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#1 Aug 07, 2009 6:56 AM

From: You asking my loactation?? why
Registered: Aug 07, 2009
Posts: 25
Gems: 0

Banners only for 100 or more gems

Tell me what sort of banner you would like it can be:

Spyro:70 gems
Dragons: 100 gems
Cartoon characters: 200 gems
animation banners: 300 gems

just like the banner i maded look below


SPYRO ROCKS!!!! my forum http://spyroforum.forumakers.com/forum.htm


#2 Aug 10, 2009 9:49 PM

Spyro YoTd
From: England
Registered: Feb 24, 2009
Posts: 208
Gems: 0

Re: Banners only for 100 or more gems

Hmmm sounds ok but i kind of need more details like because you won't no the colour or anything anyway i hope you can do this one can i have it like your one with spyro on it saying "www.spyroforum.com" if its okay and like the same colour and design thanks


#3 Aug 15, 2009 12:10 AM

From: You asking my loactation?? why
Registered: Aug 07, 2009
Posts: 25
Gems: 0

Re: Banners only for 100 or more gems

sure you can it might take a while to finish just donate to me 70 gems ok wink

Edit:Here you go [URL=http://www.mybannermaker.com]mybanner4a85ff381e749.jpg[/URL] it wont show up on my computer >.>


SPYRO ROCKS!!!! my forum http://spyroforum.forumakers.com/forum.htm


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