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#1 Sep 20, 2008 11:17 PM
- Sonic Wrath
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- From: South Carolina
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Custom Sigs and avatars, completely free!
I got some photoshop brushes, and too much time on my hands.
Just need some details.
→It'd be wonderful if you could give me a picture you want to use. Of spyro or any character for that matter. If you want to be really nice, you'd give me a picture with a SOLID COLORED BACKGROUND! Gradients are ok, but require more time in between makings, but it's ok if that's the only image you can find.
→What color background. Self explanitory really. What color you want it to be. It's always going to be abstract...ish.
→What do you want the text to say on it. Pretty much self explanitory. If you just say "use my username" special characters including underscores will be included.
→What text effects you want used. You have a choice of outer glow (specify what color you want the glow to be [BLACK WILL NOT WORK! WHITE ONLY WORKS ON A DARK BACKGROUND]), Drop shadow (only for light colored backgrounds), and gradient overlay (Basically scaling from one color to another, specify what colors you want for it)
And that pretty much covers it. Ask away.
I don't require credit, just at least say "thank you" in some way, shape or form and I'll be happu enough.
#2 Sep 23, 2008 8:48 PM
- Swaffy
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Re: Custom Sigs and avatars, completely free!
That's pretty cool. I'd rather have a Bible verse as my signature, though. Sorry.
#3 Nov 13, 2008 2:33 AM
- Bonnie116
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Re: Custom Sigs and avatars, completely free!
I want a black & white cat avatar just like on my signiture & the background color will be black & white & saying i missed you & has angel wings sitting down on a cloud half black half white background plz i will pay you all of my gems if you do it thank you!
*Prays* Oh Bonnie you were my favourite cat but you died from the drain...sniff and Baily was my favourite cat to...sniff it would be great to se you 2 again i miss you!!!!
#4 Dec 08, 2008 9:45 PM
- Smiget
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- From: Australia
- Registered: Dec 07, 2008
- Posts: 45
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Re: Custom Sigs and avatars, completely free!
id like this pic: … d_baby.gif
in a rectangle with a fire background, and on the side that he is facing to say (in a red font colour): I AM SMIGET
(p.s.: i will pay u!)