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#1 Oct 12, 2008 10:24 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 10,718
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Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

OK.... once more decided to start another RPG.... this one is called Spyro: Guardian´s path.... the plot is:

The Guardians have decided that it is time for them to find succesors to thier job... they are old, and in time will die.... so they sent invitations from all over the world... to tell people to send thier young if they wanted to train to become one of the highest spots ever for a dragon, the Guardians knew that Spyro and Cynder only could not do the job on thier own.... so this is why....

spots needed:
Spyro: Shade105
Cynder: Cynder794
Sparx: Hero58
Cyril: Cynder794
Volteer: Spyro_ fan55

when you join... please at least play one of the official charecters then make a fan char if you wish.... but yeah... Ill be Spyro... and i guess to join the flow... i will also make a fan char too...

Name: Ombre
gander: male
charecteristics: he is a dark dragon like Cynder, but has a yellow underbelly and spiky main.... he also has a little spiky yellow beard...thing.... his powers are Super strength (Like beond normal, he can take boulders to him and they smash on impact with him, him unhermed) and Superspeed
bio: He is usually quiet.... has a lonley life, truely a closed book... he had a dark past before, working for a rebelious group in his town with enthesis on helping Malefor.... but when he was caught and arrested was when his parents forced him to go to this... they thought they thought that would make him better......

ok... invites are too....
Blaze the dragon

thats it for now... please join....


#2 Oct 12, 2008 10:32 PM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 25, 2007
Posts: 8,225
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Can i be sparx? also im adding my fan two fan characters Cyra and Wedger

Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery http://hero58.deviantart.com/


#3 Oct 12, 2008 10:33 PM

From: My Fantasy World
Registered: May 16, 2008
Posts: 6,021
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

OOC: Can I be Volteer ^^ 

Oh and I'll be Ivy, as usual.


Go Adam! <3
Future American Idol! (:


#4 Oct 12, 2008 10:44 PM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

OOC: I'll be Cyril, Cynder, and Lori from True Power of Dragons

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#5 Oct 12, 2008 10:46 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 10,718
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Birthday: 23 September

Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

spyro_fan... you where not really invited... but i guess its ok for you to join... but no one else that is not in the list..... as for the others... thans for joining we will start soon...


#6 Oct 12, 2008 10:53 PM

From: My Fantasy World
Registered: May 16, 2008
Posts: 6,021
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

OOC: Sorry. But thanks ^^


Go Adam! <3
Future American Idol! (:


#7 Oct 12, 2008 11:02 PM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

I'll definitely join as Ignitus, and as Blaze and Frost too.



#8 Oct 12, 2008 11:19 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 10,718
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Birthday: 23 September

Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

OK.... i guess we can start.... well let me spark it off.... everyone has to join the way they want... and remember, they are all young dragons that are going to train to be guardians.... oh yeah, and in this RP... SPyro and Cynder are 18.....

*Spyro sat there, in the middle in the main temple hall... taping his tail softly on the hard aged floor... a little habit he had gotten from Volteer, he would have mever known it was contagious... but to him it reacted when he was excited... unalike to Volteer that was the never ending ënergizer bunny¨ and always had that twitch. He was waiting for Ignitus to come out from the counciling room with the rest of the Guardians to go and wait for the newcommers that would come to train.... Spyro´s life had always been in a low key of socialness... the only people he really talked to was to his abnoxtious step-bro and Cynder... the one he had now recently gained feeling for.... He did want to tell her, tell her he loved her with all his heart.... they had lived a long time together now... and it only seemed natural that Spyro would gain that affection.... so he kept on waiting.... not only for the Guardians, but For Cyndr to, to come sit by his side and wait by him as anctious as him for the visitors..... a new chanse for a larger social life.... how exciting!*
*Ombre reached the giant temple walls and he sighed... the place was so big! and mighty looking, to him, only a sign of higher aristocracy.... he hated it... but he could not feel to bad... he in the end... was going to become one of the leaders... made he could make it more fair to all dragons... what he did not know was the limitness of power they had... he would learn that later.... he walked to the front door, closed, thoes huge doors where sealed shut, and with magic too, not even his ability would allow him to slam through that without taking the wall off as well... he decided to be apethetic about comming in and decided just to wait outside, the cool chily wind felt nice anyways, and the small of fruits and flowers in the garden made it a pleasent waiting spot, he decided to lay in a patch of grass near, and to wait... maybe they opened the doors soon, or maybe more dragons came soon too... to do the same he was going to do....*


#9 Oct 12, 2008 11:23 PM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Cyril: *finds Spyro* Feeling troubled?

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#10 Oct 12, 2008 11:29 PM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 10,718
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Birthday: 23 September

Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Spyro: *In a slightly rushing voice* Not really.... just excited that all... you know new people comming here for training and all that.... seen Cyn?

OOC: Oh yeah... another thing.... lets try to all stay together, if we are all not on at the same time, lets not just go in the small group through alot of pages... people get lost and mad... so lets mantain ourselves...


#11 Oct 12, 2008 11:33 PM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Cyril: Not lately. I think she's just in the garden, probably picking dragonfruit. *pauses for a few seconds* Are you alright with your Ice abilities, or do you need a bit of training?


Cynder: *sitting under one of the trees, eating dragonfruit*

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#12 Oct 13, 2008 12:02 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 25, 2007
Posts: 8,225
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

*wedger recieved his invitation quiet a while ago he's red with orange and a fire dragon like Ignitus and is age 17 but is still deciding if he should go to the temple*

*cyra also recieved the invintation she is blue and white and is a ice dragon like cyril she's age 17 and has already left to the temple she know's wedger isnt interested in her and she isnt either*

Wedger: *starts clawing at the grass a bit and looks at the temple which he can see even though he's only a few miles away* hmmm...maybe i should go to the temple....just to see what its like *flys off towards the temple*

Cyra: *lands outside of the temple and smiles* here iam....

Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery http://hero58.deviantart.com/


#13 Oct 13, 2008 12:43 AM

From: My Fantasy World
Registered: May 16, 2008
Posts: 6,021
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Ivy had recieved an invitation, back in Avalar, to train with the Guardians to actually become a guardian. Now, the Temple was in sight and she couldn't wait to see spyro once more! Vinna, her black dragonfly, flew by her side.
"Excited?" Vinna asked, noticing Ivy's excitment.
"Uh, yeah!" Ivy smiled. "Why do ya ask?"
"'Cause I can see you're anxious to see Spyro."
"Nu-uh! I wanna become a guardian, too, ya know!" Ivy smirked. She knew Vinna was telling the truth, btu she didn't want to give that away.
"Suuure." Vinna grinned.


Volteer walks in with Spyro and Cyril. "How're we doin' this fine, lovely, extravegant day, chaps? Isn't just so magnificiant, exorbitant, prodigious outside?" Volteer asked, but then noticed Spyro was troubled. "Something on your mind, young one?"

OOC: Sorry if I'm not that good with Volteer.


Go Adam! <3
Future American Idol! (:


#14 Oct 13, 2008 1:01 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Ignitus: *looks out* I see several of the new trainees. But I believe a few are missing.
Blaze and Frost: *are flying towards the temple, eighteen years of age*

Frost: So, are you excited that we were extended an invitation to become guardians.

Blaze: Who wouldn't be?



#15 Oct 13, 2008 1:05 AM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Lori: *is walking towards the temple with the invitation in her mouth, 18 years old*

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#16 Oct 13, 2008 1:05 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 25, 2007
Posts: 8,225
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Wedger: *lands and sighs*

Cyra: Oh wedger! hey! i thought you decided not to come

Wedger: I havent decided if i want to do this yet im just taking a look around

Cyra: oh....

Sparx: *is flying around the Temple looking for spyro and finds him* oh there you are purple boy....*hovers up next to him* why in the dumps? is it miss doom-and-gloom?

Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery http://hero58.deviantart.com/


#17 Oct 13, 2008 1:06 AM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 10,718
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Birthday: 23 September

Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Spyro: *is dombfunded by thier reaction to them* Im not feeling bad at all guys.... just waiting for Ignitus to go out to meet the new recruits that all... excited is what i am.... ya know what, i think in just gonna go off to look fr Cynder.... *He walks of, a little annoyed by the Guardians sudden surrounding him, he was the purple dragon, but he did not want this much attention.... he wondered now if the studets would do the same....
*Ombre suddenly noticed the group of people that was arriving, so sudden that it almost scared him, he knew that more people would come, but he was not ready for it.... he thought now*
Ombre: *t* great, now i bet i will be rooming with someone..... *He then stands and shakes himself, his strong body an attractive part of him, but he never took any attention to it... e just saw the strength as a tool for combat instead of gaining mates..... as he streatched, he noticed that Cyra was now looking at him, he stopped streatching and looked at her with a interested look*
*Spyro secretly snuck out into the guarden... Ignitus had many times told him not to go out untill he came out and was ready to welcome guest in, but due to a slight rebelious nature he had he did otherwise.... not really to fight Ignitus' strict laws... but merely to find Cynder, he looked in the library already, and knew she was not there, and if she wasn't she was obiously going to be outside eating fruit.... also ignoring Ignitus, he walked to what he knew was her favorite fruit, and found her there, eating the dragonfrit.... he smiled, and walked up to her slowly*
Spyro: Hey Cyn....


#18 Oct 13, 2008 1:08 AM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Cynder: *turns around* Oh, I didn't hear you coming.

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#19 Oct 13, 2008 1:09 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 25, 2007
Posts: 8,225
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Sparx: wait....new guardians? oh great that means were gonna get another annoying Electric dragon around here....

Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery http://hero58.deviantart.com/


#20 Oct 13, 2008 1:11 AM

From: Warfang
Registered: Nov 14, 2007
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Birthday: 23 September

Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Spyro: heh yeah, *Smiles* Sorry..... *He then looked at her laying there, she looked so beautiful there, just resting, her phesique somthing he did not look for up untill these past year..... a sign that he was growing* mind if i lay with you?


#21 Oct 13, 2008 1:12 AM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Cynder: *smiles* I don't mind.

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#22 Oct 13, 2008 1:16 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Blaze and Frost: *finally arrive at the temple* Well, we're here.
Ignitus: Well, everyone's here. *walks out to greet them* Welcome, all.



#23 Oct 13, 2008 1:19 AM

From: In the Dragon Realms
Registered: Jan 06, 2008
Posts: 5,926
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Lori: *walks in* Earth and Electricity actually.

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#24 Oct 13, 2008 1:20 AM

From: Valley of Avalar
Registered: Apr 25, 2007
Posts: 8,225
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Sparx: *looks outside for a bit and see's wedger and mumbles to himself* great now were gonna get another old annoying wise man running around the temple....*crosses his arms* especially since he's going o be one that cant take a joke like ignitus either

Wedger: *looks at the temple doors*

Cyra: So your just looking around huh?

Wedger: ya....im not sure if i do want to be a guardian....all they do is train,train,train

Cyra: *rolls her eyes*

Im on DeviantArt if anyone else i know on Spyro Forum thats on DeviantArt heres my gallery http://hero58.deviantart.com/


#25 Oct 13, 2008 1:22 AM

Blaze the Dragon
Registered: Nov 24, 2007
Posts: 12,844
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Re: Spyro: Guardian´s path (Invite only RPG)

Blaze: *had heard Sparx and is growling* When we get in there... I'm going to smack some sense into that little gnat. He thinks that all fire dragons are the same? Well, he's about to learn that he's wrong...



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