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#1 Apr 26, 2009 11:05 PM
- Taco Godess
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- From: Flying with digital representa
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Robbed of Peace
Lame title! Hoo-rah!
Note: This roleplay is a crossover between the originals and tLoS. It's basically a much darker version of the originals with tLoS themes, places and characters thrown in.
Decades have passed since the defeat of Malefor, so many decades that Spyro and his friends have passed away. It has been fairly peaceful in all of the kingdoms until recently.
The Egg Thieves, who have gained much power since Spyro's death, have been joined by numerous bands of Gnasty, The Sorceress and Malefor's old supporters. More and more violence has been breaking out everywhere. Creatures whom many have thought to be nearly extinct, creatures who are only used in mere stories to keep children from misbehaving are returning. All generations can feel war breaking the surface. They must get through this war while facing hardships and tests.
• No god modding
• No power play
• Do not change the plot or setting to benefit your character(s) and your character(s) only
• You may only control up to three characters
• Remember, there are other creatures besides dragons!
• Try to have a character on the "bad" side as well as the "good" side to balance it out
• Give other people a chance to reply! If only two people in the RP are online, don't continue to post back and forth, because someone may be left behind.
• Fan characters only
• "Please, use quotation marks and detail!" said Catabatus
• Have fun!
Character List
Aria - Taco_Goddess
Gina - Taco_Goddess
Alanda - Taco_Goddess
Shyra - spyros#1fan
Leaf - spyros#1fan
Nightheart - spyros#1fan
Runo - cynderfan
Josh - cyndefan
Shangii - cynderfan
Cara - Blade
Shadow - Blade
Cyndersparx - Cyndersparx (:P)
Amy - Cyndersparx
Karnak - Kjakings
The Kingdoms (Please read the below if you are to join)
The Dragon Realms
In the Dragon Realms are some of the most peaceful places you can find. Every Year of the Dragon has been very beneficial to the dragon population. A monument to Spyro can be found in the Artisans.
(The Dragon Village and home worlds from the GBA games are a part of the Dragon Realms)
The Dragon City of Warfang has rebuilt itself since the defeat of Malefor. During Malefor's reign, many dragons had found or tried to find refuge. Those who succeeded had come together to help rebuild Warfang.
(In my own little dimension, Warfang is the capital of the Dragon Realms)
Avalar and Avalar Valley
With the exception of the occasional quarrel between the Land Blubbers and Breeze Builders, all has been well in Avalar. What used to be small groups of three or four have sextupled, even septupled in size. New portals are being opened, and new realms being discovered.
The Valley of Avalar, however, has not been as fortunate. Many of Malefor's old supporters have found it to be a nice haven, and fighting often breaks out.
The Forgotten Worlds
Since the defeat of The Sorceress, dragons have set up settlmements in The Forgotten Worlds. Their return caused the magic to come back. It is now to the point where the Worlds are bursting with magic. Unfortunately, the inhabitants have the most trouble with the Thieves, seeing as the Thieves' kingdom is located in the Forgotten Worlds.
(Let's pretend that the levels in the GBA games and A Hero's Tail are located in the Forgotten Worlds)
Way of Life and Elements
Thieves are only called Egg Thieves by dragons. They actually steal many other things, from jewelry to artwork.
The Thieves have five social classes. A thief's rank is shown by the color of their robes. The "Blue Class" is the lowest class. Next is yellow, then green, then red. At the top of the social classes is the "Purple Class," or royal class.
Thieves do not believe females to be as important as males, so female thieves are rarely seen. instead, they clean and care for things. While most male thieves refuse to believe it, their civilization would fall apart without females. The only females that are allowed to rob are part of the Purple Class.
As you know, the dragons have an elemental system. A purple dragon can control four of the five main elements and may have power over more if he or she is "exposed" to them.
"Exposure" to an element can change a dragon. Some have delicate elemental systems, and "exposure" to darker elements may alter their element.
Most dragons can only control one element. Those who can only control one can normally master it quicker than one with, say, two elements.
There are five main elements: Fire, Ice, Electricity, Earth and Wind. While these are the most common, there are still many other elements, including Physic, Shadow, Fear, Poison, Water, and many more. New elements are still being discovered.
If two dragons of the same element have a child, the child will almost always be that element.
If two dragons of different elements have a child, the child might be one element or the other. In some cases the child has been both. And, in very rare cases, the child has been an entirely new element.
Despite popular belief, color only plays a small role in determining which element you are. While it is unusual for a pink dragon to control, say, Shadow, a wind dragon can be green. Or an electric dragon blue.
Character Form
* = Optional
My Characters:
Name: Aria Dreamweaver
Age: 11, almost twelve
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: Dragon Realms
Appearance: A mint green dragon. She has curvy brown horns and two sets of secondary horns, and a brown underbelly. Her crest is a messy pink mane of fur that goes down her entire body. She has big, blue eyes and rectangular glasses. The ends of her glasses rest on her mint green ears. Her wings are very large, powerful and bat-like. The membrane is pink, while the outside is mint green. Her tail is a black spear.
Armour: Blue rimmed with white. On the chest plate is a painted leaf in front of a white cloud.
Element: Wind
Personality: Smart and sarcastic, but kindhearted. She can be modest at times, but is bold when defending herself or her friends. Aria loves all animals, from spiders to jaguars, and is a huge nature lover. Refuses to be treated like an ignorant bug.
Background: Aria was born in the Dreamweaver realm, hence her last name: Dreamweaver. She stayed there most of her life until her parents could not stand each other anymore, and she and her mother left for Beast Makers. They did not stay there long, and finally settled in Artisans.
Name: Gina
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Kingdom: Gypsy Road (Forgotten Worlds)
Appearance: A short and stocky black cat. She ha two turbans: a pink one and a burgundy one. In the chilly weather she wears burgundy robes. When the weather is nice she takes the robe off and wears her "normal" clothes: A pink blouse tucked into a turquoise skirt. She wears a silver belt, which matches her jewelry.
Weapon: Gypsy powah
Personality: Gina has low self-esteem, and can be a bit clumsy at times. She is very loyal to her friends.
Background: Gina is a graduate of Madam Meow's school in Gypsy Road. She was best friends with Laura during their time in school but since then have drifted apart.
Name: Alanda
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Thief
Kingdom: Forgotten Worlds
Appearance: Like the typical thief, she has jet black skin and pure white eyes. Unlike male Thieves, females are taller and lean. While Alanda is tall and lean, she is also muscular, and has many calluses on her feet and hands. She wears purple robes and a purple turban and has decorated her face with white jewels.
Weapon: Dagger
Personality: Ornery, ambitious and desperate to prove herself.
*Background: Alanda is one of the daughters of the Thief King (oooo, scary title). Despite her being royalty, she is a female, and so most thieves look down on her as if she were scum. Most of her family, however, treats her well enough. … -126748393
#2 Apr 28, 2009 1:13 AM
- spyros#1fan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
May I please be you very first member? 8D
Here's my characters:
Name: Shyra
Age: 16
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: Warfang
Appearance: A light orange dragon with yellow horns and underbelly, red crest and tail, minimum scars, light green eyes, and 3 light green spots on the upper part of her neck
*Element: Lightning, Fear, Shadow and Fire
Personality: Happy, but serious.
*Background: Mother was a regular dragon while father was a black dragon
Name: Fall of Silent Leaf (Leaf)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Kingdom: Forgotten Worlds
Appearance: A small tabby she-cat with brown, yellow, red and white patches with a white muzzle and paws
Personality: Kind, gentle and helpful. Can heal wounds well.
*Background: Was born in the Tribe of Howling Wolves before it was broke up, was a healer's apprentice
Name: Nightheart
Age: 17
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: Dragon Kingdom
Appearance: A jet black dragon with purple underbelly, horns, tail and crest
*Element: Shadow and Fear
Personality: Dark, and evil. Likes to cause others pain.
*Background: Shyra's cousin (Shyra's father's brother's daughter [Mouthful! D: ])
#3 Apr 28, 2009 10:21 PM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Robbed of Peace
spyros#1fan: Of course. ^^ … -126748393
#4 Apr 29, 2009 6:00 AM
- cynderfan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
I'll join yours if you join mine, Survival of the Gods.
Name: Runo
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: Momentarily Warfang
Appearance: Sunset orange body, dark orange under belly Ruby in leg, Red wings, twisted black horns, black claws, blue wavy headpeice, dark blue eyes.
*Armour: Dark blue velvet, sustainable to Ice and swords.
*Weapon: None
*Element: Fire and Dark (When angry)
Personality: Hot headed, seriouse, merciless
*Background: Runo is a fire warrior and was born on an eclipse, giving her the power of darkness.
Side: Good MAINLY
Name: Josh Kilson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf (24 hours wolf)
Kingdom: The Forgotten Worlds.
Appearance: Black wolf that is able to speak, red eyes
*Armour: Gery large armor on shoulders and chest
*Weapon: Has a Sheild that's encased in lightning (Given by Ameratsu copywright of Okami)
*Element: None
Personality: Brave, clowny at times, a tad annoying.
Background: Born on Earth, Josh was killed at 11 and had intercepted a teleport from a dragon on the away down to hell, and apeared in the Forgotten Worlds.
Side: Good
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown (Eew)
Species: Giant Cobra
Kingdom: Avalar
Appearance: Black snake with a yelloy underbelly, eyes also on back of head.
*Armour: Scales
*Weapon: Can summon up minions.
*Element: Poision
Personality: Merciless, hates disobeyers.
Side: Bad
#5 Apr 29, 2009 4:12 PM
- Blade
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Mind if I join??
Name: Cara
Age: 21
Gender: female
Species: dragon
Kingdom: Warfang
Appearance: dark blue, light but still dark Blue under belly and teal blue horns
*Armour: a little cape over her back
*Weapon: None
*Element: ice.
Personality: Kind caring but when angry she is Deadly
*Background: unknown record of this dragon
Name: Shadow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Thief
Kingdom: The Forgotten Worlds
Appearance: Red robe and turben but as jewels around his neck.
*Armour: A gold wrist band
*Weapon: a small dagger
*Element: none
Personality: works hard, kindish, clever
*Background: works with a group to get female thieves rights. Sunk into the thief's place to get info on them and help to get them rights.
"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.
#6 Apr 29, 2009 10:17 PM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Robbed of Peace
cynderfan: Mehehe, wolf from hell.... and you're accepted. I'll check out your roleplay.
Blade: Accepted.
I'll add your characters to the list. … -126748393
#7 Apr 29, 2009 11:50 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Name: Cyndersparx
Age: About 15
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: Avalar
Appearance: A red dragon with a golden crest, black claws, golden horns. Ice Blue eyes along with a golden collar with blue gems.
*Armour: Metal shoulder pads, Silver helmet, Tail protecter.
*Weapon: Her claws basically x3
*Element: Fire
Personality: Kind and gentle, willing to help anyone out if they're in need, violent when she needs to be.
*Background: Cyndersparx was sent to Avalar by her parents, in hopes to escape the worlds trechery and wars.
Name: Amy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: Forgotten Worlds
Appearence: Gray smooth scales, almost furry and satin-like. Blood red eyes, dark grey horns, light grey underbelly. A crooked tail end.
*Armour: She has a black weapon belt hanging loosley around her hip.
*Weapon: She mostly uses her Lazer Cannon, but she also has some smoke bombs, cherry bombs, and a handy shotgun.
*Element: None
Personality: Bloodthirsty and crude, "mentally disabled", evil.
*Background: Shes a Bounty Hunter.
#8 Apr 30, 2009 4:00 AM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Cyndersparx: Cyndersparx is accepted, but, ah... Demon/Snake/Wolf/Dragon Hybrid? Would it be possible for you to use a different fan character? … -126748393
#9 Apr 30, 2009 8:22 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Robbed of Peace
OOC: Oki Dokey then. ^^
#10 May 01, 2009 12:16 AM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Amy: Accepted.
If we can't get a few more people to join, we'll start. People are still welcome to join even after we start, of course.
One thing I forgot to mention:
Catabatus: I'd prefer it if you guys didn't speak like this....
"Rather, I'd like it if you spoke like this." said Catabatus. … -126748393
#11 May 01, 2009 12:56 AM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Robbed of Peace
OOC:Shouldnt be a problem for me, I always speak like that in RPs. ^^
#12 May 01, 2009 11:37 PM
- spyros#1fan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
"Yeah, so do I." I replied.
#13 May 02, 2009 12:10 AM
- cynderfan
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#14 May 02, 2009 11:27 AM
- Blade
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Re: Robbed of Peace
"I'll try my best, but then again, i speck like this on a role playing website." i said
"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.
#15 May 02, 2009 7:37 PM
- Kjakings
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Re: Robbed of Peace
"Do I have permission to rip people's throats out if they annoy me?" I asked Catabatus, holding a sickle boredly.
Name: Karnak
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Kingdom: The forgotten realms
Appearance: *runs off to find pic* BAM.
*Weapon: ... dragons don't have thumbs. Or fingers.
*Element: Psychic (an element according to POKKEMUNZ! (Telepathy, Telekinesis, no mind reading or forsight).
Personality: I hate doing personalities, can I flesh it out in-RP?
My avatar is custom,no stealie.
#16 May 02, 2009 8:26 PM
- Usara
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Re: Robbed of Peace
I would like to join! ^^
Name: Usara
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Portal Dragon (i created to be able to create Portals like in the PC game Portal in a way lol)
Kingdom: Coligra
Appearance: A heavy set dragon of 756Lbs, with a nice thick lump and soft tail, cute appearance, standing at 5'11" and a little less on all4's
*Armour: soft thick skin
*Weapon: black and yellow eyes able to create Portal
*Element: Fire (but has blue skin)
Personality: active, gentle, and protective
*Background: was born a human but was given the power of a dragon, and he has been a dragon every since, learning creating and traveling the world
Portal Dragon hear... fear me?
#17 May 03, 2009 1:04 AM
- spyros#1fan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
"So...Can we start now?" Asked Shyra, getting inpatient. "You're much too impatient." Snapped Leaf. "Give Taco Goddess time. She can start when ready." Continued Leaf, flowing into a much gentler tone. Nightheart just snorted.
#18 May 03, 2009 3:28 AM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Kjakings: No sickle for Kjakings. Accepted.
Usara: Coligra? Portal dragon? ...No. I might accept you if you changed your fan character.
spyros#1fan: After Usara replies. … -126748393
#19 May 03, 2009 3:58 AM
- spyros#1fan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Shyra let out another impatien groan. "Would you PLEASE be quiet?!" Demanded Nightheart.
#20 May 04, 2009 10:41 PM
- Taco Godess
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Re: Robbed of Peace
OOC: Oh, what the heck. We can start. Let's begin by introducing our fan characters, where they are and what they are doing.
I'll do Aria and Alanda first.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aria clambered out of the Artisans pool, her scales gleaming and her mane wet. She shook herself and bounded over to the large, reddish-pink dragon that awaited her.
"I still can't believe the pool used to be so small." she said as she plopped down next to her mother.
"Oh, a lot of construction has been going on since before you were born." said her mother. "Fairly small changes, but when you add them all up..." she trailed off and looked into the horizon. A silence settled. over them.
"Any more news on the evil Thieves?" asked Aria.
"Ah, yes, the evil-doers." her mother laughed and then sighed. "It's... amazing how close minded some people can be. Oh, activity has calmed down a bit, but I'm not getting my hopes up."
Aria rested her head on her paws. How she hated war.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was a sunny day, and the market was bustling. Thieves were trading and exchanging ideas with various other creatures. Some children were trying to get past their scolding mothers and into the crowd. All ranks were having a good time. Well, almost all ranks.
Alanda looked down on this scene with a longing. If only she were a Blue-ranking male. Then, oh then she could carry on a normal life. But Alanda was not a Blue-ranking male. No, she was a member of the purple class. Royalty. Female. How she loathed being female. Being royalty may have meant she had freedom, but it didn't mean normal Thieves had to show a female respect. And now that they had "company" over, she may as well have been a slave!
"Don't go out often." her father had said. "We don't want to shame ourselves by allowing too much female activity."
Shame ourselves? bah! Alanda turned around on the spot. She wasn't going to spend her day confined in the palace. … -126748393
#21 May 04, 2009 11:37 PM
- spyros#1fan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Shyra walked through the walkways of Warfang. It was amazing to see that, from what she had heard about the ancient stories of Spyro and Cynder's journey, that all of Warfang was rebuilt and popular once more. When she was first born, her mother had told her before she had died, the construction had just started. Shyra sighed happily as the wind blew in her face, waving back her long, red crests.
Fall of Silent Leaf organized her herbs into small little stacks. Since her Tribe had broken up, she had lived in Forgotten Worlds. Everyone, including her Tribe, called her Leaf, and though she was no longer a healer to-be, she still tried to carry on her to-be ways, and teach herself the berries and herbs that a healer would use.
OCC: I'm only going to use Leaf and Shyra at the moment, Nightheart will come in later.
#22 May 05, 2009 1:54 AM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Robbed of Peace
A gray shape snuck silently across the terrain, her body a quick flash as it shot from spot to spot. It was a grey dragoness, her blood red eyes glinting in the full light of the moon, her utility belt dragging out behind her. She had been condemned to the Forgotten Realms, but had spent so much time there that she had begun to think of it as her home.
Amy. The name had followed her through all that she had been, the horrors faced and obstacles destroyed. She never forgot who she was; a murderous, evil, cunning, brutal and crazy mastermind, and she was proud of it.
Amy lunged towards the nearest tree, clinging to its bark and positioning herself upwards across it. It was as if she was hiding, but from what? Even Amy didn't know.
As far as she was concerned, this whole training process was all in good fun.
Cyndersparx flew through the clouds, her red wings stretched out far to catch the warm breeze and lift her away. She gazed down at the Valley of Avalar below her. The shining river and the grass seemed to stare back and wave in greeting at her. She flew down close enough to the river so she could skim across it with her claws, leaving sheets of water flowing behind her. She landed on the river bank not to far away, lying on her stomach and letting the sun warm her scales.
#23 May 05, 2009 5:55 AM
- cynderfan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Runo glided throught the sky, scanning the area, spotting nothing intresting she flew on.
Josh was in the forest, silently stalking, he had an eye on a bush and pounced at it.
Shangii snaked through the feild, killing without mercy.
#24 May 05, 2009 6:58 AM
- Blade
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Cara sat on the warfang fountain, thinking about stuff. She looked yp at the blue sky with the buildings that looked like they where painted with the sky. Her eyes flinkered. she saw something red jump or dash. She blinked. Cara knew it her mind playing tricks on her.
Shadow ran along the the bliudings. He was on a little mission he was hired for. He jumped over the next bliuding. he was told to kill someone in the black ally. he was loking forward to it. he jumped down into th ally and blended in with the crowd as he drew his dagger.
Cara watch the figure jump down. she hoped off the fountain and ran down the ally where the figure jumped down to. she followed the figure from a few feet away. she wonder what the figure was going to do.
"I wouldn't knife you in the back.
For warriors like us,
In the face."
Grunt, Mass Effect 2.
#25 May 05, 2009 11:12 PM
- spyros#1fan
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Re: Robbed of Peace
Shyra spread her wings and flew across the long, flat stretch of land she called her home. Though warfang was full of buildings and dragons, that didn't mean that there wasn't any nature at all. Just beyond the walkways, a silent, long-grassed meadow grew. It was deciduous, having the grass die in winter and grow back in spring. In the meadow, Shyra had found a large, abandoned bear den (probably for hibernation). After her mother had died, Shyra had come out here to live. She looked beyond the meadows to the barley visible tops of buildings and temples. "I do wish I could find another dragon right about my age. Male or female, I don't care." she sighed and started to walk towards Warfang.
"Oh, darn it!" hissed Leaf as she realized she didn't have enough burdock root. "Where the heck am I supposed to find burdock root around here?" she scanned the clearing, bt was still quite unsure. She had only been in Forgotten Worlds for a moon now. "If only there were another cat around who might know these things." she though aloud.