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#101 Aug 02, 2008 8:35 PM
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Star´s clan, troppical shoters caught to plans to make, how they would proceed.
Find that Light inside you.^^
#102 Aug 02, 2008 8:39 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Snow had no luck in finding the leader of the area so she decided to go to the next. Hopefully she would have more luck.
#103 Aug 02, 2008 8:42 PM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
As Suzoku walked along the borders, the white dragolf appeared again. "Suzoku," she called. Suzoku growled, "Go away, I want nothing to do with you." "Suzoku, your Clan is in danger. The three volcanos will erupt tommorrow at the same time. You Clan will die of hunger, and the dragolves will die out, one by one..." Suzoku looked at her and said, "How do you know? My kind has lived on this land for many generations, and the volcanos have never blown." The she-dragolf shook her head. "The time has come... Yoour species might be immune to the fire, but they are not immune to hunger." "But, what can I do? I'm just a young leader trying to keep mhy pack alive, I'm not special..."
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#104 Aug 02, 2008 8:42 PM
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Star and their clan had now some plans. now it was because of star to find out, who the threat was.
Find that Light inside you.^^
#105 Aug 02, 2008 8:49 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
"Who's... Ayumi? There have been new leaders. Maybe we should set up a... meeting... to get to know each other." Snow sat down and thought. "Yep. That's what I'm gonna do." She took off for Natani to tell her her thoughts.
"*his right ear twitched* What was that? *he howls* Hello?"
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#106 Aug 02, 2008 8:50 PM
- LordRattler
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Cedric then smirked and then spat a rock into the main volcano he climbed and then shaking began to shake the whole area and the other connectiong volcanos as they began to spurt out some rocks." is midnight....the time has come..."He said as he flew off to the Desert.
#107 Aug 02, 2008 8:55 PM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Suzoku felt it before he heard it. The volcanos! They're erupting! Suzoku left the white dragolf standing there as he flew as fast as he could to camp.
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#108 Aug 02, 2008 9:24 PM
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Star stood now on a high mountain. From there out it regarded the other territories.
Find that Light inside you.^^
#109 Aug 03, 2008 1:37 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Suzoku flew faster, using the heat of the day as his speed. The camp was coming into view, but something seemed wrong...
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#110 Aug 03, 2008 2:05 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Snow flicked her ears and howled back, "Hello?"
#111 Aug 03, 2008 2:15 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
The molten lava was closing in on the camp. All of the other Dragolves were using there fire and ice powers, which then stopped the lava in it's place. One of the dragolves looked at Suzoku with sorrow. "The volcanos exloded, and now there will be no more food for us..." Suzoku nodded. "I know, I had a vision... " "A vision? Who told you?" "A pure white dragolf with angel wings." "Hmm, well, I think we should retreat to another area..." Suzoku shook his head, and placed his paw on the dragolves' shoulder. "No, you guys go, I'm staying here." The dragolf glared at him. "Then, we stay too." Suzoku nodded. He then walked over to the pup and his mother. She looked up, and smiled. "My time is up, but you can look after him, right, Suzoku?" "No, Sakura, don't go. You're my sister, I can't lose you, not now..." "Take care of Kozuka, Suzoku." Sakura then let out one raspy breath, then was gone. A tear ran down Suzokus' face. "Sakura..."
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#112 Aug 03, 2008 2:29 AM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Snow flicked her ears and howled back, "Hello?"
"*he flicked his tail* I heard a response!!! Come!! *he howls back, running towards the call*"
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#113 Aug 03, 2008 2:31 AM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Snow hears the howl and begins running in the direction it came from.
#114 Aug 03, 2008 2:38 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Suzoku looks at the pup, Kozuka, and sighs. He picked up the pup and took it to his den.
OOC:BRB, gonna watch a movie.
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#115 Aug 03, 2008 2:44 AM
- LordRattler
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#116 Aug 03, 2008 4:52 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Suzoku put Kozuka in his favorite sleeping spot. The other Dragolf, named Chiduku, came in the den. "I'm sorry to interupt, but I do rememer seeing an odd character attack Sakura. I would've caught him, but he was too fast..." Suzoku growled, "Then whoever attacked her is going to pay..."
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#117 Aug 03, 2008 6:31 AM
- SpyroFanatic
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
OOC: May I join?
#118 Aug 03, 2008 6:37 AM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
OOC:sure! you can be in one of our Clans, 'cause they're all taken... it depends on what Lanara says...
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#119 Aug 03, 2008 7:49 AM
- Lanara
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
OOC: 'Course you can! X3 Pick a clan any clan! Spin the wheel and try your luck! :3
Kani, one of Natanis Messengers flew over Ayumi. "Sir! May i have a word with you? Its very urgent news involving your territory!"
~Spyroforums infamous steampunk~
#120 Aug 03, 2008 10:48 AM
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Star was now ready for combat. It looks for now with some people from its clan for the bad
Find that Light inside you.^^
#121 Aug 03, 2008 3:55 PM
- Ayumi_the_Dark_Wolf
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
OOC: 'Course you can! X3 Pick a clan any clan! Spin the wheel and try your luck! :3
Kani, one of Natanis Messengers flew over Ayumi. "Sir! May i have a word with you? Its very urgent news involving your territory!"
"Yes, what is it?"
.:A Lover's Kiss, and Forever together.. :.
#122 Aug 03, 2008 4:23 PM
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Star stood for its high mountain, and looked over the other territories away whether still someone was to be seen
Find that Light inside you.^^
#123 Aug 03, 2008 6:13 PM
- SpyroPendragon
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
OOC:Lanara, I PM'd SpyroFanatic, and she wanted to be in my Clan. That okay? I mean, she is always Ika, a dragolf, so I thought she would like my Clan since it's the only Dragolves Clan...
Suzoku looked at Chiduku. "I must find a safer place for us to live, a place with more food and plenty of room. Chiduku, I want you to take my place as leader until I return, and take care of Kozuka." Chiduku nodded, and the two Dragolves touched noses, and then parted. Hm, I wonder where my little brother, Ika, has been for the past few days. He sure is going on a long first-hunt. I'll wait until he returns. Suzoku sat down, and waited, looking for signs of Ikas' return.
The Darkness is more tempting than you think...
#124 Aug 03, 2008 6:22 PM
- Spyro_fan55
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
Snow had finally reached Ayumi. "I came to tell you..." Then she noticed the messenger.
#125 Aug 03, 2008 6:38 PM
- SpyroFanatic
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Re: Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^)
OOC:Lanara, I PM'd SpyroFanatic, and she wanted to be in my Clan. That okay? I mean, she is always Ika, a dragolf, so I thought she would like my Clan since it's the only Dragolves Clan...
Suzoku looked at Chiduku. "I must find a safer place for us to live, a place with more food and plenty of room. Chiduku, I want you to take my place as leader until I return, and take care of Kozuka." Chiduku nodded, and the two Dragolves touched noses, and then parted. Hm, I wonder where my little brother, Ika, has been for the past few days. He sure is going on a long first-hunt. I'll wait until he returns. Suzoku sat down, and waited, looking for signs of Ikas' return.
OOC: Yupz ^^
Name: Ika
Gender: Male
Age: 9 months
Personality: A great fighter, He will spare any life, he will also be kind to almost all of his enemies but can be rude.
Description: His stomach is furrier. He has large red and black wings.
Bio: He was banished from his homeland from being thought as a threat.
Ika pounces on a rabbit but misses. "Darn. I should be getting ho- Where am I?" He looks around.