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#101 Jul 15, 2008 4:19 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"For once Aurgal, use soem caution." Aura muttered to herself as she tore through two dreadwings. Still, she couldn't fight the nagging feeling that Aurgal was in danger. But, this is Aurgal, and he would survive. Or so she hoped.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#102 Jul 15, 2008 4:26 AM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
After Gravex sent two huge boulders flying towards some apes and wolves, he proceeded towards te burning building.
"I'm telling you, there's nothing in that burning, soon it will be destroyed fue to all those flames..." Aquares groaned before kicking and clawing a faun.
"Who knows..." Gravex said, while he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.
#103 Jul 15, 2008 4:28 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Aura ran past Aquares and Gravex, not even glancing at them as she cut down everything that stood in her way. She had to get around, or else there was a chance that Aurgal may die.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#104 Jul 15, 2008 4:30 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Tsunami saw the building on fire and appeared above it. She lifted her arms to the sky and a giant Hurricane from the lake hit the building, extinguishing it.
#105 Jul 15, 2008 4:32 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
(I was kinda hoping that buiulding would continue to burn...)
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#106 Jul 15, 2008 4:34 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
OOC: Ok! Sorry
Tsunami watched as the building began to burn again. Kuami! "Why?"
"It needs to burn." Was all he said.
#107 Jul 15, 2008 4:40 AM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"Hey, wasn't that just Aura?" Aquares whispered.
"Yea, and it looks like something's wrong. See, I knew something fishy was with that building..." Gravex said as he continued to walk.
#108 Jul 15, 2008 4:43 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"Oh for..." Aura said, seeing a few dead bodies...but not her brother. He seemed to have vanished.
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#109 Jul 15, 2008 4:50 AM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"What's going on?" Gravex wondered,but was distracted by a few fuans that tackled him. Aquares sighed and threw a water sphere towards one of them.
"Didn't we just kill these?"
#110 Jul 15, 2008 4:54 AM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Aura noticed something coming from a hall, and went to invesigate, and her eyes widened at the scene. Bodies of civilians lay scattared there, killed from what seemed to be burn marks, claw marks, and bites. "What...the...hell...?" Aura asked herself shakily as she ran down the hall.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#111 Jul 15, 2008 4:55 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
A few dragons tackled Tsunami out of the air.
"Get off me!" Tsunami struggled.
Kuami was too busy dealing with some dragons too.
#112 Jul 15, 2008 5:16 AM
- Doppelgangergang
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
I was asleep until sounds of fighting awoke me.
"Ghmh.. AH!!!"
I saw the other dragons dead, some still are fighting or running.
#113 Jul 15, 2008 7:48 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"Apparently we did....but there seems to be more comming from somewhere...." Gravex groaned as he kicked a fuan off of him.
"Well....we'll just have to find that out later," Aquares stated after slamming her tail against a wolf's face.
#114 Jul 15, 2008 7:54 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Aura dashed into the center of down and looked around. When she looked at the statue...she realized that it was not there. Instead, it was replaced by an altar that had dark energy coming off of it. "What the...?" Aura asked as she approached it.
"I wouldn't do that...."
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#115 Jul 15, 2008 8:08 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Gravex and Aquares didn't have too much trouble, but Aquares was slashed a few times on her leg while Gravex was only tackled severly and bit.
" think you can take the rest yourself?"
"Sure....why do you need to go back?"
"Yes unfortunatley...." Aquares smiled grimly as she trudged back to the lake.
#116 Jul 15, 2008 8:10 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"No..." Aura whispered she looked at who spoke. The dragon had black scales, red eyes, and a scarlet gem on his forehead. However, dispite how the dragon looked like, she knew exactly who it was.
Before her stood Aurgal, a twisted and maliceful smirk on his face.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#117 Jul 15, 2008 8:14 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Where are all of these things comming from? Gravex though, irritated as he slashed an ape that was going to pounce on him.
#118 Jul 15, 2008 8:17 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"Surprised?" Aurgal asked as he circled around his sister.
"Not exactly. I know you have done something similar...but the question remains: Why?" Aura hissed, circling in the opposite direction.
"Why? Good question..." Aurgal responded as he shot a fireball at a passing civilain, killing it. "Becuase it's fun..."
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#119 Jul 15, 2008 8:24 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"If I see one other fuan, ape, dreadwing, or anything else, I am going to be ticked...." Gravex muttered as he shot another boulder at a random faun who also crashed into three dragons.
#120 Jul 15, 2008 8:27 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
"What has become of you...?" Aura asked.
"Nothing. This is my true nature. Now..." Aurgal hissed, getting into an attack stance, "Let's finish something we started long ago..."
"Still holding onto that, eh?" Aura asked, getting into an almost identical attack stance. "Very well..."
They both charged each other.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#121 Jul 15, 2008 8:33 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Once Gravex had finished off three more apes, Gravex noticed Aquares getting out of the water once more.
"What is it?"
"There's something over there that irks me....I can't stay out for long, and you know that. So, you're gonna have to go by yourself..." Aquares smiled wryly.
"What irks you?"
"I don't know....but something needs to be destroyed...."
#122 Jul 15, 2008 8:41 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
A few minutes passed, and Aura was flung into a wall, where she hit the ground afterwards. She had multiple scratches and gashes on her, and she was just a mess. She weakly lifted her head to see her brother approaching, having some gashes, but not nearly as many Aura had. "You...would honestly" she asked weakly.
Aurgal looked like he was concidering for a moment. "Yes." He said as he opened his mouth and began to charge a fireball.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#123 Jul 15, 2008 8:54 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
As Gravex advanced more, he wondered what Aquares was worrying about. It stumped him but he decided to just continue to move on. He walked a bit further more where he saw an alter, but also a red injured dragon and an ebony one.
Isn't that Aura? Gravex wondered...he was just about to fly over there when the alter irked him.
Something tells me I should visit here first...
#124 Jul 15, 2008 9:22 PM
- Rurikredwolf
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Aura just sighed and waited for her brother to kill her. She couldn't move now. However...she looked up at the gem on Aurgal's forehead, and she shot a small fireball at it,, shattering it and causing Aurgal to hold the spot where the gem was as his scales turned back to normal.
Harsh, blunt, and even evil on many occasions. What's not to like about me?
#125 Jul 15, 2008 9:27 PM
- MM_12
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Re: Crumbling into Chaos
Gravex looked around as he entered the alter, unaware that he was being led into a trap.