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#1 Oct 01, 2008 2:50 AM
- Aicebo
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Locked RPGs
I think you should all know why your RPGs are being locked.
If a few of you haven't seen, this forum is titled Spyro Games.
That means Spyro/dragon RPGs only. No other games/anime/animal RPGs.
If you'd like to RPG about other things, please do it in PM or do it on another site. This is not the place to RPG about anything. Thanks.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#3 Oct 01, 2008 3:00 AM
- Aicebo
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Re: Locked RPGs
If there is alot about Spyro or official Spyro characters, then I think it will be fine.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#4 Oct 01, 2008 3:07 AM
- True
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Re: Locked RPGs
Just asking, why can't another RP section be made then?
People have more than one interest and I think we could RP on more than one subject here. Cause idk about you, but I don't want to RP about the same characters about the same story basically over and over again. Also, most people don't want to join several other forums. Just asking.
Why can't there be another RP forum for other things? Or let other RPs allowed, people do have more than one interest.
#5 Oct 01, 2008 3:08 AM
- Aicebo
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Re: Locked RPGs
Just asking, why can't another RP section be made then?
People have more than one interest and I think we could RP on more than one subject here. Cause idk about you, but I don't want to RP about the same characters about the same story basically over and over again. Also, most people don't want to join several other forums. Just asking.Why can't there be another RP forum for other things? Or let other RPs allowed, people do have more than one interest.
This is a Spyro site, not an RP site.
If you really want to RP with something else, go to another site or PM with other people.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#6 Oct 01, 2008 3:15 AM
- True
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Re: Locked RPGs
Idk if your getting me, I know it's a Spyro Forum (kinda hard to miss the purple dragon floating in the scenery). But people don't want to go from forum to forum making accounts. Someone likes FF, so they join a FF Forum. Then they like KH, so they join a KH forum. etcetc. It piles up and only stresses a person out. (If you don't know what they stand for, well, you get the pciture.) I mean, you have a general chat section too, so why can't there be one more, general RPs, for those people who like more than just Spyro. I'm just saying, won't it get a 'little' old talking about the same thing over and over again. Honestly, the only reason I joined this forum is because my friend was on here, she really likes Spyro, but I'm kind of neutral to it. (I don't know much about it.) And we never see eachother, so hey, I thought this could be our means of communicating and RPing etc together. I'm not being hateful or anything, I'm just asking if a single extra forum section could be made for such purpose. It's not going to hurt anyone, but only help the forum grow honestly. (Wow big post o.O)
#7 Oct 01, 2008 3:19 AM
- Spyrorocks
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Re: Locked RPGs
You may RPG inside the SPAM forum if you must, but keep this section for spyro related rpgs only.
#8 Oct 01, 2008 3:19 AM
- Aicebo
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Re: Locked RPGs
If you really want to RPG with other animals, feel free to RPG in the Spam forum.
If you aren't happy with this site, feel free to leave. No one's stopping you.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#9 Oct 01, 2008 3:21 AM
- True
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Re: Locked RPGs
Doesn't it take gems to post in the Spam section? >.>
And, grrr, it's not that I hate it here. I like the people here. RAWR. It's that I don't want to join 5 more forums. lol
#10 Oct 01, 2008 3:23 AM
- Aicebo
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Re: Locked RPGs
Doesn't it take gems to post in the Spam section? >.>
And, grrr, it's not that I hate it here. I like the people here. RAWR. It's that I don't want to join 5 more forums. lol
If you don't want to join several more forums, then don't. No one's forcing you.
Yes, 10 gems every post in the spam forum. That's the way it's going to be.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#11 Oct 01, 2008 3:27 AM
- True
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Re: Locked RPGs
Still not getting what I'm saying but w/e -.- Not my forum, not my rules, so that's that.
Sorry SpyroPenDragon >.<
#12 Oct 01, 2008 3:30 AM
- Aicebo
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Re: Locked RPGs
Still not getting what I'm saying but w/e -.- Not my forum, not my rules, so that's that.Sorry SpyroPenDragon >.<
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't understand what you're saying.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#13 Oct 01, 2008 3:33 AM
- Spyrorocks
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Re: Locked RPGs
but only help the forum grow honestly.
We don't want to grow into something we are not. We are a spyro fan forum. We need to try and stick to why we were created in the first place, to discuss the series and stuff.
I don't want this forum to turn into a general type chat talk about anything forum.
#14 Oct 01, 2008 3:34 AM
- True
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Re: Locked RPGs
Well, idk :[
It just seems like you don't anyway, in my eyes it does I guess.
I just think it's lame to pay to post in order to RP, cause the RPs build up to some pretty large posts sometimes.
Oh well.
It doesn't matter anymore.
#15 Oct 01, 2008 3:40 AM
- shadowsfall
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Re: Locked RPGs
well true. aicebo and spyrorocks is right. this is a spyro forum. now you can rp in a PM true but it will be two person. but remember they said it must be dragon/spyro related as long as it is more spyro than anything else. so...........
( i lost my train of thought)
#16 Oct 01, 2008 3:43 AM
- True
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Re: Locked RPGs
I understand >.>
I'm looking for more forums now but they are all ugly and weird etc
And one extra section won't ruin anything.
But, eesh, stop posting lol, your making me post more. I don't want to carry this on if you guys don't want it. I was just giving an idea at first now see what happened. xD Grrrr, I get it.
#17 Oct 01, 2008 9:13 AM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: Locked RPGs
Would you consent to moving some of the larger RPGs that are something over 30 pages to the Spam section then? Or do we have to make a new topic and try to start where we left off?
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#18 Oct 01, 2008 10:13 AM
- John Man 1234
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Re: Locked RPGs
I understand these are the rules.
RIP Test AKA Andrew Martin.
#19 Oct 01, 2008 12:21 PM
- Stormy
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Re: Locked RPGs
[sub]This section actually wasn't intended originally to be an exclusive RP forum. When the forum first started out, it had other stuff like Spyro popcorn stories and stuff. I guess as we got more members it kind of grew and evolved into an RP-about-whatever-you-want forum.
I think it would be fair to move some of the locked RPGs to the SPAM forum.[/sub]
#20 Oct 01, 2008 12:55 PM
- A Guy
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Re: Locked RPGs
People find loopholes in 3... 2... 1...
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#21 Oct 01, 2008 3:26 PM
- Aicebo
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Re: Locked RPGs
People find loopholes in 3... 2... 1...
Would you consent to moving some of the larger RPGs that are something over 30 pages to the Spam section then? Or do we have to make a new topic and try to start where we left off?
You can go on to where you left off.
Everyone knows I only eat Cynder fangirls.
#22 Oct 01, 2008 4:26 PM
- A Guy
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Re: Locked RPGs
I've already thought of a loophole.
"Have you seen The Passion yet? Here's a spoiler for you - Jesus dies."
#23 Oct 01, 2008 5:23 PM
- Spyrorocks
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Re: Locked RPGs
Yeah, I can move some rpgs. Make a list and post it here.
#24 Oct 01, 2008 6:13 PM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: Locked RPGs
I've got four, one I'm in, three I'm not:
the rising of a wolf(rpg), by shadowsfall
Warriors (Made by Spyro_fan55 and Taco_Godess), by Spyro_fan55
Grave of the Trusted ~ Advanced clans RPG (All may join now! ^^), by Lanara
Sonic: The Destruction of the Chaos Emeralds ~RPG~, also by Spyro_fan55
I picked these because they are long and have quite a few members.
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#25 Oct 01, 2008 7:15 PM
- Ember
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Re: Locked RPGs
Oh and move my Sacred Quest too pleez SR
[shadow=indigo:9e2e35e4d7][glow=violet:9e2e35e4d7]ULQUIHIME - The brightness of her eyes
lit the darkness that is my heart[/glow:9e2e35e4d7][/shadow:9e2e35e4d7]