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#1 Jun 09, 2008 2:06 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
this RPG is recommended for people who are familiar with the game Okami.
(anyone who is familiar with this)
(my char. Amaterasu)
(other chars. include other animal species as well)
REMEMBER: this is only for those who are well aware, and fully know this game.
(anyone can possibly join in)
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#2 Jun 09, 2008 5:36 PM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
Okay..Ayumi..I'll go buy the game and then finish it in like 5 hrs.(how fast I finish a game is mindblowing)and then Sign up!XD
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#3 Jun 09, 2008 5:42 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
you dont know? the game is longer than 5 hours...i hope people who are familiar gonna sign up.....(and help with this)
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#4 Jun 09, 2008 5:49 PM
- Antr the Rolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
Uhh..I've been too busy to think about some ga,mes..I'm studing on wolves..dragons..and reading Fell..that book I told you about.
Ayumi...well will miss you my life..Ayumi..the Demon friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva
#5 Jun 09, 2008 5:50 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
(Oh ok.....when you have time...then....anyone else want to join?)
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#6 Jun 19, 2008 8:50 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
Do you HAVE to know the game?
#7 Jun 19, 2008 9:42 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: can research for it.
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#8 Jun 19, 2008 10:41 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
So I can join??? YYEEESSSS!!!!!!
Let me just look it up...
#9 Jun 19, 2008 10:42 PM
- Doppelgangergang
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
Whoa... We got a TON of wolf RPGs already!
#10 Jun 19, 2008 10:46 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
But I never get to be in one, so, THIS IS IT!!!!!!
Alright, I looked it up, and now I understand it. Can I explain my character, now?
(I can join....right?)
#11 Jun 19, 2008 10:53 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: yea, we got a ton....but anyway you can join. yes explain your character.
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#12 Jun 19, 2008 11:01 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
Name: CoCo
Species: Wolf-dog
Gender: Female
Was abandoned as a puppy when her mother was hunted. Spent rest of her life in solitude, but can be adaptable to pack life.
Intrests: Hunting and fighting if nessascary. Great at making friends.
#13 Jun 19, 2008 11:02 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
I'll join! I got the game!
#14 Jul 06, 2008 12:37 PM
- iyee95
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#15 Jul 12, 2008 9:25 PM
- KishinWolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
Name: SwiftKill
Age: 3 human years
Species: demon Wolf
Sex: Female
Personality: Kind of hostile to those she dosen't know but can get along well with pups and others she knows.
Mate: N/A
Name: BloodSpill
Age: 4 human years
Species: DemonWolf
Sex: Male
Personality: Kind and gentle to alot of others espetially females
Mate: N/A
Name: DarkBlood
Age: 3 humanyears
Species: DemonWolf
Sex: male
Personality: Shy and uncertain, his past is a mystery even to himself.
Mate: N/A
Kishin is the traitorus Dark God
Hey! Go to: and find KishinWolf I have two mothers who are pregnant and ready to give birth, so I will be looking for homes for them!
#16 Jul 12, 2008 9:32 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: HOLY *bleep* where and whose are those?! i should base my char. on them then from now, mind if i use them in my sig? (amazing.)
you can join too, we need to get started.
(BTW, those Wolves are beautiful.)
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#17 Jul 12, 2008 9:35 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! YOU DREW THOSE!!!!!!! GREATEST WOLVES EVER!!! Oh yeah, I wanna chnge my char. to Miyuki. ^^
#18 Jul 13, 2008 3:10 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: My characters'll be...
Name: Tsunami Ryuu
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Smart most of the time, thinks to herself, is usually cheerful, likes to be around other wolves.
Powers: Dissapeares from invisibility or speed, sees into the future in her dreams.
Mate: N/A
Species: Wolf/Husky
Appearence: White with black patches, black front left paw and back right leg. Purple eyes
Name: Taya
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, loves to be around her sister, is usually found byherself.
Powers: Can change into anything (Morpher)
Mate: N/A but likes Darkblood
Species: Wolf/Husky
Appearence: Fully black with purple eyes and a white ear.
#20 Jul 14, 2008 6:31 PM
- KishinWolf
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- From: ~I am With my beloved Kishin~
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
(I shall start XD)
DarkBlood and BloodSpill ran through the plains, their dark fur being swayed and thrown about by the wind. Their panting was heard as they tried to make it back before sunset, because the Youkai come out at night and neather of them are able to fight from being so weak and exausted. They were almost to the village when the sun breached the horizon, the youkai appeared and surrounded them.They stood back to back, facing the beasts, but then a white and red blur jumped at one of the beasts and it bit through it's neck, killing it institintly. It turned out to be SwiftKill. She growled and attacked another one bringing it down. She then yelled for them to go, once the males started off SwiftKill followed after killing a few more Youkai. They ran through the entrance of Kamiki village and the males fell on the ground and panted. SwiftKill smiled before urging them to move, before the villagers get mad. Once BloodSpill and DarkBlood had gotten enough energy they made their way up the mountain to the blessed tree where the wood Sprite Sakuya lives. Making their way into the little cavern they began eating what prey BloodSpill and DarkBlood had gotten. After SwiftKill and DarkBlood had got to sleep BloodSpill stepped out of the small cavern and looked up at the night sky. He remembered the etheral wolfess he had seen. Her shining white fur, glowing red markings, and amazing red eyes. He smiled and curled up under the stars, hopping to see the wolfess again.
Kishin is the traitorus Dark God
Hey! Go to: and find KishinWolf I have two mothers who are pregnant and ready to give birth, so I will be looking for homes for them!
#21 Jul 19, 2008 5:21 AM
- KishinWolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
(Bumpady Bumpady Bump bump bump!)
Kishin is the traitorus Dark God
Hey! Go to: and find KishinWolf I have two mothers who are pregnant and ready to give birth, so I will be looking for homes for them!
#23 Jul 19, 2008 6:59 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: After this one post, im closing the RPG.
~Amaterasu, walked upto the beast, and sat next to him, licking his ear~
Amaterasu: Im here....just for you...Dark Blood.
OOC: After KishinWolf's reply, this RPG will be considered dead. i no longer have the Okami game, and would like for this RPG to sorry to even of started it...
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#24 Jul 19, 2008 2:42 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: It's a good subject, just change the name to a diff. sub.
#25 Jul 19, 2008 4:47 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: ~Okami: ~the RPG~ (A Wolf's Tale)
OOC: grrr... you dont realize how much im going through, i dont want to continue with this unless you can convince me to, still waiting for 1 more reply from KishinWolf, then PM ME S_F55 Give me a reason to, and give me suggestions on what to even call this *bleep* RPG.
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.