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#26 May 31, 2008 5:46 AM
- Fletch_Talon
- Member
- From: Merry Ol' Land of Oz
- Registered: May 28, 2008
- Posts: 785
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Re: Best Moment in Spyro History?
a couple of hidden orbs in gateway to glimmer, autumn towers (or something like that) homeworld
you break through a crack in the castle walls go up a whirlwind, to the roof, collect a bunch of gems, go up another whirlwind and youre on a tower at the tippety top of the castle the highest point in the entire level, and you can look around and realise how amazing the design of the worlds is, and how beaurtiful everything looks
then, you notice out past the castle walls, past a wide expanse of fog and mist, there's an island... should you try gliding to it... why not, you only live once, so you do, and youre a little worried, but you eventually make it, with height to spare, there's your first orb
now your attention turns to the castle walls, its your only way back, so you do, then at the end of the wall is another crack you break it open and theres another orb, i just love the way all of spyros levels were designed, little secrets everywhere
the bones dancing when you collect them for the caveman in the badlands
realising that the eskimos you save from the ice witches are going to collosus to play hockey, its nice to see the links between worlds
and so on so forth