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#1 Feb 24, 2008 6:52 PM
- Jay Tanoshi
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What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Well, the LoS series are about to come to a end, but Spyro's gaming career is far from over. The LoS in my opinion, was pretty good, but was missing or had the few wrong things. If they keep the similar gaming formula as the LoS series, here's what I think would help (Note: These may be a bit out of order...). Also to note, this may make it have more of a RPG feel, but bare with me.
1.) Gameplay Hours
LoS was too short. 4-6 is only required to beaten the game if you keep going without trying to slowing down too much. The later games should be at least 12 to 20 hours (to beat the game alone) to make it better. It would really help.
2.) Free Roaming
Sometimes sticking to one straight path isn't always the best, depending on the game's style. Spyro is more of a free roamer and deserves it. I mean, he should be able to do quite a few things without having limitations of space sometimes (I mean when it's very small). Also, secret rooms and paths would help a lot too. Just need some extras.
3.) More Levels
I mean like more environmental levels. Forests, ruins, deserts, tundras, dark areas, and so on. At least 10-15 levels of good fun. Also, in my opinion, they're should be a couple of villages with quite a few NPCs and what not. I would say, if portals aren't being used, put some paths around the towns that leads to certain levels at times. Not all, just some, depending on where. Some areas can be accessible by doing a certain action. This will connect to a few others...
4.) Actions
It seems that flying anywhere will happen in the third LoS. While that sounds good, I think it would be best to go back to gliding and hovering in most levels, but being able to fly in certain levels would help out. Also, hovering from Year of the Dragon and Enter the Dragonfly should come back too. Another thing is swimming. Spyro should know how to swim. I mean, like in AH'sT, correct? A lot of other actions like grabbing and pushing would help too.
5.) Replay Value
Okay, playing the same beaten file in the LoS series only leads to playing the whole game again with your breaths still there, and that's no fun. This is why I made the idea up there about the levels. I want to go back to certain places and have fun and what not, right? I'm sure you do too. Also, unlockables would be great too. I'll get to that too.
6.) Missions
Alright, say you're in a village, but the people need some help with a few things, like delievering a package to someone, finding something, and stuff like that. That would be great when your bored and want to get some reward and possibly more...well...
7.) Items and Equips
C' would like this. I mean items to help Spyro out, potions and stuff. Even items that would give you a temporary (or permanent) boost in something would be nice. Equips, I mean like...wearing this would let Spyro take less damage from whoever, increase, and...yeah, you get the point. Problem here is the currency, which should be gems. Well...this is where I'm stumped.
8.) Leveling up
It's a bit of a RPG Platformer, right? So, how about gaining Exp like the others? Y'know, defeating enemies. I liked the way you leveled up your breaths in LoS, but it could've been better. It would be better if you gained points to level up your breath attacks when needed. Also, I would like to see if you're capable of leveling up your stats, like Attack, Defense, Breaths, and so on. It would be a good idea in my opinion. What do you think? Oh, and the gems...they should go back to being used for currency.
9.) Different Enemies
Hey, wasn't that the same baboon have got to be kidding! Really now, fighting the same enemies over and over and over again gets so tiresome, especially when there's the same ones in DIFFERENT PLACES. Really, we need variety and a challenge sometimes...also, make some to fit the envirnoment.
10.) Villians
This will be short, cause I have no clue here. Unless they want to remake some old bad guys like Gnasty Gnorc, sure. Go ahead.
11.) Characters
A lot of characters would be nice, even if they're NPCs. Different species, different looks, and what not, right? Even some remakes would be nice.
12.) Unlockables
The Concept Art in The Eternal Night was good, but we needed more...right? How about sountracks? Cutscenes? How the LoS came to be and why they remade it? Stuff like that. Oh, and how about Alternative costumes and re-colors. Like, Spyro could have knight armor on or have the same colors as Ignitus, Volteer, Terrador, Cyril...y'know? If they want, keep Dark Spyro, that would be great too. What do you think? Oh, and to get the unlockables, well...I guess
13.) More Moves
This should be Kingdom Hearts. You're able to gain special moves. But sometimes you'll gain too many moves to use. So what do you do? Customize! You can give Spyro certain attacks or defense moves when needed. Just a limited amount of how many moves you can add. You can make Spyro more focused on defense, ground attacks, air attacks, and so on. It would definitely help Spyro out and fans as well, especially if they want to go old school and use only a small amount.
14.) Co-op / Playable Characters
Got a friend or relative over? Play together! You can play as Spyro and Cynder or Hunter. Or you can try your luck in some places as different characters like Cynder, each one having their own special ability. Help each other out in battle, do what you need too. Get what I'm saying? Alright then.
Alright, well...that's all I got in my mind for now. Any ideas and suggestions would be great. I would like to hear them, also your opinion too. So...what do you think?
#2 Feb 24, 2008 7:22 PM
- Spyrorocks
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Final Fantasy style spyro would be kinda cool.
#3 Feb 24, 2008 7:28 PM
- Jay Tanoshi
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Final Fantasy style Spyro would be kinda cool.
Yeah, but I don't think many Spyro fans are too much into Final Fantasy. They can keep the meter without the numbers and such, and keep it a Real Time RPG. But yeah, it does have a bit of a Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts feel too it...I think.
#4 Feb 29, 2008 12:42 AM
- Spyrojoe19
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Jay Tanoshi:
1. I can't believe I actually read your entire posting.
2. I can't believe how creative that would be and how awesome your ideas are.
3. I agree with you 100%....
Spyro the Dragon and System of a world is complete!!!
#5 Feb 29, 2008 1:34 AM
- Sails_the_Fox
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
yea they SOULD make it so you dont keep finishing the game with all the elements. they should make it so after you defeat the dark master you can go to ANY level you want! and adventure around!
SF94's brother.
#6 Feb 29, 2008 6:52 AM
- ratchet
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
I actually agree with You, Jay (And i hardly ever do), i think one game like this should be created as a test. I know what kind of game you are thinking of, more of a RPG-Dragon epic game... i'd play it.
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#7 Feb 29, 2008 9:00 AM
- Naids
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Final Fantasy style Spyro would be kinda cool.
Yeah I love Final Fantasy even though I've only played no. 12 lol
My Spyro's lair user name: SaphiraTheBright
My deviantart:
#8 Jul 14, 2008 7:43 PM
- myst, the dragon
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
well i just hope it fpllow s the orginial spyro and with the same carictures or their going to face MYST "S RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
june 28 2008 i am quiting the forums becouse of lack oof intrest in site
#9 Jul 22, 2008 8:13 PM
- Trasher258
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Good... but I feel that you may be missing something. Then again. that's just me. Also, I have a suggestion I want to add to the Co-op.
If both of you get in a tight spot, get creative. Sling Spyro around while he spits fire, have someone flak the enemy from above or from a distance, and other moves. Both players will need to work together to pull these off.
I don't care how it looks but how it functions
#10 Jul 27, 2008 9:53 AM
- spyromaster330
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
that would be an awesome game. I wish that it was actually made.
#11 Jul 27, 2008 10:23 AM
- Cynder7
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Nice ideas Jay Tanoshi.
#12 Jul 30, 2008 3:26 PM
- JasonLovesKelsey
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Re: What I think will help Spyro's later games.
Holy crap... This would kick-*bleep* if they made it into a game...
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