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#1 Apr 27, 2008 12:34 PM
- ontels
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- From: England
- Registered: Dec 03, 2006
- Posts: 6,643
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new game
okay anyone who saw my post in the spyro the dragon thread knows what this is about Im playing some of the spyro games I havent played in a while again this time to 100% that means every gem and orb
so today I started the game and have already gotten to autem plains and done two portals criystal claicer and scorching badlands (those names might be wrong)
#2 Apr 27, 2008 10:05 PM
- ontels
- Member
- From: England
- Registered: Dec 03, 2006
- Posts: 6,643
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Re: new game
O my god I cant belive this I compleated spyro 2 the same day I started it!
Ive been playing all day again and I got from those two portels I told you about erlier today to 100% completion including unloking the movie theatre
however I cant help feel a trifle disipointed because there was no secrect ending video like in spyro one :-[
oh well Ill be starting spyro 3 soon and the topic to go with it
till then
Pages: 1