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#26 May 25, 2008 11:32 PM
- Ba'ah
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- Registered: May 25, 2008
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Re: What is your favorite level
my favorite level would be... there is so much to choose from but my best one would be zephyr really long and fun too
#27 May 29, 2008 3:20 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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- From: My Fantasy World
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Re: What is your favorite level
Mine would have to be Mystic Marsh, because when I was younger I used to play this game all the time! And that's one of the levels that I could always remember. Plus, It's in Winter Tundra which is my fav. homeland.
Another level that is my 2nd fav. is Skelos Badlands. That's also a level I can remember. (sorry if I spelled it wrong)