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#26 Nov 17, 2008 9:48 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Starscream wrote:

not to mention nextgen graphics

Oh yeah those were sooo good that they looked on a 360 like a PS2 game....

You want to see real next gen graphic? Sonic Unleashed, Ratchet&Clank Tools of Destruction, Metal Gear Solid 4....
Thats next gen graphics...

he can't fit an epic story as infant, no, not really

1. He wasn't an infant, he was more like a teenager..
Do infants ride skateboards? I haven't seen one....

2. Kirby anyone? Kirby is a cute little pink ball and he destroyed a giant battle ship, saved the whole planet from the invasion of dark matter and in the anime saved the universe from an evil empire....
That's pretty epic for me considering that he's a pink ball...

We have enough of those child games already.

I dunno....I see people here around 20 or so playing Super Mario Galaxy, playing Kirby Super Star Ultra, playing Sonic Rush and Sonic adventure, playing MegaMan 9, Klonoa Door to Phantomile, MOTHER 3 ....and LOVING THEM! So adults can enjoy and LOVE kids games.....

PLUS games are MEANT for KIDS. For KIDS that haven't played the original Spyro games and for KIDS that are new to the series! And you shouldn't try to make a KIDS game more ADULT....
And when you make a new game/series you should try to respect what the other games have done before it not just say F**K IT we're doing it from scratch, because that show disrespect for hte older fans whole like the games and for the creator of the the same...

Let's put it this way. The new Transformers cartoon, Transformers Animated, is now really popular both between the new kids AND old school G1 fans.....
Why? Because they actually tried and worked hard on it...
They tried to make characters as much as G1 as possible but yet add some new stuff, try new things and overall make a series that both fans can like.....
I seriously don't see why something similar couldn't be done with Spyro....

You HAVE adult games go play them if you don't want a kids game...

Plus dude you're controlling a little purple dragon....you can't SERIOUSLY look at me in the eyes and say that it wasn't meant to be a kids game.....

The graphics were certainly good...but no they are nowhere near as advanced as they could be.....maybe if they actually took more then 2 years to make the game they could have put more into it...but as it stands it was just too rushed. All things considered it's a miracle that they didn't butcher it more then they could have.

Games have been meant for kids ever since they were made...they direct them towards kids because kids have less to deal with in life then the average adult...and because kids are much more open to imagination and adventure....but note....many adults also keep this attribute...heck I'm 20 and I'll still be playing these games for years to come....I don't care because I enjoy the characters and the games as a whole...a great way to escape the frantics of life.

They could have presented the reboot in a better light then they did...I'm glad that they created the story and everything..because it was a pretty solid story...but they also managed to drive the fanbase down the middle over which series is better..to which we will always argue until both are satisfied.

Money is money...and when they decided to reboot the series they considered the fact that the last two titles did not nearly meet expectations..thus wanted to create something new.

They could have risked going back into the old games and creating another failing game....or just introduced Spyro in a new light so that they could draw some different attention to the purple dragon.

I don't know how they would have done had they made a title relating to the old games....and if they failed at that AGAIN..then the old series would have really gone down the tubes....but then again the fan base wouldn't be split. Either way they went things prolly wouldn't have turned out how they wanted. Hence when the introduced the new series they said that they would def lose some fans.

As far as I'm concerned the reboot was not terrible. Not nearly as great as it could have been....but I give it my respect. Whichever way they go from here is anyone's guess....but money will always be first in their minds.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#27 Nov 18, 2008 8:28 PM

Registered: Mar 03, 2008
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Starscream wrote:

not to mention nextgen graphics

Oh yeah those were sooo good that they looked on a 360 like a PS2 game....

You want to see real next gen graphic? Sonic Unleashed, Ratchet&Clank Tools of Destruction, Metal Gear Solid 4....
Thats next gen graphics...

he can't fit an epic story as infant, no, not really

1. He wasn't an infant, he was more like a teenager..
Do infants ride skateboards? I haven't seen one....

2. Kirby anyone? Kirby is a cute little pink ball and he destroyed a giant battle ship, saved the whole planet from the invasion of dark matter and in the anime saved the universe from an evil empire....
That's pretty epic for me considering that he's a pink ball...

We have enough of those child games already.

I dunno....I see people here around 20 or so playing Super Mario Galaxy, playing Kirby Super Star Ultra, playing Sonic Rush and Sonic adventure, playing MegaMan 9, Klonoa Door to Phantomile, MOTHER 3 ....and LOVING THEM! So adults can enjoy and LOVE kids games.....

PLUS games are MEANT for KIDS. For KIDS that haven't played the original Spyro games and for KIDS that are new to the series! And you shouldn't try to make a KIDS game more ADULT....
And when you make a new game/series you should try to respect what the other games have done before it not just say F**K IT we're doing it from scratch, because that show disrespect for hte older fans whole like the games and for the creator of the the same...

Let's put it this way. The new Transformers cartoon, Transformers Animated, is now really popular both between the new kids AND old school G1 fans.....
Why? Because they actually tried and worked hard on it...
They tried to make characters as much as G1 as possible but yet add some new stuff, try new things and overall make a series that both fans can like.....
I seriously don't see why something similar couldn't be done with Spyro....

You HAVE adult games go play them if you don't want a kids game...

Plus dude you're controlling a little purple dragon....you can't SERIOUSLY look at me in the eyes and say that it wasn't meant to be a kids game.....

Like I said in a post somewhere else... Don't bash other people's opinions, go back to chasing sheep and getting ripped off by a fat guy with a bag.



#28 Nov 18, 2008 8:48 PM

From: Miami, Florida
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Disputing an opinion is not bashing it.



#29 Nov 18, 2008 9:43 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Just depends on how you present things. If you are going to dispute opinions then just do it in a somewhat presentable manner. Everyone has their own opinions..and they are all easy to take as a bash or an insult...just remember all of us just want what's best for Spyro...even if our thoughts are drastically different.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#30 Nov 18, 2008 9:51 PM

From: Miami, Florida
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

That person did it in a presentable manner.



#31 Nov 18, 2008 10:01 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

It all depends on how someone else will take it....some people get insulted more easily then others.

Presentable yes...but to the untrained eye they wont know the difference. As far as I can see it was all good....most just refuse to get along on the matter.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#32 Nov 18, 2008 10:18 PM

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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

I'll reserve judgment for when I've actually played it, but as of now, I'm assuming "heck no" if it's anything like the rest of TLoS.


#33 Nov 18, 2008 10:20 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Simple enough....everyone will have their open opinion on it....depends on how you enjoy gameplay.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#34 Nov 19, 2008 2:42 AM

From: East of the Rubber Forest...
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?


*attempts to hug Red's anus*

buuuuuuuuutt........................THIS DOTD GAME STILL ROCKeddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Gnasty: Finally, Red is where he belongs; a place that expels crap and foul odors. It's almost like a family reunion!]
REALITY? Lets just confetti the TOWN! big_smile


#35 Nov 19, 2008 3:29 AM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Spyroflamesredsbum wrote:


*attempts to hug Red's anus*

buuuuuuuuutt........................THIS DOTD GAME STILL ROCKeddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well...lol...I guess that's one way to put it lol.....I hope you have fun with that lol..

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#36 Nov 20, 2008 5:17 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Lol my mate told me the translations to the dubbed version of DotD xD, after that i began injuring myself by banging my head to the wall xDDD!!


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#37 Nov 20, 2008 10:31 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

T3h0v4llu wrote:

Lol my mate told me the translations to the dubbed version of DotD xD, after that i began injuring myself by banging my head to the wall xDDD!!

Riiiiiggghhhhhtttt lol.....that's certainly interesting lol....if it makes you feel better I got hit in the head with a shovel lol...that was pretty entertaining.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#38 Nov 25, 2008 3:25 AM

From: Atlanta,GA
Registered: Jan 21, 2008
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

I will have to say no, Dawn Of the Dragon is 10 times better than ANB and TEN. I really like this game, its just not better then the originals.


#39 Nov 25, 2008 3:55 AM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Unfortunetly unless they come out with some kind of miraculous game design that can cater to everyone.....LoS will never be more popular then the old games...that's just the way it will be.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#40 Nov 25, 2008 7:56 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Made by Ratchet so he can bash anyone who thinks otherwise

Well yeah, that and the fact that there were alot of people saying that this game was the best because
1. "OMG, CO-OP"
2. "OMG, FR33 FL1GHT M0D3!!!!!!111111"
3. "OMG, PL4Y As C1ND3R!!1111!!!1111ONEONEONE"
4. "OMG, SPYR0 GR0WS UP!!!!!!!!"
5. "OMG, TL0S, TH4T 4utoMATIC4LLY M34NS TIS G00d!!!

You might only think this way if you don't care what kind of thing you play with, purple dragon or a green alien hedgehog, or a living haloween pumpkin, whatever as long as you have your jumpin'. And in what kind of a world as well. No other spyro games could come even close to the deep and epic feeling of DotD, had a whole world around, not to mention nextgen graphics. You might like the look of infant insomniac Spyro more, but he can't stay infant for all those years, he can't fit an epic story as infant, no, not really.

This game was needed. We have enough of those child games already. And the majority of Spyro fan base has grown up with him. I would be disappointed if they would make a game like old spyro.. As much as i love going back to reminisce about my own childhood, i would enjoy a bit more grown game now, and i did.

Yet another TLOS fan complaining the originals are too "childish"
THE MARKET OF THE ORIGINALS AND TLOS WAS EXACULY THE SAME, in fact, the Originals had a much larger market. Gosh, TLOS is still too cliche for adults, most adults are not fans of far fetched fantasy and do not like kid dragons talking to cheetahs who act like a censored version of that guy off assasins creed. Meaning Adults do not CARE about the story, they just care about the gameplay. The originals however, though aimed at kids, the gameplay was meant for all ages including difficulty for adults. TLOS does not. ANB was too easy, TEN was too frustrating (Notice i didn't say hard, i said FRUSTRATING, and DOTD, was frustrating AND easy). Spyro didn't "Grow up" in TLOS, he just removed the bright colours and used all this cliche words, names and ideas.

And if Old Spyro were to come back, who's to say it WOULDn't get darker. My main issues with the TLOS series was the fact it rebooted, changed personality and looks and most of all, changed gameplay, not because it was darker. however, if a mood makes it so that Stewart Copelamd's music doesn't fit it, it's not the mood Spyro should be.

TLOS market= Mainly 10-12
Original Market= Mainly 6-12


#41 Nov 25, 2008 2:43 PM

From: The Arctic Circle
Registered: Oct 21, 2008
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Ratchet, again i agree with you, but didnt you vote "yes"?


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#42 Nov 25, 2008 10:40 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

I had to love that first quote you took from me lol....did you happen to noticed that after it I said Just Kidding...oh yeah I forgot that stuff isn't very noticable to some lol...

You dislike the games very much for your own reasons. Nobody is going to be the same no matter what. Did LoS attempt to cater to some older gamers...well yes they did....successful?....Not nearly as much as they hoped for....but I do know some people who are older that have gotten into the games now.

The whole cliche thing is really something that is pointless to argue about....unless you are really nitpicky and need the perfectly exucted game to enjoy yourself....you're pretty screwed in that department. Nothing will ever be perfect....and you're never going to change your views on it. You love the old series and it's all you know to love..anything else in your eyes you see as not worthy...which I don't blame you...I'm that way with some things...

Yet I just see the game in a different light..and I found it to be enjoyable despite its shortcomings in some areas. Spyro goes on and that's enough for me. Unless they can find some way to cater to all the fans in general...things are not going to change.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#43 Nov 25, 2008 11:36 PM

UK the white wolf
From: No one knows
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Uhm, No.

It was good, no doubt about that and I did like it but I also recently bought all the PS1 Spyro games again and found myself switching from DoTD to one of the old games.

They're just better! Even the stories are...I just plain got bored of feeling like I was rushing through each level of DoTD to reach the boss before the world blew up.

Hidden text

which it did anyway..

(And I still hate Spyro's new design. >_>)


#44 Nov 26, 2008 9:17 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

XRedDragonX wrote:

The whole cliche thing is really something that is pointless to argue about....unless you are really nitpicky and need the perfectly exucted game to enjoy yourself....you're pretty screwed in that department. Nothing will ever be perfect....and you're never going to change your views on it. You love the old series and it's all you know to love..anything else in your eyes you see as not worthy...which I don't blame you...I'm that way with some things...

Basicly, even though TLOS story isn't "bad", it's just not as good as everyone says it is. All it does is steal ideas from others, hire some big name voice actors who do the same job as any professional voice actor, put in some big words and dark themes and just wrap it up and make it seem epic.


#45 Nov 26, 2008 12:02 PM

Lekore The Dragon
From: Australia
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

this is the bestest spyro game everrrr!!!!!!!!

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#46 Nov 26, 2008 3:32 PM

From: West Virginia, USA
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Since the option I'm thinking of is not on the list, I'll just say it.

It's one of the best, but not the best of all (at times).  Sometimes I flip between DotD and an older game as the best, but DotD has stayed up in 1st place for quite a while.



#47 Nov 26, 2008 5:52 PM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

You see that some posts like the one above can prove that point lol...yes the story does take ideas from other stories and games...but like I have continued to say...all stories do that...when it comes down to it it is all based on personal preferences lol...that's how it is always gonna be...some people can't stand it and some people can.

I enjoyed both the series...I can still go back and play through all the original games and enjoy them just as much..then I don't have a problem playing the new ones because it gives me the opportunity to see Spyro in a different light....I just don't take the creation of this new series as a curse..because they made it anyways so what difference is their going to be in fighting about it lol....so I will enjoy it for what it is.

Many people will like the Story and many wont...some people will say it is really good and others will not....I didn't mind the big name voice actors so much...that was the direction they chose to go with...and all and all it could have been much much worse. Getting some professional voice actors would have worked better yes...but nothing is perfect...just like the new games the old games are far from perfect.

Just two different points of view...and like I said nothing is going to change because it's simply human nature.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#48 Nov 27, 2008 10:40 PM

From: Cybertron
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

I don't mind big name voice actors AS LONG AS THEY CAN FREAKING ACT D:<

Like I said I don't care for the story unless it's something spectacular but they didn't even try to be at least a little bit original...

Absolutely every single freaking thing from the story has been already done to death....
And again I say if the gameplay is not good I ain't  loving the game even if the story wins a freaking Oscar!


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#49 Nov 28, 2008 1:33 AM

From: New Hampshire
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Well thank you for stating that again lol...just pretty much the things I already said...so it doesn't really matter.

It's all based on personal preference...could have been much worse.

"Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don't have the film."


#50 Nov 28, 2008 6:22 AM

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: Jun 23, 2006
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Re: Best Spyro Game Ever?

Owell, Reddragon, You've already said that you like the originals better so i dont know why the heck we are even arguing.
Maybe because i started arguing with someone who thought this game was the best or because i thought ETD was better or something.
Anyway, in my conclusion. DOTD is alright, it's much better than ANB and TEN. Maybe around equal with AHT. It hangs around in the middle when it comes to spyro games. It still sucks like all TLOS games do, but so did AHT and ETD anyway.
But yeah, even though this game was avarage, i dont think that i'd like to see any more of this, atleast the type of gameplay anyway.
Going back to the the originals would be great, but i know they wont, so atleast improving the gameplay, making it less linear, having alot more variety and such would make this game better. But the mood of this game was boring anyway.... pretty depressing. So yeah, Spyro needs alot of help, but this game was OK, but doesn't come close to 10/10


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