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#1 May 24, 2008 2:46 AM
- Hero58
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Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: This is a new Spyro RPG...thought i shouldve put it some of you may know...or not know the Academy has fallen to exiled purple and gold guardians and its up to Wedger and the others ((fan characters are allowed)) to retake it back from them here are my characters by the way this takes place possibly about 10-11 years after Academy of Dragons
Wedger: IS the Legendary Purple and Gold Guardian who is the only one not exiled and is also the father of spyro and sky...he is a kind and Generous person however he lost his courage but shows it cause hes afraid everyone will thnik hes a coward if he doesnt show it
Sasha: IS the dragoness wife of Wedger and she understand him the most out of Wedgers family and how he lost his courage
Sky: Is the Engaged Male Dragon to Blaze and Frosts Daughter known as Shuang ever since the academy fell to the exiled purple and gold guardians he has been ready to face them even thought he is not ready and he is very eager to take the academy back
Vyper: is the dragon brother to wedger and is also overprotective to Falisha sometimes but he only does so cause he is afraid he will lose her
Varse: The idiotic Sidekick and one of Wedgers bodyguards who has a brian the size of a seed...literally
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#2 May 24, 2008 1:23 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:when will we start?
Vulcan:the last of the pyromant dragons from the fire realm, his body is orange with a mark on his back that looks like a Blaze, his powers increase when he gets enraged, but he lose a part(or completely)of his control over his actions.
Argen:a silver dragon that was enclosed in a crystal in the academy, but ignitus free him to escape from the control of the exiled guards.
Falisha:Argen's little sister, she looks like Argen, and lloks like she is the big sister of Argen(but not its only because Argen was in the crystal that didn't let him to grow), she don't like Vyper overprotection...cause she feel like a hatchling when Vyp do that, but she loves him.
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#3 May 24, 2008 1:30 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Umm... Hero, I believe that this would be called Sequel to Academy of Dragons. A Prequel takes place before it, a Sequel takes place after it. Also, Shuang and Sky would be married by now because Shuang would be 19 or 20, and Sky would be 20 or 21.
#4 May 24, 2008 6:39 PM
- Hero58
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Ya i ment sequel not prequel XD i get confused between these two words sometimes...the RPG will start once we get a few more people
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#6 May 24, 2008 10:49 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:Blaze...your char is god xDDD
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#7 May 24, 2008 11:00 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Not really, he has a reckless streak. There's also this fact: the transformations have a side effect, they get weaker the longer a battle is drawn out, and the person using it also takes double the damage. Plus, it's been 10 years, more than enough to get the Supreme Hero Within I'd say. And, Wedger said that all masters of the Hero Within could learn it, and technically Blaze is/was a master of the Hero Within so... yeah.
#8 May 24, 2008 11:03 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:hmm i see...ok...your char is excellent ok?:)
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#9 May 25, 2008 5:47 AM
- Hero58
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Yes blaze is a master of it but there is more training to it, it has many hidden abilitys one would need to become a more powerfull master in it to unlock its new hidden powers...the supreme Hero within is indeed a confusing technique XD
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#10 May 25, 2008 12:21 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:hummm...a confusing technique...aww i don't get it xD
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#12 May 25, 2008 7:33 PM
- Hero58
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Oh he is strong enough just that thiers secret powers in the supreme hero within XD for example breaking a boulder with just 1 talon however he knows all of them but so do the exiled purple and gold guardians but before they even tyr to retake the academy back they need more soldiers
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#13 May 25, 2008 7:49 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:so...we are safe in the academy at the moment...right?
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#14 May 25, 2008 8:04 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Ahh... well, Matt's (their 10/11 year old son born in AoD) is deceptively strong, hehe. There's also the fact that Wedger even told Shuang that she and her siblings (everyone except Matt so far) could learn how to use the Hero Within, so they'd be Hero Within Knights. Anyway, here's list of characters:
Blaze: Leader of the Peace Keepers Realm, master of the Hero Within, and strategic expert, has learned his father's ultimate technique, Comet of the Dragons, headmaster of the currently, overrun academy, along with Frost, and is a teacher of Masters of Fire class, and Hero Within to willing students.
Frost: Blaze's wife, also a master of the Hero Within, headmistress of the academy, teacher of Masters of Ice class and Hero Within to willing students as well.
Crystal: Blaze and Frost's oldest daughter, ice element dragon.
Enfer: Blaze and Frost's oldest son, fire element dragon, currently engaged to Krystal.
Aftershock: Blaze and Frost's second-oldest son, earth element dragon.
Eclair: Blaze and Frost's second-oldest daughter, electric element dragon.
Huo Yan: Blaze and Frost's third son, fire element dragon, currently engaged to Sun Lian.
Shuang: Blaze and Frost's youngest daughter, ice element dragon, currently engaged to Sky.
Matt: Blaze and Frost's youngest son, black and gold dragon.
Krystal: Ice element dragon, Enfer's fiancee.
Sun Lian: Electric element dragon, Huo Yan's fiancee.
Shiro: Prince of an alternate dimension, Burakku's brother, fire element dragon.
Burakku: Prince of an alternate dimension, Shiro's brother, electric element dragon.
Raikou: Old friend of Blaze, Frost, Spyro, Cynder, Vulcan, Inferno, Almu, Shadow, Wedger, Vyper and Sky, rare, gold colored electric element dragon, teacher of Master of Electricity class.
Rajaion: The former DM, redeemed by Frost 11 years ago, currently engaged with his long-time love, Ayumai (trying to bring Ayumi the Wolf back in), his love for her being the reason he was exiled in the first place, as the old elders didn't approve of love, preferring arranged marriage.
#15 May 25, 2008 9:25 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:what a bunch of chars sure you can coordinate all of them?? the way i wanna put another char...
Kuna:electric dragoness, the color of her scales is yellow, blue in her belly, her horns are straight and a bit small, she has a tatoo like a lighting on her back...and her tail end looks like a feather, her powers are a mystery for her too...
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#16 May 25, 2008 10:30 PM
- Lancer232
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#18 May 26, 2008 12:01 AM
- shade105
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: hey, i guess ill take the role of Spyro, once more..... if its ok...
#19 May 26, 2008 12:58 AM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:of course shade the place of Spyro is yours hehehe
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#20 May 26, 2008 3:20 AM
- Hero58
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Alright seems we got quiet a few people on the RP now -happy face- by the way this RPG will start officialy tomorrow -happy face again-
((got that from a youtube video know as arbiter and master chief XD))
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#21 May 26, 2008 11:00 AM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC:ohohoh i'm too nervous
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)
#22 May 26, 2008 6:43 PM
- Hero58
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
OOC: Ok now that im online let us start
*somewhere at a unkown area where Blaze and the others are at*
Vyper: Y'know what Fal? im sorry if im being overprotective to you for the past few years but didnt you see thosse guys back then when they took the academy? they wouldve killed you pretty easily...i fear your Herioc days are over Fal...
Sky: *wakes up during the night and sighs and walks out of his room being carefull not to wake shuang up until he reaches the balcony but he didnt realize he woke shuang up*
Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery
#23 May 26, 2008 7:02 PM
- Blaze the Dragon
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#24 May 26, 2008 7:16 PM
- Orthas
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Re: Spyro RPG ((Prequel to Academy of Dragons))
Falisha:these days aren't over!...i'm too young to say that i surrender!...
If your life become too hard for you remember have friends no matter what happens...we will give you a friendly hand.
Thnx Blaze!:)