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#1376 May 07, 2008 2:36 PM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Illadin was mildly surprised by Blaaze's scream, wondering if Satin had changed tact and was tromeneting both Frost and Blaze at the same time. Decying to wait out the crys of his victoms, Illadin sat on his haunches.

"What?!" thought Silabus as he watched the corpses collapse upon themselves in a revolting manner, like relicing the air from ballons. "No..., I was so close, a page left...," Silabus managed to hold in a tear as he saw all of his hard work just fall into itself like a hollow cake.



#1377 May 07, 2008 9:24 PM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: Our... our bodies... they've been desecrated...



#1378 May 07, 2008 10:44 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Leon: Oh crap! *Leon tgrabes thier bodies to try to stop them from fading, but they just keep on going* Oh my gosh.... *Looks mad*


#1379 May 10, 2008 12:03 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Illadin diddn't really care what Blaze was sayng when he said "Our bodies have been desacrated" thinking it was a mind game the Satin was playing.

"It's my turn..." said Illadin as he walked into the room where Frost was being tormented, "Pass the torch, "old man."

Satin turned and growled at Illadin, "You do better, "young dragon".

Illadin rolled his head, popping his neck multiple times in a menacing manner, streched his back legs like a cat, then his front in the same manner.
"Bring Blaze," said Illadin in a emoutionless voice, "and leave Frost where she is." once this was done, Illadin demanded, "Leave us, I have some work to do..." as Illadin said this, a smile of pure malice curved across his face.

Silabus held his tears within and made to leave. As he did, he hung his head in shame and dejection. He hadnt gotten 5 paces when he bumped into Crystal. His heart dropped, knowing if he spoke to her, he would comlpletly fall apart.
"Please don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me." thought Silabus as he looked a Crystals legs.



#1380 May 10, 2008 12:08 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *growls* I'll make sure there's nothing left of you, you traitor!
Crystal: Silabus... why did you try resurrecting my my parents?



#1381 May 10, 2008 12:19 AM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Birthday: 23 September

Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Leon: *Turns around* Yeah freaky beast #2?


#1382 May 10, 2008 12:36 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Silabus choked, his voice was caught in his lungs. Knowing exactilly why it was caught, Silabus moved around Crystal as his tears began to flow down his face and cheeks to the floor.
"Maybe it's all a bad dream." prayed Silabus as he went from a walk to a trot," I'll just wake up on the cliffside in the peacekeepers, then I'll join back in the games and the roughousing of the other kids of Blaze and Frost's..." deep within himself Silabus knew that this was not a dream, but pretending, no matter how futle it was, made him happy for a few moments.

"Get over your selfish pride, Blaze" said Illadin in his blackest voice," you have no idea the forces at play here, just be happy that nothing worse can happen to your children, and that everything will be over soon."

Illadin moved over to the bound Frost and flicked his forked toung before wispering in her ear, "But much worse will happen to Blaze..." at these words, Illadin walked over to Blazes form, smiled heartlessly, then struck Blaze with his tail, causing a small trickle of blood to appear.



#1383 May 10, 2008 12:39 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *winces in pain, and says, but is muffled by the gag* Selfish pride? No, I am angry with you, because of the fact that you've done nothing but betray us! If anything, you're the one who's selfish, tossing aside your friends and family all to gain power for yourself! I want to kill you, so that others will be protected from you!

Frost: *eyes widen in fear* Please, stop!



#1384 May 10, 2008 12:49 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

"Betray?" asked Illadin mildly amused," not betrail," he struck Blaze with his tail again, "no betrail, I'm not selling you out or givving you away to someone," another strike to Blaze,"I'm just using you two for the better good. If no-one ever did things they diddn't want to then the world would have fallen into darkness long agao, like it nearly did before. With a purple dragon doing what he wished against, and harming ones he diddn't wish to, he did the greater good. Think of Spyro, and think of Cynder..." another stirke to Blaze.



#1385 May 10, 2008 12:54 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: For the greater good? Oh, you fool. Becoming the ruler of hell, it condemns you into being the most evil thing in the universe. YOU WILL BE THE BRINGER OF DARKNESS, the thing you're trying to prevent, you will put into motion. I am thinking of everyone else. You gambled your son's soul if you lost. How the HELL is that being for the greater good!? You abuse him when he does simple things. I suppose you haven't noticed that he hates you, that he wishes he had a different father. I know this, because becoming a soul allows us to peer into the hearts and minds of another. Silabus HATES you, for everything you've done, everything you're doing!

Frost: *tears in her eyes* Illadin, please, stop it!



#1386 May 10, 2008 1:03 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

"My son is still but a child, he knows not that what I do is for everyone but myself. Every child rebels, every one, it doesn't matter the parent, nor the child, it's as enabitle as the sunset or the tide."
At this Illadin turned his back on Blaze and said to Frost,"You want it to end? You want me to stop?" Illadin paused for a moment, then struck Blaze across the face with his tail again saying in an almost condencing voice, "then beg for it"



#1387 May 10, 2008 1:08 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *in searing pain* Don't... don't listen to him Frost. He only wants the satisfaction of breaking you! *turns his head to Illadin* I don't understand? How the hell do you justify abusing Silabus as doing it for his own good? You'll traumatize him! You may have all this power, but you want to know something? You'll ALWAYS be a failure, as a decent person, and a father! This is why Frost hasn't, doesn't, and never will love you. Something tells me you still have a crush on her, the way you turned away when Lucifer was tormenting her.

Frost: Illadin, please, stop this!
Crystal: Silabus, I'm waiting for an answer.



#1388 May 10, 2008 1:23 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Silabus calmed himself the best he could, hoping that if he couldn't stem his tears, he could at least speak with a strong voice.
"I wanted," began Silabus, then his voice cracked and went weak on him,"to help..."

"Your good," said Illadin in a mocking voice,"your going off the fact that since I couldn't stand to see a friend become the plaything of Satin that I have a crush on her. Well, in that case, as I am also trying to break her too, now would be the best time to kill two birds with one a stone." Illadin smiled in a crule way to Frost, struck Blaze with his tail and said, "If I take advantage of her helplessness then not only will my crush be resolved, and both of you two will be broken..." Illadin moved as if to take advantage of Frost and stopped,"so Blaze, any other stupid ideas you want to throw out there? I mean, I could be trying to break you perhaps, or kill you and take Frost for myself, or , maybe, I only hooked up with Alana because I though she would lead me to Frost."

Illadin got off Frost and struck Blaze again saying, "You really are an idiot."



#1389 May 10, 2008 1:30 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *begins trying to cut the binds with one of his claws, unnoticed by Illadin* You're trying to harm me, hoping that it'll cause Frost to be so tormented, she'll say you're worse, and the pain would cause me to tell Lucifer that you were the worst tormentor as well, aren't you?



#1390 May 10, 2008 1:38 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

"Ok, now you got it," said Illadin striking Blaze again,"But, if you do say that I am a better tormenter then I can promise your freedom." this time, Illadin diddn't strike Blaze, nor threaten Frost, but stood in place, looking back and forth between his two prisioners.



#1391 May 10, 2008 1:45 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *is feeling the strikes Illadin struck* Yeah... those strikes... they would have killed me by now, if I weren't dead already. So... that's a lot of torture. You... you are the worst tormentor here.

Frost: Yeah, you are. We're not just saying that. The only thing worse for me to endure than mental torture is seeing Blaze tormented like that.



#1392 May 10, 2008 2:00 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
Gems: 0

Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Illadin felt slightly happy, not that he was the greatest tormenter in hell, but that he could finnaly get to the second phase of his plan.
"Thank you two,"said Illadin, dropping his evil demeanor,"but I need to do something before I can let you two go." Illadin jogged over to the door and nudged it open.

"You," he said to a nearby deamon,"Where has your master gone?" the deamon said nothing, instead it ran off with great speed, as if frightened. Momnets later however, Satin made a slow walk into Illadins view, then, after a long wait and walk, stood before Illadin.

"You know the deal," said Illadin,"All of your power."
The Devil only grunted to this and stabbed Illadin wigh a black dagger. Instead of pain filling Illadin, energy fill from the point the blade entered his scales.
"Before you go," said Illadinn to the one time Satin,"I would like to have you as a right hand man, if nothing else."



#1393 May 10, 2008 2:06 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *cuts the binds, then removes the gag from his mouth* I believe I have a promise to fulfill! *flies at Illadin*



#1394 May 10, 2008 2:26 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Illadin saw Blaze fly toward him, it was sereal, and odd. Alsmost as if Blaze was flying in slow moution.
Illadin turned and swang his head through the air as if to aim. As he did, Blaze haulted in air, hovering, floating in the middle of his attack.
"Tut, tut" said Illadin inhis condecending tone,"I promise to free you and this is how you tear my kindness? By attacking me wile I turn my back?" Illadin snickered and drew closer to Blaze,"and you called me the bertayer..."



#1395 May 10, 2008 2:32 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *laughs* You were lying through your teeth when you said that. I know you too well to fall for your lies Illadin. Also, did you really think I'd let you get away with what you did to us?

Frost: *turns to her human form and pulls out her glaive, cutting the binds and removing the gag* Blaze is right. We know you too well, you were lying. Perhaps your lie would have worked if we hadn't known you so well.



#1396 May 10, 2008 2:50 AM

Brom the Wise
From: The deepest bowles of the hot
Registered: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 1,831
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Illadin felt slightly insulted,"I don't lie, I just dont tell everything." Illadin glared a Frost, knowing that, even if she was human, she was still weak at this point. "I will let you two go, if you don't attack me or hinder me. Fair?" Illadin blinked, and let Blaze fall ungracefully to the floor.



#1397 May 10, 2008 2:54 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Blaze: *chuckles* You just contradicted yourself. Holding information is the same as lying. And you call me stupid. *turns into his human form and pulls out his two-handed sword, holding it in one hand* Besides, do you really think we'll let you get away with manipulating us to serve your own needs? *throws his sword into the air above Illadin and leaps up to catch it* Aether! *plummets down towards Illadin*

Frost: *charges at Illadin, spinning her glaive*



#1398 May 15, 2008 1:00 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

OOC: Brom... where are you?



#1399 May 15, 2008 1:05 AM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Leon: Is there a way to fix this???


#1400 May 15, 2008 1:10 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: A Prophecy Fulfilled (RPG, description inside)

Kage: It's ancient, complicated and powerful dark magic. The only way to reverse this is to cast a very powerful light magic spell. Luckily, I know such a spell. Unfortunately, it's equally complicated, and will take several hours to cast it.



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