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#1 May 04, 2008 2:28 AM

Dark Fury Dragon
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The Classic Spyro

Doesn't this just make you want to cry? Well, it didn't really want to make me cry, but it did make me feel into the classic Spyro spirit!
Yes I know what most of you are going to say, "Nothing will ever beat the older Spyro games! No matter what or how cool the new Spyro is going to look, older Spyro games FTW!"
Yes but think about this, if they kept on making Spyro games like this, wouldn't it be a bit...boring? I think personally that it would. To be honest, I was already getting tired of the same old collecting routine and wanted something different. Because I'm not much of a person who likes games where you HAVE to collect EVERYTHING in the game in order to fully complete it. I'm actually prefectly fine with the new Spyro, in fact, I'm starting to like it a little better than the older Spyro games *is flamed and then shot* X_X
But don't get me wrong, I love the older Spyro. I love the memories it brings back. I particularly love the very first Spyro game. That game is filled with rich good memories XD. It was the very first game I ever played in my entire life. It's the game that got me the Playstation consule in the first place! big_smile
And in the video, it said that one of the reasons they created the first Spyro game is to challenge some really good players out there at the time. When I heard that I was like, "Whoa? So you're saying I was an 8-9 year old and I was a really good player?!" XD Because I didn't use an official strategy guide to help me along the game (like they said), I just used instinct the entire way. YAY!
So what about you guys? Share some of your comments and thoughts!


#2 May 04, 2008 3:57 AM

Juice box
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Re: The Classic Spyro

*Sigh*...Everytime I even think of the original Spyro it makes me sad. It is my favourite game of all time.



#3 May 04, 2008 4:09 AM

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Re: The Classic Spyro

That was the best video I have seen in a while.



#4 May 04, 2008 12:06 PM

From: In storm that you made me live
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Good times..I dont like leaving the past behind though

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#5 May 04, 2008 4:31 PM

Dark Fury Dragon
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well I'm not saying to leave the past behind, of course you can still remember it! I just wish people wouldn't bash on the new Spyro so hard. I mean come on's still Spyro no matter how different he looks...


#6 May 04, 2008 5:54 PM

From: Avalar (UK)
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Actually.... I would have preferred to keep on collecting items. Collecting items adds to the game, because you can come back for them when you want to, so even after you've finished the game, you usually have another reason to re-play it.
I love both Spyros. But if I were honest, I really hate TLoS's battle style. It's only a personal preference, but I'm just not one for button mashing, unless it's something made by Square Enix xD

I'll always follow Spyro wherever he goes, but I'll always consider the original ones more fun, for so many different reasons. But, at the same time, that doesn't mean to say I won't look forward to any future games smile

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#7 May 05, 2008 7:24 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The Classic Spyro

My opinion is the same a RadSpyro's. As For Spyro getting boring after a while, maybe, but if the developers do it right, each game will be fun as the last one.
As For really chalanging players, i know many many people who havn't gotton 120% in Spyro 1, you really have to think for some of those dragons like the Tree tops one and especially te Haunted Towers one.


#8 May 05, 2008 8:08 AM

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Re: The Classic Spyro

I think my opinion is the same as Ratchet and RadSpyro's. I think it's more fun to explore and collect eggs and orbs. Just follow a path and fight is not the same fun.


#9 May 05, 2008 11:24 AM

From: In storm that you made me live
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well..his personality changed too...old Spyro loving, the new Spyro is more serious, thats what i think

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#10 May 05, 2008 3:58 PM

Dark Fury Dragon
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well I happen to be the adventerous kind, so I love the new Spyro series. And as I said earlier, I was getting kind of bored with all the collecting and things, it got me very frustrated and gave up many times. But I did finsh the games.


#11 May 05, 2008 4:08 PM

Antr the Rolf
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well to me...they were a piee of cake..I fnished the first one in a day.And NNOw the others are a bit hard..but I get to see a great movie it seems like..

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#12 May 06, 2008 3:34 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The Classic Spyro

I'm Not Going to Shatter your opinions or anything but Just a few things came to my mind, no offence though...

"Well I happen to be the adventerous kind, so I love the new Spyro series"

That sentence Confused me, I dont know what your definition of "adventerous" is but doesn't that mean you go around and explore. If You Mean exploring, then the old Spyro's come to mind, Not TLOS which is a linear path. But Thats your opinion, i'm just saying what adventurous means.

"Well to me...they were a piee of cake..I fnished the first one in a day.And NNOw the others are a bit hard"

Your funny, Arcane, Just 2 weeks ago you were lovin Old Spyro and Saying Positive things about him, but now Your Saying mostly negs, Owell, i'm not a psycologist, and i'm not trying to offend you anyway.
Replying to your post, i'm confused also, are you talking about Old Spyro or New Spyro when you said  "I fnished the first one in a day". I find that Strange seeing it took me alot more time to finish Spyro 1 when i was younger, But i Found ANB easy to Finish seeing it was so straight. I know Spyro 1 is very easy to Finish but i've been playing it for 10 years, on your first try of the game you finished it in one day?...... TLOS, in my opinion, isn't hard, ANB was Sinch and TEN was hard, not TLOs, just TEN.

Owell, i'm drifting off and saying random things now. But i would really like to Know Why Everyone found the Originals so boring.


#13 May 06, 2008 5:14 AM

From: Right behind you! AHH!, United
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Re: The Classic Spyro

I don't find the originals boring at all. They were very entertaining. You also had plenty to do.
I found it very adventurous too.
But I also enjoy the TLoS series. So I'm just happily in the middle. :-P




#14 May 06, 2008 6:34 AM

From: Looking for Dragon Eggs!
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well I got my playstation when I turned six. Spyro 1 was my second video game I ever got. I have always loved the original Spyro games. The originals have more of an inviting game play, where I see TLOS series to be more for older kids. I mean that's just my opinion.

Also is Spyro Enter the dragonfly and Spyro a Hero's Tail part of the originals or do they just kinda go on by themselves?


#15 May 06, 2008 9:52 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The Classic Spyro

They are classified by themselves. I Personally Found Both AHT and ETD like the Originals but only worse.


#16 May 09, 2008 6:07 PM

From: Ecuatorian Realms (Amrei and F
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Sheep wrote:

I think my opinion is the same as Ratchet and RadSpyro's. I think it's more fun to explore and collect eggs and orbs. Just follow a path and fight is not the same fun.

Ehh, are you saying you agree this fool???:

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#17 May 09, 2008 6:39 PM

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Re: The Classic Spyro

I don't know. I can't watch youtube videos at the moment :-|


#18 May 09, 2008 11:24 PM

From: Who wants to know?
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well, I can't hear it, but I like the video so far. I still like T.L.o.S over the originals though. wink

Everyone is entitled to their opinions...I just don't want to hear them. (kidding).


#19 May 10, 2008 12:33 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Yes, NeoSpyro, i agree with him. But i DO believe he exagerates a bit and pulls out of the hat some wrong things, but his main points i agree with.


#20 May 16, 2008 9:36 PM

Registered: Jun 21, 2006
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Re: The Classic Spyro

ratchet wrote:

Yes, NeoSpyro, I agree with him. But i DO believe he exagerates a bit and pulls out of the hat some wrong things, but his main points i agree with.

I agree with you Ratchet.
I see this new  Spyro to be an Alternate Universe Spyro not as an imposter.Though this Spyro is not the same cocky cool attiude dragon as we see in the originals we could simply see the new Spyro as alternative universe version of Spyro.  This just an opinion though.
I found the new Spyro games tedious and  the gameplay somewhat dull sad  as  all you did was beat up things.
Where is in the original series,the original timeline you get can do more :go through levels  collect gems  collect orbs/eggs, minigames paragliding,  puzzles and,speedways Oh and also bosses etc.

So the original
Spyro has more variety in terms of gameplay where as the new ones focus soley on fighting and thats all you really do,minus the flying parts.

On the other hand though the new Spyro has its ups as well. The graphics are good and it has  great voice acting.The gameplay would appeal to those who love to beat the rubbish out of things and the cutscenes would appeal to those who love a great storyline..The combos are fantastically timed and well done.

Both the new series and the old series in my opinon  are both adventurous but in different ways :
Original: Platforming Simplistic Adventure.
New : Action/fighting  ,more serious Adventure.

Spyro's character as a whole in the new games I find is quite well done though not as cocky as his original  Spyro,I like his Selflessness and how he helps other characters willingly, this actually makes him  loveable.
In honest opinion  I like  the new spyro(Character) more than the Spyro in AHT.That Spyro I see more as an imposter even though it carries on from the ETD.

Spyro suddenly becomes a very overly the top cocky jerk and not as loveable,funny and compassionate as he was in the previous ones.The same as the other characters  I think Moneybags is an imposter of the original for one when when did he have an accent like that? and how could Sparx talk?.Gnasty Gnorc is a dork etc etc. All of these things in  AHT  aren't explained.Personalitys are all over the place. However the gameplay in AHT is still the platforming Spyro.But Spyro as character is drastically different from the Spyro in Spyro 4 and below.

At least in LOS it makes sense because its reboot and as a reboot you can understand why Spyro is different and why Sparx can talk because the story has been rebooted.

I just hope the next game doesn't focus to much on cutscenes and focuses more on the gameplay .Hopefully Dawn of the Dragon will do that, it sounds like its going to be an interesting game smile .


Back to the originals personally I prefer   the originals particuly  Spyro 2. The levels are amazing and Fighting Ripto at the end is just so fun.Spyro 2 was the first out of 2 games I got with my playstation 1 when I was 9 and  it fill me with good memories. Today I would put the original Spyro's still as my top favorite games out of my video game collection. Because they so amazingly fun and beautifully designed (love Autumn Plains in Spyro 2).I like the originals purely  due to its simplistically.


#21 May 16, 2008 10:54 PM

From: Australia
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Re: The Classic Spyro

I am now actually almost starting to like TLOS more then the origanals. I still like the origanals alot but now im starting to like TLOS almost a bit more. At the moment i guess i like them both equally. I like TLOS because of its fights, charcters, storyline and cutscenes. I like the origaals becsause of its levels characters, (I like the origanal charcters more the the TLOS ones) , minigames and collecting items. So yeah overall i like both series equally.


#22 May 17, 2008 12:48 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: The Classic Spyro

flareflames wrote:
ratchet wrote:

Yes, NeoSpyro, I agree with him. But i DO believe he exagerates a bit and pulls out of the hat some wrong things, but his main points i agree with.

I agree with you Ratchet.
I see this new  Spyro to be an Alternate Universe Spyro not as an imposter.Though this Spyro is not the same cocky cool attiude dragon as we see in the originals we could simply see the new Spyro as alternative universe version of Spyro.  This just an opinion though.
I found the new Spyro games tedious and  the gameplay somewhat dull sad  as  all you did was beat up things.
Where is in the original series,the original timeline you get can do more :go through levels  collect gems  collect orbs/eggs, minigames paragliding,  puzzles and,speedways Oh and also bosses etc.

So the original
Spyro has more variety in terms of gameplay where as the new ones focus soley on fighting and thats all you really do,minus the flying parts.

On the other hand though the new Spyro has its ups as well. The graphics are good and it has  great voice acting.The gameplay would appeal to those who love to beat the rubbish out of things and the cutscenes would appeal to those who love a great storyline..The combos are fantastically timed and well done.

Both the new series and the old series in my opinon  are both adventurous but in different ways :
Original: Platforming Simplistic Adventure.
New : Action/fighting  ,more serious Adventure.

Spyro's character as a whole in the new games I find is quite well done though not as cocky as his original  Spyro,I like his Selflessness and how he helps other characters willingly, this actually makes him  loveable.
In honest opinion  I like  the new spyro(Character) more than the Spyro in AHT.That Spyro I see more as an imposter even though it carries on from the ETD.

Spyro suddenly becomes a very overly the top cocky jerk and not as loveable,funny and compassionate as he was in the previous ones.The same as the other characters  I think Moneybags is an imposter of the original for one when when did he have an accent like that? and how could Sparx talk?.Gnasty Gnorc is a dork etc etc. All of these things in  AHT  aren't explained.Personalitys are all over the place. However the gameplay in AHT is still the platforming Spyro.But Spyro as character is drastically different from the Spyro in Spyro 4 and below.

At least in LOS it makes sense because its reboot and as a reboot you can understand why Spyro is different and why Sparx can talk because the story has been rebooted.

I just hope the next game doesn't focus to much on cutscenes and focuses more on the gameplay .Hopefully Dawn of the Dragon will do that, it sounds like its going to be an interesting game smile .


Back to the originals personally I prefer   the originals particuly  Spyro 2. The levels are amazing and Fighting Ripto at the end is just so fun.Spyro 2 was the first out of 2 games I got with my playstation 1 when I was 9 and  it fill me with good memories. Today I would put the original Spyro's still as my top favorite games out of my video game collection. Because they so amazingly fun and beautifully designed (love Autumn Plains in Spyro 2).I like the originals purely  due to its simplistically.

yep, i agree. and thats all i have to say


#23 May 30, 2008 4:38 PM

Sammy The Dragon
Registered: May 29, 2008
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Re: The Classic Spyro

Well Dark Fury Dragon, i can agree with you when you say that having to collect stuff is boreing. that's why i love the LOS series. the games are straightforward so you never have to visit the same realm twice.


#24 Jun 01, 2008 1:40 PM

From: Ottawa,Canada
Registered: Apr 23, 2008
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Re: The Classic Spyro

I defenatly perfer the originals.And for TLOS I agree with the gamespot reviews but a have a few points to ad … lt;title;5 … result;tit Im not about to sit down with my computer for 3 hours outlining what I think about the TLOS series.   yet

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