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#51 Jul 13, 2008 8:37 AM

From: Who wants to know?
Registered: Mar 14, 2008
Posts: 969
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

Sammy The Dragon wrote:

okay that MAKES ME FEEL ALOT BETTER . ManiacOnWeels knows why.

Huh? No I don't.
Do you mean the kid thing? Oh fine then, if it makes everyone feel better, young dragon. Or dragon child. (Kid was easier to say big_smile).

Everyone is entitled to their opinions...I just don't want to hear them. (kidding).


#52 Jul 13, 2008 9:01 AM

From: With the Three awesomest Drago
Registered: Apr 23, 2008
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

i think that he is older than that, he will be older than that on the Spyro Movie though and DOTD XD



#53 Jul 13, 2008 11:23 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

Dragonstar wrote:

He does look twelve but in AHT he sounds about 8.

TLOS Spyro is 12, not Original Spyro. We cant know for sure how old he was in any game. Do not listen to the people who say "he was 12 in YOTD" because they dont know anything.

Yes. in the original Spyro games. He is supposed to be 12. But in ANB he looks like a baby on the cover of the game. But his voice sounds older than he looks.

Show your sources... because theres nothing that says that spyro was 12 in YOTD, he could've been any age

He is 12. XD the baby dragons are brought to the dragons in the year of the dragon. Sp practically all dragons have birthday once a year. But I've also heard that a year for a dragon is twelve. So Spyro would count him self as one year old.
But in our counting Spyro is twelve

That means that every year must be year of the dragon, fail.
how could you say that he was 1 year old when 12 different years have passed when theres supposed to be 12 different years (like in the chinese culture).
And no, theres nothing saying that Spyro was 12 in YOTD.

Spyro is to young to be 24

Dragons age much much slower than humans

He turns 12 in Year of the dragon, that means he's 11 in the first two. (all dragons are born on the year of the dragon). So the other dragons in the Spyro games has to be an age on a multiplied 12 or 11 scale.
For example, in Spyro 1. The draagons you save are either 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95 and so on.

Should i repeat my points?
1.Even if Spyro was born in the year of the Dragon, he could be 12, 24, 36, 48 etc. You cant realy tell seeing how slowly dragons are supposed to age. Also, Spyro's breed in TLOS seems different to his breed in the originals, possibly his TLOS breed turns adult more quickly (goes through puberty about the same age as humans) which Original breed stays immature for a long time. In some breeds of dragons, they can stay babys for 1000 years.
2.some dragons may be born outside the year of the dragon, there is nothing that proves this, but dont you expect some accidental egg cracks/ Out of place cracks
3.Spyro's egg was meant to be Cracked unexpectantly (according to the Japanese Spyro 1 manual), this may be the time outside the year of the dragon.

The planet or world that the Dragons inhabit is different from ours , because there are two moons, and the Earth only has one.

Absolutely correct. Saying that, the year that Dragons use might be a much shorter/longer time than Our year of 31557600 seconds.


#54 Jul 14, 2008 5:32 AM

From: Edmonton AB, Canada
Registered: Dec 19, 2007
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

Dragons are fictitious as we know it. I don't see why you're making statements such as "dragons age much more slowly" as if they were facts, because they aren't facts. As such, you can't make any kind of valid reasoning with those statements - speculation at best.


#55 Jul 14, 2008 5:35 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

Your very right Bmah, I, myself dont really know much about Dragons, seeing knowone really does (they're creatures of myth),. But we can judge by stories that Dragons live for 1000s of years and that there are many different kinds. Reguardless, my point was only that he could be 24 but look much younger. theres nothing that says that he IS 12 (or around that age).


#56 Jul 14, 2008 7:40 AM

From: in my cave
Registered: Jun 02, 2008
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

i dont know about spyros age but i do know where to find hunters age.
it is said in the ps1 game spyro 2 gate way to glimmer/riptos rage.
i would tell it to you but i can remember the numbers.
i do know it is in the 1970's.

Please save my dragon eggs
click on them. thanks

Even if we try not to fall, one day or another we slip even the tinyest fraction, if we didnt, we would never know how to pick ourselves up to keep moving out of all the darkness and trouble that follows us where we go.


#57 Jul 14, 2008 8:19 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

it was 22475
Which could be:
22nd of April (Or the 4th month of the spyro universe) *75
24th Febuary (or the 2nd month of Spyro's Universe) *75

But we dont really know if it really 1975. Besides, Dragon years would be different to ours, remember that The dragon realms are set way out of our planet and maybe even a different time.
like Spyro, theres no way to tell Hunter's Birthday


#58 Jul 16, 2008 5:11 PM

From: Athens,Greece
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

If Spyro was born in the year of the dragon he should be 8 not twelve!



#59 Jul 17, 2008 12:47 AM

From: in my cave
Registered: Jun 02, 2008
Posts: 244
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Re: For anyone who doesn't know Spyros true age....

the year of the dragon could be different to ours.
Remember there is a time difference.
well we believe there is.

Even if we try not to fall, one day or another we slip even the tinyest fraction, if we didnt, we would never know how to pick ourselves up to keep moving out of all the darkness and trouble that follows us where we go.


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