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#1 Jul 31, 2009 9:19 PM
- Hail The Ice Dragon
- Member
- From: In your ear of course! (:
- Registered: May 25, 2008
- Posts: 750
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Hail's Avatar/Banner Requests
[glow=blue:7efd823aa1][shadow=cyan:7efd823aa1]Hail's Avatar/Banner Requests[/shadow:7efd823aa1][/glow:7efd823aa1]
[glow=cyan:7efd823aa1][shadow=blue:7efd823aa1]Hey, you, yeah you! Do you want a banner or an avatar? Then you've come to the right place! All, I need you to do is answer these questions.[/shadow:7efd823aa1][/glow:7efd823aa1]
[glow=cyan:7efd823aa1][shadow=blue:7efd823aa1]Thank you and enjoy![/shadow:7efd823aa1][/glow:7efd823aa1]
NOTE(S):Please give me credit, don't say you made it, and remember, you can can get both an avatar and a signature if you want.
Pages: 1