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#51 Nov 07, 2008 11:20 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
OOC: but i answerd you
#52 Nov 07, 2008 11:22 PM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: end of the age of dragons
OOC: Hehe, this has gone topsy-turvey! XD
Sherbet: She must not be able to hear us.... Anyways, what brings you here, Blaze?
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#53 Nov 07, 2008 11:33 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
OOC: true but let's try to gaet back on track
#54 Nov 09, 2008 1:24 PM
- Cynder1996
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Blaze smiled."I came here to rest,after practicing my flame breath."Blaze said.
#55 Nov 10, 2008 8:05 AM
- Phoenix_Flyer
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Sherbet: Similar thing here. I decided to have a bath in this Lake. Because of those infernal Humans its almost impossible for leisure time....
"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through desert skies. And still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise."
#56 Nov 10, 2008 2:10 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
you can stay with me back at my cave if you like it's to dagerous to be out hear when it gets dark
#57 Nov 11, 2008 5:18 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: yes, that sounds good. Well, Cain, it's nice to meet you. -flicks tail happily-
OOC: Sorry!! XD
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#58 Nov 13, 2008 3:04 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
*kain led her there then started to show her around the cave*
K:well now that we are out of the main tunle this is were i live
*is was a vast lit cavern that was lit by som kined of glowing green mos all over the roof and walls and a few spotes on the flore the cavern conected to th exit tunle threw the roof the intrence tunle that they came in and one small tunle that led to a small cavern were kain stored everything food treshure and old belongings*
K: well this is it and feal free to explore but be carful becouse if you go exploring down one of the other tunels back by the intrance you could get lost very esaly
#59 Nov 13, 2008 5:54 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: Ah! This is very beautfful. -walks beside Kain, looking around curiously.-
I can't believe I never noticed this before.
-turns to Kain- So, you've been hiding here all this time? Where are your friends?
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#60 Nov 14, 2008 1:47 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
*kain lowerd his head*
K: well most of my family and friends are dead all the others just went into hiding like my *kain then raised his head* well what about you do you have eney friends or family beside your mising mate?
#61 Nov 18, 2008 3:32 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
OOC: hello Cokuruscana are you you there !?
#62 Nov 18, 2008 5:20 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: -looks down sadly- I'm sorry to hear that. -offers a friendly smile- I don't have any friends, but I do have my mother and father hiding somewhere deep in the mountains. I ran away from home to look for him.
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#63 Nov 19, 2008 1:32 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
K: so remind me who is thismate your looking fore?
*he said as he sat down*
#64 Nov 20, 2008 5:21 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: s-its down as well, wounds irritating her- Well, he's a black dragon with gold horns and wings. His name is Iner. The humans injured him but I haven't seen any sign of him. I'm too weak to go near their villages and find out... if he was killed.
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#65 Nov 20, 2008 10:56 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
* kain began to drift off and think about when he lost his wife and child then asked*
K: thats to bad but how about in the morning i'll go check there village also your mate sounds fremilure i think i mite know him where is he from
#66 Nov 21, 2008 5:15 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: -smiles- Oh, will you? I'd really appreciate it! -flaps wings happily, then stops- Sorry, I.. I'm not sure WHERE he came from, exactly. We just sort of... met. He flew over our cave in search of more dragons that might have survived. I think he came from a place where many dragons were killed everyday.
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#67 Nov 22, 2008 3:57 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
*kains eye's widend then he seamed to drift off in a memory*
#68 Nov 24, 2008 5:30 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: -looks at you with a worried look- Kain? Are you alright?
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#69 Nov 24, 2008 8:35 PM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
*kain came out of his trance*
K: oh i'm fine i was just thinking about sumthing well we should get to sleep so i'll see you in the morning
*kain walked to another spot to give her some privacy then laid down*
#70 Nov 25, 2008 11:13 PM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: -flaps wings a bit and lies down- Thank you again. Goodnight Kain.
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#71 Nov 26, 2008 12:18 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
K: goodnight
*that morning the sun peared threw the small holes in the roof of the cave and some of them hit crystals on the walls it truly was amzing then kain yawned and a small flame came out he then stood and streched then looked over at nubia who was still asleep and then he waked over and went into the small cavern then came out of the cavern with some preserved meat that had bean on ice the he made a small fire and began to thaw it out*
#72 Nov 26, 2008 12:48 AM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: -mumbles a bit before flapping wings, strecthing with a low yawn and looking around-
Oh, good morning! -she said cheerfully as she observed Kain and the meat-
Oh, wow, that looks good. I haven't eaten in days.
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#73 Nov 26, 2008 1:06 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
K: here this side is already thoud or would you prefur your meet cooked?
#74 Nov 26, 2008 1:15 AM
- Cokuruscana
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Re: end of the age of dragons
Nubia: -shakes head, smiling- No, I like mines' raw. -nibbles a bit on it-
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#75 Nov 26, 2008 1:39 AM
- Flames of Glory
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Re: end of the age of dragons
*kain was now finishing his*
K: whe your dun just tell me were that villige is