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#226 Aug 17, 2008 10:12 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Spyro: Yeah true... *Looks at Cynder and cant help to smile, she was the nicest thing he knew... and now had a want for her, but before his stare became more then that, he picked his plate up, and walked off to the Kitchen, without a word*


#227 Aug 17, 2008 10:13 PM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sephiroth: *turns to the guardians* Does it really seem fair to increase Spyro's training by that much though? Only a couple of hours of rest isn't very good, and he'll be too exhausted to do anything with that time. Not to mention it could cause lack of sleep, which is just as bad, if not worse.

Cloud: He's right.



#228 Aug 17, 2008 10:14 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: Yeah, and besides. He won't have anytime to hang out with Sparx. But enough of this dreary talk. What is your world like?


#229 Aug 17, 2008 10:17 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Ignitus: Spyro is a strong dragon, and can learn to handle his time well.... Im sure of it....
*Spyro washes his dish, and after he is sure his feelings are controlled, he walks back into the room and sits again*
Spyro: Back...


#230 Aug 17, 2008 10:33 PM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sephiroth: Well... our world... how should I put this?

Cloud: It's somewhat been ruined by the Shin-Ra Electric Corporation, the very same company who caused Sephiroth's mutation in the first place. They harvested Mako, the planet's life source, to use it as fuel. Their intentions started out well, trying to bring life to desolate areas, plants, animals, etc.

Sephiroth: But eventually their greed overcame them. They were over-harvesting the Mako, draining one area of life in order to bring life to an area under their control. Then, their ambitions climbed even higher when Jenova, a life-form that fell to the ground and wiped out most of the Cetra, the people able to control the Lifestream, which is formed of Mako, was discovered. Jenova's cells were used to create the perfect warriors, and three monsters came out of their experiments. Genesis Rhapsodos, Angeal Hewley, and myself. We were all best friends, until we found out what truly caused our creation.



#231 Aug 17, 2008 10:39 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Spyro: Oh... that seems bad...
Ignitus: I could imagine, but i can see the good in you Sephiroth....


#232 Aug 18, 2008 1:28 AM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sephiroth: And yet the darkness in my heart still eclipses the light.



#233 Aug 18, 2008 3:14 AM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Tifa: Do you ever listen to what you're saying? Like ever?


#234 Aug 18, 2008 3:42 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

OOC: Heya im back....update?

Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery http://hero58.deviantart.com/


#235 Aug 18, 2008 4:21 AM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sparx: *which was miraculously quiet half the dinner* Yeah... you're acting like worse then doom-and-gloom right now....
*Spyro glares at Sparx*


#236 Aug 18, 2008 5:02 AM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: Would you can it sparx!?


#237 Aug 18, 2008 1:37 PM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sephiroth: There's no denying the truth Tifa. I know that the light can break through, but right now the darkness in me is dominant, strong enough to be used against everyone. If, on the very possible chance I'm captured, and he is revived... it would only be a matter of time before Malefor reverses the progress I've been trying to make. After all, if I'm right as to why you all fear him, few, if any, can resist Malefor's corrupting presence.



#238 Aug 18, 2008 2:06 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Ignitus: Indeed... to be able to resist him you need to have many years of practice against it, or else you just fall to it... wishing his power. We all the guardians can fight it, and thoes with a pure heart to, as well as Spyro, since he is a purple dragon, it sorta makes him immune to it, Malefor is Purple too, and well.... equals repel... and Cynder is doing a marvelous job against it...
Spyro: She sure is... *smiles at her, then kisses her, Ignoring the Fact that Ignitus was there, Ignitus looks at them and raises and eyeridge, then Spyro notices it, and jumps, afraid he just did a grave mistake*
Ignitus: you... and Cynder???


#239 Aug 18, 2008 2:59 PM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

OOC: Quick recap for Hero: Sephiroth, Cloud and Tifa are at the temple, and Cloud let loose that the apes are trying to capture Sephiroth so they can use his darkness to revive Malefor, which is making Sephiroth feel even worse because he's gathered that since everyone (Spyro, Cynder and the guardians) is afraid of him, just being in Malefor's presence could reverse all the progress Sephiroth's made and cause him to become evil again. Spyro's training is being tripled, and Sephiroth, Cloud, Tifa and Cynder don't really think it fair that he gets so little time to rest.



#240 Aug 18, 2008 3:03 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: *blushes*

Tifa: Well like I said. We all just need to train. And do our best.


#241 Aug 18, 2008 3:18 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Spyro: Indeed....
Ignitus: Yes we all do.... *He looks over at Spyro and Cynder again... and sighs* Spyro Cynder.... you know a relationship can cloud your thoughts and you're openess for training, especially when you two are in the age for.... mating....


#242 Aug 18, 2008 3:21 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
Registered: Nov 18, 2007
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: *she bows her head slightly in respect for her teacher* Do not worry Ignitus, I will train harder than I ever have.

Tifa: Awww, come on. They can't hang out or anything?


#243 Aug 18, 2008 3:26 PM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sephiroth: That doesn't exactly seem very fair for them. They never chose this type of life, and yet they're being restricted everywhere possible.



#244 Aug 18, 2008 3:31 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Ignitus: Well, its destany that set them upon this... as for hanging out.... no i dont mind them doing it... as long as it's in the day... I would worry a little at night....
Spyro: But all the free time im getting now is at night!


#245 Aug 18, 2008 3:32 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
Registered: Nov 18, 2007
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: Spyro, It's the price I must pay for the horrible things I've done.

Tifa: *sighs* Somehow, I think you and Sephiroth are going to get along real good.


#246 Aug 18, 2008 3:36 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sparx: I believe you....
Spyro: But but.... what could be so wrong about me being with her at night!
Ignitus: Spyro, the young seek for the night for one specific reason, i believe even Cynder could explain this to you... tell me Cynder why so?


#247 Aug 18, 2008 3:38 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: Oh...errr.....ummmmm. Because it's the first step for the stork to come.


#248 Aug 18, 2008 3:41 PM

Blaze the Dragon
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Sephiroth: *stands up and walks out of the temple, flying to the roof of it, fed up with the way Spyro and Cynder are being separated, and is unaware that he could still be heard from below* Apparently Ignitus feels that Spyro would only be set on one thing. Such a narrow-minded perspective from someone who's supposed to be wise.



#249 Aug 18, 2008 3:42 PM

From: Warfang
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

*Ignitus smiled at Cynder's remark, then looked back at Spyro*
Spyro: but... but... *Looks down* you're right.... as usual....
Ignitus: *feeling a little sorry for him* you two may relax together.... but its under my supervision.....
SParx: But why cant Spyro here and Doom-and-gloom make fat babies together?
*Spyro, once more, gives a deep glare at Sparx*
Sparx: What!?! im defending your rights...


#250 Aug 18, 2008 3:45 PM

From: You don't need to worry bout t
Registered: Nov 18, 2007
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Re: Final Fantasy/Spyro Crossover RP - The Road to Redemption - INVITE ONLY!

Cynder: one: It would distract us from training.....and two: I'd be a horrible mother. I'm....done eating. *she leaves the dinning room, and flies out to her special spot*


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