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#26 Mar 31, 2007 8:42 PM
- devonm0
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- From: I have no idea
- Registered: Nov 09, 2006
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Re: Next game suggestions
Hmm...What should the next Spyro game have...
I have a few ideas on my mind, and here they are.
The return of collectibles, such as gems, etc that are counted toward a 100% mark.
A fully explorable overworld.
Sky chases.
Airborne boss battles.
Larger variety of enemies.
Things like health and breath energy being able to be upgraded.
Climates that have an impact on Spyro's performance.
An actual selection of characters (none of the palette swap crap from A Hero's Tail!)
Mini-games (both single and multi-player).
Multi-player adventure compatability (this one's I highly doubt will happen).
Ok, that's all I can think of for now.
There are two kinds of people in the world. We have those who need a life, and then we have those who are dead already.
#27 Apr 07, 2007 6:09 PM
- Spyrofriend
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Re: Next game suggestions
Well in AHT you could play as Hunter for parts of a level, but you couldn't play as a tag-team. I'd like to see that in the sequel. Obviously, Cynder should be a playable character.. as her role will be bigger in the next game..
#28 Apr 07, 2007 6:32 PM
- Brom the Wise
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- From: The deepest bowles of the hot
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Re: Next game suggestions
My opion is......
I think that the Spyro needs a bit more darkness, a bit of inpending doom always adds some spice to the gameplay....I hope for a bit of free-roming like GTA or then next spiderman.......I hope for some collecting but not to the point that you cant go on without it, rather to the point that you dont want to go on without it, like a powerup or something......I hope for parralle plots where you have a varity of missions at a time and then some optional quests......I hope for some more complatably NPC in the sence of hunter comming to help you every now and then or he can just follow you around....I hope for some more RPG style stuff like upgradeable everything from attacks to helth and everything in between....I hope for the storyling to continue as it is, quite compelling....I hope for more sinamatic things like slo-mo, more engaging battles where tactic is more important than brute strenth, more air battles and chases...I hope for a brighter future, or darker (:) ........
#29 Apr 07, 2007 7:28 PM
- DragonspiritPT
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Re: Next game suggestions
Online mode!!!!!!! ONLINE MODE I WISH!!!!!!!!
To explore the "dangerous" outside!
#30 Apr 07, 2007 8:02 PM
- ih8u2
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- From: Don't ask if you don't wanna k
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Re: Next game suggestions
I think Spyro should have some obvious sort of age progression. I know a developer for this game mentioned spyro was "around 8 years old" or some age near that. So in the games to follow, his age and his maturing should be made more obvious as the story goes along. I could never figure out how old spyro was in the first games or whether or not he was on his way to becoming an adult. I think he'll probably start training to be guardian of fire and that he and cynder will fall in love. What I hope happens is that the game returns to its platforming roots a little more than ANB did. I also think it should be less repetitive.
Just know that whatever happens to us...It wasn't my fault.
nastiesT mayO :deR
#31 Apr 07, 2007 8:10 PM
- Brom the Wise
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- From: The deepest bowles of the hot
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Re: Next game suggestions
That would be extreamly neet to see Spyro evolve as you play as him but the nasty thing of what happens when is all grown up? Does he just retier and leave us gammers longing for more or what?
#32 Apr 07, 2007 8:12 PM
- ih8u2
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- From: Don't ask if you don't wanna k
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Re: Next game suggestions
Actually, I've always hoped that we could play as spyro when he's an adult. Maybe the series could mature like Jak and Daxter and Rachet and Clank have.
Just know that whatever happens to us...It wasn't my fault.
nastiesT mayO :deR
#33 Apr 07, 2007 8:30 PM
- Brom the Wise
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- From: The deepest bowles of the hot
- Registered: Feb 25, 2007
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Re: Next game suggestions
Well as long as it has some humor and impending doom [is that an oxymoron?] ill enjoy it