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#476 Jul 26, 2008 4:32 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
hey shylo who did you say cyrus helped?
#477 Jul 26, 2008 4:32 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*After a while of glaring and growling, they came into a large room that looked more like an arena. They were unchained, and after a while, a huge white tiger enterd the room. He had icy-blue eyes with an evil so intense that it made Seth start shivering, though he felt no fear. The tiger walked until he stood over Seth.* "Well, well, well, if it isn't Sethstone. Welcome back to the future."
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#478 Jul 26, 2008 4:33 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Gale stood up straight and tall, unafraid. The fear was overpowered with Anger.
#479 Jul 26, 2008 4:35 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
shylo who's castle did tou say this is!!!
#480 Jul 26, 2008 4:37 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*Shylo looked at Blaze and answered,* "Surrokumon helped Cyrus, you idiot. Cyrus hardly does any work himself. Hey, did Cyrus tell Seth 'welcome backto the future?"
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#481 Jul 26, 2008 4:38 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Gale was ignoring them and glaring at Seth and the Tiger. "Why do you bring us here!?" Gale finally said.
#482 Jul 26, 2008 4:38 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
no you said a diferant name you said suroki didn't you!
#483 Jul 26, 2008 4:43 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*Seth looked back at her and whispered,* "I thought I told you to let me hadle this!" *Seth looked up at Cyrus, who smiled and said,* "Your friends are ready to fight, aren't they? Oh, well, I'm still going to take you out first. And I brought you here so I could kill you, and your friends get to watch." *He let out a wicked laugh as everyone but Seth was chained up. Shylo looked at Blaze again and said,* "No, I know Surrokumon too, but not everyone does."
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#484 Jul 26, 2008 4:45 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Gale growled and flicked her tail. Something was about to happen.
OOC: Hey guys I g2g... bye byez
#485 Jul 26, 2008 4:49 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
so this is suroki's castle *blaze froze and the his face went from confidence to true terore and his eye's shown with the terors of his past and he began to shiver and gasp for breath*
#486 Jul 26, 2008 4:50 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*Seth raised his fur and lashed his tail. He knew Cyrus had grown stronger, and he knew that he had to find a way to escape, for he sensed that if they didn't get out soon, they would all be dead, and so would the world of Kropiecta. He just hoped that he wouldn't have to tell everyone the wole truth...*
OOC:I've got to go too. Sorry. Talk to you tommorrow. Bye.
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#487 Jul 26, 2008 4:53 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
OOC: ya me to see you later
#488 Jul 26, 2008 7:45 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Gale's fur began to rise and she was flicking her tail more and more. Electricity started coming from her body.
#489 Jul 26, 2008 2:15 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*blaze shook even more then wispered* no no nononon NOOOOOOOOO! *blaze atempted to fly away buy once he got hi enuff he hit an imvisible wall then crashed into the ground* no
#490 Jul 26, 2008 2:18 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
OOC: Woah. Guys whats happeng I wasnt here.
#491 Jul 26, 2008 2:24 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
OOC: well after you fell asleep we were atacked and defeated blaze know has a scare on his leg we were locked in cells met a new character named shylo we were then chaned together and brought to a guy named genral cyrus who seth nows from the future and blaze is having a panic atack becous of being in the castle of genral suroki the evil spirit dragon
#492 Jul 26, 2008 2:32 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
OOC: So, were in cages? Gotcha. ^^
Hawkflower clawed at the metal bars, growling. "Let me out of here!!!!!"
#493 Jul 26, 2008 2:38 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
OOC: actuly were out in a stadiam and now were unchaned and seth is geting ready to fight cyrus who is a wieght tiger sorry if i forgot to mention that
no this cant be *blaze layed there alomost frozen from fear*
#494 Jul 26, 2008 2:45 PM
- Cyndersparx
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Hawkflower gazed out into space." Hes about to fight a Tiger, and we cant help?!??!" She growled.
#495 Jul 26, 2008 3:08 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Gale looked at Hawkflower, but Electricity Sparks were still pouring from her body.
#496 Jul 26, 2008 6:52 PM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*Seth crouched down into attack mode, ready to spring onto Cyrus.* "So, you were expecting me, why?" *Cyrus chuckled as he circled Seth.* "Why, I thought that when you came back to the future, I could just dispose of you right now, since you've been weakened." *At that moment Cyrus lunged at him, only to find that Seth had jumped on his back and was biting the top of his neck. Cyrus let out a yowl of pain and soon they were a screeching mess of fur and fangs.*
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#497 Jul 26, 2008 7:13 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*blaze got up and shook his head* you haft to snap out of it *somthing seemed to be controling blazes thouts making him remember his horible past*
#498 Jul 26, 2008 7:15 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Suddenly, there was a sound that sounded like glass breaking.
#499 Jul 26, 2008 7:24 PM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
*Cyrus was on top of Seth, ready to kill him, until he heard the glass breaking. He relaxed his grip, and then Seth shot upward, sendig Cyrus into a wall and knocking him out. Seth went to the others and released them all, and when he went to Gale, his electricity connected with hers.* "We need to get out of here." *He growled and started running faster than before with the others right behind him.* "Wait up!" *Shylo yelled. Seth turned around and pick up Shylo and put him on is back.* "Hold on tight!" "Duh."
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#500 Jul 26, 2008 7:27 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Cats of Kropiecta
Gale gasped for breath. "Woah. All that electricity broke my chains. Heh." She lifted up her broken chains.