defeat it , tell me your ideas , id love to know , and also , do you know when the spyro movie will come out , id love it if you can tell me , i really hope theres another game after this one , is there?
#2 Apr 17, 2009 5:48 PM
- Nightfall
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
It's been confirmed by the guys at Sierra that the next Spyro game will continue DotD's storyline.
By the way, did you watch the little cutscene after the credits?
Oh, and welcome to the forums!
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#3 Apr 17, 2009 6:10 PM
- x-Cynder's_Complexity-x
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Like Saphira said, it's confirmed that they will be making another Spyro game. There are also some rumours going around that they're making another Spyro and Crash game (when they're both in the same game :-P).
The Spyro movie is meant to be out by Christmas. I'm looking forward to it.
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#4 Apr 20, 2009 3:45 AM
- Dragon122
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Why yes their will be another one.
#5 Apr 20, 2009 5:44 AM
- Spinner the Faun
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
There are also some rumours going around that they're making another Spyro and Crash game (when they're both in the same game :-P).
Oh *bleep* yes. Now this I hope becomes a fact. I love to see two of my favourite dudes working together.
#6 Apr 20, 2009 7:24 AM
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Like Saphira said, it's confirmed that they will be making another Spyro game. There are also some rumours going around that they're making another Spyro and Crash game (when they're both in the same game :-P).
The Spyro movie is meant to be out by Christmas.
I'm looking forward to it.
Omg...another fusion game? Kewl
#7 Apr 20, 2009 4:05 PM
- spyroNcynder
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Spyro is a legend, why would they take him away now? … -158535975
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#8 Apr 20, 2009 8:41 PM
- ~cornys~
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
yeah I'm pretty sure that there will be.... I think the movie will be a flop myself but you never know.... Better publisher would definitly help that situation but I think they are going more for a game only approch and ignoring the movie(s) anyhow....
and welcome!
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#9 Apr 20, 2009 8:45 PM
- Dammig
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Well i hope they will make another.And about the Crash and Spyro game.I think that would be pretty wierd but fun also.
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#10 Apr 20, 2009 9:32 PM
- ~cornys~
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
yeah.. by this point I think that the two have gotten a fair bit too far apart to even let it make much sence... oh well.... We'll see eventually I suppose
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#11 Apr 21, 2009 12:45 AM
- Cynder's Friend
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
It can't just end like this. There's so much that's unanswered. If there will be a next game they can link it to the previous series (the original series). If they make another one they can make it where the professor makes a time machine and takes a dna scanner to teleport himself to spyro and cynder. When he gets there he tells tham that theres trouble in their land. Now there you go a whole new adventure with older characters. Cynder meets Flame and Ember then vice versa. Plus you should be able to play with all of them. It would be better if you could have it on Wii and make a 4 player co-op. Now that would be awesome, but that's just what I think I would do.
#12 Apr 21, 2009 1:47 AM
- ~cornys~
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
I would tend to believe that that would be a complete flop if they tried... plus the "middle series" alteritave reality would just kill the whole thing....
People would see Spyro on the self and look at it and simply say
Anyhow I would like to see it... won't happen though
If tomorrow may never come, and yesterday is just a memory, then what is today worth?
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#13 Apr 21, 2009 2:42 AM
- spyroNcynder
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Well i hope they will make another.And about the Crash and Spyro game.I think that would be pretty wierd but fun also.
Yes it would be fun, I'm just started to playing Spyro Orange yester day and I'm aready at the end of the game. But this time I hope you get to play as Spyro, Crash, Agent 9, sgt bird, and possibly Cynder. … -158535975
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#14 May 13, 2009 10:20 PM
- Spyro&Cynder4ever
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
I really hope that the new game comes out soon. as well as the movie. if they make it for XBOX 360, I would die and go to Spyro Heaven...
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"You left me with nothing to fight for"
#15 May 25, 2009 9:13 PM
- nahka
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Last game was so bad. Devs must need to work hard with the next game to bring it to Spyro gloryness
#16 May 25, 2009 9:16 PM
- LordCrump10
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
Like Saphira said, it's confirmed that they will be making another Spyro game. There are also some rumours going around that they're making another Spyro and Crash game (when they're both in the same game :-P).
That'd be great. Maybe they could actually make it for consoles... and it could be a REAL adventure. Not a bunch of silly minigames. ^.^
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#17 May 27, 2009 9:52 PM
- Hammerhead
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
They should definately make another spyro game. they can't just end it like that!
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#18 Jul 09, 2009 5:44 PM
- grievous16
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
I don't like Crash. It.... is.... just.... plain.... dumb. <_< I played a few of the Crash games and....... they suck, sorry for the language. I'd like a new Spyro game WITHOUT Crash in the game.
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#20 Aug 04, 2009 10:38 PM
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
If the last spyro on earth was his movie and the games die on DOTD I will turn homicidal ....every coputer on earth will freaze the ocean will dry up and the world will come to an END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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#22 Aug 05, 2009 6:06 AM
- Aura24
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#23 Aug 05, 2009 8:30 AM
- Sethisto
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
I really want to see a grimdark game with Cynder as the lead, some crazy nightmare before Christmas or coraline thing. Twilight falls....HAS A DARK SIDE dundundun
#24 Aug 18, 2009 10:00 PM
- theK9dog
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?
They HAve to make another one!!!!! Why should the game stop there???
Isnt there a rumor that their gonna make a Ledgend of Cynder?
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#25 Aug 19, 2009 1:36 AM
- Aura24
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