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#1 Jul 03, 2008 4:01 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

This is an RPG about a place in the sky called the sky towers the dragons and tigers up there are at war because they just plain hate each other two of them who hate the fighting a tiger and a dragon hwo are best friends decide to ban together to stop it but first must gather as much help as possible ok here's my two guys. Oh and if any one is interested it will be right here.
Name: Tay
Gender: Male
Species: Tiger
Appearance: Is a orange and white tiger has green eyes and blue stripes used to wear a gold helmet but threw it away.
Description: Is very kind and caring young and very protective of his friend is always the voice of reasson and loves to play.
Other: He was forced in the past by his ruthless uncle to hunt wolfves but he has seen the error of his ways and stopped.
Name: Jakel The Snake
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Appearance: Green has brown eyes and a gold tale with red curved horns is pretty tall and his right wink is white and his left black.
Description: Does not like workin in groups likes to pick fights but is always kind to Tay carries a gold sword and is not very friendly.
Other: Loves to kill just for the fun of it.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#2 Jul 03, 2008 4:05 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Oh man I ment to say wing darn gramer rmistake snarls loudly.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#3 Jul 03, 2008 4:34 PM

From: I don't know!
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 619
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OCC:Can I join? smile



#4 Jul 03, 2008 4:39 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OOC of course you can anyone is welcome just put down your character and everything else.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#5 Jul 03, 2008 4:57 PM

From: I don't know!
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 619
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

apperence:blue-green wings,gray body
other:was fighting in the war,but left to look for a way to end it.



#6 Jul 03, 2008 5:07 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Ok I will start it up now hopefully more people will come. A Tiger and a drgaon were standing ontop of a tall tower they looked about as dragons and tigers started brawling there is to much voilence said the tiger this has to be stopped What are we gonna do Jakel. The dragon looked at the tiger and just smirked think they care we have to stand and fight great heroes like Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot would. Tay just sighed Incase you haven't noticed i don't see anyone like that around here and besides more of are people are getting killed two white wings appeared on Tay's back come on we should get inside i'm sure the elders are looking for us. Whatever said Jakel let's go they flew off into a nearby room but two red eyes were staring at them.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#7 Jul 03, 2008 5:49 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

(I'm not theil type in RPGs...can I be good i so he's mine)

appearnce:soon to b...but black with white stripes.
other:Is gothic

Appearcance:Look on my dA(deviantART link)and look for the second new.
other:Is best friends with Golem and is a dark dragon.

Ayumi...well will miss you dearly..a...changer..in my life..Ayumi..the Demon wolf...best friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


#8 Jul 03, 2008 5:56 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Oh man I was just about to go and take a nap thanks for coming Rolf of course you can be in and everyone who joins is on the good side don't worry.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#9 Jul 03, 2008 6:03 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

(Take a rest..its not like you'll miss something...unless you're me!XD...in lik 15 PRG!)

Ayumi...well will miss you dearly..a...changer..in my life..Ayumi..the Demon wolf...best friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


#10 Jul 03, 2008 6:05 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

I'm gonna go on. Jekel was humming a tune to himself and Tay looked at him and laughed you sing that's new. Shut it cat boy said Jakel or you will be eating without a head from now on. Tay just laughed again remember the last time we play fought? You got injured so don't push it Jakel muttered something under his breath and then saw two dragons being swormed by some of the tigers. Hey who are they? asked Tay. I don't know said Jakel i think one of them is named Golem the other looks evil looking like I care we gotta help them. Let's go then said Tay man I hate when we have to do this but hey Jakel had already drawn his sword and charged at the tigers. There he goes again said Tay his claws outsretched and he beared his fangs and and rushed after Jakel.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#11 Jul 03, 2008 6:06 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Oh and of course you can be in Rolf sorry I spelled Jakel's name wrong again dang nab it.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#12 Jul 03, 2008 6:16 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

(u seem like you'll e gting a GF easilnThe girls will like a guy like you!^^;)

Arcane ang Gloem look at all of the tigers crowd them"cane?You sure u've got enough strength to handle them all?Y-yeah...why do you say that?!Because one huge guy is coming!O_o...great!

Ayumi...well will miss you dearly..a...changer..in my life..Ayumi..the Demon wolf...best friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


#13 Jul 03, 2008 6:20 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OOC Rolf do you mean me blush well yeah but i'm a little shy around girls thanks for that though made my day LOL. Anyway my nap is over and what the heck back on story. Jakel rushed up to them and slashed one of the tigers heads off yo dudes what are you doing out here these tigers are no good if you wanna fight then don't just stand there. Tay came behind him and slapped him sorry about you two he's a little groupy at times anyway we will introduce are selfves later.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#14 Jul 03, 2008 6:22 PM

From: I don't know!
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 619
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OCC:When should I come in?



#15 Jul 03, 2008 6:25 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OOC Right about now is good no worries Jakel and Tay will know your character.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#16 Jul 03, 2008 6:29 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Jakel snarled these two don't talk much like I care Jakel put his sword through the tiger leader's head Ha fresh meat. Tay looked at Golem and Cane guys you better cover your eyes your not gonna enjoy what he does next.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#17 Jul 03, 2008 6:32 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OOC : Icy I will be back soon I gotta go take care of something might be a while you and Rolf go on while i'm gone I will be back soon I promise.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#18 Jul 03, 2008 6:33 PM

From: I don't know!
Registered: Jun 09, 2008
Posts: 619
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

OCC:Good.Thats easier on me.
Iceclaw:Well I see you guys are doing fine.*fearlessly watches the grusome scean*



#19 Jul 03, 2008 6:39 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Arcane & golem sees them"Hy who are you?!"says olem"Thanks fo te help...but I don't need any!"Sas Arcane,then he black flams tem(eternal flame is black).."Golem...mor are coming!

Ayumi...well will miss you dearly..a...changer..in my life..Ayumi..the Demon wolf...best friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


#20 Jul 03, 2008 6:49 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Jakel gets up and sees Tay out on the ground he quickly wipes out the last Wolf and his eyes turn red. So punk you wanna fight bring it on his sword glows pure red and he stabs his sword into Goems chest Tay gets up oh no he said Jakel it's coming beserk mode can't control it noooo. Tay glows and becomes more muscular I'm gonna kill you for that he charges Arcane and slams him onto the ground hard this are home you beeping beeper if you don't want help then leave Jakel looks at his buddy calm down Tay smiles and looks at Iceclaw but could not remember him your next blue dragon. OOC: Oh sorry about that it's just something that happens when Tay gets out of control.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#21 Jul 03, 2008 6:57 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Tay bgan to calm down i'm sorry Jakel i could not control it. It's fine said Jakel we have to get the rest of those wolf's. Look if you two wana fight we can do it later but right now me and my buddy have got some work to do hey Iceclaw don't worry about us get somewhere safe and here said Jakel he heals Arcane and Golem's wounds then grabs them both by the neck. Listen you two don't cross the line because I have killed things bigger then you two so if you wanna end up on that list i suggest you listen. Jakel then lets go and they fall on the ground hard. Come on Tay it's butt kicking time and if those two try anything again i swear I will kill them and eat them for dinner. Leave some for me said Tay he clawed at the lead tiger and pulled his head of blood dripped everywhere. Jakel stabbed one right through the heart and smiled don't miss with the Jakel. the tiger fell over dead Hahahaha I love my job. Tay slapped his forehead why do I even bother sometimes?

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#22 Jul 03, 2008 6:57 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

(Its okay dude...really just chill..kay?)

Arcane hits it and shake a bit"This seems bad...GOlem!I need the orb!"Golem hears it"Yeah...how bout together?"Says GOlem"Yeah even better!"They jump into the air and GOlem puts the orb in Arcane then holds on and is formed wth him also with his ultima powe"Seems like it's time to take a nap dude!

Ayumi...well will miss you dearly..a...changer..in my life..Ayumi..the Demon wolf...best friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


#23 Jul 03, 2008 7:00 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Jakel looks at them Why don't you shut up and show us your ultimate power then.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#24 Jul 03, 2008 7:07 PM

John Man 1234
From: Toronto
Registered: Jul 02, 2008
Posts: 7,396
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Tay pulls out a book hey wait an orb wait a second looking through the book Jakel leave them alone that's Arcane he is supossed to be some legendary dragon it says here. What said Jakel he severs another wolf's head Arcane I've herd the name never thought the dude was real. Tay pats his paw on him let them end this then tell them sorry. Why sould I said Jakel turning away they started it. Jakel said Tay we need as much help as possible even Spyro and Crash did sometimes. Ok whatever I will be nice for now but go and look after Iceclaw. Hey said Tay I want some to. Jakel smirked just do it you can have your fun later. Whatever said Tay and he walked of hey Iceclaw don't be scared he put his paw out i;m Tay nice to meet you. Jakel walked away from the fight deciding that Arcane and Golem were fine he sheathed his sword and put his paw out to and i'm Jakel don't be scared I won't eat you Tay smacked him just shut up.

RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.


#25 Jul 03, 2008 7:18 PM

Antr the Rolf
From: Seraching for the truth to lif
Registered: Dec 21, 2007
Posts: 8,209
Gems: 0

Re: Tigers and Dragons War at Sky Tower

Arane  Golem sighs"Fne..."They charge up a black and red orb and blow it at him*This one will only thry to destroy his evil part!

Ayumi...well will miss you dearly..a...changer..in my life..Ayumi..the Demon wolf...best friend,and bro to me.One of the Great 7.
DeviantArtAntr X Shiva


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