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#26 Aug 19, 2009 3:24 AM

Registered: Aug 02, 2009
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

I think there is definatly going to be way more Spyro games. Dude! there are just to many spyro fans like us around! We won't let the legend of spyro die!  ViVa La' Spyro!!! mad  big_smile  :-P

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#27 Aug 19, 2009 9:55 AM

From: Lofty Castle
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

Shortly before DotD's release, Chris Wilson said that there will be more Spyro games in the future "without a doubt". He said that they have only just scratched the surface with the LOS games, and that they are the base for a whole new aspect of Spyro.

Might not have been word perfect, but he definitely said something like that. So don't panic people!  wink

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#28 Aug 21, 2009 3:39 AM

Golden Ghost
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?


If the last spyro on earth was his movie and the games die on DOTD I will turn homicidal ....every coputer on earth will freaze the ocean will dry up and the world will come to an END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

...... You do know Spyro and Cynder did not die in DOTD, right?


#29 Sep 03, 2009 4:21 PM

From: In the Jedi Temple improving m
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

I was so upset towards the end of dawn of the dragon. I thought the game was soo much fun and to me it left me hanging a bit. It left questions in my head like would Spyro and Cynder spend the rest of their lives together? I hope that they do come out with another Spyro game, i think that Spyro Dawn of the Dragon is the best game i ever played!  smile

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#30 Sep 04, 2009 2:35 PM

Baby Dragon
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

grievous16 wrote:

I don't like Crash. It.... is.... just.... plain.... dumb. <_<    I played a few of the Crash games and....... they suck, sorry for the language. I'd like a new Spyro game WITHOUT Crash in the game.

Have you played old or new crash? Old Crash was good, but the new Crash is very bad.


#31 Sep 05, 2009 3:56 AM

Purple Chronicler
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

Another Spyro game would be to me as lovemaking is to a pervert, if the game is any good. But, what I would like even more is something that tells how Cynder went from being beaten by Spyro after years of servitude to Malefor, to loving Spyro.

In harsh words, how in the flipping world did Cynder go from running from the dragon temple, being sort of rescued from Gaul then being frozen in time via Spyro, to being stuck with Spyro with some dark magic, to saying that she loves Spyro. There really isn't much character development in TEN and DotD that would indicate Cynder had fallen in love with Spyro or vice versa. There has to have been some form of interaction in between all the fighting! But, that's just what I think.

Excuse me. I seem to have to go destroy another evil. They are just popping out all over the place. First the Zerg, then Voldemort...


#32 Sep 11, 2009 4:08 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

You will see another game I'm sure, but you better be praying that it actually INCLUDES Spyro in it. Since Cynder seems to be the mainstay of their developmental direction you will most likely see more of her and less of the dragon the series is actually based around.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#33 Sep 23, 2009 8:30 PM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

hi im new to this forum. i love spyro games. i hope they make another game after dawn of the dragon. question cynder & spyro dont die ok. i'll admit it was sad to see them go in the way that the last words were ( i love u) from cynder. then i saw the bonus scene & ignitus wonders where spyro is & all i see is spyro & cynder r flying together so they still r alive but where? in avalar? & by the way i haven't played any of the trilogy games but i have seen the cutscenes only so i have an idea what the storyline is though. sorry for a newbie question.


#34 Sep 23, 2009 9:37 PM

From: In the Jedi Temple improving m
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

So are they really making more Spyro games? If so, awesome! If not, boo on them! If they do make more Spyro games, what do you think they'll be about, I mean like would their be a new enemy or something?

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#35 Sep 23, 2009 9:45 PM

From: United States
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

They did say they would be making more games. I just hope its not based only on Cynder and they don't reuse the same enemies and level designs from the previous games.


#36 Sep 23, 2009 9:48 PM

From: In the Jedi Temple improving m
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

I think that they should make more where Spyro and Cynder team up, you know? Just playing as Spyro is cool and all but to have two dragons with powers, you have a better chance of beating more enemies and beating the game a little bit quicker (not sure about the beating the game quicker part, I took a guess really!)

If you think that you can't do something, don't give up! Have confidence in yourself and things will become easier in the future.


#37 Sep 23, 2009 10:01 PM

From: Riverside CA
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

yeah i hope they do make another game after dawn of the dragon. cause (Dotd) left me wanting to know what happened to them after that little bonus scene at the end i hope there online play as co op & maybe a free world or something where u can make a dragon or something so u can roam around online.


#38 Sep 23, 2009 10:06 PM

From: In the Jedi Temple improving m
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

That is a good idea. They should let you have a free world and you can make your own dragon. I never thought of that before. But I think that they should let you create your own dragon and then you could choose what power they could have then play some of the levels like that maybe.

If you think that you can't do something, don't give up! Have confidence in yourself and things will become easier in the future.


#39 Sep 23, 2009 10:12 PM

From: United States
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

spyroandcynder4ever wrote:

I think that they should make more where Spyro and Cynder team up, you know? Just playing as Spyro is cool and all but to have two dragons with powers, you have a better chance of beating more enemies and beating the game a little bit quicker (not sure about the beating the game quicker part, I took a guess really!)

I would definitely like another game in which you can play as both characters. I just hope if they did this then when playing single player mode the other dragon doesn't sit around like a statue for the most part and actually acts if someone was controlling it.


#40 Sep 23, 2009 10:39 PM

From: In the Jedi Temple improving m
Registered: Sep 03, 2009
Posts: 186
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

Yeah, i think that only one game i have has that where the computer controlled actually does something. But yeah they should act as if they were being controlled by another person.

If you think that you can't do something, don't give up! Have confidence in yourself and things will become easier in the future.


#41 Sep 23, 2009 10:59 PM

From: in your closet watching you sl
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

i have only one complaints about dotd and that the chain that hold spyro and cynder together that thing was annoying when moving those large ball weights id play as spyro and cynder would always fall ovv the plat forms or atempt to fly and fail making me fall from my place was so annoying



#42 Sep 24, 2009 12:17 AM

From: Riverside CA
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

i'd like to see cynder back in the next game. Spyro & Cynder look well together. The co op thing where u can be free instead of using a chain can be resolved if they used a real player to help them program the co-op problem or maybe if u want cynder to do something u select what action to do & if u need to hop on to a platform, u can control spyro first & then u control cynder next so there wont be any dragging down by 1 character


#43 Sep 25, 2009 5:39 PM

Baby Dragon
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

spyroandcynder4ever wrote:

That is a good idea. They should let you have a free world and you can make your own dragon. I never thought of that before. But I think that they should let you create your own dragon and then you could choose what power they could have then play some of the levels like that maybe.

Yes it is good idea. They should make some on-line RPG like this.


#44 Sep 25, 2009 8:28 PM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

And yet again, we start over...
Yes of course there has to be one after DoTD! But if it is a rly good idea for Sierra to do... I've got my worries...

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


#45 Sep 25, 2009 8:55 PM

dragon protector x
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

MrX-Link wrote:

And yet again, we start over...
Yes of course there has to be one after DoTD! But if it is a rly good idea for Sierra to do... I've got my worries...

Sorry to crush ur hopes MrX-link...... but...... Sierra doesnt own the rights any more. They sold Spyro to Blizzard....

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#46 Sep 26, 2009 1:54 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

All i hope is that blizzard wont mess up the spyro franchise as a game. just continue with spyro & cynder & make it better, if they want look successful they should visit the forums & see what we the players want


#47 Sep 26, 2009 1:58 AM

From: In the Jedi Temple improving m
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

Yeah they should really. I mean they should really think about us Spyro fans and what we want in the next Spyro game.

If you think that you can't do something, don't give up! Have confidence in yourself and things will become easier in the future.


#48 Sep 26, 2009 5:26 AM

dragon protector x
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

Then again it could be possible that blizzard bought the rights just to stop spyro period. Bought him just to throw him in the clost and shut him up...... Thats always possible... And if anything we have to buy him back......

I am a starting artist and video editor.


#49 Sep 26, 2009 5:51 AM

From: Riverside CA
Registered: Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

i hope not cause that be a waste of money. We all got to support spyro by watching the movie horrible or not to keep him alive


#50 Sep 26, 2009 7:29 AM

From: Dark Passage, DW
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Re: Will There Ever Be a Spyro After This One?

dragon protector x wrote:
MrX-Link wrote:

And yet again, we start over...
Yes of course there has to be one after DoTD! But if it is a rly good idea for Sierra to do... I've got my worries...

Sorry to crush ur hopes MrX-link...... but...... Sierra doesnt own the rights any more. They sold Spyro to Blizzard....

Oops, yes. Forgot about that. You didn't crush my hope tho, I hate Sierra for ruining games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro (not ruining, but imo making them worse) What blizzard will do with it... I rly have no idea.

Aim high in life but watch out for Flying Boxes


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